Alcoholism Thread V. ti martwonies

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Anyone got any suggestions on what a suitable void may be?

You might try to really enjoy the fortified feeling of not having any alcohol. When you realize that you haven't had a hangover for a week, and you're not going to have one tomorrow, that does wonders for my serotonin.

I can also enjoy anything easier because I don't need the alcohol to sustain my enjoyment. When I am drinking and say, watching a basketball game, I need to keep constantly drinking to stay happy with myself, and then I drink until I couldn't care less where I am or what I am doing. When I am sober I can watch the game and actually enjoy it, the game, not just the drinking with a side of game.

To me alcohol IS the void. And when you stop drinking, filling that void just becomes natural. Living they call it.
meh, bought some wine today. been drinking since 2. two days clean and this is how it ends up usually :\. oh well, not going to beat myself up over it. im not an aa case, im never going to quit for good i dont think, and probably just thinking that means i wont. but going hiking for the next two days so i wont bring any alcohol on that and hopefully burn a bit of toxins out on the 30 or so mile hike.
This was the first week in as long as I can remember that I didn't have a drink.... When I am home, I use opiates. But away at school, I don't use opiates, but instead I drink usually friday and saturday night, and if any is left over I finish that sunday morning. been doing this for the passed two years.

Over the passed 3 semesters of school, there has only been maybe 3 weekends in which I didn't black out. I kinda went all out last weekend, and got a tresspassing ticket while being pretty much blacked out, and kicked out of a concert that I was anticipating for over a month....

So this weekend when I knew I needed to get schoolwork done, I knew if I drank friday night, that I wouldn't be ready to do any work until late saturday when my brain worked again. So I didn't drink this weekend, and I think I will keep this going. I quit things spontaneously. Like cigarettes, I just stopped buying, then just kinda forgot about them.... Hopefully that works with the alcohol. I just hate waking up, depressed wondering wtf I did the night before.
Well I ended up getting an apartment to myself to mind for the next month and what do I do, I go and buy 2 cases of beer. I don't even like beer and yet I got it for the sake of quantity as opposed to buying premixed bourbon and coke.

I haven't felt normal now in quite some time due to drinking 3 - 4 times a week. This has now been on going for the past 1 - 2 months. All I feel is numbness but nothing beyond that, no more happiness, no more anything else.

Am this tempted to pour out 30 bottles of beer but I know if I do i'll feel nothing but regret :(
i dumped out 20 pints once, it felt good. :D especially because of the volume of it, all down the tub drain. its going to the sewer one way or another.

that 20th one was the last drink i opened, and one of the only drinks i ever opened, that i didnt drink. a month or so before, those 20 would of finally started to get me dunk...
i dumped out 20 pints once, it felt good. :D especially because of the volume of it, all down the tub drain. its going to the sewer one way or another.

that 20th one was the last drink i opened, and one of the only drinks i ever opened, that i didnt drink. a month or so before, those 20 would of finally started to get me dunk...

I dumped a bottle of crown royale and a 6 pack of beer down the drain when i quit back in 2003. That was not easy let me tell you but i did it. I was shaking like a leaf at the time since even the massive amount of sedatives was not completely covering the withdrawal and well i was dumping my fav booze that would fix me up after the 6 pack and bottle of whiskey was gone.

I really don't know where im at at the moment in regards to my drinking. Ive fallen off the wagon alot since xmas and i drank alot the other week. I even had my first 3 day bender in 7 years :\ . But hey thats a long time and i had a tried and true reason for that damn bender! Addict rationalization at it's best there :p
That sucks n3ophy7e, but I bet your siblings aren't as perfect as you say. I think all humans are a bit flawed, myself no exception. We are usually selfish and greedy by nature, unless you're Nelson Mandela or Mother Theresa or something.

^That was a bit of a hippyish comment, but I'm sat listening to some Fleet Foxes amd Townes Van Zandt so I suppose I'm in a bit of a thoughtful mood!

8 hours without a drink and I am feeling shitty, but getting loads of water down me so I'm heading in the right direction. :\

Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa, (especially Mother Theresa were most certainly a bit flawed. Same with Gandhi and Jesus.

I think Four Locos are making alcohol even more dangerous.
Doing okay, wasn't able to completely stop, and of course didn't get to take my three day weekend. Was able to keep it too like 2 to 3 beers a night which is really good. I went out to the bar and only had a total of 2 beers in 4 hours!

for work. Had to drive 6 hours on Friday unexpectedly, which set me back so I then had to go in on the day I took off (Monday) too make up for it. Major crises happened over the weekend. This job is literally fucking killing me. I have been looking for other jobs, but we have 20+ percent unemployment where I live. This next weekend I will be looking for other jobs, in nearby cities. I need to leave this area.

Good thing is I quit smoking herb 2+ weeks ago, so I can start interviewing very soon.

Starting to look at nearby cities with better employment prospects.. I need to get out of this town.
Monday - bought 2 cases of beer, kept on drinking and was quite ok, maybe I consumed 10 or so.

Tuesday - Consumed close to 20, kept on drinking and felt sober.

Wednesday - Didn't even contemplate about breakfast thought it was more suitable to be drinking beer instead. Any how 14 later and I am a complete ride off, feels like as if i've never touched alcohol. Today I some what blacked out in stages, sort of not realising what was going on. I also skipped my anti depressants, 4 beers left am hoping afte the 4 are gone I can take a much needed break. (Fingers crossed)
Do B vits help with the shakes? Like i dont have a real drink problem (im coming off benzos), but i recently had to stop gbl and ran out early of my benzo script so have been drinking heavily recently until i get the new scprit in (friday/thursday), i just hate the shakiness/tremors i seem to be getting when the alcohol wears off, is this because of cross tolerance between alcohol/gbl and benzos?
I'm not sure about the Vitamin B, but there is a definite relationship between the alcohol and benzodiazapine aftereffect and withdrawal. I know that after a prolonged period of drinking in moderate, (less than 12 drinks daily), the early withdrawal feels amazingly similar to that from about two weeks of light/moderate benzodiazapine use, (~1-4mgs alprazolam daily), but many of the effects that are VERY noticeable on the benzodiazapine w/d seems to take a day to hit after alcohol cessation, (maybe due to the otherwise needed detoxification from alcohol.)

So, short answer from anecdotal evidence, sounds so.
Magnesium supplement can also help with the shakes, as it helps to relax the muscle fibres.

You can get magnesium tablets at a health food/supplement store, or the pharmacy. But you have to take them every day to build up an effect, and you also have to be getting enough calcium as well, to aide in the absorption of the magnesium. So make sure you're eating some dairy products/drinking milk, every day.
Or alternatively you could just get some calcium supplements as well :)

SOME supplements even have the magnesium and calcium combined!

Anyway, worth thinking about...
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