Airport Security


Apr 7, 2003
I'm wondering what the specific laws are to airport security being able to touch passengers during their 'random' searches. I'm talking about where you are boarding and they pick every 20th or so person randomly to pat down. I've flown several times since they began this and got stopped once. I was quite surprised with the physical contact and some of the comments and just all around how it was handled. So, my direct question is, can I refuse to be touched and only be wanded. Thank you for any replys:)
I thought you had the right to ask for a same-gender security person if you were going to be frisked, could be wrong.

Here are some guidelines in any event. Might be a good idea to print out the "what screeners cannot do" list and carry it with you. Mind you, once you're in a different country, all bets are off - you're in their hands, literally, so just be polite and try to concentrate on getting home.
Thank you, that was very helpful.

The article on the 15 year old being frisked was just amazing. When asked to unbutton your pants, it's time to say NO WAY. And her being a minor....that's so worng and discusting of them to put her in that position.
Thanks SillyAlien for the link. Good stuff. :)

Prinsesse- Damn me for not being able to find the citation, but in the US anyways, you have the absolute right to request a same gender officer search you in the event that you were searched.

If you were to refuse to be touched, that might arouse suspicion. I'd just keep a low profile in light of the heightened security measures that have been instituted due to the changes in policy with regard to certain world events of which all of us are aware. :(

If you are searched and you believe the search has violated you in some manner please inform the appropriate authorities right away.
Well, you can always say you do not wish to be searched and will forfet your flight and leave the airport at this time.

I always travel alone it seems. As such, being a young male, I have been "profiled" the last two years because of 9/11. I've never had trouble, just been pulled aside for a minute or two for routine questioning. I think that's why I had to learn all my rights .... and their rights. :)
good luck trying to say no on a international flight.

they can and will take you to a backroom and search you if they suspect you have something to hide. remember people give off tell-tale sign when they are nervous (when they have something to hide)

Much thanks to everyone who replied.

This didn't happen international. This was from Ca to Las Vegas. And I noticed when leaving Las Vegas Airport they weren't even conducting those random searches there (nothing past the metal detecters). I wouldn't mind at all if the detecter beeped while I walked thru and then required being wanded. It almost felt as if I were singled out (may have been my imagination). I told my husband to go ahead and board the plane, but now I wish I had not. After reading the guidelines provided by Silly Alien, there was no crime committed, however I think the manner it was conducted in was borderline 'taking advantage of their position'.

I have absoultly nothing to hide, I even make it a point to not bring a purse or carry-on. And trust me, the type of clothing I wore that day, there was no way I was hiding anything under it (once I removed my coat). ;)

Thanks guys:)

Cute new avator Mariposa!
mariposa420 said:
Damn me for not being able to find the citation, but in the US anyways, you have the absolute right to request a same gender officer search you in the event that you were searched.

You should never be so harsh on yourself. ;)

Here's your link/citation. (2nd dot)
TSA is supposed to do same gender searches, if they didnt, then someone did their job incorectly, or there was some reason that a female couldnt be around.. that being said, there are also numerous cameras that film each search as its beind done right in the open.... One male that searched me when i tripped the detector made it a point to tell me everything he was about to do, as well as mention that he would be using the "back of his hand" (im asuming to prevent me from thinkin he was going to grope my balls :)

and as for the "15 year old open your pants comment" if you trigger the walk-through alarms, the hand-wands that they use are extremely sensative... (hell, theres something in some deodorants that will set the wands off).. belt buckles do as well, therefore you are asked to pull that part open long enough to run the wand past.... as otherwise it would a good place for somebody to try to hide something that they shouldnt.

And seeing as work in those planes for a living, im more then content with strict security and the searches, I have to go through them as well.. and it only takes a few min. of my time.. and if will possibly make my job safer.. more power to them.
When I flew this past summer from BWI with a stopover in Miami, and same going back, I had to get a major pat down each time. My shoes get tripping the machines for some reason (metal shanks or something they said).

In any case, when they would pull me aside and do the thorough search, they always asked me to unbutton the top button of my pants and roll it over. I thought that was strange, but by the time I got back to BWI a few weeks later it seemed rather normal.
uh the pat-down!

that happened to me and I had pot in my pocket...never again.

As to the legality of it, they can do it because you don't have to fly on the airplane, it's your choice. Also, I've been wanded and stopped because of those little buttons on the pockets of jeans. They made me take everything out of my pockets (even the part 6-8 inches below the button). Finally, the aluminum foil in a pack of gum (dentene ice/trident white) sets it off too.

The things we put up with...:|