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Stimulants Adderall XR to Ritalin IR Dose Equivalency?


Sep 8, 2022
I’m wondering if anyone can help me out? I’m trying to figure out what dose of Ritalin IR would equate to 45mg of Adderall XR.

It is difficult to calculate since the effects of the two are so different.

But if I was a doctor and you were my patient, in this situation, I'd start you on 10mg of ritalin tid (3x a day). Actually, though i know your question refers to IR ritalin, I would actually elect for long acting ritalin (methylphenidate) and prescribe 54mg concerta, once a day. Or, a long acting dexmethylphenidate script (focalin xr).

But are you speaking about recreational equivalence or therapeutic?
Therapeutic. I’ve been on the same dose for a few years now. Although, I did take about a year off from it while suffering a pretty deep depression. Since I began taking it again (I slowly went back up - didn’t jump right back on 45mg), I feel like it’s just not the same. It’s not lasting. I take it every morning around 6am. By 11am, all I feel is sweaty and irritated. Dragging my ass the rest of the day with no mental clarity. It’s been about a year of this.

The reason I’m curious about Ritalin IR, is because I feel like I could almost control it a bit better with the re-dosing … as I’m not looking for something super long acting. I wouldn’t want to miss a dose because I slept in (or whatever) due to it lasting 10, 12, or even 14 hours in some cases, depending on the med.
This is prescribed to me, by the way. I haven’t been doing this on my own.

But my doctor seems to like it when I come to him with a certain amount of my own … “research”.
This is prescribed to me, by the way. I haven’t been doing this on my own.

But my doctor seems to like it when I come to him with a certain amount of my own … “research”.
Which I’m not complaining about haha he’s a fantastic doctor to me and we get along very, very well!