All Things Folk Punk


Jan 24, 2022
I've seen some tidbits on various folk threads 'round these parts but nothing too extensive. Where are my fellow Oogles, Dirty Kids, Trainfolk, and gutter kings/queens at?! I'd love to hear about some artists/albums/channels that I haven't discovered yet! Hell, even some lyrics that changed your life or inspired a shitty tattoo! My current folk punk playlist is like 7 hours long but I haven't updated it in a year or so, help a brother out.

Current favorites in no particular order:
Some other channels that are great for discovering more artists and docs:

Shibby Pictures
Punk with a Camera
Gems on VHS
Zoran Maslic

Im sure I forgot a few but this is the majority of what's flowing thru my headphones. And I know one could argue that some of these border more on folk or country or thrashgrass or whatever the fuck, but folk punk is definitely an amorphous subgenre for sure. Anyway, let's hear whatcha got!

Edit: Documentaries and literature welcome as well!

Edit²: I'm adding links to the artist's YouTube pages and such.
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Very interesting!
Please post some of your favorite tracks!!
Just click on the Media icon, and copy/paste in the YouTube address!!!

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