Addicted to Benzos again

Good to hear you haven't given up. I agree, I don't think we should take anyone's word as gospel. Trusting others has its benefits and purpose, but if someone is telling you to do something that you don't understand or believe to be wrong it is always worth looking deeper into. Maybe there is something you don't understand, or maybe the other person is misunderstanding something, etc.

With benzos, slow and steady wins the race. Stay focused on your long term goal, even if you are not hitting all of your short term goals. Adapt, adjust, learn, grow.

Did you end up going to the rave? Seems like a difficult place to be if you are trying to get sober. I feel like I get a little jealous when seeing people getting wrecked and having fun.
Hey benzo just read through the thread and wanted to wish you luck and congratulate you on coming so far! Thank you for documenting this too, I'm sure it will help someone else who wants to get off benzos, but is not sure how to/afraid to try.
More success dropped to 1.4mg. and feeling quite ok, probably because I'm going slower this time. A drop of 0.1mg of Diclazepam a week in two separate 0.05mg drops to make things hopefully a bit smoother on the system. I know I will win this someday in the near future.. I will keep posted as usual
I was naughty and took 3fpm . Luckily it didn't cause a dent in my taper. I was determined not to have additional benZo on comedown and accept my fate. No way in any circumstance will I b taking escape benzos again
Awesome man, good work. :) Slow and steady wins the race, as they say. As you drop more towards zero, 0.1mg is going to be a much larger drop (because it's a larger percentage - for example, when you're at 0.2mg, a 0.1mg drop is cutting your dose in half), so don't feel discouraged if you have to drop by less each time towards the end.
Good work man, I was just reading through this as now that I am clean of opiates and feel that I have been through immense self discovery and worked through the roots of my anxiety issues, mainly through tripping out (=D) this is the next thing I have to do. I don't want to continue using diazepam or clonazepam, but over the past while I have sort of been subconsciously lowering my dose by immersing and surrounding myself in love, beauty, and positivity. My enthusiasm for life has become contagious... I know this is something I will need to taper off but I'm sure I can do it if I quit heroin, and take things slowly. I am not really in a rush I just need to ensure that I don't run out until I am done with these two. I have never felt more at peace with myself in my life, and I never needed these before I started getting really fucked up, so I probably don't need them anymore. The idea of being free from these too is really exciting to me! It's nice to see someone making progress and not suffering too much... maybe the dmt cleared your head up man. Yo fuck all that Md shit though that shit fries your brain as I'm sure you know.
Sorry if I missed it OP but how long were you on high dose Etizolam?

Please read my story on a benzo support forum which outlines how I tapered off of etizolam. HOWEVER reading back on it I think I may have been fortunate not to go through worse and I advise maybe a longer taper which you are doing and looks good to me.

All my life I've suffered with a very weird type of social anxiety. I'm totally fine in large crowds of people shopping malls, clubs, restaurants etc) and can communicate very well with people I know. However there's a trigger in my mind somewhere that gets let off when I speak to someone new (not everyone) and especially when talking to more than 2 people at a time (unless they're my good friends/family). My heart starts racing I go BRIGHT red and literally can not communicate with them. All I want to do is walk (run) away from the situation. This also happens if my name is mentioned in a large group of people, I guess when a lot of people have their attention on me. As for public speaking - forget it.

I always wanted to be this confident person that could speak to anyone and let conversation flow but I just couldn't/can't. The point of not being this confident person I wanted to be took my a long time to accept, but I did. However the bright redness, heart speeding up and inability to talk to new people I couldn't handle. The main reason being is that the other person/people could see this and would think badly of me (in many ways).

I've always been a recreational drug user (not ashamed to admit), I believe some drugs can have a positive effect on a persons life (when used correctly and not abused).

By the way I never went to the doctors about this. I always try and deal with things myself.

Fast forward to 2010. I was at university and in the drug 'scene' however I'd never really looked in to benzos, I thought they were pain killers or something to help you sleep. Anyway, I meet a guy a becomes a good friend and he used diazepam. One night we were all out drinking (binge drinking - we were at uni) and I asked if I could try one. I was very drunk at the time but he still gave me a 10mg pill. Obviously with no tolerance i completely blacked out and had to be carried home. I woke up the next day at about 2pm still drowsy but I wasn't hungover. I went to the shops and I just felt like talking to people. Strangers, cracking jokes and enjoying it. The valium must still have been in my system. This was the person I wanted to be at the time.

I acquired a few more and would split them in half so I'd have 5mg when i was going out. I kept my drinking minimal so I didn't blackout again. This was it. My answer to everything.

A few weeks later I meet a guy who says he these pills called Etizolam. He said they're similar to diazepam but much more euphoric and make you less drowsy. So I acquire a few and wow THIS was what I was looking for. I ended taking them everyday, I started at 1mg when I went out or was going to a party where I didn't know a lot of people or going clubbing. This turned in to taking 1mg most days. I was fully functional. In fact I got in the best shape of my life even whilst taking these pills. At the time Etizolam was legal in the UK and me and my friend found a link in India. We were ordering up to 50 thousand (yes thousand) at a time (yup). I started binging on them some nights (binging being 10mg). However some days I just wouldn't take them. I'd go for weeks waiting for a shipment and not even feel the need for any.

Fast forward a year and it was the end of uni (I finished with a 2:1 BA(Hons)) in business management.

Anyway I was tight on money once I left uni so I would sometimes order a batch in, binge them and stop for a month or to. So I then get a job (well paid) and I also hit the jackpot finding a legal high store that sells them. I set up a deal to buy in bulk. I have money and I have a supplier = disaster for me. I ended up taking them everyday from 2012-2013 up until October 2016. My dose gradually went up to 60mgs a day which is the equivalent of 600mg of diazepam (insane I know).

Anyway I started feeling like this stuff was poising my body and I was getting barely any effects from them apart from improved confidence but not the good kind, I was angry at people and I wouldn't care who it was, I'd want to start a fight if someone was driving too slow in front of (yeah I was driving everyday too and from work during this).

I knew this had to stop so I read everything I could online and I was horrified by what I found. I educated myself on the GABA receptors. I read through Aston Manual 200 times.

Obviously if I went cold turkey I would literally die at this dose. so I decided to do a fast taper (I have a half marathon at the end of March 2017 and I want to run it clean so I can beat my last time). Over the course of 2 months I was down to 10mgs of Etiz a day. I stayed on this for a while to level myself. I then tapered to 5mgs a day over the course of a couple of weeks (I can't really remember (obviously)). i then decided to take the big big big dive to finally get this out of my system. I make an approach called the 5-4-3-2-1. I would usually binge a bit on the weekends so I would start Monday. --

Monday - 5mg Etizolam upon waking - this would obviously start wearing off very quickly due to the short half life but it was OK I could handle the withdrawals in the afternoon.
Tuesday - 4mg Etizolam
Wednesday - 3mg Etizolam
Thursday - 2mg Etizolam
Friday - 1mg Etizolam
Saturday - 0mg Etizolam (this is when the withdrawals were really bad so I times it to be on a weekend so I wasn't at work)
Sunday - 0mg Etizolam

Now I hadn't taken diazepam in about 2 years so I had no tolerance. The Etizolam withdrawal was pretty bad at this point but not insane like I'd read online about benzo withdrawal. I could still sleep, I didn't have insomnia, I had no rebound anxiety, I had no hallucinations etc and I had no fits. However I did have the following symptoms:

Extreme sensitivity to light (and massive pupils all the time)
Extreme pain in my shoulders, back and front right chest/shoulder area.
Extreme mood swings
Short breathing (but not out of breath)
Very bad flu like symptoms

So I decided I couldn't go to work like this so I I decided I experiment with the 5-4-3-2-1 method but replace the Etiz with diazepam which had a longer half life and would keep me level all day. The approach I took was slightly stupid however has worked. It went as follows:

Monday: 50mg Valium (completely took away the symptoms and obviously made me high)
Tuesday: 40mg Valium
Wedneday: 30mg Valium
Thursday: 20mg Valium
Friday: 10mg Valium
Saturday: 0mg Valium

Now my last dose was Friday 20/01/2017. I'm feeling next to no withdrawal effects now apart from a slight back ache (nothing a bit ibuprofen can't sort out), insomnia and slight mood swings. But I feel kind of euphoric that these drugs are out of my system (kind of as I know diazepam has a very long half life). However I think I might be clear from the Etizolam (maybe? I don't know)

I'd like to add the things that got me through my withdrawal:

Medications/vitamins/herbal extracts:

(All taken daily)
5-HTP (200mg) before bed
Propanalol 160mg time release
1000mg fish oil
Ibuprofen (only when pains were really bad)
Strong high end multi vitamin


Meditation daily
Body scanning lying in bed (guided with headphones on) - this would literally send me to sleep within 10 minutes some nights
Deep breathing techniques throughout the day
Listening to calming classical music (I love classical music anyway so this was just a normal for me)

Things not to do:

Drink alcohol - not only does it make your withdrawals worse it can lead to dependency and when you're drunk you get the old 'screw it lets swallow a load of pills to try and get high again' = relapse

Take any stimulants - coffee etc - as I was/am a recreational drug user and decided it might be a good idea to take cocaine (during my Etizolam fast taper) - NEVER do this I experienced extreme paranoia and anxiety.

Smoke weed - again can cause anxiety and paranoia

Basically: only drink water, exercise (I am still unable to do this at this point due to pains/tiredness) but plan to start my running again tomorrow (I have a half marathon in 8 weeks. Fun fact: I've run a half marathon and a 10k race whilst on 60mg of Etizolam.

I know I have a long journey ahead of me still but I feel euphoric that this poison is out of my body finally.

I think as mentioned by other posters that the ashton manual can be very helpful if you're getting legit diazepam, Take it to your doctor and they might understand.

Oh and by the way the euphoric feeling I had at the end was the diaz still my system. Withdrawals were still prominent for a good couple of months but bareable.
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Thanks for all that a good read indeed ...A question that was asked. How long did I take high dose Etizolam ...errmm about a week maybe 2 at most. Got through 100s of mgs in a week probably 300mg easy then that was it I was hooked big-time. Even taking 6 or 7mg of Etizolam felt like cold turkey but I stuck with it before the hell became slightly bare able. I'm ready for the drop to 1.3mg of Diclazepam very soon maybe tomorrow as I do have a little anxiety precipitated by nicotine gum. I'm sleeping ok some nights not so. I'm also dropping pregablin down from 600mg to 150mg and quetiapine at a rate of 1mg a day from 100mg now 66mg...The only way I've been able to keep a check is using excel and fancy graphs lol...My intention and goal now to be completely drug free by late winter or early spring at the latest.. I'm Quitting mdmA and all other stimulants. Maybe the occasional dmt trip. So in one month I've gone from 2mg diclazepam to 1.35mg diclazepam which is around 10mg diazepam I assume as I don't believe the 1:10 ratio is correct.
I can see the light now. No more. I have a ton load of fake diazepam which are tested as Etizolam about 1000 and there going in the bin. I have enough diclazepam solution to see me through and a gram unopened. I could not have done this with short half life benzos and my gp was not prepared to help
Sorry if I'm misreading this but im a bit messed up... but you were only on high dose etizolam for 2 weeks and no benzos before that?

If this is correct you definitely needed a rapid taper. I've found the the actually length of time you're on benzos makes the withdrawal worse. 2 weeks isn't long at all. I'm not saying you should have CT'd but prolonging your benzo use with a slow taper could potentially make the W/Ds worse in the long run.

Anyway sounds like you're all good now and i highly suggest you bin those etizolam.

Just my opinion so correct me if I'm wrong. But you're doing good now so the choice you made has been the right one I guess.
Dude did you end up quitting or what? we were all hoping to see you down to 0 man! I quit heroin twice and relapsed , but I was able to go clean for a few weeks, which suprised me honestly, but i'm wondering if anyone actually stays clean anymore
No you got me wrong I have been addited since abusing around early summer. I'm titrating down using diclazepam now on 1.3mg daily and doing well. Making cuts of around 0.1-0.2mg a week., So close. I have beat benZo addiction s in the past so I have to make sure this time I don't ever touch a single benZo again.
No you got me wrong I have been addited since abusing around early summer. I'm titrating down using diclazepam now on 1.3mg daily and doing well. Making cuts of around 0.1-0.2mg a week., So close. I have beat benZo addiction s in the past so I have to make sure this time I don't ever touch a single benZo again.

Good man/girl!

Did you use any of the tips I posted in my story to help your withdrawal?

How are your W/D symptoms at the moment?
Ya thanks . I'm now finding things very easy. Anxiety is marginal. Sleeping not to bad although I do get bad nights. I'm currently down to 1.1mg diclazepam . And looking back I never thought I'd get to this point I honestly thought I was doomed with a lifelong battle with benzos...Thank god I managed to source diclazepam.. another positive I've quit pregablin after a tapeR. Psychological I don't miss the benZo high which is a great thing. Goodbye miss valium u bitch
Now jumped onto a mere 1mg of Diclazepam. Down into the 0.0 zone last hurdle for the New Year
Ya thanks . I'm now finding things very easy. Anxiety is marginal. Sleeping not to bad although I do get bad nights. I'm currently down to 1.1mg diclazepam . And looking back I never thought I'd get to this point I honestly thought I was doomed with a lifelong battle with benzos...Thank god I managed to source diclazepam.. another positive I've quit pregablin after a tapeR. Psychological I don't miss the benZo high which is a great thing. Goodbye miss valium u bitch

Yeah that's similar to my experience with benzos. I definitely began to crave them way more when I was using them heavily, probably has a lot to do with the rebound anxiety. At times I miss the feeling of being dead to the world and literally not having a care or concern, but not enough to put up with what is going to follow.

Keep on trucking along man sounds like you're making good progress.
Thanks mafiso. I think for me the Etizolam made me not give a fuck about getting addicted I was so care free that stuff is ridiculous.

Doing really well down to 0.9mg of Diclazepam but my sleep is now suffering big time . Difficulty getting to sleep and when I do I wake up after 5 hrs or so and can't get back to sleep. I'm quite chilled anxiety at the moment is practically none however I do get the occasional day when I have waves of anxiety but nothing too bad. I'm dropping to 0.8mg tomorrow.. god it's so close it feels unreal....I wish I knew what the exact diazepam equivalent is I'm guessing around 5mg which is nothing compared to my huge tolerance at the start ..

I have quit alcohol and I think this is making things easier for me
Down to 0.7mg of Diclazepam daily been on this dose for 6 days and I will drop down to 0.65mg in a few days.. This is going to take longer as planned as I get lower the cuts have to get lower .10 percent a week approx seems to work. Idiotic me took some amphetamine 12 hrs ago and still feel on edge. Anxiety obviously raised I have a quetiapine to take tonight .
After a major hicup during my taper I am now down to 0.35mg of Diclazepam, feel pretty good and wondering if I should take the jump to stop altogether no seen I am on a small dose..or should I continue my taper down even further?.. Its been a crazy ride 10-11 months of dependancy. feels great knowing the chances of life threatning seizures now are pratically non on this dose. cheers guys
0.3mg of Diclazepam , sleep is terrible, anxiety not good. boy this is a bitch.