Alcoholism Thread v. A sober life is a good life <3

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I realize more and more, noonoo, that stuff I did when I was an alcoholic was totally f....ed up and now that I'm off it(7months) I can actually have my brain back. I can be productive and do anything I want. Alcohol is a crippler. There's nothing to suck about it if you don't do it. It only sucks when you drink.

Good luck to you. Get something to do in your life that doesn't involve booze. Start up a band or something. Write poetry. Move to the country and grow a garden. Do something. There's no life in alcohol.
i just have a quick question. hep c affects your livers abilty to process toxins. so does it completly fuck it or would, it be reasonably safe to have a drink or so a every couple weeks or so. ive cut back alot but for some reason i hate the idea of quitting completly.
Drinking with hep c is like pouring gasoline on a fire, definitely drink the least amount possible.
Pls note that this may not be an accurate place, so pls move if need be.
I'm a 6 month sober alcoholic, I used Campral (dunno if it helped or not) and a very large amount of Valium (about 50-100mg a day) to stop withdrawals/cravings. I drank heavily for 5yrs and a bottle of scotch for the next 5yrs...a 10yr ride i was reluctant to get off but due to a very damaged liver, shattered nerves and a little girl to raise, I simply had to stop.

I wish I had realized earlier, hadn't screwed everthing up, I miss my scotch...but I didn't.

My liver has recovered 1000 fold and I was lucky enough to come out the other end with no permenant is to kick my 500mg+ codeine addiction.
i watched leaving las vegsa yesturday and decided to go cold turkey on alcohol for a bit, i notice any time i am more then 24 hours on alcohol, i get extremely thirsty, i dont drink excessive amount, only like 6-9 beers a day, and i ususally have a break day on the weekend when i am doing some other kind of drug, opiates, or psychedellics, which cannot be mixed with alcohol without excessive vomiting,
is this severe thirst part of withdrawl, ive never experienced anything like what nicholas cage was going threw in that scene where he cant sign the check for the bank, but sometimes maybe ill sleep extra without alcohol, feel warn down, even though i use it mostly to sleep,

edit: i often also have really intesnse dreams if i havent drank, verging on nightmares
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no, the severe thirst is not withdrawl, it is because alcohol is dehydrating. not to be a downer, but 6-9 beers *is* an excessive amount.
Severe Thirst? Really are you serious? I'm in no way proud of drinking my self to the point of having a 'fatty liver' because of drinking a bottle of Scotch a day but really. If u really think being 'thirsty' is withdrawals, when u actually want to quit...sweats night n day, vomiting, cramping, headache, hoplessness, fear...just to name a few withdrawals. I'm in day 2 of codeine w/d and it also isnt pretty :( I hope u decide to quit, it's worth it for u, ur health and those who love u. Best of luck
^ nessamba, good for you, quitting for your daughter

my story..
19, alcoholic since 15, my spirit is weak right now. so fucking weak.
i need to stop before i get too far behind. shit's wrecking me.
19 years worth of good things went unrecognized and unappreciated,
i'm ready to live my life.
i am an alcoholic. i am powerless to it.
tonight i am going to an na meeting, and although it's not for alcoholism, it's a step in the right direction, i have problems in that area as well.
my dad is an alcoholic and will likely die from it,
i refuse to be like him.
i got drunk last night, and although it was fun, it's not today.
i'm afraid that my excessive use through my developing years is starting to take a toll.
on the plus side, i just ate some food, about to make some tea,
take care of my body
go to a detox clinic at your local hospital so they can monitor your body. they will give the next steps on how to quit using this poison.
@ Pastel circus: Much respect to you hun. Have seen how this tears up families...ugh...

Keep nourishing yourself! <3
Pastel Circus you will get there, yeah I quit for my little girl but I had to quit for me as well. People everywhere need to realize that this shit kills u....fatty liver>cirrhosis of the liver>hep c>death...blunt but true. I live with someone who works 2 weeks on 1 off and they drink 6 outta 7 days home, dunno point being that people won't stop drinking around u which makes it even tougher. Your 19 and it's awsome that u are taking steps to change and help yourself. Maybe see a GP, explain ur alcoholism, maybe ask for a liver function blood test because facts and figures can help shock the shit out of u enough to help decide to ditch the booze.

Good luck mate, ur not alone
not to be a downer, but 6-9 beers *is* an excessive amount.

technically, it depends on what amount of time those beers are consumed (which in most cases, that amount is defiantly not 'excessive') and what %% of alcohol they are..

^ nessamba, good for you, quitting for your daughter

my story..
19, alcoholic since 15, my spirit is weak right now. so fucking weak.
i need to stop before i get too far behind. shit's wrecking me.
19 years worth of good things went unrecognized and unappreciated,
i'm ready to live my life.
i am an alcoholic. i am powerless to it.
tonight i am going to an na meeting, and although it's not for alcoholism, it's a step in the right direction, i have problems in that area as well.
my dad is an alcoholic and will likely die from it,
i refuse to be like him.
i got drunk last night, and although it was fun, it's not today.
i'm afraid that my excessive use through my developing years is starting to take a toll.
on the plus side, i just ate some food, about to make some tea,
take care of my body

sorry to hear.. all the best on gettin sober...

out of curiosity, how many standard drinks do you consume on a daily basis?? I'm 19 aswell and would just like to compare habits..
I would say 6-9 beers everyday is plenty. Im pretty sure medically its not recommended to have more than 3 standard drinks per day for males and 2 for females.

Oh hang on its been revised. 2 standard drinks a day for guys now apparently and not more than 4 in a session

Personally I wouldnt consider 6-9 in one session excessive but its going to be harmful on a daily basis without a doubt
alcohol withdrawl - help

So here's the deal: For the last two years I've been drinking on average the equivalent of 2 bottles of wine daily. I've stopped a handful of times with surprisingly almost no withdrawal signs (beats me how, maybe the fact that I take 10mg lexapro and 300mg Wellbutrin plays a part in it.
Since a month I've cut my drinking back to one bottle of wine but last weekend I went on a massive bender.

Drank a 4 liter casket of strong wine between Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening I. drank a two liter casket of wine and the next morning I took a couple of swings of gin. Then I took the train home but somehow blacked out and ended up literally ON the train rails in a trainstation near Sydney. (Still no idea where) The police didn't arrest me but banned me from the trainstation for four hours. (That's what I remember anyway). So I was left wandering around as a disgraceful drunk in some Sydney suburb. I was so confused and no idea where I was. I felt so miserable that i decided to buy myself a bottle of vodka. Eventually I took a bus a few hour later, saw the station, jumped out and took the train back to the hostel I'm staying (I'm a backpacker) I arrived there in the evening and finished the bottle of vodka and a 4 beers.
Next day I woke up and felt so terrible (feelings of shame and guilt ofcourse combined with binges drinking withdrawal I think) So what does an alcoholic do; I go to the liqueur store and buy of bottle of whiskey and wine.

I finished those throughout the day and woke up next morning 4am vomiting, sweating, palpitations, full blown anxiety attack. I thought this was withdrawal however I know that it normally takes longer to kick in? It was probably also a case of malnutrition since u hadn't been feeding myself.
I sat it out for 4 hours and then decided to call a cab to bring me to the hospital. They gave me 15mg diazepam and a prescription for 150mg. Me being an addict and still feeling massively anxious I took the whole lot over the course of the day and didn't even sleep much. Next day I told myself that this enough and called AA and have been to 3 meetings in the last two days. Still drink 4 beers yesterday and had one just now because I'm an utter idiot. I just needed this off my chest since I've kinda holding back telling the whole story at the AA meetings.

Since Ive taken that much Valium 2 days ago, is that still tempering my withdrawals and is that gonna return full blown when the Valium I'd out of my system (cause I know of its long half-life).
Another thing, I'm close to being 100% broke but luckily got these very kind hostel owners that give me a roof over my head in exchange for a bit of work. I would like to check myself into rehab or something like that. But since I'm an overseas traveller I don't have any medical insurance. Does any of you Australians (I know there's a few around here) know of any options?

I would like to type way more and clarify the story but I'm typing this on a phone and it'd taking me ages.

I drank on and off for the last 9years. I had a drinking problem I guess but never a real bad problem. I would binge and get drunk but I was not addicted. I could quit and do other things and be fine. I stayed sober from drinking for years sometimes. Then I started doing speed. Mdpv/meth. I started drinking heavy along with opiets and downers. To sleep and to help the come down. well even with heavy drinking I kept things together until a DUI. I beat it in court but after that I dunno why I stopped caring. I started drinking and driving all the time, not caring. I would drink to pass out or to help the come down. Anyways the last year I started to drink heavy. a bottle a day every single day. and then it happned.
I got addicted.
With out a drink I would get the shakes with in 8 hours. I would see things, hear things, horrible pain, shakes, it was so bad I could not hold a cup when it hit, i could not move, do anything. drinking became the only thing in my mind. I lost my job, I lost my health, I ended up medically detoxing from it but I would pick back up. Then I found out I had scoliosis at 28. I guess it hit home. I was dying, I felt like I wanted to kill my self, i hated life. I had nothing, no job, no where to live, no money. I saw a doctor who sent me to a detox and i entered a 3month rehab/program. I completed it and 6months now I have been sober. I almost died this last time, the withdrawl was the worst exp of my life, I have nightmares to this day. So can you learn from this?
I drank heavy on and off for 8years and had no health issues no addiction nothing.
with in 1 year I had scoliosis of the liver, I was near death, hardcore addiction with very bad withdrawl so bad I had to be on meds to detox or could of died. I lost everything in 1 year, I got it all back.

Drinking is ok for some people but if your like me.. you just can't drink. Its not the end of the world. I am fine not drinking I enjoy my life a lot, I have fun again, Im alive again. Don't be like me. pay attention. drinking is not a big deal don't get addicted, you will be sorry. I got to the point where I HAD to drink... I had no choice. if you get to that point you will understand. The withdrawl is that bad. If not for meds I never would of quit I would of died... thats for sure.. anyways I love being sober I don't hate drinking or people who drink... but I do think if you have a problem and know it you should get help and stop. It only gets worse.
maybe the fact that I take 10mg lexapro and 300mg Wellbutrin plays a part in it.
Hey mate, I'm not sure if anyone has ever told you this, but Wellbutrin can cause seizures, especially in people who drink a LOT and then cease drinking straight away. The valium would've helped to reduce the likelihood of you having any seizures the day after your hospital visit but seriously man, you've gotta be careful!!! Honestly, I'm surprised you haven't had a seizure with the amount you've been drinking. I guess it's because you've been drinking every day and haven't really stopped.
The valium would be out of your system by now, and because you've had a few beers yesterday and today you're likely not really experiencing much in the way of withdrawals right now. And hopefully because you've essentially tapered down your alcohol use over the last few days, if you don't have anything to drink tomorrow or the next day or for however many days/weeks/months after that, you probably won't have bad physical withdrawals.

It's great you're going to the AA meetings, so definitely keep that up! Because you're an overseas traveller and don't have any insurance, if you go to a doctor or a rehab centre it's going to cost you the full amount (obviously), but there are a few other options for you to consider:

Wesley Mission counselling, they have places in the city and in Ashfield (about 15 mins from the city on the train).

There is also SMART Recovery which is a good online recovery service.

This page also has an extensive list of places you might like to call. It doesn't specify if they're free/low-cost services but it's worth a try:

And if you google "online alcohol counselling" there are heaps of online counselling services you could try.

Good luck, and please try to keep in mind that risk of seizures with Wellbutrin! I'm on Wellbutrin as well and whenever I want to binge-drink it's always in the back of my mind, that I could have a seizure the next day. Scary thought.
I never drank a lot, but when i had a couple beers i would feel depressed for days after. Quitting alcohol has done me wonders. Instead of just worrying about myself, i truly care about others. I am way more polite in the every day life, and can appreciate the true blessings in life. Not to mention the benefits for my brain and body.
^^ Hey mate, I'm so glad to hear you're sober and loving it :) That is really inspiring for alcoholics like me and many others here who are on the road to recovery. Thank you :) <3
That is scary bipolair, that you ended up on the train tracks! Lucky you didn't get hit or hurt yourself. I just wanted to add to the awesome suggestions n3ophy7e made, that SMART also run traditional meetings as well as online (I don't know for certain they run them in Sydney, but they have a couple in Melbourne so I'd assume so). I find SMART a recovery philosophy I can relate to a lot more than AA/NA. They start off by saying that you are NOT powerless over your addiction - I like that they build strength and confidence in yourself and your ability to overcome your addictions like that. Good luck keeping up with cutting down!
Hey mate, I'm not sure if anyone has ever told you this, but Wellbutrin can cause seizures, especially in people who drink a LOT and then cease drinking straight away. The valium would've helped to reduce the likelihood of you having any seizures the day after your hospital visit but seriously man, you've gotta be careful!!! Honestly, I'm surprised you haven't had a seizure with the amount you've been drinking. I guess it's because you've been drinking every day and haven't really stopped.
The valium would be out of your system by now, and because you've had a few beers yesterday and today you're likely not really experiencing much in the way of withdrawals right now. And hopefully because you've essentially tapered down your alcohol use over the last few days, if you don't have anything to drink tomorrow or the next day or for however many days/weeks/months after that, you probably won't have bad physical withdrawals.

It's great you're going to the AA meetings, so definitely keep that up! Because you're an overseas traveller and don't have any insurance, if you go to a doctor or a rehab centre it's going to cost you the full amount (obviously), but there are a few other options for you to consider:

Wesley Mission counselling, they have places in the city and in Ashfield (about 15 mins from the city on the train).

There is also SMART Recovery which is a good online recovery service.

This page also has an extensive list of places you might like to call. It doesn't specify if they're free/low-cost services but it's worth a try:

And if you google "online alcohol counselling" there are heaps of online counselling services you could try.

Good luck, and please try to keep in mind that risk of seizures with Wellbutrin! I'm on Wellbutrin as well and whenever I want to binge-drink it's always in the back of my mind, that I could have a seizure the next day. Scary thought.

Thanks for your support n3ophy7e, I've always noticed your posts in TDS and you seem like a very good & caring person.

I was aware of the fact that Wellbutrin can cause seizures. I was probably lucky enough to have the 24hour release brand which I think is not available in Australia. I have also been taking heaps Valerian to ease the withdrawls. '
I'm doing pretty good though, havent been drinking much (relatively) lately and even skipped a day or two (So proud lol). I found out though that during the blackout I managed to get a collection $600 worth of fines. Plus one from two days before for travelling without ticket. That sucks bigtime but to my suprise I got offered a job a few days after the incident so that gave me a bit of hope and a mood boost.

I havent been going to anymore of the AA-meetings cause I didn't felt like it and also was quite busy. I would like to go to future meetings though as soon as I have settled down a bit more.

That is scary bipolair, that you ended up on the train tracks! Lucky you didn't get hit or hurt yourself. I just wanted to add to the awesome suggestions n3ophy7e made, that SMART also run traditional meetings as well as online (I don't know for certain they run them in Sydney, but they have a couple in Melbourne so I'd assume so). I find SMART a recovery philosophy I can relate to a lot more than AA/NA. They start off by saying that you are NOT powerless over your addiction - I like that they build strength and confidence in yourself and your ability to overcome your addictions like that. Good luck keeping up with cutting down!
Yea I checked the website out and remember thinking that it would probably suite me more then the AA. But in all honesty I forgot about it.

The AA meetings have been nice, it felt nice to hear stories from other people and to share since I've basically been living a lie the last years. But yea I couldnt relate much to their philosophy. I tried though since I just wanted help from somewhere so bad. I don't like the fact that religion is involved and that you NEED god. The women that drove me to the first meeting was an atheist though so that was kinda relieving for me.

It is a scary thought indeed I ended up on the trainrails. Alcohol really destroys...

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