• Psychedelic Medicine

ADHD | +50 articles


Cannabis use benefits ADHD symptoms in adults, study

by Nathaly Pesantez | ADDitude | 20 Oct 2021

Adults with ADHD who use cannabis say the substance improves symptoms, medication side effects, and executive dysfunction, according to the findings of a self-reported study.

Many adults with ADHD who use cannabis report positive effects on symptoms and other benefits, according a new study published in the Journal of Attention Disorders1 that underscores the extent to which individuals with ADHD self-medicate with cannabis.

The study asked 1,738 adults aged 18 to 55 to complete an online survey about ADHD symptoms, cannabis use, and the perceived effects of cannabis on symptoms, medication side effects, and executive dysfunction. Most participants (87 percent) did not have an ADHD diagnosis, but roughly 25 percent of the sample met or surpassed the threshold for mildly symptomatic ADHD and reported experiencing ADHD-like symptoms.

Roughly three-quarters of participants with ADHD were also classified as cannabis users, and more than half of these participants explicitly reported that they have used cannabis to manage ADHD symptoms. In addition, about 17% reported that they had been prescribed ADHD medication.

The study found that about 92 percent of participants with ADHD who have used cannabis to manage symptoms report that acute cannabis use improves their symptoms overall. Of this group, about 80 percent report that cannabis improves hyperactivity; 46 percent report improvement in impulsivity; 88 percent say it improves restlessness; and 76 percent report improvement in mental frustration.

The same group also indicated that chronic cannabis use improves (35percent) or has no effect (37 percent) on their overall ADHD symptoms; 14 percent) said it worsens their ADHD symptoms.

Among participants who were prescribed ADHD medication, most report that cannabis improves rather than worsens medication side effects like stomach aches (21 percent) vs. 4 percent); loss of appetite (82 percent vs. 2 percent); headaches (38 percent vs. 10 percent); and mood (53 percent vs 11 percent).

Cannabis use frequency emerged as moderator of the associations between symptom severity and executive dysfunction. While findings mostly show positive, direct correlation between ADHD scores (symptom severity) and executive dysfunction, the strength of this relationship became somewhat smaller as cannabis use frequency increased, suggesting that more frequent use may mitigate some ADHD-related executive dysfunction. This finding surprised the authors, given the negative effects that cannabis use can have on executive functioning.

The study also showed significant correlations between symptoms of ADHD and frequency of cannabis use, as well as symptoms of cannabis use disorder (CUD), as determined by a self-reported scale. These findings align with prior literature linking ADHD with risk of cannabis use and CUD.

The findings, according to the authors, can provide clinicians with a better understanding of their cannabis-using patients with ADHD and the perceived benefits of the substance.

The authors listed the study’s retrospective self-reporting methods as a limitation, as these types of reports depend on memory (in itself potentially impacted by chronic cannabis use) and thus vary in accuracy. The subjective nature of the study could also mean that symptom improvement may be difficult to objectively verify.

The authors also suggest that cannabis might work to reduce the distress associated with ADHD symptoms, but not directly impact the symptoms. This theory is in line with previous research on cannabis for ADHD self-medicating; as cannabis doesn’t address the root issues underlying symptoms, users may feel compelled to use the drug more frequently, which increases the risk of developing cannabis use disorder (CUD).


1 Stueber, A., & Cuttler, C. (2021). Self-Reported Effects of Cannabis on ADHD Symptoms, ADHD Medication Side Effects, and ADHD-Related Executive Dysfunction. Journal of Attention Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1177/10870547211050949

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Mothers were diagnosed with hypothyroidism shortly before or during the early stages of pregnancy
were 24 percent more likely to have ADHD than children whose mothers did not have the diagnosis.

Reduced hormone supply in pregnant mothers linked to ADHD in their children

NYU Langone | Neuroscience News | 21 Oct 2020

Maternal hyperthyroidism may contribute to an increased risk of ADHD in their offspring.

Low levels of key, body-regulating chemicals in mothers during the first three months of pregnancy may interfere with the baby’s brain development, a large American study shows.

These chemicals, or hormones, are produced in the thyroid gland in the neck and are known to influence fetal growth. Investigators have suspected that disruptions in their production, or hypothyroidism, may contribute to attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder of children in the U.S.

Led by an NYU Long Island School of Medicine researcher, the new investigation showed that children whose mothers were diagnosed with hypothyroidism shortly before or during the early stages of pregnancy were 24 percent more likely to have ADHD than children whose mothers did not have the diagnosis. The authors say their findings also show that boys born to hypothyroid women were four times more vulnerable to ADHD than girls whose mothers had hypothyroidism. Hispanic children born to hypothyroid mothers had the highest risk of any ethnic group studied.

“Our findings make clear that thyroid health likely has a much larger role in fetal brain development and behavioral disorders like ADHD than we previously understood,” says study lead author Morgan Peltier, PhD. Peltier is an associate professor in the departments of Clinical Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Medicine at NYU Winthrop Hospital, part of NYU Langone Health.

Among the study findings were that once a pregnancy had reached the second trimester, a woman’s hypothyroidism had little effect on her children. A possible explanation, says Peltier, is that by this point, the fetus has begun to produce its own thyroid hormones and so is less vulnerable to its mother’s deficiencies.

The new investigation, publishing Oct. 21 in the American Journal of Perinatology, followed 329,157 children from birth until age 17, all born in Kaiser Permanente Southern California hospitals. It is the first large-scale effort in the U.S. to examine a potential link between a mother’s hypothyroidism and ADHD in her children, according to the study’s authors. The authors also note that unlike previous research in Europe, the new American study included people of diverse ethnic backgrounds and observed the children for nearly two decades. This long study period, lead author Peltier says, allowed the researchers to better capture cases of ADHD in the children as they aged and progressed through school.

As part of the new research, the team analyzed children’s medical records and collected key information about their mothers, including age during pregnancy, race, and household income. All children were evaluated for ADHD using the same criteria, which the authors say helped to prevent inconsistencies in how cases of the disorder were identified.

According to the findings, overall 16,696 children were diagnosed with ADHD. Hispanic children whose mothers had low thyroid hormone levels during pregnancy had a 45 percent increased risk for the neurodevelopmental disorder compared with a 22 percent increased risk in white children whose mothers had the same condition.

Peltier says his team’s results are strong enough to warrant careful monitoring of pregnant women with low thyroid hormone levels. He adds that children whose mothers had low thyroid hormone levels during pregnancy could potentially benefit from earlier surveillance for signs of ADHD, such as inattention, hyperactivity, and difficulty focusing on a task. Previous research has found that swift intervention can help manage ADHD and make it easier for children to succeed in the classroom and in learning social skills.

The study team next plans to investigate whether hypothyroidism during pregnancy can raise the risk of other neurodevelopmental disorders, such as epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and difficulties with speech. They also intend to explore other factors that may increase the risk of ADHD in children, such as exposure during pregnancy to environmental toxins like flame retardants found in upholstered furniture, electronic devices, and other household appliances.

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ADHD related to high-sugar intake, unhealthy diet*

by Örebro Universitet | Medical Xpress | 21 Oct 2020

There is a link between ADHD and dietary habits. This is shown in a new study by Örebro researchers, published in the American Journal of Medical Genetics.

"We can see a link between ADHD and a higher intake of sugar and saturated fats, but lower intake of fruit and vegetables," says Lin Li, doctoral student at Örebro University. Co-author of the study is professor Henrik Larsson.

Almost 18,000 twins aged 20 to 47 were included in the study via the Swedish Twin Registry. They have filled out a questionnaire on lifestyle and health.

Researchers found that both inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity are associated with dietary habits, these findings remained stable across age, sex and socioecological status. By using the unique and large adult twin sample, this study, for the first time, found that the two heritable traits might share some genes.

"We are exploring dietary habits and ADHD to obtain a better understanding of why there is an association. A better understanding may help us explain why individuals with ADHD are at increased risk for several somatic diseases, such as obesity. It may also generate new hypothesis for genetic research and treatment alternatives," says Henrik Larsson.

"The published study is the very first step to get a clear picture of how ADHD associates with dietary habits, we are not able to say this is a causal link, but the genetic connections of the two traits could provide evidence and support for future experimental and molecular researches," says Lin Li.

It is estimated that around 5% of children and 2.5% of the adult population may have ADHD, with around 70% of these caused by genetic factors. The mechanisms behind ADHD remain unclear, making it difficult to diagnose and treat.

*From the article here:
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Q&A: Diagnosing ADHD

by Mayo Clinic News Network | Medical Xpress | 10 Sep 2020

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am mom to two energetic boys, ages 5 and 8. A neighbor commented that my children must have ADHD. What is ADHD exactly and how do I tell the difference between a kid who just has a ton of energy and one who has a problem that needs to be addressed? Do I need an evaluation? Are there things that put a child at risk for ADHD?

ANSWER: Awareness of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, has grown significantly over the past 20 years. The number of children diagnosed with ADHD has grown substantially, too. There isn't one test that can diagnose ADHD definitively, but there are criteria that health care providers can use to identify this disorder.

Some people use the term ADHD casually for any child who can sustain high levels of activity for a long time or one who has trouble focusing on a task for long. But not all high-energy children have ADHD so it's wise to be cautious about labeling children with excess enthusiasm and children who may have trouble focusing, as having ADHD.

ADHD is a chronic condition that involves problems with inattention or distraction, and/or hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. But it's helpful to remember that most healthy people are occasionally inattentive, hyperactive or impulsive.

For example, it is normal for preschoolers to have short attention spans and be unable to stick with one activity. Even in older children and teens, attention spans can vary throughout the day. Young children also are naturally energetic. They often have plenty of energy left long after their parents are worn out. And some children simply enjoy a higher level of activity than others. Children should never be classified as having ADHD just because they are different from their friends or siblings.

A critical distinction between typical childhood behaviors and those of ADHD is that ADHD symptoms consistently and significantly disrupt daily life and relationships. Children with ADHD don't have it only in one environment. If a child has significant problems at school but is fine at home—or the other way around—something other than ADHD is going on. Two other key characteristics of ADHD behaviors are that they begin when a child is young (before age 12), and they last more than six months.

Children who have a parent or sibling with ADHD tend to have a higher risk of developing the disorder than children who don't have that family history. The same is true of children who experience a complex medical condition early in life. For example, children who were born prematurely tend to develop ADHD more often than other children.

Following are questions to ask when considering the possibility of ADHD. Is the child often easily distracted? Is he constantly on the move? Does he or she fail to think before acting, to the point that it raises safety concerns? And most crucial: Do issues with inattention, distractibility, impulsivity and hyperactivity significantly impair daily life?

If the answers to these questions are yes, then an evaluation with the child's primary care provider is in order. Assessing a child for ADHD involves several steps. The first is a medical exam to rule out other possible concerns, such as hearing or vision problems, or learning, language or other developmental disorders.

The health care provider also will talk with the child and the parents about the child's symptoms. Other family members, teachers, coaches or child care providers may be asked to fill out questionnaires about behaviors they regularly see in the child. This can give a more complete picture of the child's condition overall. Based on the information gathered, ADHD is diagnosed using guidelines developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychiatric Association.

If you're concerned a child's behaviors could signal ADHD, make an appointment for an evaluation. If ADHD is diagnosed, treatment can help control symptoms, making it easier for a child to manage and enjoy daily life.

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The damaging effects of cannabis on the ADHD brain

by Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D. | ADDitude Magazine | 26 Mar 2020

Cannabis use has grown in popularity among people with ADHD, some of whom report that it helps them manage symptoms of anxiety, rejection sensitive dysphoria, and poor sleep without a prescription medication. What many teens and adults do not realize is that cannabis consumption is associated with dangerous risks — like cannabis use disorder — that disproportionately affect ADHD brains.

Cannabis is used by a startling number of people with ADHD. Studies show that more than half of daily and non-daily cannabis users have ADHD, and about one-third of adolescents with ADHD report cannabis use. People with ADHD are also three times as likely as their neurotypical peers to have ever used marijuana.

As with other popular substances, cannabis is commonly abused. In fact, the risk of developing cannabis use disorder (CUD), a problematic pattern of cannabis use linked to clinically significant impairment, is twice as high in people with ADHD. Contrary to popular belief, individuals can be mentally and chemically dependent on and addicted to cannabis. Contemporary marijuana has concentrations of THC higher than historically reported, which exacerbates this. What’s more, the adverse effects of cannabis are especially amplified in people with ADHD.

What are the negative effects of cannabis?

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of cannabis’ active compounds, inhibits neuronal connections and effectively slows the brain’s signaling process. THC also affects the brain’s dendrite architecture, which controls processing, learning, and the overall health of the brain. Science has not yet fully determined whether THC’s effects are reversible; some parts of the brain show healthy neuronal growth after cannabis use stops, but other parts do not.

Short-term and long-term cannabis use also impairs:​
  • Motivation (hampering effect)​
  • Memory, especially in people under 25, by altering the function of the hippocampus and orbitolfrontal cortex, where much of memory is processed​
  • Performance on complicated task performance with many executive steps. Studies have shown, for example, that driving ability, even while not under the influence, can be impaired in regular marijuana users​
Cannabis use may also lead to the following health-related impairments:​
  • Chronic bronchitis​
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)​
  • Emphysema​
  • Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (characterized by severe bouts of vomiting and dehydration)​
  • Elevated resting heart rate​
Cannabis use may exacerbate disorders like paranoia, panic, and mood disorder. Studies have also found that increased cannabis consumption can uniquely contribute to elevating suicide risk, even when controlling for underlying mental health disorders, like mood disorder or anxiety. Individuals who begin regular cannabis use also exhibit more suicidal ideation, even when controlling for pre-existing mood disorders, studies show.

What is cannabis use disorder (CUD)?

Cannabis is addictive — 9 percent of people who use cannabis regularly will become dependent on it 8. This figure rises to 17 percent in those who start using cannabis in adolescence.

CUD can develop after extended cannabis use. It is diagnosed when at least two of the following occur within a 12-month period:​
  • Taking cannabis in larger amounts over longer periods of time​
  • Difficulty quitting cannabis use​
  • Strong desires or cravings to use cannabis​
  • Lots of time spent trying to obtain, use, or recover from cannabis​
  • Problems with work, school, or home because of interference from cannabis use​
  • Social or interpersonal problems due to cannabis use​
  • Activities given up or reduced because of cannabis use​
  • Recurrent cannabis use in physically hazardous situations, such as driving​
  • Physical or psychological problems caused or exacerbated by cannabis use​
  • Tolerance to cannabis​
  • Withdrawal from cannabis​
How does cannabis affect the ADHD brain?

Cannabis use impairs areas and functions of the brain that are also uniquely impaired by ADHD.

The substance’s negative effects are most harmful to developing brains. Many studies show that usage earlier in life, particularly before the age of 25, predicts worse outcomes. One study found that heavy marijuana use in adolescence was associated with a loss of 8 IQ points, on average, in adulthood. Another study found that people under age 18 are four to seven more times at risk for CUD compared to adults.

People with ADHD, whose brain development is delayed by slowly maturing frontal lobes, are thus more vulnerable to cannabis’ effects on neuronal connections. Some of these impairments may be irreversible.

Cannabis can also interact significantly with some ADHD medications. Research studies have shown that methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta) reacts significantly with the substance, and can cause increased strain on the heart.

Other studies show that the use of cannabis can decrease the effect of a stimulant medication. An individual trying to treat their ADHD with stimulants is actually placing themselves at a disadvantage, since the cannabis is impacting them negatively and making the medication less effective.

The increased risk of suicide associated with cannabis use further complicates marijuana among individuals with ADHD, who already face an elevated risk for suicide compared to neurotypical individuals.

What draws people with ADHD to cannabis?

Cannabis activates the brain’s reward system, and releases dopamine at levels higher than typically observed. In low-dopamine ADHD brains, THC thus can be very rewarding.

Many people with ADHD also claim that cannabis helps them focus, sleep, or seemingly slow the pace of their thoughts. One analysis of internet threads found that 25 percent of relevant posts described cannabis as therapeutic for ADHD, while 5 percent indicated that it is both therapeutic and harmful. Despite some users reporting short-term improvement in symptoms, there is currently no evidence that suggests cannabis is medically or psychologically helpful for managing ADHD in the long-term.

Cannabis’ increased availability and legalization have increased accessibility; many cannabis products are falsely marketed as medicinal for ADHD.

Also contributing to an increased likelihood of cannabis use and CUD among individuals with ADHD is the prevalence of low self-esteem, sleep problems, poor impulse control, and sensation-seeking tendencies in this population.

How is cannabis use disorder treated in people with ADHD?

There is no approved medication to treat CUD — treatment generally means teaching patients strategies to maintain sobriety. Treatment can include talk therapies, like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and participating in support groups like Marijuana Anonymous.

One small but insightful study looking at motivations to quit cannabis use in a group of adults with ADHD found that saving money was a major contributing factor 16. The same study found that the most common strategy for maintaining abstinence was breaking social connections with people who smoke marijuana.

Treating and targeting ADHD itself in a patient that has CUD is also essential. Stimulant medication can be implemented as part of ADHD treatment, and it is not considered a violation of sobriety.

How should a parent help a teen with ADHD who is using cannabis?

It’s normal for parents to experience a range of emotions after discovering that their child is using cannabis. The initial gut reaction or emotion is understandably anger and disappointment, but it’s best to release these feelings prior to engaging in conversation. Any dialogue with teens must be done in a controlled, calm way — teens will not listen to parents who are yelling and blurting out things they will later regret.

Seeking consultation with a doctor, pediatrician, or therapist who has experience in substance abuse can help, especially for parents who are struggling with their owns feelings and reactions toward their child.

The next step is for parents to educate themselves on cannabis and how it can be appealing. Parents should try to proactively see what their child might be experiencing, and why they might have turned to the substance. When the conversation does start, parents should work deliberately not to shame their child, and instead focus on understanding their child’s experience on cannabis.

Parents should calmly ask questions like:​
  • “I found this and I’m concerned, but I’d like to know what the appeal of this is for you?”​
  • “What does this do for you?”​
  • “How did you feel the very first time that you did this?”​
While parents are encouraged to have calm and thoughtful conversations with their teen, they should also set boundaries and consequences for substance use to remind their child that it is not acceptable. Without shaming, parents must establish rules that discourage substance use, especially in the household.

Many parents will say that they would rather have their child smoke in the house than outside with others. But this mentality doesn’t stop teens from smoking or using anywhere else. Instead, allowing at-home use communicates a sense of permission associated with substance use.

If teens say they are simply experimenting, they should know that experimentation can quickly turn into something more dangerous. Parents should inform them that teens with ADHD are at higher risk for addiction. Teens should also be aware, if they aren’t by this point, of any family history of addiction, which also has a genetic component.

Placing limits on smoking can create some backlash. Teens and young adult may be so gripped by the substance they they are willing to lie about using it to parents. Parents should approach their child if they suspect they are using, even after rules are in place, but should keep in mind that this substance, like any, can have people not always be truthful. That’s very different from thinking that their child can’t be trusted and is a liar.

Children should be reminded that they are loved and that their health is most important. Smoking marijuana doesn’t mean that parents have failed or that they’ve done a bad job with their children. There’s a terrible stigma on addiction surrounding character and morality — it’s important to remember that teens aren’t using drugs because they are bad people. Very, very good people are addicted to substances or experiment with them.

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Microdosing LSD to boost attention*

by Liam Davenport | Medscape | 2 Oct 2020

Microdosing with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is associated with improved mood and increased attention, early research suggests. However, at least one expert believes it's far too soon to tell and warns against endorsing patient microdosing.

In a dose-finding exploratory study, three low doses of LSD were compared with placebo in healthy volunteers who were all recreational drug users. Adjusted results showed that the highest dose boosted attention and mood, although participants were aware of psychedelic effects, prompting researchers to conclude the results demonstrated "selective, beneficial effects."

"The majority of participants have improved attention," study investigator Nadia Hutten, PhD, Department of Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology, Maastricht University, the Netherlands, told Medscape Medical News.

"So we think that patients with attention deficits might have more beneficial effects," she added, noting her team plans to study LSD microdosing in patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The study was presented at the 33rd European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Congress, which was held online this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Growing interest

Over the past 10 years there has been growing interest in psychedelic microdosing, which is defined as a dose that aims to enhance mood and/or performance but does not affect perception.

However, there has been considerable debate over what constitutes a "microdose." One tenth of a "full" psychedelic dose is typically suggested, but users report a much wider dose range in practice, suggesting potential "individual variation in response to low doses," the researchers note.

In the current dose-finding study, the researchers explored whether the effects of LSD on cognition and subjective measures differed between individuals.

The study included 24 healthy recreational drug users and compared the acute effects of 5 µg, 10 µg, and 20 µg LSD with placebo on a computer-based psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) that measured attention and on a Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST).

Participants also completed the 72-item Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire, a visual analog scale (VAS) on mood, and the 94-item 5-Dimensional Altered States of Consciousness Rating scales (5D-ASC).

Unadjusted results showed that the 20 µg LSD dose significantly reduced correct substitutions on the DSST vs placebo (P < .05), but had no effect on attentional lapses on the PCT or on positive mood on the POMS.

Correcting the DSST score for the number of total responses revealed no dose effect of LSD. This suggested that participants were no less accurate when under the influence of LSD, even though they encoded fewer digits, the researchers note.

Participants also reported that both the 10 µg and 20 µg dose of LSD increased subjective experiences on the VAS and alternated states of consciousness on the 5D-ASC compared with placebo.

After stratifying the results by dose and participant, the effect of LSD differed between individuals. For example, both the 5 µg and 20 µg doses were associated with improvement in attention on the PVT (P < .05), but not the 10 µg dose.

These results also indicated that the 20 mg dose was associated with a significant increase in the correct number of substitutions on the DSST and with a significant increase in positive mood on the POMS (P < .05 for both outcomes).

"The findings suggest that future studies in patient populations with impaired attention are needed, including biological parameters involved in LSD receptor-binding and metabolism, in order to understand the inter-individual variation in response to LSD," the investigators noted.

In an educational session at the meeting, the study's lead researcher, Kim Kuypers, PhD, associate professor at Maastricht University, said research shows individuals are already self-medicating with psychedelic microdosing to treat a wide range of mental health problems, and rated it as significantly more effective than conventional therapy at alleviating symptoms and improving quality of life.

Nevertheless, Kuypers noted there have been fewer than 20 published placebo-controlled studies examining psychedelic microdosing in humans — and much of the current evidence is anecdotal.

However, there is some clinical research suggesting that low-dose LSD is associated with improved mood and cognitive performance and that it also has an effect on resting-state amygdala functional connectivity and acutely increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor plasma levels.

"Furthermore, the evidence in healthy volunteers thus far suggests microdosing is safe," said Kuypers.

*From the article here :
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In people with ADHD, melatonin levels rise later in the evening than they do in people who
do not have the disorder.

Does sleep deprivation cause ADHD? A new study says maybe

by Linda Carroll | TODAY

Could lack of sleep be an underlying cause of ADHD? Maybe, a new study suggests.

Many people with ADHD have biological clocks shifted ahead, causing them to fall asleep later and get less sleep overall.

Researchers have found that many people with ADHD, or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, have problems with their biological clocks, causing them to fall asleep later and get less sleep overall.

The evidence lies in levels of melatonin, a hormone that sparks our urge to sleep. In people with ADHD, melatonin levels rise later in the evening than they do in people who do not have the disorder, according to a report presented at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Conference in Paris.

Most people with ADHD tend to fall asleep later than people without the disorder, which leads to less sleep time overall, said the study’s lead author, Dr. Sandra Kooij, an associate professor of psychiatry at VU Medical Center in Amsterdam. "That sleep loss," Kooij said, "seemed to increase the severity of ADHD symptoms."

An estimated 11 percent of children between 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And, as of 2011, approximately 6.1 percent of children were being treated with an ADHD medication, according to the CDC.

If Kooij is right, it’s possible that-non drug treatments — like light therapy, for example — might at least mitigate symptoms in some people diagnosed with ADHD.

That theory is not farfetched, experts say. Researchers have seen evidence in other brain diseases, such as bipolar disorder, that straightening out the biological clock can improve symptoms, said Brant Hasler, a circadian rhythm expert who has looked at the impact of sleep on a variety of psychiatric disorders, including ADHD. Hasler is unaffiliated with the new research.

"In fact," Hasler said, "several small studies have suggested that light therapy not only corrects the biological clock but also diminishes ADHD symptoms."

For the new report, Kooij collected saliva samples from 52 adults with ADHD and 52 who did not have the disorder. She found the rise in melatonin was delayed by an hour and a half in those with ADHD.

The connection between ADHD and the biological clock may be through the neurotransmitter dopamine, which tends to be in short supply in people suffering from the disorder.

“The stimulant medication that is effective in ADHD increases dopamine levels in the brain,” Kooji said.

Dopamine is considered a day hormone in our bodies; melatonin is the opposite, activating at night, inducing sleep.

"So here we are getting closer to understanding how daytime dopamine, which is low in ADHD, and delayed melatonin function at night may be two sides of the same coin.”

"While it may help overall to get more sleep, the timing of when you sleep also matters,”
said Chris Colwell, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and director of the Laboratory of Circadian and Sleep Medicine.

Resetting your body clock

"The good news is changing habits can often help you get your biological clock reset in order to get better rest, and perhaps to improve ADHD symptoms," Colwell said. He suggests the following:​
  • Dimming the lights earlier in the evening.​
  • Exercising earlier in the day.​
  • Eating a small meal for dinner.​
  • Forgoing the use of electronic devices as you're winding down.​


Psychedelics as a Potential Treatment Option for ADHD (part 1 of 3)

Thesis by Iva Totomanova | Utrecht University | August 2020

Psychedelic drugs have recently gained popularity among both recreational and scientific communities, and some preliminary research suggests they show promising results when used clinically. Microdosing, which features the use of sub-threshold doses to achieve therapeutic effects rather than a "trip," may also lead to significant improvements in some psychological disorders. One such disorder, which this paper considers in detail, is ADHD-a rather prevalent and persistent dysfunction in attention, impulsivity and excessive motor activity. The aim of the paper is to review the, unfortunately still scant, evidence considering microdosing psychedelics for the treatment of ADHD. Indeed, preliminary evidence points to psychedelic microdosing's beneficial effects on ADHD patients, and even mentions some who have voluntarily and successfully switched their stimulant medication with psychedelic microdoses. The paper also found theoretical matches between dysfunctional neural mechanisms and behavioral manifestations in AHD and the subjective and neural effects of psychedelics. Microdosing these substances may even be safer and possibly more effective than both macrodosing them, and current ADHD medication. The paper concludes that rigorous research on psychedelics' effects on brain and behavior, as well as their application to the treatment of ADHD is warranted, but also necessary to draw any firm conclusions about microdosing's relevance.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent disorders worldwide, starting around age 5 and continuing well into adulthood. It affects patients’ ability to function efficiently in everyday life, to pay attention and be productive in academic and work settings, and maintain goal-directed motivation. In addition, cognitive disturbances in terms of attention and memory, as well as emotional and mood disruptions, and impulsivity are involved. Current pharmacological medications for ADHD, although effective for addressing the symptoms of the disorder, have a lot of unpleasant side effects which are not always tolerable for all patients. Thus, alternative medications or treatment options are warranted, and the current paper proposes one such option in the face of psychedelic drugs.

The aim of this paper is to compile a review of the possible utilization of psychedelics for the treatment of ADHD. More specifically, the research question this paper will consider is whether psychedelics are a viable treatment option for ADHD and whether microdosing these substances should be considered in this disorder. The paper will focus on one sub-class of psychedelics, called classical psychedelics, which includes LSD, DMT, and psilocybin. It includes research done on all of these classical psychedelics, as they work through almost identical mechanisms in the brain. Because research on the use of psychedelics as a medicine for ADHD is limited, a more indirect route is taken to answer the research question. The paper starts by reviewing ADHD, focusing mainly on its relevant neural and chemical mechanisms, and briefly considers its current treatments, as well as the need for development of new treatment options. Then, it discusses psychedelics as a possible alternative treatment for ADHD, considering possible connections between them in terms of their subjective effects, as well as their mechanisms of action in the brain. The paper argues for a correspondence between the neural deficits experienced by ADHD patients and the brain mechanisms of psychedelic drugs in general. It also considers some research conducted on patients, as well as some of the potential concerns of psychedelic macrodoses. Following the discussion on safety, the paper introduces the concept of psychedelic microdosing as a potentially safer route of administering psychedelics that greatly limits the possible negative outcomes of macrodoses. Finally, the paper discusses some preliminary evidence from microdosing on both healthy participants and ADHD patients, which might suggest a role of these substances in treating the disorder.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is defined in the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders as a neurodevelopmental disorder that features “a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.” Inattentive symptoms may include having difficulty focusing and maintaining attention on tasks, being easily distracted or forgetful, being neglectful of details and having difficulty organizing work or belongings. On the other hand, hyperactivity-impulsivity can manifest itself as frequent fidgeting, running or climbing, feeling restless and having difficulty staying seated, excessive talking, and frequent interruption of others. The DSM also stresses that in order to be characterized as part of ADHD, the symptoms must directly interfere with one’s social activities or daily functioning at school and/or in the workplace. Symptoms of inattention or impulsivity should not be limited to only one setting, such as only at home or only when surrounded by peers, to exclude any context-dependent causes. In addition, the symptoms presented should not be merely the expression of developmentally normative opposition or inability to carry out or process cognitive tasks. It is also important to note that typically, ADHD is associated with some form of impairment of cognitive or academic performance, learning and memorization, and executive functioning,as well as some delays in cognitive and motor development. However, these should not stem from another learning or mood disorder.

ADHD is a prevalent disorder, and according to the DSM-V, 5% of children and 2.5% of adults suffer from ADHD worldwide. It is important to note however, that despite these estimates, many researchers express their frustration at the DSM criteria for ADHD diagnosis, and blame it as a reason for the underestimation of the prevalence for adult ADHD. Indeed, the disorder typically begins in childhood, with an age of onset between 4 and 7 years of age, and some symptoms must be present before the age of 12 for a formal diagnosis of ADHD. However, despite ADHD being most prevalent amongst children and adolescents, with the symptoms gradually lessening with age, this does not necessarily mean that they disappear altogether and that adults with ADHD are not impaired. In fact, about a third of all children with ADHD maintain the disorder into adulthood. In adults, motor and hyperactivity symptoms are usually not present, however cognitive impairments such as difficulties with planning, attention and impulsivity endure.

Structural brain impairments in ADHD

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, and its behavioral manifestations are caused by underlying structural deficits in dispersed brain areas, mainly in frontal regions and the basal ganglia. The frontal cortex is mainly involved in higher-order functions such as attention and working memory, learning and motivation, as well as planning and decision-making, which seem to be impaired in ADHD. The basal ganglia, on the other hand, is Mostly involved in behavioral and motor control, as well as in planning and controlling movement and learning, which might contribute to the hyperkinetic and impulsive behaviors seen in ADHD patients. A review of MRI studies in children with ADHD found converging evidence from the literature that children suffering from the disorder have significantly smaller brain volume globally, including reductions in the size of the frontal and prefrontal cortex, and the basal ganglia. Brain volume seems to be correlated with severity of ADHD symptoms, as smaller sizes increase symptoms of inattention or hyperactivity. The prefrontal cortex (PFC) in particular is considered the center for executive control of behavior, cognition and emotion, and is also involved in more complex tasks like reasoning and adhering to social norms. The caudate and the putamen, are also more specifically involved in learning and goal-directed behavior, with the caudate being responsible for more flexible and adaptable behavior, while the putamen plays a role in simpler habits and stimulus-response associations. Impairments in these regions may contribute to the learning and self-control difficulties encountered by ADHD patients. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies also show structural connectivity abnormalities in white matter tracts in both adults and children. Albeit limited, evidence from DTI studies points to an overall reduction in the volume of white matter in ADHD patients, which can be seen in a wide network of brain areas, including frontal and basal ganglia regions, the PFC and parietal areas. Some researchers also suggest that since white matter abnormalities are mostly seen in neural circuits which usually develop late, this dysfunction in structural connectivity may reflect a maturational delay in ADHD patients, however this idea still needs to be researched more.

In addition, longitudinal studies point to the fact that ADHD features a delay of about 2 to 5 years in structural brain development, especially in the cortical thickness and surface area of frontal and parietal regions, among others. This is presumably connected to the delay in neuronal branching, followed by a delay in pruning and myelination in ADHD. The parietal cortex is involved in sensory processing, as well as in allocating attention to certain sensory stimuli, and spatially localizing them. Impairment of these functions is likely to lead to inattentive or impulsive symptoms, as seen in ADHD patients. Structural deficits in prefrontal cortex and parietal regions seem to persist in adulthood, although basal ganglia abnormalities generally normalize with age. Overall, there appears to be a delay in the maturation and development of the brain in ADHD patients, with some cognitive functions taking longer to develop compared to healthy controls. These “lags” seem most pronounced in frontal regions, which are associated with exerting conscious control over other brain functions, including response inhibition, foresight into the future, and self-regulation. Frontal lobe functions usually develop later in adolescence in healthy people, however in ADHD patients, this “natural lag” is delayed even further, and these important control functions take even longer to fully mature. It has been suggested that structural delays and disruptions in brain circuits in ADHD may be linked to genetic factors involved in the disorder.

Functional brain impairments in ADHD

ADHD also features deficits in relevant neural functions, such as executive functioning, inhibition of response, and motivation to avoid delay. More specifically, ADHD is thought to primarily manifest itself in deficits in the so-called “cool” executive functions, which include response inhibition, maintenance and redirection of attention, and working memory. In contrast to “cool” functions, ADHD also features dysfunctions in “hot” executive functions, including reward processing and motivation. This classification of the deficits suggests that both top-down and bottom-up functions are involved in the disorder, which correspond to the “cool” and “hot” categories of Rubia et al. (2014).

Research suggests that deficits in “cool” functions could be linked to dysfunctions in dispersed areas in the brain, including the frontal and parietal cortex, and the basal ganglia. Attention tasks in adults with ADHD reveal that they seem to engage the left inferior and dorsal prefrontal cortices (PFCs) less strongly than healthy controls. Meta-studies confirm the reduced activity in parietal and prefrontal regions in attentional tasks, and also show lower activity in the posterior basal ganglia. As for working memory tasks, ADHD adults had less activity in the inferior prefrontal and also in parietal regions. Studies on impulsivity via timing tasks point to a decreased activation in the left timing network, which spans the left inferior frontal cortex and left parietal lobe, among others. This study also found that ADHD causes increased activation in the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), which is part of the brain’s default mode network (DMN). Other researchers also argue for the addition of impairments in the DMN as a specific deficit in ADHD patients. The DMN represents a widely distributed set of interconnected brain regions, including the ventral and dorsal medial PFC, the PCC and the precuneus, which seem to be involved in “doing nothing” and are most active when at rest. Their activity also seems to decrease when performing a task, and thus the DMN is thought to be involved in self-referential thinking and to represent the baseline activity of the brain. In addition, the different brain areas that comprise the DMN play an important role in connecting different cortical regions and thus allow for fast and efficient communication between neurons. Heightened activity in these brain areas is usually associated with negative outcomes, such as depression, anxiety and pessimism, as well as lack of concentration and fewer cognitive resources for carrying out tasks. Increased activity in the DMN in ADHD patients might contribute to excessive mind wandering, and thus, deficits in attention.

“Hot” executive functions, like motivational and reward processing, are thought to represent more “bottom-up” processes and involve different brain regions than “cool” functions - namely, they rely on limbic and paralimbic structures. The limbic system is mainly involved in emotion response and regulation, social cognitions, and memories, especially those associated with emotions. It comprises many distinct brain areas, but those more specifically proposed to be involved in ADHD are the amygdala and its connections to the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), contributing to the impaired social cognitions and behavior seen in patients. In addition, hippocampal changes in terms of an increased volume, are also present in ADHD patients, and may reflect deficits in memory and learning. Meta-studies confirm that for these types of “hot” functions, both adults and children with ADHD tend to show dysfunctions especially in the striatum, amygdala, and the OFC. Several other functional MRI studies have found lower activation of the ventral striatum in ADHD patients and some ROI research points to the role of the OFC and the limbic system, however these results are not confirmed by whole-brain analyses. Studies on another arguably “hot” function, emotion processing, suggest hyperactivity of the amygdala and left PFC in ADHD patients, however the results in the literature are inconsistent.

Research has also demonstrated that there are differences in functional connectivity in patients with ADHD, Which suggests that rather than having dysfunction in isolated brain areas, ADHD patients have impairments in more widespread networks. During rest, there appears to be reduced communication between hubs of the DMN, especially between the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the PCC. ADHD patients also seem to have reduced functional connectivity both within DMN regions and between the DMN and fronto-parietal circuits. As also mentioned above, dysfunctions in the DMN may contribute to inability to concentrate one’s attention on particular stimuli due to excessive mind wandering. During response inhibition and working memory tasks, there also appears to be reduced activity between regions in the inferior frontal cortex and the basal ganglia, the PFC and ACC, and parietal regions. It is also possible that deficits in functional connectivity in ADHD patients correspond to a maturational lag in brain development, and thus are similar to activity levels seen in younger healthy people. This theory, however, has not been properly researched.

EEG studies report differences in theta and beta brain waves between ADHD and healthy controls. Theta waves are part of the slow-activity of the brain and are seen mostly when one is feeling drowsy, is detached from the external world and is focused inward, while beta waves correspond to a more heightened activation and are present when one is active, attentive, and engaged with external stimuli. A recent review of the ratio between theta and beta waves in the EEG signal (the theta/beta ratio, or TBR) in ADHD patients revealed that even though this may not be a reliable measure for diagnostic purposes, a large proportion of ADHD patients do have problems in their TBR. The review pointed out the numerous studies that have found an increased contribution of theta waves to the EEG signal in children with ADHD, and another EEG study confirmed this and further associated this change in activity with an accompanying decrease in beta activity. Thus, these differences in brain waves may offer an explanation of the ADHD brain as continuously hypoaroused. One of the most popular ADHD medications, methylphenidate, has been shown to specifically decrease the contribution of theta waves to the EEG signal in ADHD patients. In fact, it has been proposed that methylphenidate’s therapeutic efficacy is correlated with how much of a decrease in theta waves there is after administering this medication. Some studies show that the higher the theta activity in a certain subgroup of individuals with ADHD is prior to treatment, the better the clinical response of these people to methylphenidate will be. This may seem paradoxical at first, but suppressing theta waves from cortical areas (signals from which are measured by EEG) which are already involved in inhibition and control of other brain areas, will only increase the inhibition and ultimately result in decreased activity. Moreover, this may be accompanied by an increased voluntary control over behavior, as stimulants support the action of higher-order cortical areas for the control of brain and behavior.

Neurotransmitter systems involved in ADHD

Some research also points to the involvement of dopamine in ADHD and proposes that dopamine dysfunctions play a role in the lack of motivation and reward anticipation seen in ADHD. Indeed, dopamine has important functions in learning and memory, especially as pertaining to motivated goal-directed behavior and learning with reinforcement. More specifically, dopamine acts to “mark” neutral stimuli as important following a rewarded response to them, which in turn enhances motivation for this behavior and is able to create a habit. Dopamine does not only play a role in the learning of associations, but also for memorizing them. Thus, it is possible that any dysfunction in this system would likely cause ADHD-like symptoms. Tripp and Wickens even proposed the so-called dopamine transfer deficit (DTD) theory of ADHD, which proposed that ADHD may arise from an altered sensitivity to reward. According to the theory, in an early learning phase when there is a cue predicting reinforcement for a neutral stimulus, dopamine cells fire in response to the stimulus and this dopamine response is transferred to the cue that predicts this reinforcement. In this way, the person learns to associate the cue with the later reward, so in a later learning phase, dopamine cells would fire in response to the cue only. However, in patients with ADHD, this transfer of the dopamine signaling from the rewarding stimulus to the cue predicting is impaired. This culminates in a delayed reinforcement, leading to difficulty learning. In addition, dopamine also has motor functions, including learning of motor skills, execution of movements and the formation of motor memories. Given the motor symptoms of ADHD, although those are generally decreased in adulthood, psychedelics might be beneficial in relieving excessive movements and hyperkinetic symptoms in patients.

Another monoamine, norepinephrine, has also been implicated in the disorder, and evidence from both animal and human studies point to the possible causal role of norepinephrine in ADHD. Norepinephrine may be involved in motor hyperactivity, attention, and other cognitive mechanisms, so it is conceivable how dysfunctions in this neurotransmitter system can lead to ADHD symptoms. Other research has pointed out the possible involvement of serotonin in ADHD as well. Although there is limited research in serotonin dysfunctions in ADHD, serotonin does have functions in motor activity, impulsivity and attention, for example by attributing an appropriate level of importance to stimuli. Dysfunction in serotonin transporters has been suggested as an underlying cause of some ADHD symptoms. It is also possible that serotonin and dopamine systems interact in ADHD by directly affecting the receptors at the neurons, or indirectly via intermediate neurons.

Treatments for ADHD

The first-line of treatment for ADHD is pharmacological, and usually consists of stimulant medication, such as methylphenidate (Ritalin) or amphetamines (Adderall). These medications are thought to exert their therapeutic effects by blocking dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake and in turn, increasing activity in fronto-striatal regions. Both acute and chronic administration of stimulants seems to be associated with neuroprotection and normalization effects of the activity of the inferior frontal cortex and the striatum. In addition, structural deficits, such as cortical thickness and volume, are also increased through stimulants, which may act to further diminish symptoms. An imaging study using functional MRI compared the effects of methylphenidate on a response inhibition task in ADHD, as compared to healthy participants. ADHD children on methylphenidate showed enhanced behavioral responses, as well as a widespread increase in activation across the left inferior and middle frontal gyrus, the inferior parietal lobule, the ACC, the cerebellum and the caudate nucleus. ADHD adults, on the other hand, did not have increased activation in frontal regions, but still showed increased activity in the caudate nucleus. Interestingly, there was a decrease in activity in ADHD adults compared to controls in the inferior parietal lobule and the middle frontal gyrus. Thus, it appears that methylphenidate is a beneficial medication for children with ADHD, but may not be that effective in adults. This is also supported by the apparent normalization of the TBR in ADHD with increasing age, which seems to be an important factor for the therapeutic efficacy of methylphenidate. Pharmacotherapy, or a combination of pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments seems to be the first-line treatment of ADHD in adults. The authors argue that psychostimulant medication can be likened to a “bottom-up” mechanism of treatment, as it targets mainly to symptoms, whereas psychotherapy, for example cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is more “top-down”, as it targets underlying functional deficits and requires active participation from the patient. Combining these two approaches provides the patient with a supportive framework in which to explore, identify and work on managing their issues. Stimulant medication also seems to be very effective for short-term treatments and reduce core symptoms of ADHD in about 70% of patients, as well as behavioral responses. Nevertheless, meta-analyses of longitudinal studies have shown poor efficacy of chronic stimulant administration, which is confirmed by neurochemical findings of increased dopamine transporters in these patients. This may lead to the brain adapting to the stimulant medication and eliciting a structural modification of brain areas which were continuously activated by these substances and thus, its beneficial effects may decrease over time. For example, a Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD showed that after 24 months, ADHD children treated with methylphenidate still showed improvements, but they were smaller than 10 months ago. At 36 months, medication-related differences were no longer evident. However, these differences in effectiveness may have arisen because after the 14th-month mark, the study became observational and participants could choose and manage their own medications. This may have caused a reduction in adherence to and thus, effectiveness of, the treatment. It is also important to keep in mind that stimulants do not cure ADHD, but merely treat the symptoms associated with it, which may lead to long-term use of and dependence on these medications. In addition, treatment with stimulant medication may have unwanted side effects in children, such as loss of appetite, height and weight reductions, sleep problems and insomnia. Less frequently, stimulants may increase blood pressure and heart rate, which in turn might aggravate pre-existing cardiovascular issues. Moreover, suicidal ideation may also be a potential side-effect of pychostimulant medication. Adults seem to show similar adverse effects, including headaches, decrease of appetite and insomnia. In up to 30% of ADHD patients, stimulant medication either does not have the desired effect, or the side effects can not be tolerated. Therefore, although current pharmacological treatments are effective, alternative medications for ADHD are warranted.

Parts 2 & 3 follow below...​
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Psychedelics as a Potential Treatment Option for ADHD (part 2 of 3)

Thesis by Iva Totomanova | Utrecht University | August 2020

Psychedelics as a Potential Alternative Treatment

Macrodoses of psychedelic drugs can refer to a wide range of doses, all of which are above the threshold for a psychedelic “trip.” This is usually the intended effect of ingesting psychedelics, and so macrodosing is the most popular way to administer these substances. These macro, or supra-threshold, doses can produce various perceptual, emotional and cognitive effects, and these vary with the exact dose taken, as well as other factors. Perceptual effects may include sensory intensification, open and/or closed-eye visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and altered somatosensory perception. Psychedelic use may also induce intense emotional effects, which are usually positive and often characterized by euphoria, uncontrollable laughter and a sense of empathy and connectedness. Generally, psychedelics broaden one’s emotional spectrum and increase conscious access to and control of emotional states. ADHD patients also suffer from some emotional dysfunction, mainly connected to their emotional control and impulsivity. Thus, psychedelics might be able to help in this domain and increase patients’ affective self-control. Changes in cognition include a disruption of linear thought patterns and increases in creativity, unusual associations and attribution of meaning to stimuli. These substances are also associated with cognitive flexibility, openness and problem-solving, which seem to persist for some time after the experience is over. There appears to be a link also between the subjective cognitive effects of psychedelics and the symptoms experienced in ADHD. Therefore, psychedelics seem promising to help patients restore some of their cognitive functions. High doses of psychedelics may also act to “transport” the user in an alternate dimension, accompanied by a feeling of not being in one’s body. This is connected to the so-called ego dissolution or ego death experiences, which include a loosening of the boundaries between oneself and everything else. These experiences are usually connected to positive clinical outcomes. Lower doses also affect the ego, and may act as to increase insight into one’s patterns of cognition, behavior, and emotion. Increasing insight into one’s own dysfunctional thought and emotional patterns might help patients with ADHD deal better with their disorder, and may aid them in leading a more functional life.

Neural Mechanisms of Psychedelics in Relation to ADHD

Structural brain effects of psychedelic drugs Psychedelic drugs can affect gene expression by activating certain genetic sequences. In this way, these substances are able to produce more long-lasting and structural changes in the brain. This stands in contrast to stimulants’ weak effects in the long-term. In addition, the structural deficits seen in ADHD may arise because of genetic factors affected by the disorder, so the effects of psychedelics on promoting the expression on certain gene sequences may be beneficial in counteracting these deficits. For example, long-term use of DMT has also shown structural changes in the brains of psychedelic users expressed in terms of an increased cortical thickness in the ACC, and a decreased cortical thickness in the PCC. The ACC is involved in attention and cognitive control, so greater cortical thickness there might suggest an enhancement of cognitive function. The PCC, on the other hand, is part of the DMN and is responsible for directing one’s attention inwards, so decreased cortical thickness in this region would also suggest potential benefits. The ACC is reported to have reduced volume in ADHD patients, so psychedelics’ ability to increase ACC volume may counteract some of the symptoms of the disorder.

Some research has found that psychedelics are able to increase the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which supports neurons’ growth and differentiation, as well as dendritic growth. Altered BDNF activity may also be implicated in the development of ADHD, as it leads to impairment in the dopaminergic system. Thus, BDNF restoration might be a possible mechanism for psychedelics to exert therapeutic effects in ADHD patients. In addition, chronic administration of LSD was able to increase the transcription of immediate-early genes that promote neural plasticity, including the plasticity and long-term potentiation. A study by Ly et al. demonstrated that like amphetamines, psychedelics are also able to promote structural plasticity and increase the number of dendritic spines of neurons in the PFC. Unlike amphetamines, however, psychedelics are capable of also increasing the density of dendritic spines of PFC neurons. ADHD patients, who also suffer rom reduced gray and white matter in frontal and prefrontal regions, as well as a maturational delay in the PFC, may be positively aided by treatment with psychedelic substances.

Functional brain effects of psychedelic drugs

Brain imaging studies reveal that administration of psychedelics acts to decrease activity in certain brain areas, especially those high in 5-HT2A receptors. Several studies report more complex actions of these drugs in that they are able to recruit various types of cells after activating excitatory cells with 5-HT2A receptors, including inhibitory interneurons and glial cells. These cell populations are usually found in the medial PFC and the somatosensory cortex. Frontal and parietal regions are also involved in ADHD dysfunctions, so psychedelics’ action in those brain areas might be of relevance for the disorder. Psychedelics may specifically act on the cortio-striatal-thalamic-cortical (CSTC) feedback loops, which are especially involved in learning, memory and the gating of sensory information. The CSTC spans frontal, striatal and other basal ganglia structures, which appear to be impaired in ADHD. The CSTC itself has also been suggested to be implicated in ADHD, as it is involved in executive functions, and in regulating both cognitive and emotional responses. Since the CSTC consists of both frontal and basal ganglia structures, it is involved in both “cool” and “hot” executive functions. The fact that psychedelics specifically target the CSTC might suggest that these substances may be able to provide relief from both categories of symptoms (“cool” and “hot”) and thus, treat ADHD more holistically. Several studies also suggest that psychedelics are able to affect limbic regions, such as the amygdala and the hippocampus, where they generally act to diminish activation. More specifically, decreases in amygdalar activity induced by psychedelic substances reduce fearful reactions from negative stimuli, and may be beneficial in treating mood disorders. ADHD patients also show dysfunctions in limbic regions, especially the amygdala, as pertaining to the “hot” executive functions. The disorder is thought to feature a hyperactivated amygdala, which might be normalized by psychedelic substances which are reported to decrease activity of these regions. Other studies by Vollenweider have found that psilocybin increases activation of frontal regions, including the ACC, the inferior and superior parietal cortices, and the striatum. Functional MRI studies using psilocybin reveal decreased activation especially in the PCC and the medial PFC and reduced coupling between those two areas. The study by Lebedev et al. (2015) also found decreased functional connectivity between the PCC, the retrosplenial cortex (a part of the DMN) and the parahippocampus during rest. This decrease in activation is thought to correlate to ego-dissolution experiences and to allow an unconstrained and flexible cognition. These two areas are part of the DMN, which is usually hyperactive in ADHD patients also. Thus, psychedelics’ effect of decreasing DMN activity might prove beneficial in restoring the balance of brain activity in this network in ADHD patients.

Psychedelics are also able to produce changes in brain waves, as measured by EEG, and those studies also show evidence for the possible compatibility of psychedelics and ADHD. Regardless of the specific psychedelic compound, all classical psychedelics are able to decrease alpha and theta activity, while simultaneously increasing beta activity. Thus, psychedelics are able to decrease the slow-wave activity in the brain and increase fast oscillations, essentially activating the brain, much like stimulants do. Theta waves are abnormally high in children with ADHD, while beta waves are relatively low, and thus psychedelic drugs might be able to reduce this irregularity. Decreasing such slow-oscillations in the brain is also a mechanism through which some stimulant medications exert their clinical effects in ADHD patients, which could act as a further argument for the suitability of psychedelics, at least for children.

Neurotransmitter systems involved in psychedelics

Psychedelic drugs have an agonistic action on the 5-HT2A receptor, which allows them to easily bind to serotonin receptors and mimic serotonergic effects. The distribution of serotonin receptors in the brain sheds light on the subjective effects produced by psychedelics. For example, 5-HT2A receptors are concentrated in cortical regions, specifically in those responsible for higher-level cognition and perception, and especially in pyramidal neurons of layer V in the PFC. These pyramidal neurons are responsible for the main output load of information from the cortex to other, lower, cortical or subcortical regions, which may explain these drugs’ powerful effects on cognition and perception. Neurons that are activated by psychedelic drugs are thought to comprise a small population mainly in the medial PFC and the claustrum, which are involved in attention and memory. More specifically, the claustrum contains a lot of projections to brain regions such as the cortex and the hippocampus, and its high level of connectivity may act to organize and coordinate information from discrete networks, especially from cortical to sub-cortical regions. Research has also shown that chronic administration of psychedelics leads to a downregulation of the 5-HT2A receptor - a mechanism thought to account for the rapid tolerance that one can develop towards these substances. This mechanism, however, can also underlie some of the therapeutic effects of psychedelics, as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) also work through downregulating these receptors, and some mental disorders, such as obsessive compulsive disorder, feature a dysfunctional upregulation of these receptors. In addition to a decrease in serotonergic receptors, repeated exposure to psychedelics can lead to persistent long-term increase in the expression of dopaminergic receptors. Therefore, chronic administration of psychedelics might constitute a therapeutic effect that might be relevant for ADHD patients, which also have dysfunctions in dopamine systems.

Although all classical psychedelics are able to bind to the 5-HT2A receptor with relatively high affinity, these substances can also attach to other serotonergic receptors and can also exhibit dopaminergic and adrenergic activity. For example, activation of serotonin receptors can result in increased dopamine in the brain, particularly in striatal areas. These changes in dopamine may contribute to the euphoria and ego dissolution effects seen from psychedelics, which might increase ADHD patients’ conscious access to their own dysfunctional cognitive and emotional patterns and thus, ‘correct’ their behavior. Psychedelic drugs, like LSD, have also been shown to have high affinity to bind to dopamine receptors in the brain. This might suggest a possible role of psychedelics in the treatment of ADHD, or at least for the improvement of some cognitive symptoms experienced by patients. The DTD hypothesis, which states that ADHD patients have a reduced ability to learn due to a delay in dopamine’s function to associate a stimulus with a reward, may be a plausible explanation of ADHD symptoms, or at least point to an important role of dopamine in this disorder. Thus, psychedelics’ dopaminergic action may prove to be beneficial in relieving some ADHD symptoms. Thus, although primarily serotonergic, psychedelic substances can also directly or indirectly affect other monoamines, which may converge with neurotransmitter systems involved in ADHD, as it features dysfunctions mostly in noradrenergic and dopaminergic receptors. Some studies also suggest a role of serotonin in ADHD dysfunction, which could provide a further route for the potential therapeutic effects of psychedelics in the disorder.

Many of the serotonin receptors that are activated by psychedelics are situated on glutamatergic neurons, so a change in glutamatergic activity is also present. There appears to be an interaction between serotonin and glutamate in prefrontal areas, as a result of classical psychedelics, and these substances are able to exert strong effects on both networks. More specifically, activation of 5-HT2A receptors is associated with an increase in activity of the layer V neurons, which is thought to result in an increase in glutamatergic network activity and increases in synaptic activity in NMDA, AMPA and metabotropic glutamate receptors. Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and is responsible for communication between different, separate, brain areas. Increasing the activity of it, for example by using psychedelics, may result in greater network integration and global functional connectivity in the brain. The reduced level of activity in the brain in ADHD patients, primarily in frontal areas and their numerous connections to limbic and other regions, may possibly be aided by psychedelics through this glutamatergic mechanism. Glutamate is also associated with learning and memory, and more specifically with encoding information, memory consolidation and recall, and communication between neurons. Glutamate may also be involved in long-term potentiation and long-term depression, as well as in synaptic plasticity. This mechanism of action might also constitute a possible route of psychedelics’ therapeutic effects in treating ADHD, as patients with the disorder have difficulty in learning and impaired memory processes. Reduced functional connectivity in ADHD patients may also benefit from the glutaminergic action of psychedelics.

Research into macrodoses of psychedelics

Some empirical research of psychedelics exists that finds promising results for macrodosing psychedelic substances for a wide range of psychiatric disorders and psychological functions. Some of these studies also hint at a possible connection between psychedelics and ADHD, suggesting that these substances might be potentially applied to this disorder as well. For example, a study on psilocybin’s effect on OCD showed that it is effective and well-tolerated, and another confirmed its long-term benefits for personality disorders. Other studies found LSD and psilocybin to be an effective treatment for end-of-life anxiety in patients with terminal cancer, as well as an effective treatment for addiction. Imaging studies using fMRI have also been carried out, showing that psilocybin administration combined with psychotherapy seems effective for treatment-resistant depression. Anxiety and depressive disorders, OCD, substance abuse and personality disorders, as well as a disrupted mood regulation, are often comorbid with ADHD (DSM-V), so psychedelics’ apparent effectiveness in treating such disorders might prove to be beneficial in ADHD patients, especially those with comorbid psychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, there is no research to my knowledge assessing the effectiveness of psychedelic macrodoses specifically for the treatment of ADHD.

Safety of psychedelic macrodoses

The general use of supra-threshold psychedelic doses might result in unwanted effects, including triggering of psychotic states or increased feelings of anxiety or fear and an increased heart rate during the trip itself. After the experience, the user might have perceptual distortions or visual flashbacks, but these usually subside with time and are not serious. A specific risk associated with psychedelic use, especially the use of LSD, is the chance of development of hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD). HPPD involves the spontaneous re-experience of flashbacks or visual distortions that are characteristic of the psychedelic state without having any of the substance in one’s body, which cause significant distress to the patient. Despite these risks, the prevalence of psychedelics-induced psychoses or HPPD is relatively low and they might be triggered by the impurities in the drug, or an improper set and setting, more so than the actual psychedelic substance itself. In addition, the prevalence of HPPD is very low in recreational users and even less in therapeutic settings, and psychedelics rarely lead to psychotic symptoms. It is not clear how HPPD might affect ADHD patients specifically and whether it might worsen their attentional deficits. However, it is conceivable that having persistent perceptual distortions might further decrease ADHD patients’ ability to function in everyday life, complete tasks, and concentrate on their work.

Nevertheless, psychedelic drugs are one of the safest classes of psychoactive substances, as they can not cause death or overdose. Even at very high doses of LSD, people have survived after appropriate medical treatment, and without any lasting negative effects. Despite having some effects on dopamine, classical psychedelics are not considered addictive and their use is not physically rewarding. For example, animals can not be trained to self-administer psychedelic drugs. Another study reported no adverse effects of psychedelics on the brain and the body and confirmed the non-addictive nature of these substances. It concluded that serious side effects resulting from psychedelic use are rare. Indeed, research has shown that psychedelics have negligible effects on the body, even at very high doses, and most adverse effects are psychological in nature - for example, one can have a “bad trip” or feel anxious for the duration of the “trip.” If adverse somatic effects do occur, they usually do so in only a small subset of individuals, and do not persist in the long-term.

It is also important to note that the psychedelic experience depends very much on the proper set and setting of the user. The subjective effects of psychedelics may vary a lot from person to person, and the experiences are usually tailored to the particular individual ingesting the substance. The exact experience depends on the user’s own psyche, their expectations of and intentions towards the substance, and the specific place, time and potentially other people that are present in the surroundings. In certain cases, for example, psychedelics have been known to induce intense feelings of anxiety or paranoia, but most studies point out that negative effects will be greatly diminished if these external variables are taken in consideration. It is important to use macrodoses of psychedelics in structured settings where one can be guided by more experienced users or psychotherapists, and have an appreciation and proper preparation for the experience. It is also important to be in an environment that is comfortable and relaxing and where the user feels safe. A psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy for ADHD, where patients have sessions where they take psychedelic macrodoses as a part of their psychotherapy, may be a good alternative for mediating proper set and setting, but it is not a “quick” option, and would require expensive training and development of proper protocol. Even if realized, this option would probably still be difficult to implement and only be applicable for adults with ADHD, so a large portion of patients would be excluded. It is also possible that the effects of psychedelic macrodoses are not necessarily dose-dependent, as virtually all effects have the potential to occur on any super-threshold dose. This makes macrodoses not always predictable and potentially dangerous when prescribed to patients if not assisted by a psychotherapist, for example, and thus not very applicable for prescription similar to current ADHD medications.

Part 3 follows below...​
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Psychedelics as a Potential Treatment Option for ADHD (part 3 of 3)

Thesis by Iva Totomanova | Utrecht University | August 2020

Microdosing Psychedelics as a Potentially Safer Route to Psychedelic Treatment for ADHD

The above mentioned safety concerns are reported for super-threshold doses of psychedelics, and most adverse effects occur in very high dosages. Therefore, one would expect that the practice of taking very small psychedelic doses to result in even less negative effects and to be reasonably safe. Indeed, sub-threshold doses of psychedelics might result in less side effects than macrodoses of these substances, or none at all. For example, the negative psychological effects associated with “bad trips” and the mental illnesses that sometimes are triggered by those are unlikely to occur on psychedelic microdoses. Importantly, HPPD requires a “trip” experience and since psychedelic microdoses do not elicit such a state, they are not able to induce these kinds of symptoms. This makes microdosing psychedelics relatively safer and thus, possibly more suitable for therapeutic use.

Microdosing involves the ingestion of very low doses of psychedelic substances, which do not produce the typical “trip” experience associated with psychedelic use. These doses are considered below the threshold for a “trip” and thus, are referred to as sub-threshold doses. Since microdosing does not feature the same “trip” experience as full doses of psychedelics do and does not disrupt normal daily functioning, it might be better suited to be used as medicine. Kuypers et al. (2019) define the term ‘microdosing’ more specifically as the chronic use of sub-threshold doses that do not affect normal functioning with the goal of improving one’s health, cognition or emotions. The exact dosage used depends on the specific substance, but is usually between one tenth and one twentieth of a full recreational dose. For example, a microdose for psilocybin is less than a gram, while for LSD it is between 10 and 20 micrograms, and about 6 milligrams for DMT. The frequency of administration of microdoses is important, as it is relatively easy to build tolerance and there might also be residual effects of the microdose on the next two days. The most famous microdosing schedule is the one developed by James Fadiman and it entails one or two days of dosing, followed by two days of non-dosing. Other approaches involve dosing every weekday and not dosing on weekends, or dosing every other day, however the Fadiman protocol is considered the best schedule.

Unlike macrodoses, a microdose should not be able to produce any kind of a noticeable high and should only have minimal effects. These do not include so much perceptual or sensory effects, like psychedelic macrodoses do, but more subtle effects on cognition and emotion. Even though higher doses of psychedelics may sometimes result in a reduction in performance on attention and working memory tasks, this is not the case for microdoses. In fact, some researchers claim that microdoses may enhance cognitive performance, concentration and creative thought, leading to increased productivity and a reduction in the cognitive resources needed to perform cognitive tasks. This might in turn, increase the resources available to deal with stressors and has been reported to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. These potential beneficial effects on emotion and cognition might also be useful for ADHD patients, who also have similar deficits. In addition, although microdoses of psychedelics do not usually produce most of the typical subjective effects associated with psychedelic use, they still might work through similar neural mechanisms. In fact, researchers point out that there is no reason for psychedelic microdoses to affect different receptors in the brain than macrodoses. This also suggests that microdosing these substances may also affect largely similar brain areas as macrodosing them, as these are the regions rich in receptors for which psychedelics have an affinity. Because psychedelics activate a relatively small and specific population of neurons in the brain, small amounts of these substances may act on the same neurons and thus, create similar patterns of neural activity as psychedelic macrodoses. Although longitudinal research is lacking, it is possible that microdosing these substances may produce long-lasting neural effects, especially with chronic use. Repeated exposure to sub-threshold psychedelic doses may lead to structural changes in the brain similar to those reported from psychedelic macrodoses, as well as similar changes in the expression of dopaminergic and serotonergic receptors. Thus, the neural mechanisms of psychedelics described in Chapter 2 may also be applicable for sub-threshold doses of the substances, at least to a certain degree. Nevertheless, the exact workings of psychedelic microdoses in the brain are not yet clear, and more research is needed to understand their specific neural mechanisms.

Research into microdoses of psychedelics

Recent research has suggested promising effects of psychedelic microdosing. One of the first placebo-controlled studies by Hutten et al. (2020) administered 3 different doses of LSD (5, 10 and 20 micrograms) to 24 healthy recreational drug users. The researchers measured participants’ cognitive function via a battery of attention, working memory and overall executive function tests. Additionally, mood changes and perceived drug effects were also measured. They found that the medium microdose (10µg) was able to increase subjective feelings of productivity and showed minor cognitive improvements. The highest dose (20µg) was able to positively affect participants’ mood and attention, however when more complex cognitive strategies were warranted, this dose actually impaired performance. It is important to note that 20µg is considered the threshold dose for a psychedelic “trip”, and it may not display the intended effects of microdosing. The researchers also found individual differences in participants’ performance at different doses, which might have arisen because the optimal dose likely varies with each person. Perhaps participants would have experienced more beneficial effects if they had ingested a personalized amount. Nevertheless, the apparent effects on cognition and attention seem promising for further investigation, and might potentially be relevant for treatment of ADHD patients, who show similar dysfunctions. Another placebo-controlled study also found dose-related subjective effects across 6.5, 13 and 26 micrograms of LSD in a sample of 20 healthy adults. They administered each dose once weekly and measured cognitive function and working memory, mood and social exclusion, and creativity. At the medium dose (13µg), the only statistically significant result was in the number of increased attempts at the creativity task, however the highest microdose (26µg) was also able to produce additional effects on mood by increasing feelings of vigor. There were no other significant effects on cognition, so the researchers concluded that microdosing does little to enhance cognitive performance. It is possible that Bershad et al. (2019) were not able to find significance in these measures because they did not adhere to the Fadiman protocol for administering microdoses. Participants in their study were dosed once a week, which may have been too little, as microdosing relies on the cumulative effects of the substance and so it requires repeated exposure. Another double-blind placebo-controlled study administered 5, 10 and 20µg of LSD to 48 adults and measured participants’ time perception. The study found significant distortions in reproduction of timing intervals that exceeded 1 second. Because of this apparent specificity of the results for particular time intervals, the authors suggested that these effects might be mediated by a system that is responsible for more general cognitive functions, like attention and working memory. If this is true, it might undermine a possible role of microdosing psychedelics in treating ADHD, as patients also have impairments in attention and working memory functions. Moreover, Rubia et al. (2014) report timing deficits in ADHD patients, which are connected to dysfunctions in the left timing network in the brain. It is possible that these timing dysfunctions might be exacerbated by psychedelics, which might weaken the argument for the applicability of psychedelic drugs for ADHD.

Polito and Stevenson (2019) performed a systematic survey study on microdosers and their beliefs about the effects of microdosing. They observed 98 microdosing participants who ingested a dose once every 3 days for 6 weeks and provided daily ratings of their psychological state. The results of this study showed reductions in self-reported stress and negative mood, a decrease in distractibility and mind-wandering, as well as an increase in absorption of information and general psychological functioning. In addition, the researchers found that participants’ beliefs about the effects of microdosing were not associated with the observed outcomes. Proper placebo studies are warranted, however, to confirm these results. This study also found that the beneficial effects of microdosing had limited residual effects on the following days and were not very well maintained in the long-term. However, Polito and Stevenson (2019) relied on self-reported information and did not include a control group, so they might not have been able to detect any sub-perceptual effects. Nevertheless, this study points to valuable information about the administration of psychedelic microdoses - the fact that participants’ eliefs had no effect on the actual outcomes points that set and setting are not crucial for psychedelic microdoses, which already eliminates a big factor that can potentially lead to negative experiences. It also reveals important information about frequency of dosing and the interplay between the limited longevity of the effects of psychedelic microdoses, and the rapid tolerance that develops from these substances. Perhaps a different schedule than Fadiman’s is optimal for some people, and this is an important factor to keep in mind when considering psychedelic microdoses as medicine. Other qualitative studies have also shown benefit of icrodoses of LSD for self-reported enhancement of mood, concentration, energy and cognition. There are also reported increases in creativity of psilocybin truffle microdoses via enhancing divergent and convergent thinking processes. The latter study found no effects on fluid intelligence, suggesting that psychedelics might affect creativity independently of more general cognitive processes, however, this was in the absence of a control group. Albeit qualitative, these studies also point to possible cognitive benefits of psychedelic microdosing, and a possibility to improve productivity and attention, as well as mood. Taken together, accumulating evidence from recent studies point to potential therapeutic applications of microdoses in ADHD patients.

Anecdotal and preliminary experimental evidence of microdosing for ADHD

Unfortunately, there isn’t any experimental research testing microdosing psychedelics in patients with ADHD. Non-scientific articles and case reports describe promising, and in some cases even life-changing, benefits of microdosing psychedelics for ADHD. One such case report describes how microdosing has helped ameliorate one adult’s ADHD symptoms and quit his stimulant medication. Mike reports that after an initial LSD trip, which he firmly believes cured him of his disorder, he began microdosing every other day. Since then, he feels that he is more calm and focused, has an overall better attitude, and is better able to control his ADHD. Further, Mike reports that unlike stimulants, microdosing does not result in the same “crash” and exhaustion, tolerance, or “come-down”. According to him, microdosing has helped him learn to control his own brain and use it in the way he wants to, which has helped him stop his stimulant medication all together. Another case study, that of Marcel, features a similar story - after a long time of taking stimulant medication, Marcel was forced to stop taking them because of the unpleasant side effects he was experiencing. He reports that microdosing has helped him develop his self-efficacy and self-control, and without magically curing him, he believes they have helped him learn how to live a better life. Yet another case study talks about a man who has been taking ethylphenidate for more than a decade to treat his ADHD until he started feeling he was losing his identity and turning into a “zombie.” He believes that after a certain point, stimulants no longer produced the beneficial effect. Then, in a remarkably similar fashion to the former case studies, he decided to take a full dose of psilocybin, which he also believe cured his ADHD and allowed him to take control over his brain for the first time. Ever since, he has been microdosing with mushrooms and finds that it helps him deal with his ADHD and makes him a more positive person. Psychedelics also aided him in coming off stimulants without experiencing the usual withdrawal effects. Another ADHD sufferer who successfully used microdosing to combat his disorder pointed out that although he does think that psychedelics are an effective option, they are highly dependent on one’s conscious efforts to correct one’s behavior. As promising as these case reports sound, it is important to keep in mind that these are not empirically tested, so the accuracy and validity of the information provided by the users has not been confirmed by more sound methods.

Preliminary anecdotal evidence suggests that there is, indeed, a connection between ADHD and psychedelics. In an open microdose self-report study, Fadiman and Korb (2019) followed microdosers for a month and found that some participants had an interest in microdosing because they wanted to relieve their ADHD symptoms or to boost productivity, attention or creativity. Most of them reported benefits in these domains, and some even substituted their prescription stimulant medication for microdosing and found that psychedelics did not produce the side-effects associated with stimulants. More specifically, psychedelics did not lead to the same energy “crash” as stimulants do. The authors argued that although psychedelics work through different neurotransmitters than those primarily involved in ADHD, they still act as stimulants, which might account for the positive effects on cognition. The same study also found improvements in mood in both healthy and depressed participants, as well as reports of increased energy, productivity and effectiveness at work among microdosers. An online survey on forum users reported a higher prevalence of ADHD among those participants that microdosed compared to the general US population, suggesting a potential role of psychedelics as a treatment option for ADHD. Another study using an online questionnaire targeted microdosers’ ratings of the effectiveness of microdosing for treatment of mental disorders, as compared to that of more conventional treatment options. The study found that microdosing was rated as significantly more effective than orthodox treatments, and post-hoc analyses revealed that this effect was specific to ADHD and anxiety disorders. The authors suggested that a possible reason for this is that microdosing does not produce the unwanted side effects, such as a “crash” as most conventional medications do, and also does not require daily ingestion, which potentially further reduces side-effects, as well as costs. A review of the use of cognitive-enhancing drugs reports the use of psychedelic microdoses to enhance productivity, cognitive performance, and concentration. The review also mentions the use of these drugs by ADHD patients in conjunction with their prescription medication in order to reduce the stimulant dose, and thus the adverse effects, without reducing the benefits. It is also interesting to mention that the Marine Corps Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Enterprise (MCISRE) has expressed interest in microdosing as a potential performance enhancing drug (PED), and has suggested that the cognitive benefits from microdosing, combined with the much lesser degree of negative side effects compared to other PEDs, might constitute an advantage for these types of substances. More specifically, Albayrak (2019) mentions psychedelics’ superiority over other stimulants and ADHD medication for enhancing cognition. In addition, Albert Hoffman, the creator of LSD, proposed that low doses of this classical psychedelics might act as an alternative to Ritalin. James Fadiman himself, who is dubbed the “father” of microdosing research, is also reported to have said that psychedelic microdoses might be an “extremely healthy” substitute for Adderall in a Rolling Stone interview. Taking all this preliminary research in consideration, it is safe to say that microdosing psychedelics seems a promising way to treat symptoms of ADHD, and might even be superior than current ADHD medication. Nevertheless, this is only anecdotal research, and more rigorous experimental evidence is necessary for these suggestions to be confirmed.

Safety of psychedelic microdoses

Some studies cite adverse side effects of microdoses of psychedelic drugs in some users. An observational microdosing study found slight increases in neuroticism and experience of negative emotions in microdosers, which they explained as part of a general increase in emotionality and an enhanced ability to recognize and process negative emotions. Another interview study reported that some microdosers experienced negative effects when microdosing, such as problems sleeping if taking the dose too late, accidentally taking a low supra-threshold dose and not being prepared for the “trip” that ensues, or feelings of anxiety and overstimulation. Some of the participants in this study also reported feeling uneasy over the fact that there is still little research into the effects of microdosing, especially in the long-term. Some of these negative experiences, however, might be greatly diminished if the participants followed a more structural approach that is prepared by a physician or researcher, and not by themselves. Identification and administration of a personalized, optimal microdose might also be important for the achievement of the desired therapeutic outcomes. An online questionnaire study in self-microdosing participants found that about one fifth of the participants reported unwanted side effects, which generally occurred only while under the influence and only about 3% of subjects reported these negative effects to last for several more days. When experiencing both physical and psychological side effects, some participants decided to stop microdosing, however this was not the case when only one of these types of side effects was seen. Moreover, the authors could not cite a cause for these side effects and suggested that they might be the product of higher than usual doses, or an impure substance.

Another more practical concern is that these substances are still illegal in a lot of parts of the world, and most users can only get them from the black market. This also means that they can not be sure whether they are actually getting the substance they want without a testing kit. And even then, the purity of the substance and the percentage of active ingredients still remain unknown, which might contribute to some unexpected negative effects.

Animal studies paint a concerning picture, however. A study done in rats that administered 0.16 mg/kg of LSD every other day for at least three months reported persistent negative effects on behavior, including aggression, hyperactivity and anhedonia, which lasted for weeks after microdosing stopped. The authors concluded that chronic administration of this psychedelic might lead to schizophrenia-like symptoms, so perhaps any ADHD patients who also have vulnerability towards developing psychotic disorders should steer away from psychedelic medicine. It is debatable, however, whether this dose constitutes a microdose for the rats and is comparable to a microdose in humans, and also whether an animal model of psychedelics is comparable to effects seen in people. Similar negative results have not been reported for psilocybin, so perhaps this psychedelic drug will be more suitable for therapeutic purposes than LSD. Another potential safety concern of chronic use of psychedelics is a possibility of cardiac valvulopathy due to the repeated activation of the 5-HT2B receptor in the heart. Some existing medicines derived from the ergot fungus have shown this side effect and have even been withdrawn from the market because of this. Nevertheless, no adverse effects on cardiac activity have been reported so far in the literature about microdosing psilocybin or other non-ergotamines, which again points to the greater suitability of psilocybin compared to LSD. It is important for such studies to be countered in order for psychedelic research to continue, so a closer look into these potential negative effects is crucial for the future of psychedelic medicine. Unfortunately, research is still in its infancy, and proper safety measures need to be taken when administering psychedelic microdoses for clinical or therapeutic purposes. Monitoring and advice by medical professionals and psychotherapists is highly recommended to ensure a fruitful experience, where the therapeutic effects are enhanced and the side effects are minimized.


The current paper aimed to review and try to find a connection between the behavioral and neural effects of microdosing psychedelic substances and the dysfunctions experienced by ADHD patients. As the disorder is quite prevalent in the population, and current medication still results in a lot of unpleasant side effects in a lot of patients, it is important to find new treatment options for ADHD, and one such potential alternative comes in the face of psychedelic drugs. ADHD manifests itself primarily in cognitive and emotional deficits (DSM-V, 2013), while psychedelic drugs have powerful effects on emotion and cognition and are able to enhance cognitive performance and increase conscious access to and control over one’s emotions, decisions and thought processes, which seems beneficial for counteracting ADHD’s symptoms. Moreover, psychedelic drugs seem to affect widely distributed networks in the brain, including mainly frontal, parietal and basal ganglia regions, as well as limbic areas - brain areas that are known to be affected by ADHD, suggesting a potential match in the effects of these substances and dysfunctions of the disorder. Moreover, psychedelics seem to generally increase brain activation, which is usually decreased in ADHD patients, but simultaneously decrease the activity of the DMN, which is usually increased in ADHD, suggesting yet another match between the mechanisms of action of the disorder and psychedelics. While dopamine and norepinephrine are mainly involved in the development of ADHD, serotonin is part of the primary route through which psychedelics exert their effects. Nevertheless, connections between neurotransmitter systems are also evident, as both are able to affect all monoamines directly or indirectly. In addition, some preliminary anecdotal evidence suggests not only that healthy volunteers receive cognitive and emotional benefits from microdosing, but that it also helps ADHD patients deal with their disorder and decreases their symptoms. Some ADHD patients even report substituting their prescription medication for microdoses of ADHD and still experience therapeutic effects without the many side effects elicited by stimulants.

In addition, psychedelics in general are relatively safe, and their potential for abuse or adverse effects is greatly diminished by decreasing dosages. Thus, microdosing psychedelics seems to not produce any serious significant side effects, nor does it lead to addiction, and if used in a structured, medical setting, their unwanted effects might be practically non-existent. Compared to more orthodox stimulant medication, psychedelics also seem to have more long-lasting effects, and almost none subjective effects, so they appear to be suitable for chronic use without disrupting normal daily functioning. However, more rigorous research is needed to better understand psychedelic microdosin’s effects on brain and behavior before making any firm conclusions about their safety or efficacy. Psychedelic drugs also don’t seem to produce the same unpleasant “crash” after use, unlike stimulants do, which has led to some ADHD patients using microdosing to self-medicate for their disorder, with positive results. Therefore, microdosing psychedelic substances seems to be a promising new therapeutic avenue that may also bring about desired therapeutic outcomes in ADHD patients.

Nevertheless, there are limitations concerning the methodology of the current studies of microdosing psychedelics, which might undermine their validity and reliability. Most of the studies using psychedelics, and also most of those mentioned in this paper, use relatively small samples, which decreases their power to detect any significant effects. Individual differences are also a problem, especially with small samples, as a lot of research suggests that the psychedelic experience is largely individual and depends on subjective factors. In this line of thought, it is also likely that what is considered the “optimal” beneficial microdose is also highly individual, and it might take time before one finds what works best for them. Not only the dose, but the requency and pattern of ingestion might also make a difference, but studies are not consistent in their microdosing schedules. These all might lead to a high degree of variance in studies, reducing the ability of studies to find meaningful effects. In addition, most of the studies that use surveys or questionnaires rely on self-selected samples of drug users, who probably have more experience with recreational drugs and thus, their opinion might be biased. This might also decrease the ecological validity of studies, as the samples might represent a specific subset of the population that is qualitatively different than the more general population. Another concern about the generalizability of the results might be that the neuropsychological tests that are done in a laboratory setting might not translate well to real-life situations which demand cognitive functioning, especially for patients with ADHD. In addition, there is a general lack of research in this field, and most studies that do exist are not proper double-blind controlled experiments, but rather rely on qualitative and anecdotal evidence from users.

In addition, all speculations presented in this paper need to be verified by experimental research. Rigorous empirical evidence for the effectiveness of these drugs is missing, and the conclusions made are yet to be confirmed by controlled clinical trials on ADHD patients. Future studies in this field should consider conducting randomized placebo-controlled studies to objectively assess the safety and effectiveness of psychedelic microdoses, and compare them to current pharmacological treatment for ADHD. In addition, it may be of interest to look into how to combine microdosing with psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, to ensure the proper set and setting that is so important for the psychedelic experience. Another important consideration for future studies is to better research the possible side effects of psychedelics in the long-term, as well as conduct quantitative longitudinal studies to objectively assess the longevity of their desired effects. Despite the lack of conclusive evidence, the current state of the literature convincingly suggests that there indeed is clinical value in psychedelic substances for treating ADHD, and it is worthwhile to pay closer attention to the potential therapeutic application of microdosing for this disorder.

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FDA OKs first new ADHD drug in over a decade for children

by Linda Johnson | Medical Xpress | 6 Apr 2021

U.S. regulators have approved the first new drug in over a decade for children with ADHD, which causes inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

The Food and Drug Administration late Friday OK'd Qelbree (KELL'-bree) for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children ages 6 to 17. It comes as a capsule that's taken daily.

Unlike nearly all other ADHD medicines, Qelbree is not a stimulant or a controlled substance, making it harder to abuse than older drugs. That's been a problem with earlier ADHD treatments like Ritalin, nearly all of which contain the stimulants amphetamine or methylphenidate.

Qelbree, developed by Supernus Pharmaceuticals of Rockville, Maryland, carries a warning of potential for suicidal thoughts and behavior, which occurred in fewer than 1% of volunteers in studies of the drug.

Supernus wouldn't disclose the drug's list price, but it's sure to be higher than the many cheap generic ADHD pills.

ADHD affects about 6 million American children and adolescents. For many, problems include trouble paying attention and completing tasks, fidgeting and impulsiveness.

Experts say the drug may appeal to parents who don't want to give their child stimulants.

It also could be an option for kids who have substance abuse problems, dislike the side effects of stimulants or need additional therapy, said Dr. David W. Goodman, director of Suburban Psychiatric Associates near Baltimore and an assistant professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Goodman said most ADHD patients taking medication currently are prescribed long-acting stimulants, which are harder to to abuse to get a high than the original, fast-acting versions.

In a key late-stage study funded by Supernus, 477 children ages 6 to 11 took the drug for six weeks. Inattention and hyperactivity symptoms were reduced by about 50% compared to the placebo group. Qelbree, also known as viloxazine, helped reduce symptoms in some study volunteers within a week. Common side effects include sleepiness, lethargy, decreased appetite and headache.

Supernus is in late-stage testing for adults with ADHD. That's a much smaller group than children, but that market is growing because few adults currently take ADHD medicines.

Viloxazine was sold as an antidepressant in Europe for several decades, but was never approved by the FDA. The maker ended sales for business reasons nearly two decades ago, as popular pills like Zoloft and Prozac came to dominate the market.


A collection of symptoms including persistent dreaminess, fatigue, and slow-working speed, sluggish cognitive
tempo has been a subject of debate over whether it is part of, or separate from, ADHD.
Drug relieves persistent daydreaming, fatigue, and brain sluggishness in adults with ADHD

NYU Langone | Neuroscience News | 29 Jun 2021

Summary: Lisdexamfetamine, a drug known to stimulate brain activity, reduces symptoms of sluggish cognitive tempo in adults with ADHD.

Tests of a drug known to stimulate brain activity have shown early success in reducing symptoms of sluggish cognitive tempo in 38 men and women with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD.)

A collection of symptoms including persistent dreaminess, fatigue, and slow-working speed, sluggish cognitive tempo has been a subject of debate over whether it is part of, or separate from, ADHD.

Researchers at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai who led the study say the stimulant lisdexamfetamine (sold as Vyvanse) reduced by 30 percent self-reported symptoms of sluggish cognitive tempo. It also lowered by over 40 percent symptoms of ADHD and significantly corrected deficits in executive brain function, with fewer episodes of procrastination, improvements in keeping things in mind, and strengthened prioritization skills.

Publishing in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry online June 29, the study also showed that one-quarter of the overall improvements in sluggish cognitive tempo, such as feelings of boredom, trouble staying alert, and signs of confusion, were due to improvements in symptoms of ADHD.

The team interpreted that outcome to mean that decreases in ADHD-related incidents of physical restlessness, behaving impulsively, and/or moments of not paying attention were linked to some but not all of the improvements in sluggish cognitive tempo.

“Our study provides further evidence that sluggish cognitive tempo may be distinct from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and that the stimulant lisdexamfetamine treats both conditions in adults, and when they occur together,” says lead study investigator and psychiatrist Lenard Adler, MD.

Adler, who directs the adult ADHD program at NYU Langone Health, says until now stimulants have only been shown to improve sluggish cognitive tempo symptoms in children with ADHD. The NYU Langone-Mount Sinai team’s findings, he adds, are the first to show that such treatments also work in adults.

A professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at NYU Langone, Adler says sluggish cognitive tempo is likely a subset of symptoms commonly seen in some patients with ADHD and other psychiatric disorders. However, it remains unclear if sluggish cognitive tempo is a distinct psychiatric condition on its own and if stimulant medications will improve sluggish cognitive tempo in patients without ADHD.

Some specialists have been seeking to qualify sluggish cognitive tempo as distinct, but critics say more research is needed to settle the question.

“These findings highlight the importance of assessing symptoms of sluggish cognitive tempo and executive brain function in patients when they are initially diagnosed with ADHD,” says Adler.

For the study, funded by the drug manufacturer, Takeda Pharmaceuticals of Cambridge, Mass., several dozen volunteer participants received daily doses of either lisdexamfetamine or a placebo sugar pill for one month. Researchers then carefully tracked their psychiatric health on a weekly basis through standardized tests for signs and symptoms of sluggish cognitive tempo, ADHD, as well as other measures of brain function.

Study participants then switched roles: The one-half who had been taking the placebo started taking daily doses of lisdexamfetamine, while the other half who had been on the drug during the study’s first phase started taking the placebo.

Adler has received grant and/or research support from Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, Enymotec, Shire Pharmaceuticals (now part of Takeda), Otsuka, and Lundbeck. He has also served as a paid consultant to these companies, in addition to Bracket, SUNY, the National Football League, and Major League Baseball. He has also received royalty payments since 2004 from NYU for adult ADHD diagnostic and training materials. All of these relationships are being managed in accordance with the policies and procedures of NYU Langone.

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Activists with ADHD push for a world more friendly to those with the disorder

by Katherine Ellison | Washington Post | 21 Aug 2021

Jessica McCabe crashed and burned at 30, when she got divorced, dropped out of community college and moved in with her mother.

Eric Tivers had 21 jobs before age 21.

Both have been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and both today are entrepreneurs who wear their diagnoses — and rare resilience — on their sleeves. With YouTube videos, podcasts and tweets, they’ve built online communities aimed at ending the shame that so often makes having ADHD so much harder.

Now they’re going even further, asking: Why not demand more than mere compassion? Why not seek deeper changes to create a more ADHD-friendly world?

“I’ve spent the last five or six years trying to understand how my brain works so that I could conform, but now I’m starting to evolve,” says McCabe, 38, whose chipper, NASCAR-speed delivery has garnered 742,000 subscribers — and counting — to her YouTube channel, “How to ADHD.” “I think we no longer have to accept that we live in a world that is not built for our brains.”

With Tivers, she is planning a virtual summit on the topic for next May. As a first step, with the help of Canadian cognitive scientist Deirdre Kelly, she says she’ll soon release new guidelines to assess products and services for their ADHD friendliness. Computer programs that help restless users meditate and a chair that accommodates a variety of seated positions are high on the list to promote, while error-prone apps or devices will be flagged. Kelly also envisions redesigning refrigerator vegetable drawers, so that the most nutritious food will no longer be out of sight and mind.

In the past two decades, the world has become much kinder to the estimated 6.1 million children and approximately 10 million adults with ADHD, whose hallmark symptoms are distraction, forgetfulness and impulsivity.

Social media has made all the difference.

It was in 2001, after all — three years before Facebook — that the influential psychiatrist and author Peter Breggin told a PBS interviewer that psychiatrists “pandered” to parents’ guilt by telling them their children had a “brain disease.” In 2005 — one year before Twitter — Tom Cruise, on the “Today Show,” branded Ritalin, the brand name for methylphenidate, and a front-line ADHD treatment, a “street drug.”

Since then, however, people with ADHD have had all sorts of new ways to own and tell their stories, encouraged by viral transmission of confessions from brave celebrities — such as Olympic athletes Michael Phelps and Simon Biles — and enterprising artists like McCabe and the TikTok cartoonist Dani Donovan. Reddit’s ADHD page has more than a million members.

The emotional glue connecting the new communities is frank admissions of vulnerability, failure and mistakes — failure and mistakes being the leitmotif of life with ADHD.

Tivers, a clinical social worker, ADHD coach, and host of the “ADHD reWired” weekly podcast, says talking about his own failures and recoveries helps his listeners realize “how harsh they often are with themselves.” Among other projects, Tivers sells subscriptions to an ADHD Study Hall promising “productivity through real-time accountability!”

McCabe and Tivers take bold aim at the continuing stigma surrounding the ADHD diagnosis, and, in particular, the stimulant medications most commonly used to treat the disorder. Some justified concern about over-prescription and abuse of the medications contribute to the unusual skepticism, including books, published as recently as 2016, with titles like “ADHD Does Not Exist,” and “A Disease Called Childhood.” But the net effect is discriminatory and harmful, ADHD advocates say.

“You don’t see this nowadays with depression,” says Brazilian psychiatrist Luis Rohde, a past president of the World Federation of ADHD. “Nobody disputes that depression is a real disorder.”

To be sure, not everyone diagnosed with ADHD needs or benefits from stimulants. For some, coping methods like regular exercise, behavioral therapy, and environmental supports such as flexible work and tolerant friends and relatives suffice. Yet scientists have found that prescription medications can reduce ADHD symptoms in up to 80 percent of children who’ve been diagnosed, which, barring enormous and improbable changes in society, makes them lifesavers for many struggling kids and their families.

Judging from the research, the average impact of untreated ADHD may well outweigh the medications’ most common side-effects, including problems with sleep and appetite. Repeated studies of people with the disorder have found an increased risk of suicide, particularly for women, while people with ADHD are also more likely to suffer car accidents, joblessness, academic failure and substance abuse.

“People just don’t think ADHD is real or deserving of treatment, whereas with other conditions, like cancer, we know there’s a possibility of side effects from medications but we take the risk because we also understand there are consequences to not treating it,” McCabe says.
'Hello, Brains'

Diagnosed and prescribed Ritalin at age 12, McCabe, in a 2017 video, thanked her mother, a special-education teacher who died last year, for having “drugged me,” despite the judgment she faced.

“Suddenly it didn’t feel like I had a 30-pound weight attached to my head while trying to run a marathon,” she recalls.

McCabe says that her advocacy has drawn interest from pharmaceutical firms but that she has turned down offers of financial partnerships, explaining: “I need to be unbiased, because I’m there to support people.”

She nevertheless sometimes gets trolled. Once, she said, someone posted a picture of her on Twitter, with the word “evil” over her face.

Ritalin didn’t solve all her problems. She was still taking medication when she dropped out of school and got divorced. “The impairments are still there,” she says. “It wasn’t until I started to figure out how my brain works that I started to get somewhere, and was able to let go of a lot of the shame.”

She resolved to learn all she could about ADHD. She made her first video in January 2016 and now has a research team of her own. She starts every episode with a merry, “Hello, Brains.” — a greeting that also appears on her merchandise, including T-shirts, pillows and coffee mugs. Another revenue stream is her 3,223 subscribers on Patreon, who deliver a monthly income of more than $16,000, McCabe’s spokeswoman Linnea Toney says. It’s noteworthy success for someone who has built a career in part on confessing to failures.

An easier life for all

As McCabe likes to explain, making life easier for people with ADHD, or other marginalized folk, could benefit many others. This is a tenet of the modern concept of universal design, of which a classic example is curb cuts that allow people not only in wheelchairs but also pushing strollers or luggage on wheels to navigate sidewalks with ease.

Sometimes this also happens in reverse, when products designed for mass consumption end up being particularly helpful for people with impairments. Consider the iPad app that finds your phone and the beeping gizmo that tracks down your keys. Some new cars chirp if you hesitate after the traffic light changes to green. All are disproportionately useful for people with ADHD.

As their discussions continue leading up to their ADHD-friendly summit, Tivers says he’d like to see new workplace rules, including limits on “the whole open-office-space plan,” which he says is a “nightmare” for people who are easily overstimulated.

He also hopes for changes in the Controlled Substances Act, which deems ADHD stimulants dangerous due to their potential for abuse. That means prescriptions are written for a limited time, requiring frequent check-ins with a doctor. Stimulant use doubled between 2006 and 2016, in part due to misuse and diversion of the drugs, but Tivers argues the restrictions pose an unfair challenge to those with ADHD, in that “we need our medication to get our medication.”

McCabe’s followers on Twitter have chimed in with their own suggestions, such as:

“Written instructions/training when starting a job that take you step by step.”

“If everyone could just chill out about time.”

And most poignantly: “Simply acknowledging that we’re not making up all of this would be enough as a first step.”

Only 10 percent of kids with ADHD grow out of it as adults, research says.

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Psychedelics – The only thing that really seems to work for me

burnlife | LongeCity

I've been prescribed adderall. It gave me energy, it gave me focus. It became easier to respond to external requirements. I'd get that paper done, I'd do the extra work. But boring routine activities were just as boring. Socially, I would become more talkative, more prone to getting caught up in unexpectedly long conversation, but still ineffective at achieving my social goals.

I've taken the occasional xanax, I've used phenibut, I tried kava kava once, and of course I've consumed alcohol. All those substances had slightly different effects, but none of them would really ring a bell with me. Essentially, they lowered my inhibitions to the point where I could act toward strangers more like how I would act toward my friends. So maybe I'd feel less awkward about the conversation drifting off, long silences, and self-disclosure, and I'd approach people more readily as I would with friends. Still, something is missing.

I don't really know what the best label for my 'condition' is. The disorganization, chronic tardiness, underachievement and difficulty following instructions might suggest ADHD. The oversleeping, indecision, feeling that life is mostly boring and bland, and lack of strong emotions might suggest depression. The awkward presentation, inconsistent eye contact, not having anything to say and a proven difficulty in making human connection might suggest anxiety. But for me, personally, there seems to only be one problem: lack of feeling of purpose, structure, meaning.

That something can be temporarily fixed by any psychedelic. 25-I, LSD, DMT, shrooms, LSA. It's not perfect. Especially when I took a plant form rather than a purified form. I would sometimes end up with nausea, stomach pain, mouth dryness or vasoconstriction. I also don't get the amphetamine level of motivation. I would not persist at something unpleasant for as long as I would on adderall and it would not be easy for me to focus on something like a paper for 2 hours straight. The improvement I experience is unlike what any other class of substance provides, but happens to be the most valuable one for me.

Essentially, when I take a psychedelic, life just "makes sense" for a few hours. Not in a spiritual way. I don't talk to god. I don't contemplate how "everything is a fractal". It just becomes clear what to do next. If I go to a party having ingested a moderate amount of psychedelic, I won't be at my smoothest. Better than 'sober' because I will at least have things to say and I'll make good eye contact, but I come across as nervous and eccentric to others on psychedelics. Still, it's a small price to pay for what I get. I can finally think about what I am doing in real time.

Even academically psychedelics help. Finally, there is a sense of 'good enough'. It becomes possible to write an essay that is 'good enough.' Not that I have an inferiority complex about my writing, but my work always feels incomplete even if my thoughts seem complete. With psychedelics, there is finally a sense of "hey, you know the question asked, you know that you are confident in your answer, you know your essay communicates your answer, therefore you should be confident that your essay is complete." It's that third step, (feeling that my essay is a pretty good reflection of what I think) that only works for me when I take psychedelics.

But this is an everyday problem. Psychedelics are a legally risky and inconsistent solution to the problem. Unfortunately, relief is limited to the 4-12 hours that a psychedelic might last. I might feel great the next day, but I'd be mostly back to my former capabilities. So with tolerance to take into account, I can only feel in full control of my life 15% of the time. Is there a nootropic stack that can get me there on a more consistent basis? I'm not one to think that psychedelics are magical. They are chemicals like everything else. I don't feel like I really need to intensely enjoy music or feel pleasant vibrations in my whole body. I just want that feeling of purpose and agency.

It seems their main activity is on 5HT2A receptors. What does this mean? How can a 5HT2A agonist do for me what months of hard work, adderall, and good advice cannot? Nothing that I've tried has been able to do this for me on its own. Not piracetam, not phenylpiracetam (thought it did make the world feel more real!), not L-theanine, not PRL-8-53.


Caffeine a natural option for ADHD

by Suzy Cohen | 29 Apr 2019

Caffeine is the number one stimulant and and psychoactive drug in the world.

The category of ADHD medications such as Concerta, Adderall, Ritalin, Dexedrine and others are “stimulant” drugs, and so is caffeine. They all raise certain compounds in the body such as dopamine and norepinephrine (and others).

Here are five reasons why I think this is a good option for some of you:

- Most all medical treatments for ADHD include a nervous system stimulant, which may sound strange to you, considering the patient appears to be overly active, wound up or unfocused. But this is true, conventional treatment of ADHD utilizes physiological stimulants. Caffeine is a stimulant.

- A study published in the European Neuropsychopharmacology, concluded that caffeine can normalize dopamine levels (which is exactly what the pharmacy drugs do). Caffeine raises both dopamine and norephinephrine, just like the medications.

- There was a study that evaluated caffeinated tea. They concluded that “The caffeine in tea can reduce one’s fatigue, increase people’s self-confidence, motivation, alertness, vigilance, efficiency, concentration, and cognitive performance.”

- So profound is caffeine’s impact on the brain and cognitive function that Stanford University even funded a small study to evaluate if dextroamphetamine is superior to caffeine in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

- Caffeine has been shown to extinguish the action of adenosine receptors in the brain. This was discussed in a 2014 review article published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology which recommended the use of caffeine for ADHD.

Just like methylphenidate, caffeine begins to work in about an hour, and as you might expect, the effect wears off after about four hours. Both methylphenidate and caffeine are absorbed and physiologically processed in a similar way. Their mechanism of action is the same, as are the side effects. One is a prescription amphetamine drug, the other is America’s favorite hot coffee!

The downside is that caffeine can wear out adrenals if taken long-term. Caffeine content varies with each food and beverage making daily dosing through diet somewhat difficult. With tea, the amount of time that you steep the teabag determines the caffeine content.

Some people find that caffeine helps their ADHD, while others find that it doesn’t offer any benefit at all. Pay attention to your body and work with your doctor/therapist to find out what is right for you. Too much caffeine or excessively high dosing on stimulants medications may cause insomnia, tachycardia, aggression, diarrhea and dehydration.

The intake of caffeinated drinks, caffeine pills or energy drinks containing caffeine or guarana may seem like a nice and exciting alternative to prescription medications, I just want to caution you that if combined with conventional (amphetamine) medications, the impact could be dangerous. As an aside, many studies point to DHA Fish Oil as a useful essential fatty acid, which may be taken with medications or caffeine.


From chaos to calm - A life changed by Ketamine

by Jon Hamilton | NPR | June 4, 2018

For six years now, life has been really good for James. He has a great job as the creative director of an advertising firm, and he enjoys spending time with his wife and kids.

And it has all been possible, he says, because for the past six years he has been taking a drug called ketamine.

Before ketamine, James was unable to work or focus his thoughts. His mind was filled with violent images. And his mood could go from ebullient to dark in a matter of minutes.

Ketamine "helped me get my life back," says James, who asked that we not use his last name to protect his career.

Ketamine was developed as a human and animal anesthetic in the 1960s. And almost from the time it reached the market it has also been used as a mind-bending party drug.

But ketamine's story took a surprising turn in 2006, when researchers at the National Institutes of Health showed that an intravenous dose could relieve severe depression in a matter of hours. Since then, doctors have prescribed ketamine "off label" to thousands of depressed patients who don't respond to other drugs.

And pharmaceutical companies are testing several new ketamine-related drugs to treat depression. Johnson & Johnson expects to seek approval for its nasal spray esketamine later this year, though the approval would be limited to use in a clinical setting.

Meanwhile, doctors have begun trying ketamine on patients with a wide range of psychiatric disorders other than depression. And there is now growing evidence it can help people with anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and perhaps even obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"I think it's actually one of the biggest advances in psychiatry in a very long time," says Dr. Martin Teicher, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and director of the Developmental Biopsychiatry Research Program at McLean Hospital.

Ketamine may also offer new hope for people like James who have symptoms of several different psychiatric disorders.

James had a happy childhood, he says. But his thoughts were out of control. "I always felt like I was crossing a freeway and my thoughts were just racing past me," he says.

He spent much of his childhood terrified of "an unknown, an ambiguous force out there." The fear was "overwhelming," he says. "I literally slept with the cover over my head with just room to breathe through my mouth until I went to college."

And there was something else about James: his body temperature.

"I overheated constantly," he says. "I would wear shorts all year long. In my 20s in my apartment I would sleep with the windows open in the middle of the winter."

In his late 20s, James saw a doctor who told him he had ADHD. So he started taking stimulants.

At first, the pills helped him focus. Then they didn't, no matter how many he took.

He'd done well as an idea guy in the advertising industry. But now James was trying to work at home, and it wasn't going well.

"ADHD pills will make you interested in anything," he says. "So I was putting the desk together and taking the desk apart. I was putting a laptop stand together and taking it apart. I was going in a massive downward spiral."

James had always suffered from mood swings. But now they were rapid and extreme. And he couldn't stop thinking about gruesome scenarios, like a murderer coming for his family.

"My wife took a summer off to be with me because she was scared of what was going to happen to me," he says. "She would go to work for a few hours, then rush home. There would be times I'd call her just screaming, 'Please come home. I can't get through another minute.' "

Eventually, James found his way to Dr. Demitri Papolos, an associate professor of clinical psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

"He was like a whirling dervish when he came into my office," Papolos says. "He was extremely fearful, scanning the environment all the time and he overheated at the drop of a hat."

Papolos diagnosed James with a variant of bipolar disorder he calls the "fear of harm phenotype." It typically appears in childhood and often doesn't respond to traditional psychiatric drugs.

But Papolos has found that the condition does respond to ketamine. "It's been transformational," he says.

In January, Papolos published a study of 45 children with the problem. They inhaled a nasal mist containing ketamine about twice a week. Nearly all got dramatically better.

Scientists still aren't sure why ketamine works, but there's evidence that it encourages the brain to rewire, to alter the connections between cells. That process has been linked to recovery from depression. And it may also explain why ketamine helps people who have symptoms associated with several different psychiatric disorders.

"I think it's having multiple effects, and that means it's probably useful for multiple different disorders," Teicher says.

One of those effects involves a part of the brain involved in temperature regulation. And that could explain why patients like James usually stop overheating once they are taking ketamine.

James started taking a ketamine nasal spray every other day. He says his response was dramatic.

"One day I turn to my wife and I'm like, 'I feel calm today. I don't know if it's the sun coming in, I don't know if it's just the way we're sitting here, but I feel like I could go and sit at the computer and work.' "

The next day, James did sit down at his computer. A month later, he was back at work.

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Microdosing psychedelics as an alternative to stimulants for ADHD
by Amelia Walsh & Medical Editor: Dr. David Cox, PhD, ABPP | Psychable

Behavioral therapy, nutrition, exercise, sufficient sleep, and maintaining a routine are all important methods of managing attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms, but sometimes these efforts aren’t enough. It can be discouraging when the aim of achieving executive functionality similar to that of neurotypical peers requires an immense expenditure of energy, sometimes without sufficient success.

Stimulant medications are often effective treatments for ADHD, but they can be taxing on the body when taken long-term and may come with undesirable side effects. Recently, this has been leading some people to look for alternative ways to manage their symptoms.

There is a growing interest in microdosing psychedelics among adults with ADHD because it may have fewer harmful side effects while still providing therapeutic benefits. Sound interesting? Here’s what you need to know before deciding whether or not microdosing for ADHD is right for you.​

How do I know if I have ADHD?

There is a common misconception that ADHD only affects young males and manifests as wild, uncontrollable energy or difficulty learning. This condition can affect people of all ages and genders, with a wide array of potential symptoms that differ between individuals.

While some adults with ADHD do have hyperactive tendencies, others display inattentive-type symptoms and struggle to meet the behavioral expectations of neurotypical people. It may also be surprising to know that hyperfocus and relentless effort can occur just as frequently in people with ADHD.

ADHD may cause trouble with memory, organization, focus, and regulation of emotions. Impulse control can be a major concern and may be a cause of relationship and financial problems for those dealing with ADHD. Fatigue is also a frequently overlooked characteristic.

Because of how difficult “ordinary” functions of life can be for adults with ADHD and their likely history of perceived failures since early childhood, it is common for their self-esteem to suffer. ADHD can make it difficult to succeed at work, sustain meaningful personal relationships, or feel motivated when sincere efforts often end up in disappointment for the self or others.

A significant percentage of adults with ADHD have a comorbid mood disorder, struggle with substance misuse, and/or have other detrimental coping mechanisms. ADHD is a type of neurodiversity, not a failure of moral character or flawed willpower. But it can be difficult for neurodiverse individuals to identify with mainstream society when there are such inflexible standards for acceptance.

ADHD is usually diagnosed through an evaluation process conducted by a specialist. Though some mental health professionals may not feel that it is necessary, a comprehensive evaluation to determine the diagnosis is important. Increased understanding of the condition and its wide array of potential symptoms continues to develop in the mental health field. This has led to more people being diagnosed as adults, as the signs of ADHD in adults have become more recognized.

While an ADHD diagnosis can be somewhat discouraging, many adults feel a sense of hope and relief that there is a name for their experience and there may be therapies available to help treat the symptoms.​

How might microdosing psychedelics be an alternative to stimulants for ADHD?

Some common methods of managing ADHD symptoms include medication, psychotherapy, and self-management plans. Psychostimulants like Ritalin, Adderall, or Vyvanse have long been considered the gold standard in pharmaceutical treatment for adults with ADHD because they address symptoms by increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. Although sustained-release medications have become widely used, the management of symptoms can at times be better controlled using multiple doses.

When misused, prescription stimulants used to offer these benefits can become addictive either chemically or psychologically, and may require continually increased dosage to maintain efficacy. In some people, these medications cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar that may become unsafe with higher dosage or in the case of misuse. Many people find that despite the increased energy and motivation stimulant medications provide, they are still afflicted by side effects such as unproductive hyperfocus, impulsivity, disordered eating habits, and insomnia. When used appropriately under professional guidance, stimulant treatment can be safe and effective. Yet, this treatment does not work for everyone.

Could psychedelics in small doses offer an alternative therapy for ADHD? Perhaps. Some theorize that ADHD symptoms are caused by dysfunctional neural transmissions that could be addressed with psychedelic medicines to offer a potentially more effective and safer solution than treatment with common pharmaceutical stimulants.

Microdosing is the practice of consuming a sub-perceptual amount of a psychedelic substance, usually one-twentieth to one-tenth of an active dose taken once every three days. Active doses of psychedelics are likely to cause impairments and hallucinations, but the goal of microdosing is to avoid these effects and instead enhance one’s ability to focus and perform creatively, professionally, and personally, results that are thought to occur over time.

Those who have attempted self-treatment of ADHD through microdosing most commonly utilize lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) or psilocybin, the psychoactive ingredient in magic mushrooms. Both have similar effects and benefits reported. Some have also benefited from microdosing ibogaine, which has stimulant properties that may help with focus and motivation.

Advocates of microdosing have self-reported improvements in their relationships, increased motivation, productivity at work, improvement in cognitive and creative abilities, as well as healthier habits surrounding sleep, eating, and exercise.

A survey indicated ADHD as the third most common diagnosis amongst those who reported microdosing as a means of self-medication for a range of mental health conditions, making it an interesting concept for further research.​

What are the risks of microdosing psychedelics for ADHD?

All medicines, psychedelic or otherwise, come with certain risks that should be taken into consideration and discussed with an expert prior to use. One of the most important factors that should inform your decision to use psychedelic substances of any kind is your health, both mental and physical.

While microdosing may have benefits for ADHD and other mental health conditions, psychedelic substances can induce or aggravate mania and psychosis, and should therefore not be used by anyone who has a personal or family history of such experiences.

Psychedelics (even those used in small amounts) can impact your health by elevating blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels. People with physical health conditions for whom these effects could be dangerous should avoid psychedelics.

For additional information about the risks of microdosing, read Psychable’s Beginner’s Guide to Microdosing.​

Closing thoughts and resources

Currently, there isn’t conclusive data available to determine whether or not microdosing psychedelic substances is a suitable alternative to the pharmaceutical stimulants prescribed to treat ADHD. Any information presented here has been done so for educational purposes only. Psychable’s content is not intended to be a substitute for professional diagnosis or mental health care.

Psychedelics, regardless of dosage, should not be combined with pharmaceutical stimulant medications for ADHD as it may pose risks to mental and physical health.

If you’d like to speak with a practitioner who is familiar with microdosing and how it affects mental health and neurological conditions like ADHD, be sure to browse Psychable’s directory to find a trustworthy and knowledgeable professional.

With a few exceptions that depend on context and geographic location, psychedelic substances are currently Schedule I drugs in the United States, making them illegal for personal use. Obtaining psychedelics illegally puts you at risk for legal ramifications and may be unsafe. At this time, the only legal way to obtain psychedelics like LSD, psilocybin, and ibogaine for mental health treatment is by participating in an approved clinical study for certain conditions.​


Microdosing LSD for adult ADHD

Mind Medicine | PR Newswire

Mind Medicine (MindMed) Inc. is expanding its Phase 2a clinical trial of LSD microdosing for Adult ADHD. MindMed is the leading neuro-pharmaceutical company for psychedelic inspired medicines and as part of its expanding slate of research and clinical trials, will add an additional clinical trial site and Principal Investigator at the University Hospital Basel in Basel, Switzerland, the birthplace of LSD for its Phase 2a clinical trial of LSD microdosing.

MindMed's microdosing division is pioneering the clinical development of consuming very low, sub-hallucinogenic doses of psychedelic substances. The company intends to continue building its microdosing division into a global leader for microdosing psychedelics and expand a diverse R&D pipeline of sub-hallucinogenic doses of psychedelics to treat various mental health issues including Adult ADHD.

MindMed is specifically interested in the adult segment for ADHD as it comprises over 46.5% of the total ADHD medication market in the United States. The total U.S. market size for ADHD medications is currently valued at $12.9 billion annually. Of the estimated 10 million American adults that have ADHD, it is projected that a meager 10.9% actually seek and receive treatment for their condition.

MindMed Co-Founder & Co-CEO JR Rahn said, "The genesis of MindMed came as I was hearing anecdotal evidence from friends in Silicon Valley that microdosing was helping them to get off stimulant based ADHD medications and with other medical ailments. I started exploring and talking with leading scientists around the world and discovered that what is happening in the shadows should be brought to light, understood by the medical community and be available in a safe, regulated way, to everyone. MindMed is focused on becoming the global leader in microdosing to help millions who suffer from illnesses like ADHD. We are quickly amassing a strong group of preeminent clinical researchers and scientific minds to focus on this important and innovative work."

As part of the Phase 2a multicenter trial, the world leading researcher in psychedelics pharmacology and clinical research, Dr. Matthias Liechti will now also serve as an additional Principal Investigator on the first ever Phase 2a Proof of Concept clinical trial evaluating LSD for the treatment of Adult ADHD.

MindMed previously signed a clinical trial agreement with Maastricht University, a leader in microdosing research based in the Netherlands, as part of the same Phase 2a clinical trial. The world's top psychedelics microdosing clinical researcher Maastricht University Associate Professor Dr. Kim Kuypers will also serve as a Principal Investigator for the trial which is scheduled to begin both in the Netherlands and Switzerland by the end of 2020.
