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Always get the Same LSD(?)?

How many seeds did you have to eat? I know Morning Glories, you need over a hundred, but Hawaiian Baby Woodrose has a much stronger concentration of LSA, and depending on the variety of HBWR seeds, you will only need 10-20. Personally, I've never been able to experience anything substantially psychedelic from LSA, especially visually, so you may have gotten something different than these. They just kinda put me in a dream-like, trance state.
The backlight test will be unreliable if the blotters are white. If the blotters are white on white, why on earth do you think they're all the same batch?

The solvent for Ehrlich's reagent is half ethanol and half concentrated HCl, personally I doubt the small quantity of LSD used for the test would survive intact. Don't eat it.
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Where is acid even coming from? .

While no one really knows much it is pretty obvious there is at least one active lab on west coast of Canada and another in Eastern Europe. There are probably a few small operations around too. I wouldn't specualte where east coast USA LSD was made, because it would just be speculation.
PS I never wait for it to find me, i call my dealer and get him to bring me a sheet. works better than just hoping. I find it easy to get, just kind of expensive.
How many seeds did you have to eat? I know Morning Glories, you need over a hundred, but Hawaiian Baby Woodrose has a much stronger concentration of LSA, and depending on the variety of HBWR seeds, you will only need 10-20. Personally, I've never been able to experience anything substantially psychedelic from LSA, especially visually, so you may have gotten something different than these. They just kinda put me in a dream-like, trance state.

More like 5-10 for HBWR, 20 is a pretty high amount for someone not experienced with them
Im not advocating anything, but I dont see anything to indicate that basically eating a .25inch piece of blotter soaked in ehrlich reagant would do anything.

Im only presuming the hundreds of times I've done 'acid' is actually an RC because my skepticism that real acid is still obtainable, particularly on the east coast near DC. It could be LSD for all I know. I just know I've done the same chemical hundreds of times, that was sold as LSD. Maybe Im just not experienced enough to notice the nuances and differences, maybe it was a different RC every time, or LSD some of those times. I mean it seemed like the same stuff every one of those times, and it was sold on the same white paper (is it even blotter? Isn't blotter very thick and obvious? I dont know what this particular paper is, Ive never seen it before besides every one of the hundreds of times I've done 'acid').

There was never a taste, not even a bitter taste, though.

Like I said, as I understood LSD was manufactured by some guy in a bunker in the southwest. This guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Leonard_Pickard
and I presumed that all LSD since and now is just remnants from this guy that are still circulating from deals before he got busted. Is LSD even manufactured anymore, by anyone? Does anyone know an LSD chemist? Probably not, probably just various RCs from Asia or maybe some collegiate enthusiasts.

Join date of 2014 and mentioning you're near DC, thats not sketchy 8). Don't try too hard to get people to PM you for a hook up.

I truly do not understand your logic in this. Do you have any reason or any shred of actual evidence to suspect at all that your blotters are a mystery research chem? It honestly sounds like you just want to believe that they are R/C's.
Secondly, you read that a very large scale acid manufacturer got busted years ago so no one else in the entire world would dare to attempt its synthesis despite the fact that it's almost universally revered as the king of psychedelics?
And lastly, as has already been stated, how could you know if every batch you bought was or wasn't the the same? There's really no way to definitively know. Hypothetically, even if every blotter you ever bought was on different blotter it some of the different blotter could have been laid with the same acid. Who knows what the circumstances were when it was being laid?
As to where it comes from? If it was common knowledge they'd be busted in 2 seconds. Think about how many adults are on this earth right now. You don't think that a few chemists with the skills and talents and passion psychedelics wouldn't take a crack at if they could? Especially considering making a single batch would be several lifetimes supply.
whoever says theres no more LSD out there is just not exposed to the culture. if you know the right people in familys and societies, its actually quite abundant. at least for me

From the MSDS: "Very hazardous in case of ingestion."
The NFPA Hazard diamond lists the health hazard as 2: Officially you would need a breathing apparatus if working with quantities that could generate significant amounts of vapor.

So yeah poison yourself for a couple of bucks.

Also the LSD will probably not work as it binds to the DMAB similar to thus:


But I don't know how much of it (depending on the reversibility / equilibrium of the reaction), I bet there will be very large excess of DMAB though since LSD doses are so small.
I did LSD last night dude what are you talking about just because you have terrible connections doesn't mean it's not out there.

did you have it tested jackass? because i cant get lsd i have terrible connections right....... do us a favor and kill yourself.
now that may be why i cant seem to come across any im not really into the trippy scene as much as the party scene
Tone it down immediately night roller.

If HT swallowed his hits immediately an NBOMe would not be orally active and a DOX would last longer, have a longer comeup and be noticeably stimmy. Of course not as good as a reagent test or lab test but no need for people to get so paranoid and suspicious or even hysterical about the big rise in NBOMe blotter in some circles. Maybe there is cause for concern but that does not warrant your attitude.
Im not advocating anything, but I dont see anything to indicate that basically eating a .25inch piece of blotter soaked in ehrlich reagant would do anything.

Im only presuming the hundreds of times I've done 'acid' is actually an RC because my skepticism that real acid is still obtainable, particularly on the east coast near DC. It could be LSD for all I know. I just know I've done the same chemical hundreds of times, that was sold as LSD. Maybe Im just not experienced enough to notice the nuances and differences, maybe it was a different RC every time, or LSD some of those times. I mean it seemed like the same stuff every one of those times, and it was sold on the same white paper (is it even blotter? Isn't blotter very thick and obvious? I dont know what this particular paper is, Ive never seen it before besides every one of the hundreds of times I've done 'acid').

There was never a taste, not even a bitter taste, though.

Like I said, as I understood LSD was manufactured by some guy in a bunker in the southwest. This guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Leonard_Pickard
and I presumed that all LSD since and now is just remnants from this guy that are still circulating from deals before he got busted. Is LSD even manufactured anymore, by anyone? Does anyone know an LSD chemist? Probably not, probably just various RCs from Asia or maybe some collegiate enthusiasts.

Join date of 2014 and mentioning you're near DC, thats not sketchy 8). Don't try too hard to get people to PM you for a hook up.
The only times I've had LSD, which is presumably much less often than you have, it was on white/white strips of what appeared to be notecard paper, or sugar cubes. Very thin paper. LSD can fit on very thin paper easily.

LSD in my experience has unique effects compared to RC's I've tried, and it has never had any taste. The effects are less visual than any RC's I've tried, however much more mental, like a feeling of knowing just exactly how big the universe is, or a feeling of knowing something that anyone not on acid doesn't know about hah, or maybe like a universal connectedness I've never otherwise experienced.. Really it's something I couldn't put into words.

However, the feelings I got on a suspected DOx chem and from nbome blotters were much more easily translated into words. They were more confusing, had me up and doing things a lot. The visuals were always more wild, as in hectic, like constant quick morphing and just a 'larger' size over all to the visuals. And the visuals were the main effect. With LSD, my visuals are 'smaller' so to speak, but more beautiful, more detailed. It almost looks like everything has a layer of heat waves over it, similar to the way a hot black pavement does in the summer. With LSD they also take on less importance to the excitement of all the emotions and revelations I experience. I've also had much stronger time dilation on LSD, as well as had plenty of thought loops. On other chem's I've tried, thought loops are pretty much non existent. Honestly, I feel like real LSD will simply floor you harder, at least in the doses of these substances that I have tried.
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The backlight test will be unreliable if the blotters are white.
Why do you say this? I've never heard this. Although, I have had some Popeye blotter paper that glowed very brightly under blacklight, especially under pieces of blotter paper I already knew to be RCs (they didn't glow at all). However, when I ate the Popeye blotter, it was in fact extremely bitter, and had a much faster come up than LSD, which sucked, because I drove back to my house as soon as I ate it and had to finish the drive while tripping. Not the best idea.

More like 5-10 for HBWR, 20 is a pretty high amount for someone not experienced with them
The first time my friends and I did them, we prepared a separate bottle of tea for each of us with 15 seeds per bottle. We had a pretty mild trip. I was very functionable during it and kinda tired at best. If I lied down for a bit, I'd basically fall asleep and have strange dreams. The next go round, my friend said he ordered a stronger variety, and we only put 10 seeds in each bottle of tea and had a much stronger experience than the previous one. That's why I said "depending on the variety".
did you have it tested jackass? because i cant get lsd i have terrible connections right....... do us a favor and kill yourself.

After seeing the results of my dealers ehrlichs test and having him be a VERY trusted supplier to me, along with the effects being exactly like LSD description in terms of duration, lack of taste, and qualitative effects, I can say with near certainty that this was indeed LSD you spastic fucktard, please show some respect to fellow bluelighters, just because I proved your statement wrong doesn't mean you have to turn into a whiny bitchy fucking child.
The fact of the matter is that if you can't get LSD then your "LSD" connections ARE terrible, if they weren't you'd be able to get some.
Not that fucking difficult to understand

EDIT: I will admit that perhaps the blotters could be other lysergamides however with the difficulty to procure large amounts of AL-LAD, or to a lesser extent LSZ, for a decent price due to the sheer novelty of the compounds it is not that ridiculous to say that my blotter was very likely LSD.
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How many seeds did you have to eat? I know Morning Glories, you need over a hundred, but Hawaiian Baby Woodrose has a much stronger concentration of LSA, and depending on the variety of HBWR seeds, you will only need 10-20. Personally, I've never been able to experience anything substantially psychedelic from LSA, especially visually, so you may have gotten something different than these. They just kinda put me in a dream-like, trance state.

Syrian Rue! Thats what I took, right?

The backlight test will be unreliable if the blotters are white. If the blotters are white on white, why on earth do you think they're all the same batch?

Because everything I've ever seen or read on lsd is some crazy blotter or liquid or candy. I've never heard anyone mention 'white on white', so I didnt know it was common. Even if it is, I would still imagine it's all the same stuff since its always been in places within 200 miles of eachother.

I mean I'd say every time I've gotten this white on white stuff, hundreds of times, over at least 5 different suppliers who never were anyway (directly) connected, over 10 years, its always been the same stuff, same dosage, same affects, etc.

The solvent for Ehrlich's reagent is half ethanol and half concentrated HCl, personally I doubt the small quantity of LSD used for the test would survive intact. Don't eat it.

Oh, I didnt know it was hci... still, a soaked blotter paper of .2inch cant have enough to really do anything...

I truly do not understand your logic in this. Do you have any reason or any shred of actual evidence to suspect at all that your blotters are a mystery research chem? It honestly sounds like you just want to believe that they are R/C's.

Really. I already explained it multiple times. It's more likely we, you, I, have never done LSD and more an RC, in the last 10 years. I ordered the NIK test so we'll see what the results say. Unlike most people around here, I have no delusions that I have godly connects and I'm the snowman and I know everything Im talking about.

While no one really knows much it is pretty obvious there is at least one active lab on west coast of Canada and another in Eastern Europe. T

Got any sources on that? Surely thats going to be a microdot or something on this...

Secondly, you read that a very large scale acid manufacturer got busted years ago so no one else in the entire world would dare to attempt its synthesis despite the fact that it's almost universally revered as the king of psychedelics?

Maybe you should read the article? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Leonard_Pickard

Availaibility went down more than 90% after this bust, etc. LSD isn't meth, its fairly complicated to make even with a background in orgo. Anyone cooking is likely to go for an RC, ecstacy, even meth, instead, due to availability of precursors, profit, etc. An above poster mentioned theres 2 labs worldwide maybe, and maybe that's true, but that's still a very limited availiability of LSD. The chances of people coming into real LSD these days, is very slim, as I understand.

Tired of people full of shit who keep going around saying 'oh yea this is triple stacked cid yof, and over here is my stack of pure molly and peruvian flake and above 50% pure heroin'.

And lastly, as has already been stated, how could you know if every batch you bought was or wasn't the the same? There's really no way to definitively know. Hypothetically, even if every blotter you ever bought was on different blotter it some of the different blotter could have been laid with the same acid. Who knows what the circumstances were when it was being laid

Sure, as I stated above, its possible every one of those instances was different, but I'm going to go out on a limb and believe they were all the same chemical, whatever chemical they were, because onset, duration, effects, have been extremely consistent every time. I may not have ever done acid, but whatever Ive done, Ive done hundreds of times, sold as acid. If it was 2C-I every time, then I've never done 2C-T-7.

As to where it comes from? If it was common knowledge they'd be busted in 2 seconds. Think about how many adults are on this earth right now. You don't think that a few chemists with the skills and talents and passion psychedelics wouldn't take a crack at if they could? Especially considering making a single batch would be several lifetimes supply.

Not necessarily, we know about opium/heroin from afghanistan and its still there, we know of cartels in mexico, etc etc. We dont need to know exactly where it comes from, but we usually have an idea of around where it's coming from, maybe what organization is behind it.

But I dont really see chemists making it right now, or else, as you say a single batch is enough to feed the entire world basically multiple hits, we'd be seeing it on the streets much more commonly. The last 10 years its always been something that came around once in a while and was quite rare.

whoever says theres no more LSD out there is just not exposed to the culture. if you know the right people in familys and societies, its actually quite abundant. at least for me

cough bullshit cough. I doubt anyone knows more than a single dealer unless youre maybe following phish concerts or something.

LSD in my experience has unique effects compared to RC's I've tried, and it has never had any taste. The effects are less visual than any RC's I've tried, however much more mental, like a feeling of knowing just exactly how big the universe is, or a feeling of knowing something that anyone not on acid doesn't know about hah, or maybe like a universal connectedness I've never otherwise experienced.. Really it's something I couldn't put into words.

Yea, I never get visuals besides breathing walls, vivid colors (ie not hallucinated, just colors seem to 'pop' more, lighting is odd and seems to be dramatic), compared to ecstacy or mushrooms or various non-psychadelic crap (robotussian, syrian rue, high school crap).

However, the feelings I got on a suspected DOx chem and from nbome blotters were much more easily translated into words. They were more confusing, had me up and doing things a lot. The visuals were always more wild, as in hectic, like constant quick morphing and just a 'larger' size over all to the visuals. And the visuals were the main effect. With LSD, my visuals are 'smaller' so to speak, but more beautiful, more detailed. It almost looks like everything has a layer of heat waves over it, similar to the way a hot black pavement does in the summer. With LSD they also take on less importance to the excitement of all the emotions and revelations I experience. I've also had much stronger time dilation on LSD, as well as had plenty of thought loops. On other chem's I've tried, thought loops are pretty much non existent. Honestly, I feel like real LSD will simply floor you harder, at least in the doses of these substances that I have tried.

Yea, it sounds like what I've always been taking is LSD then.

Anyways, did the stuff yesterday. Same shit I've always had, same shit I had in high school. I guess thats a good thing. A single hit didnt really floor me, ie I was sober enough to drive and stuff. I got pretty nauseated after about 6+ hours and laid down, eventually slept. Wasn't that strong, though Im not sure I ever really recall a single hit flooring me.

Ill report back when the testing reagant comes back. Please no price or vendor discussion
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You must be the most ignorant person on earth if you really think it's bullshit that anyone could know more than a single acid dealer!! Nothing about anything you've said makes the slightest shred of sense. Usually, most people with common sense base what they believe on factual evidence and not just cause they want to believe something ( those people are called fundamentalists).
So none of us have ever taken acid???? Hahaha that's hilarious, please do enlighten me, what R/C was was common in the early 90's that you could fit on standard blotter that had no taste, was orally active, has the exact effect profile of LSD and won't kill you if you take 10 hits ?(which many of my friends and my GF used to do regularly back in the day)
I already posted the evidence: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Leonard_Pickard

LSD availiabilty going down more than 90% after this guy's bust, and the high availaibility of RCs. You see it over and over in reports like from erowid and pillreports, they get 10 samples of 'acid' and 10/10 are RCs or something. If someone was cooking it these days, we'd see availability like we saw in the 90s.

So none of us have ever taken acid???? Hahaha that's hilarious, please do enlighten me, what R/C was was common in the early 90's that you could fit on standard blotter that had no taste, was orally active, has the exact effect profile of LSD and won't kill you if you take 10 hits ?(which many of my friends and my GF used to do regularly back in the day)

In the last 10 years? I don't know. You know, it's the whole point of this thread dipshit. There doesn't seem to be anyone manufacturing it anymore, it just seems to be leftover stock from Pickard. That's my guess, if anyone can provide any more info that'd be cool. Usually we know where stuff is coming from, ie heroin on the east coast comes from like venezuela or something, on the west coast it's mostly mexican tar from the cartels, europe gets it all from afghanistan, etc. Even with E we know where it's coming from.

Of course, in the 90s it was much more available because Pickard was active.
The scale to which Pickard manufactured LSD was absolutely staggering.
He was able to acquire extremely large amounts of precursors, many of which are now controlled even tighter.
It makes sense why the availability of LSD has dropped so much, just because someone is manufacturing LSD doesn't mean they have to be able to push out the 5kg every five weeks that Pickard supposedly was producing
Just because the synthesis is difficult doesn't mean it's impossible or that there aren't probably thousands or maybe tens of thousands of people in the world who would be capable of doing it.
Does it destroy the LSD?

yes of course. the whole point of such reagent tests is that they react with the (suspected) active ingredient into something different, which is coloured and can be seen.

do never ingest those reagents. not only are the compounds in there poisonous, but also quite caustic. the ehrlich reagent is 50% concentrated HCl. it has a negative pH and if you had just half a ml of that reagent solution, you'd have to dilute it in about half a liter of water to get it to the same acidity of lemon juice.
TR you are just wrong, in my country drugs can be tested for free and DIMS monitors all kinds of statistics regarding drug trends. It is true that even here (we do generally have nice availability of a lot of drugs) NBOMe compounds and even 2C-B is found in blotters instead of LSD but it is still here. I've been able to get it for about a decade even though I am hardly active socially anymore in scenes that would have it. I know that relatively LSD is not the easiest to make and relatively NBOMe's and similar compounds are on a rise but it would be exaggerating to think that LSD is completely gone. It is still found and still positively tested. Isn't there a microgram bulletin to show this to you?

It may also be true that regionally LSD may be entirely unavailable. I've seen people on this message board with some frequency posting about their inability to find it. However if you happen to be in such a region it would be skewed to assume that matters are the same around the world as where you are. You do admit that you are talking about a 200 mile radius. It sure is a coincidence about the WoW though. But it's not necessarily all from the same exact people. Though maybe there is a ring providing it steadily and it might be saturating the market.

I don't know what else to say to convince you but I don't want this thread becoming one where people are invited to tell about LSD sources. We have rules against that and I would find it kinda pathetic if you keep sticking to your point. I guess that is the fundamentalism Ballz is talking about.

Also I don't really understand, the thread started out about you not even knowing if you have LSD or not and needing Ehrlich's. So it is entirely possible you are just have been getting LSD for a decade which would be crazy considering your stance. Also I am really disinterested in this Pickard stuff.

@Black: the HCl could be neutralized but yes the rest of the argument is sound and has already been made multiple times in various ways. If he still doesn't get it, he is hopelessly stubborn.
Erowid addressed this recently.

Ask Erowid said:
Q: I have used LSD a number of times in the past but have found it harder and harder to find. I haven't been able to find any at all in the last few years. I thought maybe Erowid would know whether LSD is still being sold anywhere in the world on the black market?

A: Short Answer: Yes, d-LSD-25, the defining psychedelic of the late 20th century, is still globally available in 2014. It is harder to find good quality LSD in 2014 than it was 20 years ago, but it is definitely still produced and sold at large-scale commercial levels and used by people around the world.

Long Answer: In the 1990s, good quality LSD on blotter and in liquid was widely available and the summer festival events and jam band circuits were reliable distribution mechanisms for large amounts of retail LSD around North America and Europe.

Starting with the 'silo bust' in November 2000, LSD distribution in the United States was disrupted for several years. The DEA trumpeted it as a major victory, but this 'victory' is becoming increasingly Pyrrhic as new drugs potent enough to substitute for LSD on blotter have become globally available; more on that topic below. According to the US-only Monitoring the Future survey from 2011, past-year use of LSD by 18-year-olds in the USA dropped from 8.1% in 1999 to 1.9% a decade later.

In 2003, we wrote an article, "LSD Analysis: Do we know what's in street acid?", that we presented at a Mind States conference. Much of the work for that article was done prior to the distribution network breakdown. At the conference we were asked on stage "Where has all the LSD gone?". One of the common conversations at the 2003 Mind States in Berkeley was about the sudden lack of availability of LSD and speculation about the cause.

In 2005 and 2006, we conducted a series of surveys about LSD on the Erowid.org website and one of the surveys asked about availability. The article, "Erowid Visitors on LSD: The Results of Eight LSD-Related Surveys Conducted on Erowid Between Oct 2005 and Jan 2006"documents the results--around 70% of respondents said that LSD was "somewhat difficult" or "very difficult" to acquire or was "unavailable".

In July 2013, Erowid published an article, "Spotlight on NBOMes: Potent Psychedelic Issues". The article discussed how the sub-milligram-active NBOMe series of chemicals had become commonplace in the United States and Europe, being sold on blotter with designs intentionally giving the false impression that the blotter contained LSD. We do not know of any reliable source of information about how widespread falsely substituted NBOMe blotter is in the LSD market, but we know that it was a major issue at festivals and in retail sales around the world during 2013. In addition, numerous news stories have reported deaths and hospitalizations initially attributed to LSD, but which later toxicology found to involve the NBOMe class instead.

Prior to 2010, other chemicals had also been sold as acid on blotter and in "liquid LSD". In the late 2000s, Bromo-Dragonfly was sold as LSD in a few cases that lead to hospitalizations and a couple deaths. The DO[x] series (DOI, DOB, DOC) has been sold on blotter for at least twenty years, though their duration and bitter taste limited how well they could substitute for LSD in retail situations.

In 2013, LSZ and AL-LAD, both ergoloids with similarities to LSD, became available for sale online on blotter. However all of the blotter with these two chemicals on them that we've seen as of February 2014 have had the identity of the chemical clearly printed on each dose unit.

Silk Road, the online black market that was shut down in early October 2013 (although new Silk Road instances are cropping up all the time.), had numerous sellers offering blotter dosed with NBOMes that were designed to be sold as LSD. Also, Silk Road had numerous LSD vendors over its 2.5 year history who sold products that were not good quality LSD or were not LSD at all. A group formed on the Silk Road forums called the "LSD Avengers" that tested and acted as quality control for the Silk Road-sourced acid. The LSD Avengers documented that there were several vendors on Silk Road that reliably sold good quality LSD. Unfortunately those forums are no longer available and we do not know of any archive of their results. With Silk Road's demise, there is no current (Feb 2014) equivalent public market place or acid product review system.

In 2014, at the commercial wholesale level, stereo-isomer-specific, pure LSD crystal is still available based on unpublished, but reliable sources. Although Erowid does not have any contact with federal police organizations in the United States for political reasons (they won't talk to us), police toxicology labs in other countries are more willing to privately discuss testing that they conduct.

One of the main visualizations we've offered when people ask us why they can't find LSD (or other illegal drugs) is that it's more representative to think about distribution networks than it is to think about supply volumes. If your neighbor had a kilogram of LSD, they would likely do everything they could to keep you and their other neighbors from knowing about it. It is less a question of how much LSD is available and more a question of whether you are a node in the active distribution network.

To give one example of semi-recent LSD distribution, Oshan Cook was convicted in 2012 of possessing 10 grams of LSD when he was caught in 2010. See: San Francisco Man Sentenced to 151 Months for LSD and Ecstasy Trafficking Offenses. Although 2010 is four years ago, it is worth noting that the vast majority of dealers are never caught and psychedelic distribution. Distribution of psychedelics is more expensive to stop than distribution of drugs such as cocaine that are used frequently. Drugs that require constant refilling of user supplies and are more voluminous by dose make smuggling operations easier to detect. Without exaggeration, one hundred years' worth of a normal user's use of LSD would fit easily into a single letter envelope.

Although the US Drug Enforcement Administration or the FBI would probably be the best sources of information about distribution and retail sales of LSD, neither provides raw, reviewable data separated from the politics of the Drug War. LSD is a low-priority, low-media-splash problem. There are, as far as we know, no citable, reviewable data sources to answer the question of how widely available d-LSD is.

With that being said, however, the Erowid crew is confident that while pure LSD is harder to get in 2014 than it was in 2000 and buyers are more likely to unwittingly receive liquid or blotter that contains a drug other than LSD, high quality LSD is unquestionably still being produced, distributed, and sold around the world.