Am I at risk of a heart attack?

Also I am constant hyperventilating and have a massive headache. Also an inabilty to fking lose weight (poor sleep quality,habits that lead to it),poor libido (maybe psychological). Idk maybe insomnia all have to do with this.

But I still can't believe ive been getting panic attacks (due chest pain,heart palpitations,etc) and not do a damn thing about it.

If I Read the physical symptoms of stress I all have to seem to have it. Im scared to die before the age of 50. I'm 20 (almost 21)
The amount of stimulants you have taken is not a high amount, I honestly wouldn't stress much about that. 10mg of ritalin is a very low dose and caffeine together with it won't damage your heart. It would be very unlikely to at least.

Everyone is different, but I often take dexamphetamine the same day I take methamphetamine and will drink energy drinks on Dexamphetamine too, as well as drink coffee. I'm on 30mg dexamphetamine per day.

You may be very, very sensitive to stimulant medication. Some people are. A friend of mine needs 100mg dexamphetamine per day for ADHD. That amount of medication would keep me awake for a day. Not her. For you 5ng and NO caffeine would be better, I'd think. Or none at all.

The most methamphetamine I've used in a single session has been 1 gram, and I often use half a gram per night. I don't recommend this at all and it's the reason for my break from the drug as I need to stop entirely or at the very least reduce my tolerance, but I'm yet to experience any heart issues and I've used meth on and off for decent periods over 7 years (probably around 3 years all up using, with some slips here and there in between). I'm saying this to explain that your current dose really isn't anything to medically be concerned about as people have, do, and will take much higher doses of much more powerful stimulants without many if any heart concerns.

Of course, some people do experience heart issues on stimulants but that often happens following years of heavy, habitual use. Your level of useage is a prescribed amount even with the caffeine.

I honestly think you have some anxiety surrounding this and it's being made worse by the ritalin as it can exacerbate anxiety in some people. It's not the smoothest or least agitating stimulant on the market and people often stop taking it (as I did) for precisely this reason.

Anxiety can mimic heart issues, so what I do think is happening is that the ritalin is causing you to experience severe anxiety, which is being compounded by the effects of the stimulants and your lack of knowledge around stimulant medication and substances. As in, the fact that you believe that you've been taking 'insane' doses of stimulants indicates to me that you have little knowledge of average dosing for these substances and you are experiencing added anxiety because you believe that you've been taking an absurd amount of stimulants which could damage your heart. I assure you that you have not, and you are not. You are on a low therapeutic dose of a prescribed drug, and even with the caffeine you're nowhere near a dangerous threshold.

If you posted saying that you've been using a gram of meth a day for 10 years and wrote about the same issue, then I would be getting concerned about the health risks. Please trust me that you are not on a high dose, it isn't just a regular dose, it's actually very low. It's contributing to your anxiety.

As I said in your other thread I think it is well past time for you to stop taking ritalin as it clearly is causing you far more negative side effects than any benefits.

As far as your questions about anti-psychotic medication goes you will have to explain which medications you have been on for me to pass comment on that. I've been on some which were useful, others which were decidedly not so. They can be very hit and miss and for people who are on the wrong one for a long time the ongoing effects can be very bothersome.

In saying all this, if you do continue to believe that you have heart issues from this (which again, I stress, is very unlikely on such a low dose together with something as mild as caffeine) then please have some tests done. It will give you an answer either way which we cannot definitively provide. It may ease your panic.

Lastly, it is recommended not to mix prescription stimulants with caffeine due to the higher chance of exacerbating the unpleasant side effects which naturally occur with these medications. It's not strictly speaking dangerous, but I would hazard a guess it's contributed to your situation.
Aight having Read this. Well I'd say the Ritalin definitily enhance my focus (the mental effects if you take off the physical effects are worth it) but I constant hyperventilate,have headaches,physical effects of stress at age 20... And that for like almost 2 years. Don't know if Ritalin has to do with it.

Sorry if I can't answer properly as my sleep probably sucks at this moment.
I thought the same, ritalin is not an antipsychotic.
Sorry but its too long to write ahahh. I think I might be lacking sleep or AM stressed so I'm bad at explaining. I'll make it clear if I sort this out.
Sorry but its too long to write ahahh. I think I might be lacking sleep or AM stressed so I'm bad at explaining. I'll make it clear if I sort this out.
Haha, don't worry.
Ritalin is actually kinda similar to cocaine. It blocks the reuptake dopamine-norepinephrine iirc
Haha, don't worry.
Ritalin is actually kinda similar to cocaine. It blocks the reuptake dopamine-norepinephrine iirc
Yeah I know well the differences ahah. But aight its still crazy man. 2 years ive been living with these side effects and not the moment I thought its s good Idea to stop taking it and see if shit goed away (I speak of the Ritalin), you can leave the ap out of context. I also feel like I can't breathe on it while I was on it coupled with pain at the left side area (angina pectoris?). I guess that my heart demanded more ozygen as its was deprived.

Also my sleep have been really shit. Being side awake like at night. My skin looks gross bcs of the sleep deprivation.

Ritalin doesn't do me good lol
You need to be seen by a specialist to determine whether you are at risk. Don't wait.
I would want to do it but I lack so much sleep I don't have the energy nor the motivation lol. Will do it after few days once ive slept well. Glad I'm alive, I hopefully didn't damage my heart
Are you on any other medications as well? Or did you perhaps combine your Ritalin use with Caffeine? A cocktail of stimulants generally don't go well together and can be hard on the cardiovascular system, even at low doses.

I took about 30mgs of Amphetamine Sulphate 3 hours ago and have drunk about a litre of Coca Cola. The combination of Amp, Caffeine and Sugar has my resting heart rate somewhere between 130-140 just from sitting down. I knew this would occur and I was an idiot for doing it. But unless I have some hidden heart complications, it's not going to cause me any problems beyond mild chest discomfort.

I agree with others though. Get yourself an electro-cardiogram, or better yet, an echo-cardiogram to rule out any structural issues with your heart. Simply having a fast heart rate on stimulants isn't an indication of heart complications however. Some people are just more neuro-sensitive to stimulants than others.
I would want to do it but I lack so much sleep I don't have the energy nor the motivation lol. Will do it after few days once ive slept well. Glad I'm alive, I hopefully didn't damage my heart
Lack of sleep will cause chest issues with stimulants as well. Because not only is your body in fight or flight mode from the stimulant, it's also triggered by sleep deprivation as well, which serves as a double whammy on the adrenergic receptors .

You didn't mention whether you take Ritalin once or twice per day. If it's twice per day, then try just taking it in the morning first. Or cut your dosage in half so you're taking 5mgs in the morning and 5mgs in the early afternoon. If that doesn't work, then 10 in the morning and just 5 in the noon.
Also I am constant hyperventilating and have a massive headache. Also an inabilty to fking lose weight (poor sleep quality,habits that lead to it),poor libido (maybe psychological). Idk maybe insomnia all have to do with this.

But I still can't believe ive been getting panic attacks (due chest pain,heart palpitations,etc) and not do a damn thing about it.

If I Read the physical symptoms of stress I all have to seem to have it. Im scared to die before the age of 50. I'm 20 (almost 21)

These are all side effects from stimulant medication.

As I said you are likely really sensitive to it rather than at risk of any heart damage.

However the only way to know for certain is by seeing a doctor as we have mentioned. No one here can diagnose anything nor should anyone try to.

I would recommend lowering your dose if you can't stop it completely. Drop to 5mg instead of 10mg and see if that works any better for you
These are all side effects from stimulant medication.

As I said you are likely really sensitive to it rather than at risk of any heart damage.

However the only way to know for certain is by seeing a doctor as we have mentioned. No one here can diagnose anything nor should anyone try to.

I would recommend lowering your dose if you can't stop it completely. Drop to 5mg instead of 10mg and see if that works any better for you
Thx yeah sensitivity might seem more reasonable as cause.
Yeah I think its dus that. Ive found yesterday that walking for a while actually helps. I guess that being sedentary must have made me more anxious.
I mean if I'm outside I then don't feel anxiety as when I'm the whole time alone at home or don't move.
Yeah I think its dus that. Ive found yesterday that walking for a while actually helps. I guess that being sedentary must have made me more anxious.

well then if your heart feels better when you're out and about, your heart is more than likely doing just fine

you're probably just trippin - that's ok tho - that happens

but if you're really feeling uncomfortable, go ahead and run to ER, and tell them you have chest pains, they'll get you right in, check you out, test your blood to see if you had a heart attack, run an ekg, tell you that you're fine, and you can go home feeling a little better about everything in about 4 hours