Advice needed on diy h detox... Lyrica vrsus DHC?


Feb 25, 2018
A few years ago I met the girl of my dreams and we very soon had a baby. Ever since our son my partner has made me out to be the enemy and was totally convinced I wanted to run away with our child. Nothing was further from the truth I wanted my family more than anything and saw me and my ex as life partners.From internet research these are typical symptoms of pnd, I wish doctors and midwives advised expectant mothers to possibly expect these feeling and maybe then couples with new babies may stand more of a chance of staying together. Anyway she dumped me in August 2016 and has stopped me seeing my son, the last time I saw him was last April. I've always dabbled with opiates, street heroin, pills etc. My break up hit me and is still hitting me hard and I'm in extreme emotional pain for the first time I've heavily leant on Heroin as an emotional crutch and I admit it has a hold on me properly. I didn't care it took the pain away and that was all that mattered, short term relief from my situation in the biggest stupour I could achieve. Since the break up my heroin use has increased from half a gram to an eighth of an ounce a day. I can't remember the last time I woke up and didn't smoke H straight away. It's taking it's toll on my chest, I struggle to smoke the first bag of the day, as soon as the smoke hits my lungs I get an uncontrollable tickle cough. Training myself to hold back coughs to keep the smoke in can't be healthy. I have to smoke quarter of a line at a time alternated with coughing up clear, sticky, mucous from deep in my lungs. Also lately going for a shit has become such a traumatic experience that I dread going every morning. Rock hard rabit droppings welded together that are so dense they won't give and have to be forced past my poor sphincter often causing excruciating pain and bleeding. I have recently improved matters this with prune juice and laxatives taken before bed. Anyway from being in a position to smoke 21 grams of st heroin every 7 days that source is no more and I am suddenly forced to get by on st gear 5-8 10 bags a day. I'm sick of it all now it's a ball and chain I don't need. I want to do a diy detox and the options I have are.... I have 16 Lyrica 300mg and have been reading online a rattle on these is a breeze 300-600mg a day for a week.I've tried 300mg before on day one and two and was to wrecked to notice withdrawl, my main worry is how many days on the trot will lyrica effectively mask withdrawl before I develop tolerance to them? I also have 120 30 mg dhc I could try 15 twice a day for day 1 then 14 twice a day on day 2 and so on. In both cases I would be using temazepam and diazepam at night to aid sleep of hopefully mogodon and zanax if I can get some. Does anyone think this is a plan or can anyone offer alternative advice? I just want to be comfortable as possible... Thanks for your time and I look forward to your replies.. Peace out
^Hey :)

Pregabalin will certainly help to mask some of the physical aspects of withdrawal as well as provide some mental relaxation too. Tolerance to the psychological aspects seems tobuild rapidly- within a few days, which can lead to dosage escalation- but there doesn't appear to be a huge tolerance build-up to the physical aspect. Be warned, pregabalin withdrawal is absolutely awful. You don't have too much so I wouldn't be concerned, but don't try and obtain more after the withdrawal period. It is a really awful experience.

I don't know much about DHC but I think its going to do very little due to the size of your habit. Lyrica may potentiate it to some extent though and it may be useful to you. Have you ever been able to taper down using heroin? I know it sounds crazy and impossible but is it an option?

Again, play it safe with the benzo's, there is probably no need for four different ones to be honest. Just use them briefly and sparingly. Is anyone living with you currently?

Keep us posted, let us know how you're doing :)
Hey there, in my experience, pregabalin (Lyrica) does help significantly to mask opiate withdrawal, but not entire. It does help a lot. The DHC will help a little too but I doubt it will help that much, and it's an opiate too as you know. Using it very short-term could help get off heroin, but be careful not to do it too long.

Honestly, this is what I would do. If you have any heroin left, do the smallest amounts possible with as much time between as you can stand, to reduce your tolerance somewhat, because then jumping off will be at least a little less painful. If you don't have any more now though, don't get more just for this. Then get some loperamide, it's the anti-diarrhea medication Immodium. Take 40mg. It 3-4 hours it should take effect fully, and for many people it does a lot towards masking opiate withdrawal symptoms. It lasts about 24 hours or so. It's dangerous for your heart to take these long-term and they'll create a dependence too, loperamide is an opiate but a strange one. If you can stand not to take anything else, then don't take anything else. If you can't stand it, then take some pregabalin on top of it. Wait until the withdrawals become too much to deal with again, and repeat this. Then as soon as you feel okay without, stop taking the loperamide and pregabalin. You can take a minimal amount of benzos for sleep only if really needed. You want to be really careful with the benzos, benzo withdrawal is far worse than opiate withdrawal so please, whatever you do, make sure not to take benzos too much and become dependent. The withdrawal lasts much longer and can actually kill you due to seizures, and make you psychotic. If you became dependent on benzos while trying to get off opiates, it would be so not worth it and you'd have to deal with something even worse to get off benzos.

Once you get past withdrawals, throw away the DHC and any other opiates you have to avoid rationalizing to yourself that it will be okay to take them.
^40mg of loperamide seems like a rather hefty dose, my friend, but I think your advice is excellent :)
^40mg of loperamide seems like a rather hefty dose, my friend, but I think your advice is excellent :)

Well yeah maybe start lower. For me, 40mg would provide relief but 30mg wouldn't really quite get there. But I've heard of some people having even 20mg help a lot.