Age for Steroid Use


Jul 9, 2016
From all the research I've done online it seems that this is a reliable site for a question like this... Really trying to stay away from the broscience (BS), so here it goes...

A little background first, my vital stats are:
Height - 5'6"
Weight - 153lbs
BF - ~12%

I've been lifting for about 8 years, I'm a certified personal trainer, and I'm looking to compete in my first physique competition in October.

I have been having a really, REALLY hard time lately getting into the shape I feel I need to be at in order to place in a decent spot come this competition. A friend of mine has competed in the same group's tournament before (NPC), and he told me everybody uses some kind of pro-hormone or test-booster, etc. About 3 or 4 years ago I used M-one-T (I think by Gaspari Nutrition) and saw amazing, and I mean AMAZING, results in a very short period of time. Back then I was 17 years old about to turn 18, and now I'm 22. The supplement I'm looking to buy is Blackstone Labs Alpha-1 Max, which seems extremely promising. I'm reading all over the place about natural testosterone levels getting all messed up, and I'm just concerned about long term "damages". Any feedback is greatly appreciated! Here is the description for the product:

ALPHA-1 MAX by BLACKSTONE LABS is a very powerful designer steroid that will illicit significant strength and lean body mass gains in just four short weeks.

This methylated version of 1-AD also has a significant conversion to the exceedingly strong but banned Methyl 1-Testosterone (M1T). M1T was arguably one of the most powerful designer steroids to ever hit the OTC market. Therefore, ALPHA-1 MAX possesses two distinct and powerful anabolic pathways that will produce rapid and profound gains in muscle mass and power if proper weight training and nutrition are in place. Users of ALPHA-1 MAX routinely have reported gains of 12-15 lbs. in just one cycle.
In my experience: when I tried a prohormone 4 years ago for 6 weeks, I got lots of strength gains and size gains, but also gained lots of fat as well. I tried doing light cardio while on cycle, but it felt virtually impossible compared to while you are off AAS. While on cycle I felt very lethargic.
On injectable test, cardio is easy as hell. It still takes a hit compared to when you are natural, but you can easily incorporate lots of cardio while on Test. It also doesn't feel unhealthy at all, while when I was on the prohormone, every morning I woke up with dark colored piss and felt very lethargic and sick. On test you pretty much don't feel like you are on anything, you can just work out longer without even noticing or fatiguing.

Weight is meaningless, its how much more useful strength you gain from the steroids in my opinion. I'm just letting you know, compared to a LEGAL prohormone I took (P-mag 25), test feels absolutely harmless once you get used to it. At first I had some high BP, but I seemed to have gotten that under control with some anti-E's and diet so now my BP is same as when I'm off aas.
The oral prohormone though, you can't really get used to it. Its always going to be super liver toxic and make you feel lethargic.
The long term side effects of steroid use are legit so you need to be careful
The train of though is you continue to make your own testosterone up until or around the age of 25, some people its earlier some peoples its longer

your goal should always be to get the maximum amount with the smallest amount of outside interference

At this age and size youre very small and the plenty of potential to grow naturally.

As far as supplements go, the supplement industry is probably the most poorly regulated american industry around. Shy away from using supplements except the basic things you need like proteins and bcaas.
Welcome to BL TomBomb. Honestly, you'd probably prefer regular injectable testosterone. Just because you can buy this crap in a bottle, it doesn't make it safer or healthier.

How much research have you done so far? How good is your diet? You do seem a bit light, even at 5'6", for 8 years training. Though you may just have poor genetics, hard for us to tell without more info.
In my experience I wish I would have bypassed the 2-3 pro-hormone cycles prior to going with injectable aas.
You are 22 use test cypinait start 50 mg a day. Go up as needed.
Also consult a doctor of sports medicine.
Firstly 50mg of test cyp a day? Horrible advice

In addition to that steroids do not cause your hair to fall out, they accelerate the process if you are genetically predisposed for it to happen anyway
You are 22 use test cypinait start 50 mg a day. Go up as needed.
Also consult a doctor of sports medicine.

Test cyp is long ED is not necessary...ur thinking of prop

500 mg once a week of cyp or eth on it's own is sufficent for a first cycle.
M1T is strong AF but you need to run Testosterone alongside other AAS mate.