Am I suicidal?



Sounds so stupid. Am I? But I feel like I wish I was living my life anymore.
Recently split from my fiancé, he had a gambling addiction. We were getting married in September, iv been really strong, just been on a weekend away with my friends which was meant to be my hen do, just got home and I feel so low. I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up.
I'm a successful nurse, my dad is amazing but I feel like my life is in tatters, I don't want to be here anymore.
Sorry to hear about your break-up. It sounds like you're going through some depression. Have you considered talking to a counselor?
(Anonymous ------ > TDS)
When you become engaged you are committing to a whole future that exists in your mind already. Losing your fiance (although it sounds like a very good decision) is a huge loss and I do not think it is abnormal in any way to feel extremely bereaved--with all that state entails. Give yourself time, force yourself not to isolate from friends. It is not a bad thing to do to mourn this loss (in fact it is necessary in order to move on), you just don't want to get stuck there long-term. <3