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Adulterated Pill ***Warning*** 'Saints / Fleur De Lis'


Bluelight Crew
Jan 25, 2009
Hi Everyone,

Just a quick message to highlight an adulterated press going around that seems to be making everyone who takes them very ill.

Saints / Fleur De Lis also wrongly being called Adidas (probably by dealers)

If your not testing then simply AVOID


Several reports on them can be found



A guy I know just got saddled with a bunch of these, he suspects 2C-x based on eating one but personally I'm extremely skeptical, they sound like a particularly nasty pipe combo to me, or something even worse. His are reddish-orange, with white specks distributed unevenly throughout, and there's a certain amount of variation in size and shape within the batch (some have indents on the back, some are thicker than others, etc.) These are EXTREMELY suspect beans and should not be consumed under any circumstances.
^ I highly doubt they are anything like a 2cx compound. Out of all the reports about them on PR I would guess at a horrible piperazine mix. (probably a high dose mcpp pill)
a girl I know took 3 of the orange ones and went to the hospital, and some other person had a seizure at an event I was at.


stay away from these. you have been warned.
Alright lets open up the discussion, could these be the pills that hurt the kids at Cow Palace?
I've heard these are in the socal area, and with the country's biggest massive coming to town in a few weeks, everyone should be VERY aware of these pills. Would hate to hear of anything bad happening :\

Be safe!!
can someone provide more info on the Cow Palace situation.

Also these do look a little like the ADIDAS sign. I can see how someone can confuse the two signs especially if they don't know what the actual sign on the pill means. It's hard to just know that it is Saints/Fleur de Lis...its kind of a difficult sign. I can see how people might difficulties finding the pill. Maybe that was the intent of the makers...make a really shitty, dangerous combo and give it an odd/uncommon sign so that people have trouble finding it.

I hope everyone stays away from this shit. Who ever put these into circulation is not a very good person.
I think I may have been the first one to speculate that these might've been the culprit pills behind the problems at the Cow Palace, so I want to reiterate both my reasons for doing so and the fact that it is pure speculation and nothing more at this point.

I suggested this because I encountered a guy who was holding a couple of these on the east coast, who said that they had "come from San Francisco." He had eaten one several hours before explaining his situation to me, and he described intense psychedelia and some significant discomfort (although he noted that he was feeling little nausea and that he did not think it was similar to a piperazine experience he'd had in the past), and his coming-up period had not stopped accelerating since he had first started feeling it a couple hours previous. At some point, someone present mentioned something about how that batch of pills had allegedly been responsible for a death or two.

Seeing as how people don't die after taking pills all that often, I figured it was a reasonable point to raise here that these might've been the cause of the problem at the Cow Palace. But we don't know. From what I understand about the Cow Palace situation, the environment there was dangerous enough as it was, to the point that people could've gotten into serious medical trouble even with clean pills. Unless someone comes forward with an account of the Cow Palace incident that positively mentions these pills, we've got nothing to really go on (unless the toxicology results for the victim(s) come through somehow).

My friend who had a few of these (pale reddish, white specks distributed unevenly throughout) sent some to a friend for lab analysis. Active chemicals apparently included 2C-B and a chemical I didn't recognize the name of (BHP?) that supposedly potentiates 2C-B (might be a pipe variant of some sort?). He didn't get it in writing, just over the phone, and it was apparently not professional lab work, so I'm not 100% on this, but according to accompanying trip reports I've heard from him and a couple friends of his, it's likely enough (none of them had stomach issues or panic attacks or other telltale pipe symptoms).

Furthermore, apparently him and his friends have been having a really good time with them. He said he ate 6(!) last night and was "totally faced" but enjoyed himself (which makes me wonder, obviously, but at least tells me they're probably not severely toxic or unpleasant). Since I know that there's no MDMA in them, I'm tempted to try one (I rolled 2 weeks ago and plan to again in a couple weeks so I have no desire to eat any MDMA, but if this is 2C-x, I think I'll give it a shot next weekend and see if it's worth it to pick up any quantity of them).

More updates to come. The jury is still out.
100 percent of reports on these seem to point at them being VERY DANGEROUS, and 5 percent of the comments on those reports of very suspect users posting 2ci (suspect users on PR) as suspected content. i am a VERY VERY experienced PR member (not to toot meself off) and i know when all reports point to them being dangerous and theres few comments by suspect PR members stirring up thots about them being anything other than dangerouse means, those tabs are for sure bunk and those claiming 2cx are more than likely dealers. the effects these pills produce (from the reports ive read on them) i have experienced before at socal end of summer time massive 07, i bassically just layed in the gutter of downtown LA after taking these tiny pink macs. i layed in the gutter in my gfs lap hallucinating like i never had before, complete liquid world, melting, auditory distortion, auditory hallucination for real, like hearing one stage in one ear and another stage in the other and the stage that i cud hear loudest had DNBs historic scratch master headline it and let me tell u i luv him to death 2nd fav live act but his set made me trip so hard i hated it. hot to cold flashes to FREEEEEEEZING like ive never felt before or since, irritiability, unable to walk, double vision, my eyes were so crossed (actually hurt!!!)causing like pastel slow tripple vision (the pipe kind) i was so mad at everyone did know why and was having an awful time i just kept telling my group i need to leave i need to leave i need to leave but everyone else was on diff shit and we were so dumb back then just thot no pill could ever produce effects like that.

evil people put pills like this into cirutlation yea fo sho, but after that experience i never ate another pill that was untested.
Wow...http://www.contracostatimes.com/music/ci_15208228 This was the most legit thing I found on this cow palace Pop thing. And all n all considered this report gives way to the urban legend syringe at massives story :-/ And not to take away from the fact that there are some pills making kids sick (prolly a bad pipe mix) but we aint gonna really know shit about what happened to the guy who died from what ever drug/drugs he took until an autopsy report reveals what he did or did not take. The very real fact remains that the cops and the press are going to blame it on "XTC" not even having a clue that XTC is MDMA not hits from a meth pipe, chased with a line of blow, finally followed by some X pills that are or are not pipers.

I'm not saying that these pills in question in the OP are not bad. Looks like they are nasty pipers to me. But that is just a guess. My point is this Cow Palace Pop shit iz all speculaion and rummors.

Just my 2cent,

These are untested - they have been reported as causing major sickness.

All reports on these say they are adulterated and the majority of people are saying AVOID - lets face it IF these were something nice like a 2cx then the people would be making nice reports about them.