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Alcohol in comparison to MDMA at a rave/festival?


Feb 6, 2014
can you compare the two for me? because i go to about 1 show/festival a month and i usually take mdma but this last time the negative side effects have seemed to get a bit too pronounced, so i may want to try something else and do molly a less frequently before its too late.. what is it like to be at a show while drunk/buzzed? i havnt drank in 2 years so i can barely even remember what its like, would i enjoy the music? (thats mainly why i go! i freaking love EDM.. and molly also makes me a much more energetic and talkative person so i usually end up making friends, which never happens when im sober!).. so any input helps! and i hate weed! all it does it make me paranoid
It really all depends on how you respond to alcohol. For me, I absolutely love going and drinking beers. I'm actually much more likely to dance if I am drinking and it makes me as social as MDMA does although less stupid. I don't really enjoy taking MDMA in public environments anymore and will only take it in intimate settings. Its far more magical that way. I can't tell you how many times i started to come down before the event was over and either made the mistake of taking more, adding another drug, or adding alcohol anyway to avoid crashing into uselessness.

With alcohol you pretty much can keep your buzz going without much risk other than a hangover as long as you make sure to eat something and you aren't being stupid.

But once again, it goes back to how you react to alcohol. For me its a great social lubricant and makes me a lot more fun. But when I drink too much, I'm sloppy and when I've had WAY too much I'm psychotic. I think the last two are pretty much the same for everyone but the social aspect isn't.

I prefer alcohol for most situations to MDMA. I always have. MDMA is for special occasions and alcohol was for everything else (I, too, get paranoid and such with weed).
depends on the person i guess, alcohol does almost nothing for me in the way of losing inhibitions, opening up socially, etc, it is barely preferable to going sober. there's no reason you wouldn't enjoy the music while drunk if you enjoy that music while sober. mdma with no magic is still an enjoyable drug that is way more fun than alcohol. i think it's likely you just got worse gear last time around causing the negative side effects
Alcohol can be very euphoric and the music can become very pronounced, it's a great experience and definitely worth a shot.

I agree with MagickalKat777, MDMA is a lot more magical in intimate settings and that is the only way I will roll. :)
yeah, alcohol can be very good and euphoric if you hit the right dose and in the right setting. if you drink too much you won't be able to stand let alone dance, if you drink too little you'll be underwhelmed. but with alcohol is really easy to hit the right spot especially with beer/wine.
i actually remember one time when i drank a bottle of wine and 375mgs of DXM and it gave great great euphoria, energy and empathy. great combo.
TBH I find there is a certain similarity between Alcohol and MDMA as it is. Where i'm from it's not uncommon for people to rave drunk, but I feel that alcohol makes you more prone to violence and embarrassing stupidity. I always end up regretting things I did while drunk but never really regretted anything I did on MDMA(even when I was sure at the back of my head that I will once I sober up).

The bottom line is that Alcohol can be euphoric, social and music enhancing if you don't overdo it. Don't expect the same level of energy and euphoria though. As far as partying goes the two important differences between Alcohol and MDMA for me are that firstly, with MDMA I don't dance like a dumbed down idiot. I find there is an actual rhythm and meaning to my movements, and i'm not embarrassed when I look at videos of me dancing sober. Secondly, MDMA never strips my self consciousness the way Alcohol does, somehow people always end up telling me I was being loud last night when in my mind I never was.
There are definitely similarities between the two. I don't know about not regretting things I did while rolling... I've fucked up many a friendship by MDMA-induced hypersexuality, especially when it comes to bending the limits of sexuality either on my end, theirs or even both at times.

Alcohol doesn't stick with you as long in terms of the damage that is done. People tend to be more forgiving and ready to let go of things that they did while drunk. MDMA, on the other hand, attaches strong emotions to those items and can make it insurmountable.

Its true about MDMA and dancing though. I've been so fucked that my eyes were wobbling so hard that I could barely walk yet I was still able to bust out the glowsticks and go crazy on the dance floor. I've had some very sloppy alcohol dancing in the past even when I was just buzzing. I've also had moments were I was king of the dance floor while drunk. It seems a lot more unpredictable with alcohol than with MDMA. Even if I danced like an idiot though, I still had a blast. My dancing with MDMA tends to be more spiritual in nature, a sort of release of my soul being expressed through my movements. My dancing with alcohol tends to be a lot more primal. Its certainly pretty much never a spiritual experience. Thinking about it, I'm far more likely to dance when I've been drinking and its much more likely to be with other people, especially dirty dancing whereas with MDMA I'm more likely to give the occasional light show but mostly just sit there and enjoy the roll or find a makeout partner for the night ... or more than one.

Either way, if you can't do MDMA because you did it recently and you don't want the negatives of abuse, alcohol is the next best thing. I wouldn't recommend another serotonin releaser, psychedelics are an entirely different world from MDMA, GHB is easier to overdo than alcohol, etc.
Yeah it's really fun. For two day festies I usually drink and smoke cigs one day (bad habit) and then roll the next. Works a treat.
^^^ single sentence without context or quote. That's how you make no sense :p
There are definitely some good similarities, but IMO a hangover is much more irritating than a MDMA comedown.
There are definitely some good similarities, but IMO a hangover is much more irritating than a MDMA comedown.

Really? That's rarely the case for me. I feel like shit the next day if I overdo it (or drink dark liquor) and then I'm pretty much 100% the next day. MDMA I feel drained the day after and then actually crash around 48-60 hours after my first dose into a depression, the level of intensity decided based on how much I did.
It really all depends on how you respond to alcohol. For me, I absolutely love going and drinking beers. I'm actually much more likely to dance if I am drinking and it makes me as social as MDMA does although less stupid. I don't really enjoy taking MDMA in public environments anymore and will only take it in intimate settings. Its far more magical that way. I can't tell you how many times i started to come down before the event was over and either made the mistake of taking more, adding another drug, or adding alcohol anyway to avoid crashing into uselessness.

With alcohol you pretty much can keep your buzz going without much risk other than a hangover as long as you make sure to eat something and you aren't being stupid.

But once again, it goes back to how you react to alcohol. For me its a great social lubricant and makes me a lot more fun. But when I drink too much, I'm sloppy and when I've had WAY too much I'm psychotic. I think the last two are pretty much the same for everyone but the social aspect isn't.

I prefer alcohol for most situations to MDMA. I always have. MDMA is for special occasions and alcohol was for everything else (I, too, get paranoid and such with weed).

This! +1
Really? That's rarely the case for me. I feel like shit the next day if I overdo it (or drink dark liquor) and then I'm pretty much 100% the next day. MDMA I feel drained the day after and then actually crash around 48-60 hours after my first dose into a depression, the level of intensity decided based on how much I did.

The severity of certain hangovers I had is downright scary. I'll take an MDMA comedown over waking up and feeling I was properly poisoned any day. But maybe that's just me :p
The severity of certain hangovers I had is downright scary. I'll take an MDMA comedown over waking up and feeling I was properly poisoned any day. But maybe that's just me :p

Hmmm... I've never been terribly prone to hangovers so you might have a point.

Usually I just have bad rebound anxiety and when I first started drinking, I might puke once or twice but other than that, I was usually pretty okay the next day, just drained.
My father was an abusive alcoholic so that's kind of ruined the idea of drinking for me...due to my history I like to roll at events because the experience as a whole is what captures me. I love the feeling of being alive before I take the MDMA and I love it even more afterwards. I've only drank 3 times in my life, and I blacked out each time haha.

MDMA just does wonders for me haha
i have been using mdma once a month since late 2012 and have never experience what i could call a comedown. we'll, i'm getting emotional unstable for a couple of days (crying when i hear good music etc) but for me i call that afterglow. i'm not sad or depressed. happy-tears i would call it. anyways. i have almost stopped drinking after i started using mdma. i find the alcohol hangovers to brutal. i didnt have them that bad before i started using mdma. i feel like i fuck up the brain recovery from mdma if i drink let's say one week after. i actually got my first ever panic attack one day after alcohol. but for me, i'm glad that i almost stopped drinking alcohol every weekend. i rather want to do mdma once i month... 15days to go.. cmoooon