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After IV Crystal Meth - My Left Leg Tingling/Numb Below Knee


Jul 28, 2014
Sorry to doublepost but i wasn't getting any responses in bdd

90 minutes ago I did(IV'd) my last 10 pack of meth; Then.. about one hour ago my left foot quickly and alarmingly became severely numb (
it feels like it's asleep) causing me to stand up and limp around (assuming that I had been sitting funny/trying to fix circulation) for about ten seconds before a moderate-severe anxiety attack began to manifest and take over my thought process. A solid 60 seconds had passed before I could put any amount of pressure on my left foot without the tingling sensation being overwhelming.After about 5 minutes the severity(10 out of 10) of the tingling sensation had begun to go back to normal, however it presently feels like a 3-4 out of 10 in severity compared to how it was. E.g. I can walk using both legs, apply as much weight to either side as necessary, or hop around without causing too much discomfort(compared to how it had felt initially), but I can still feel a numb/tingling sensation from my ankle - down, and the (tingling/vibrating/numb) feeling is most felt on the top of the foot in the middle and in my big toe.

I'm not necessarily a noobie in the methamphetamine scene - however I do not consider myself addicted to it by any means. I've been dabbling (recreational use) in crystal meth for three years, and 99 times out of 100 my ROA was Intra-venous (IV). I've never before suffered any similar symptoms nor as concerning as my present symptom(s). I'm an IV addict of opiates (Dilaudid specifically) and I inject 5-10 times daily and I only take meth once or twice every 1-2 weeks.

It's been over an hour and the feeling is still there, and I presently have it lifted straight out @ 90 degrees (foot parallel with my ass on the chair I'm sitting on)