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Ambien (Zolpidem), best ROA?


May 6, 2024
I've been on an Ambien fix lately and exclusively insufflated but I remember long ago i took it by mouth and it seemed to be a different high let alone longer. Does anyone have plenty of experience with this drug and how to get the best bang for your buck (for lack of a better saying), i usually have 30 to work with at any given time.
any drug user will tell you I.V is the best bang for your buck, lol.
In no way am I suggesting shooting it.
E: sorry, this is very unhelpful
I guess i should have added that is not on the table as an option. I guess i was just gathering opinions on wether nasal or oral hits better. Which ive heard that meth is best orally but who would expect that!? Which it isn't my thing but in regards to unexpected things, that could apply with the zolp. Appreciate your reply though.