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Alcohol with MDMA?


Feb 6, 2014
So im going to a edm festival which is about 15 hours long, noon-3am, and then camping aswell which is just a huge after party, i obviously cant roll this whole time so im planning on dropping within the late hours of the night, but plan to keep a slight buzz throuout the whole day to further enjoy myself. But will this effect my roll tremendously? Possibly roll harder? Kill my roll? Also, should i keep my buzz going after dropping or stop drinking within a couple hours of dropping to sober up, or will that leave me with a hangover and shitty roll? Thanks
I could picture it dampening your roll a little bit due to it being a downer. But you're probably bound to have a good time regardless. I would say the number one most important thing is going to be keeping yourself hydrated throughout the day. Heat + Alcohol + MDMA = All things that are going to dehydrate you.
Yeah I second the suggestion to make sure to stay hydrated. Other than that, I've always had a good time when I drink (LIGHTLY) with mdma. If I over-do it though I just end up sloppy drunk and not even aware that I'm rolling.
another quick random question, the breaks inbetween rolls for me have pretty much been 30 days apart every time (i've rolled 9 times) but this next time i will have 41 day break inbetween, will that extra 11 days make a noticable difference in making my roll better? because my last roll i noticed the slight loss of magic :/
If you've been eating well and staying active it should be slightly improved. Also a tip would be testing your gear to make sure it's the real deal and knowing what dosages work for you.
Of course it won't kill your roll. Unless you have really shit MDMA. Don't get hammered, but a few drinks won't hurt. The only thing that could make it difficult to roll is if you're too tired from being at a festival all day, in which case, the alcohol will probably only make you more tired by the end of the day. I'd start drinking in the afternoon, like 3pm, so you're not ready for bed by the time you want to roll. It's pretty hard to get good roll when you're exhausted.
In all honesty, I've barely had a roll where I haven't drunk recently. Just hanging out with friends drinking 3-4 beers getting slightly drunk, then dropping a bit later. I don't notice a difference in the MDMA high. I never drink during the MDMA though, just because I feel no need - it's great on it's own! I usually have my 3-4 drinks, buy a bottle of water and drink that, then drop whenever I want to. Remember that alcohol will dehydrate you, that's why I have the bottle of water just before dropping to be extra safe.
ˆ not necessarily... not everybody pukes with MDMA. I, for example, almost always drink while on MDMA. Not heavily, just to get the taste of a good drink/beer, because it feels so good (just as everything else does)!
But regarding your question more specifically, it probably won't affect your roll very much, not negatively anyway...
I usually drink after a roll, but only really because I can't get ketamine any more lol.

It's nice to relax yourself and bring back a bit of a euphoric feeling, much better than trying to redosing on MDMA at the least.