Mental Health Adderall IR seems to be a no-go... Suggestions?

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Dec 5, 2017
I've taken up to 90mg Adderall XR at once, no noticeable effects. Now we're trying 40mg Adderall IR to see if we can get it to work before my body metabolizes it. No real difference to me. Seems like a huge let-down. I read about people on Adderall changing their life, making them more productive, helping the focus, all kinds of things... At far lower doses than I'm at. And I was hopeful this would be the solution to my issues, but I just get nothing at all.

Am I doing something wrong? Are there other things stronger that will do something? What can I safely do to get the results asap? I'm still trying for solutions but I can feel myself getting depressed about solutions. It's all just bland Grey every day, no real progress, no real motivation. And nothing I do ever seems to effect that way, I need progress I can measure soon or else it will be increasingly harder to fight negative thoughts when they come about continuing life as it is... Alternate viewpoints are much appreciated.
Some people just don't get effects from adderall. If you think it's a metabolism issue try taking a cyp2d6 inhibitor about an hour before taking the adderall, make sure if you take the inhibitor start off with only like 20mg of adderall.
Yes, d1nach, because those have totally helped a ton of people somehow forget logic and reasoning and simply just be satisfied with a lack of solutions...

Antidepressants take at least 45 days to function, my metabolism is way too fast to effectively take any, and it only corrects a CHEMICAL imbalance. My brain is functioning just fine. Chemicals aren't the issue when it comes to depressing thoughts. It's just realism. Realizing and knowing how things are not progressing, and being very dissatisfied with the state of things. If you understood me in the slightest, you'd know I'd probably be more likely to help the Psychologist solve their own problems than they would be to solve mine.

Ive been told on multiple occasions that they would be able to give some sort of insight to it. And what ends up happening is I can finish their thoughts and sentences before they could, because I know quite well what they're thinking, feeling, and saying. My issue isn't NOT knowing. My issue is KNOWING.

I am constantly analyzing everything around me unintentionally, and not in the way you think of. I mean... super in-depth meticulously detailed. When I see a sign on a building pass by on the train, I'm analyzing all the damages on it, the rust, the scratches, what caused the scratches, how the scratches were created in slow details, how the two objects interacted on a molecular level and the damages to the foreign object, how it might be repaired, how much it would cost to repair it, how much it would cost to make a new one, how a new sign might be manufactured, and then probably inventing some new way to quickly manufacture the sign or repair the scratches. All of this and more in the space of half a second as the sign passes by the window.

Everything. Absolutely everything is analyzed and distracting my thoughts and over-thinking what I'd like to focus on. I'm not even convinced it's ADHD because it seems like a different monster entirely. So when a Psychologist is trying to read and understand me, I already have thought of a thousand things they wanted to say or are thinking of/feeling. And it's all grey, and bland, and unchanging, because I can't stop it ever, there are no breaks from it, and there's nobody I know of that can really relate to me or that I can look to for answers. I've analyzed it myself for 22 years now (technically) and I have finally decided I'd try medications and weekly psychology appointments as a last resort. I even admitted myself to a Psychiatric Hospital just to see if perhaps they had something I've missed.

Im saying I have depressing or draining thoughts about the outlook of this because I'm realistic. I don't have visions of grandeur about how amazing and perfect life will be with some magic pill or some conversation. I'm just coming closer a d closer to accepting that I may not want to continue seeking solutions or a way to get a break from it. If there were a way to make my brain function normally, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But I don't know how to, and I'm thinking if I don't find a solution, I may end up choosing more permanent less desirable solutions to get a "break".

I haven't really even explained all the details of what I'm working through since it's not necessary, but even with the brief explanation above I have a feeling you already are either lost or else not likely to really understand what it really is. But I'll allow you to respond and see if you can surprise me with a response I haven't already thought of that you'll give me.
And from the above response, you can see how the over-analyzation effects my social interactions, or lack thereof. I hate socializing because I end up having to be very fake about it all to be likable and I can't speak true thoughts or else people get frustrated quickly.

I tried telling my wife once I saw a lot more than I let on, she told me to verbally say when I saw she was doing things like getting anxious, over-worrying about things, or shutting down when she felt something was too complex. Every 4 seconds I'd be saying something to her and she eventually got tired of it because not even for half a second would I miss something she'd be thinking. I could tell her exactly what she was thinking, then tell her how she'd react, then explain what she'd say after that, then tell her what she thought of me telling her... So on. And even though it's all true, people don't like being called out on what they're actually thinking because we don't want to know how selfish and self-centered we all are.

So I have to hold it all back and appear normal to people when in actuality, I see all the fakeness and the ways they lie to themselves and the emotions they try to hide away. And they do NOT like being exposed so I try to act as if I see nothing, but it bugs the hell out of me because I know how fake I am being with myself and others. But saying it won't change anything, it will just make me more widely hated.
You have same kind of problem than I do. Often with conversations I happen to analyze and rationalize other's thoughts beforehand and sometimes I even end up thinking few turns ahead like when playing chess.

Trust me amphetamine doesn't help as it makes you even more focused.
I can completely understand where you are coming from MrBacon because i used to be the exact same way, and still am to an extent. I use to make all these observations and predictions in my head and a lot of them were dead on, but you have to admit you don't know everything. Being an intelligent person can help you gather a lot of useful information from subtle context clues but it won't give you the very minute and specific details you need to get a truely accurate picture, that takes time and persistence.

What purpose you are trying to serve by using amphetamine? I'm not judging or telling you not to do it, i'm just curious.

I can tell you that amp will likely make these plethora of observations more abundant and potent. It also might make you more vocal about them, causing you to, like you said, look like an asshole.

Back to the main point, i've met people who just don't get much effect out of amphetamine. A friend of mine took 30mg XR on an empty stomach with no effect. Either your brain chemistry works in a way that doesn't allow you to feel much of a perceptive shift on amp or your body is destroying or excreting it before it gets to your brain. If it's the latter you might be able to resolve this with enzyme inhibitors, if it's the former then pursuing amphetamine will likely be wasted effort.
This is a useful insight. My thoughts were to try and experiment with things that may hopefully change the way it functions. If I could choose what to focus on, I could be productive and utilize my perception better. Of course I miss many things because I'm distracted by everything else so I would never claim to know everything, but I will say that everything I know is nothing I need to know. I perceive a great deal more than others. A good majority of the time, I can be spot on (or have been spot on in the past) about things I've had no real education about. Many times people would ask me what I went to school for or how I learned all the stuff we were talking about because they knew what I had said was correct. I'd have to sheepishly explain I'm a High School dropout, I don't read books, I don't educate myself with studies or anything else and that I "just know... Maybe a lucky guess". But it's so consistently accurate that I know it's not a lucky guess.

I am unaware of anything that would slow down my thinking and/or perception other than causing brain damage to myself in just the right way. So I thought perhaps trying to channel it instead may work but I'd have no idea how any of these things will likely interact with the way I think. Perhaps I'm noticing no difference because I already focus on everything as it is, so there is no new difference in behavior.

Any suggestions on what else may give some sort of effect?
The way you describe yourself it sounds like you have a high level of anxiety, being overly anxious and intelligent causes you to over analyze things to try and quell the anxiousness.

If this sounds like what you are experiencing then you have at least a couple different options. You can do cognitive behavioral therapy which includes working on thought patterns that lessen anxious, or other undesired, feelings. You can take medications that lessen anxiety, but these medications are likely to numb you to a certain degree.
The way you describe yourself it sounds like you have a high level of anxiety, being overly anxious and intelligent causes you to over analyze things to try and quell the anxiousness.

Ive been told this by a dozen psychologists. I'd entertain their opinions of it, but repeatedly would discover I'm quite the opposite. I actually have almost no anxiety about nearly anything. My attitude is quite the opposite, to not worry about things outside of my control.

Ive been told it's OCD, ADHD, Anxiety, I've been called narcissistic, know-it-all, been told I have Severe Major Depressive Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Bipolar, you name it. In the end, each time I entertain their varied opinions of what it is, we often find that it doesn't seem to fit at all with it and nothing has ever stuck.

The conversation often goes like this...

Psychologist: "I think you have depression"
Me: "Ah, okay. Well here's my particular logic that leads me to this conclusion on life/some certain situation". *gives full logical analysis*
Psychologist: "Oh. Okay."
Me: "Well do you have some sort of counter logic that I may have missed? What am I doing wrong here?"
Psychologist: "Well, no... You're actually pretty spot-on, it makes a lot of sense...". *silently sits there thinking to themselves for a couple minutes*
Me: "So... Do you think maybe I'm missing something or there's another logical viewpoint to this? How can I make it not seem depressing to you?"
Psychologist: "I don't know. It doesn't really seem like depression. Maybe it fits anxiety"
Me: "Ah, okay. Well here's my logic why I don't feel that fits" *gives logic*

And so the cycle continues. I am often tempted to not explain my logic to them but then I'd never have the chance of finding a new logic I could follow that would change my outcomes. The closest a Psychologist has ever come to that was basically throwing in the towel saying "We just got to get you out of your head and not talking about what you're thinking and more what you're feeling". Then I said "Yes, exactly. So how might I stop being aware of my thoughts?". Drugs don't work for me, hypnosis doesn't work for me. Everything I do continues to get analyzed and intellectualized. We did hypnosis and in the middle of it after following all the visualizations and instructions, they had said some word that I found to be a funny word to use, and couldn't stop myself from laughing about it.

Maybe some day I'll find something other than brain damage that would accomplish that. As far as I'm aware, there's nothing that will do that so I was thinking maybe something to help me control it perhaps? Hence the Adderall. Perhaps it's not going to help though.
On a side note, I was prescribed Fluoxetine (Prozac) a while back which is a CYP2D6 inhibitor. Perhaps I'll try taking some of that before the Adderall and see if it's a solution to get at least some sort of effect from it, whether that be desirable or undesirable.
I've used paroxetine (paxil) to potentials adderall, it's a very strong inhibitor of cyp2d6. The problem i found with it was that it made my vision extremely blurry so i stopped using it. It made the adderall at least twice as strong but my vision became so blurry that i had to stop.

So be careful if you plan to use antidepressants for potentiation.
I took two times the dose of Prozac, and 40mg Adderall IR an hour and a half later. Still no noticeable effect from anything, as usual. At this rate I could chug a bottle and nothing seems to change. Not even elevated heart rate, average 65 bpm. I might be Superman.
This is kind of gray-area. Open for now. We can't really give suggestions for medications specifically.'s just weird to me that 40 mg of Adderall IR does nothing for you. I'm prescribed 12.5 mg twice a day. It does make me more productive and motivated. I was on Ritalin before that, it made me unproductive, irritable and I didn't even leave the house while on it!

Have you ever tried a different stimulant other than Adderall, MrBaconHawk? For some reason, Adderall just isn't working for you. It's pretty powerful stuff though.

You already over-analyze everything and I understand that. If you do try another stimulant, look out for any signs of paranoia. The last thing you need is something that will spiral you down into a deep depression and paranoia because you can't shut your brain off and you're thinking all the wrong thoughts.

What has helped me along with Adderall is "changing the channel" in my mind when I start dwelling on negativity. You have to put in the work and be willing to actively replace your dark thoughts with positive ones. Over and over again. Or else the darkness will totally consume you. It doesn't happen overnight, but it gets easier with practice. I focus on what God says about me and His promises for my life and future when the accuser tries to make me think the worst possible things about myself. This comes from meditating on Bible verses and listening to sermons. If you're not interested in that, there's an excellent book called "The Power". It will get your mind going in the right direction at least. Medicine can only do so much. We have to be willing to change our negative thought-life so that living in our head actually becomes pleasant.

I wish you the best! This is a fight. You have to fight for your life every day.
You seem incredibly intelligent. I know how darkness torments your mind and makes you not want to be around anymore. Don't fall for those lies. It's a trap. You have to focus on the light instead. Take care of yourself!
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