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Alcoholism Discussion Thread Version 7.0

Isolation is something I have to work on. I have an easy time making friends, but I am an introvert at heart. You will need to develop a support network in order to stay straight, so find some people that are recovering that you like and just call them every now and then. I have the million pound phone problem. My girlfriend calls and I hope I don't make her feel bad. I am just not a phone person.
Make sure you get that Antabuse and don't give yourself a chance to relapse. Antabuse is some heavy stuff. I was n it for a bit but I wild stop taking it a I can drink. That's my fault not the medicines. I think if taken properly it can be very effective. It was suggested to me I complement with AA which I did. I actually went to my first meeting in 6 months. It was awesome to see old friends and my new ones. I'm def been very sad since cutting spirituality out of my life. I still disagree with some of the philosophies of AS but I'll be going back from time to time for guidance sand best part help guide others. Good luck with the Antabuse and I'm pulling for you. Take care
PS: Erikmen I'm from NC too, lol

When I tried to buy the Antabuse bottle, the pharmacist said that there's some temporary problem with the medication supply chain and almost all pharmacies in the country have ran out of disulfiram tablets. This kind of shit is possible in a small country (I live in Finland). My dad had some old Antabuse tablets that have expired a few years ago, so I've been taking them for a couple of days. The official shelf life of medications is determined by calculating how long it would take for 2.5% of the active ingredient to degrade to other substances (the exact percentage depends on the regulations of the country in question), so even a med that is 3 times older than the official expiration time still contains over 92% of the original amount of the active ingredient. I'm not recommending anyone else to use expired medications, though. Some antibiotics (tetracyclines) are known to become poisonous when they get old.

I have to go to the local addiction clinic tomorrow and ask if they have Antabuse in storage, so I could go there two times a week to take the med. I know some people who take their Antabuse under supervision in the clinic.
When I tried to buy the Antabuse bottle, the pharmacist said that there's some temporary problem with the medication supply chain and almost all pharmacies in the country have ran out of disulfiram tablets. This kind of shit is possible in a small country (I live in Finland). My dad had some old Antabuse tablets that have expired a few years ago, so I've been taking them for a couple of days. The official shelf life of medications is determined by calculating how long it would take for 2.5% of the active ingredient to degrade to other substances (the exact percentage depends on the regulations of the country in question), so even a med that is 3 times older than the official expiration time still contains over 92% of the original amount of the active ingredient. I'm not recommending anyone else to use expired medications, though. Some antibiotics (tetracyclines) are known to become poisonous when they get old.

I have to go to the local addiction clinic tomorrow and ask if they have Antabuse in storage, so I could go there two times a week to take the med. I know some people who take their Antabuse under supervision in the clinic.

This is an idea I need to keep in my mind. Being willing to do anything to stay sober.
It prob should be taken under supervision. The things that can happen if you drink on it is bad. I drank close enough to being off it 4 hrs than I drank and got really sick. I can't image taking it and then drinking. I ended up in the ER cause I couldn't breathe. They lectured the hell out of me in there. Either you wanna quit or you don't but we know it's more complicated than that. I had euphoric recall for the first time since surgery exactly one year ago. I had my colon out and have a permanent ostomy. I haven't had a inkling to drink since and didn't really wanna drink yesterday I just saw a movie I used to watch drinking and I just kinda sighed and said why me. The one thing that made me feel good in my shit life and it's killing me. If I ever do want a drink I'll blame booze on having this pain in ass bag. I hate it. I've had it for 2 years first was just diverticulitis and recount in 6 months which turned into a year. One of thevdownfalls of having best colo-rectal surgeon in country is planning. They were to cut out piece f colon that was infected and reverse bag. Well they did that and 3-4 days after horrible pain and uncontrollable dishrag.

Raced in ER and I had 8 holes in my colon. I was in the trauma room with a million people taking care of me cause I was going septic and dying. They couldn't get blood cause I was so thirsty and put a PICC line in my neck and infuse Meds that would thicken my blood. I'm on thinners cause of clots. Huh, I'm a mess. They did the surgery and I just remember pain after. They cut me open but couldn't close me cause infection so I had to wear a wound vac. Matching wild suck wound closed. Took 2.5 months but it worked. I was on dilaudid pump but it wasn't enough. I was angry. Plus I was still thirsty and fr a week nothing to drink. Just 2 ice chips an hr. That's what I remember the most is the thirst. I cheated one night and drank some Gatorade and it came up in my tube from nose and the nurse was pissed. I had a fit one night and day after next I could drink apple juice. They brought me 3 and I said you're gonna have to bring me more than that. I went thru like 10. That was the best drink I ever had. My housemate recently taught me how to rig those PCA machines so you can hit button every 5 seconds. That's what ibneededx I little bit of dilaudid every 10 minutes ain't near enough.

Plus they weren't giving me my phy med so I was haulluvinatingx rolling over for baths was excruviating. Got out in s month and had to go to nursing home for would bac care San physical therapy. I hated that laces you hit your call button and cons would come in saying what you want?!i said its my pain med time and they have to go get the nurse and this whole production. I made it thru. I hadn't smoked in 6 months and night and half before I left I was having panic attack and they would give me any cause I had some 4 hrs ago. Ridiculous. So I went to get s soda andvthevvemding area was next to lace outside they smoked I smelt it and said fuck it, asked an old guy and he hard my brand. Best cig every I lasted a week out of the place and started again. You believe that shit still hurts part of reason I'm in pain management. Abdomen pain!!

I say this very long story not for ity. I say it bc I blame alcohol on all this. ThevDrd say hard to say but it didn't helps so I hate alcohol and I would rather die than swallow a frozen it wasn't the steps or sa spiritual awakening, it was all that I just mentionedx my memory is my Antabuse man. Not to mention all the relationships it's ruinef. Some have been patched up and others have not.?one in particular I really wanna fix but was able to stick things up with my mom before she passed last Nov. I hurt her the worse and she had already gotten it from her drunk dad and drunk brothers thank good mess we made up and she got to see me do good. I guess if there's s point to this jobberish whether it be removal over an organ or Antabuse,?youre trying to sto and that says s lot about your charachter. In my decade in recovery I've seen more people give up then try hard and succeeds you will succeed I believe just cause you're trying to find more antabusez I hope you find it and I'm your number 1 fan. You got this dudes thanks for reading my story. Message me anyyttimex take care!!!
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But I still lie. This is an alcohol thread so I'm sorry but I'm struggling with opiates and have told 4 people. It's not as bad as my alcoholism was but it's pretty bad. I haven't lifted a finger to do anything about it cause I have chronic pain and no opiates equals agony. I'll figure it out. As for drinking I don't do a thing. I leave it alone. I haven't had the urge to drink since I woke up from surgery a year ago. I get what you're saying, at all costs but sometimes less is more
If you feel pain from a chronic condition it must be quite a difficult achievement. How do you plan coming off something you need?
I have got to get off these streets before I kill myself. Have spoke to mom. Hope she talks to guy that runs sober house to get me a ticket back home. If not. Shit I don't want to fucking go on anymore.
Do you have the strength to stop in you? Quitting is easier than staying off IMO/E.
You can do this!
Erikmen, I have no intention on stopping my pain Meds. One of the few reasons for my split with AA. The pain is too fierce. I tried back in Feb to get off them and I lasted like AA week. Horrible pain. So it's not an issue with me. What is an issue with me is being told I'm gonna drink cause I'm on these Meds. That's ridiculous!! I have slipped on the pills but it didn't wanna make me go drink. I haven't had the desire to drink since I woke up in ICU after my surgery a year ago. Then having to endure the pain and suffering while in the hospital only reinforced it more. Alcohol put me here I would tell myself. Now I gotta live with these Meds bc of alcohol and my lovely ostomy bag. So there's no fightinain Meds when it comes to the pain meds
I am sorry to hear that Closeau! I didn't realize the size of your issue/problems. I had also suffered from real bad pain and had to be submitted to surgery 3 times. I did not have a problem with alcohol but amost died because from opiates. Initially, and ironically with prescribed ones. Not the same situation I know -- this is just to tell you I think I know how you feel.

Don't live your life in pain. Nothing good comes out of that. I hpe you stay off alcohol the same way I'm off opiates-- and in this ride totally sober too. I really hope things work out for you. As I commonly say, you can do anything you set your mind to.
Take care my friend!! <3
I am sorry to hear that Closeau! I didn't realize the size of your issue/problems. I had also suffered from real bad pain and had to be submitted to surgery 3 times. I did not have a problem with alcohol but amost died because from opiates. Initially, and ironically with prescribed ones. Not the same situation I know -- this is just to tell you I think I know how you feel.

Don't live your life in pain. Nothing good comes out of that. I hpe you stay off alcohol the same way I'm off opiates-- and in this ride totally sober too. I really hope things work out for you. As I commonly say, you can do anything you set your mind to.
Take care my friend!! <3

You, my friend, as a truly amazing guy. That was a very supportive response.
stolen from hey do I really want to f*** them so they listen up b**** alright listen up okay living with a family

Omg welcome to d's
Say hlllo. Fuck you cocktail sucks.

Live in a Landry room. Bitch.

Dicks, I may not ever return here.
Good bye
A very supportive post from my man Erikmen. I appreciate it my friend. I will be somewhat pain free one day. I need pain pump in there or something. I'm looking into it now. Thanks again .