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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Allylescaline [AL] 42mg) + (MXE 40mg) + (JWH 203) - First time - Mild but worthwhile

any major dude

Bluelight Crew
Feb 24, 2009
I was well rested & had eaten a light meal roughly 90min before ingestion. In the PiHKAL commentary Shulgin says that doses above 35mg remain unexplored. I've been unable to find any reports of a single dose over 35mg elsewhere myself. Was aiming for 40mg, but when the scale read 42 i thought i'd take a page from Douglas Adams & go with that. It seems a good number, being the answer to Life, the Universe, & Everything ;) Here are my raw notes:
AL - 42mg

Woke up around 4:30pm, well rested (I work night shift).

6:55pm Dose taken

7pm - Leave to play disc golf, make it through 12 holes before it gets too dark. Started out well but as i started to notice the onset i kept hitting trees. On almost every hole.

7:50 - 8:20pm - Finish disc golf, talk to a friend i ran into out there for a minute, no conversational weirdness or anything. Definitely off baseline though. Noticeable positive mood lift. Some noticeable brightening of colors. Its nice to be outside, nice weather as well. Leave the course & return home. Glass of water is delicious. Called a friend to try & find some pot, he's out of town. Should've asked around at the disc golf course. Vision is a bit altered at this point, though not terribly so.

8:30 - Edge detection seems a bit altered, colors still enhanced & a bit of visual static. Hop in the shower.

9:10 - Shower was nice, spent a little longer in there than i would have normally. Still some mild visual alteration, not much different than 40min ago. Body feels good, stomach feels slightly unsettled, unable to tell if this is drug related or if i'm just kinda hungry. Failed to find pot so contemplating vaporizing either some JWH-203 or 081, probably the former. Also thinking about fixing a light snack or having a bit of fruit... can't decide.

9:30 - vison seems more altered now. AL does seem a bit more wavelike than the 245 substituted PEAs. Tempted to have an orange, but the process of peeling it seems far too daunting.

10:30 - definitely a bit more "trippy" now. I'd say borderline +++, whereas i seemed to be stuck at ++ for most of the experience thus far.

11:20 - definitely a low +++. Still very pleasant on the body & mind. Nothing too heavy. Girlfriend can't tell i've taken anything. She's feeling a bit frisky

12am - AL seems neither erotic nor anerotic. Does not impair physiological function in the way that some of the more notoriously tactile PEAs do. Still just the slightest bit of stomach uneasiness though. Seems likely due to lack of food as much as anything at this point. Don't really feel hungry though. Regretting not trying to pick up some pot at the disc golf course earlier, C'est la vie. Glass of wine seems to taste slightly off. Music does seem enhanced. Thinking of going to a bar for a pint or two & to catch some live music.

12:10 - was just unreasonably startled by a cockroach in my kitchen. Definitely going out for a beer. JWH helps out with the visuals a touch. Also do a 25mg bump of MXE, curious as to where that'll go. Seems more difficult to actually insufflate. May be experiencing some heightened sensitivity.

This is where my notes end, didn't get back to them when i got home from the bar. Drank 4 beers there & Had a good time folk/blues act that was playing was good, stage banter was amusing as well. the MXE meshed fairly well with AL, though it seemed a bit less effective, but that could've been tolerance from taking some four nights prior. Still nil regards to conversational weirdness or confusion that can sometimes happen on psychedelics. Was very glad the sketchy cougar that sometimes tries to chat me up in that bar was otherwise occupied that night though. Spoke with a number of the other regulars & bartenders there & conversation flowed easily.

Did a 15mg bump of MXE when I got home & vaped a little more JWH, poured a beer & sat down to watch something or maybe listen to some tunes, but fell asleep before i got around to either. Was upset with myself for wasting a Red Brick Brown Ale :\

I'll probably push the dose a bit higher next time, perhaps in the 50-55mg range to see if i can induce a proper trip. All in all a very pleasant experience.

The following day I did feel a bit drained, woke up on the couch & got something to eat, then went to bed for a while longer. Felt ok after some more sleep but still not 100%. Definitely wanna have a full day of recovery after taking AL.

Normally I don't like to take combinations my first time with a new substance, but given my relative lack of time for trips these days i wanted to have a more interesting/novel experience than i was getting. Didn't feel things would be progressing more at the 5hr point so felt i had a good feel for AL & was curious to see how well it would play with others. And that went about like i expected.

Hope that provides a decent picture of a +35mg dose for you guys, lemme know if you have any questions!
thanks for the report!

i must say, theres a sensation thought the report that the experience wasnt really that worthwhile. maybe its the raw nature of the log or something but yuo dont seem overly excited to be going back. so, would you repeat the experience? what would you consider the substance to be most useful for: music enhancement, erotic, self discovery, socializing?

im just curious man, ive got my sample in and dont know what set or setting to match with it ;)

Yeah, thanks for the report. I got to try this myself this weekend. I took 30 mg followed by 20 mg extra after 3 hours as I didn't find it was enough. I think your report describes very well my own experience with AL.

thanks for the report!

i must say, theres a sensation thought the report that the experience wasnt really that worthwhile. maybe its the raw nature of the log or something but yuo dont seem overly excited to be going back. so, would you repeat the experience? what would you consider the substance to be most useful for: music enhancement, erotic, self discovery, socializing?

im just curious man, ive got my sample in and dont know what set or setting to match with it ;)

I don't know man, it is worthwhile for sure. And then again there's so many other nice PEA's that I'd rather take. After combining it with ketamine it was really funny though.
I'd say this a definitely something you want to take for a social/recreational setting. Something like an outdoor party or some such.
Thanks for reading! And I was a Tad underwhelmed at least partially due to my expectations for something this close to mesc. I imagine it may be more fun to take with a group of people, and I'd definitely like to try that, though I'll have to procure a bit more. It is a really pleasant drug, just not much wow factor at this dose. I hope things will be more interesting in the 60-75mg range. But even if not its still a novel, interesting & enjoyable experience. Especially if you're looking for something not terribly heavy, though the hangover was more pronounced than with other PEAs, didn't really feel bad, just kinda washed out. Nothing a lazy Sunday wont cure. I'd also like to try adding key or nitrous to the experience as well. Mxe worked pretty well also, but other dissociatives might be better.

As for setting recommendations, outdoors was definitely nice, as was music & social interaction. Not really deep enough to really weird out around the house though.
Yeah, I mixed it with ketamine, it was really funny :) Highly recommendable.
i also remember having the feeling it would benefit from having a few fellow travelers with me during the experience. Not really because of any foreboding type feeling, more so the seemingly social nature of the substance.