Mental Health Add/adhd

Good question! There are simple tests and very elaborate ones my psychiatrist gave me, but he wasn't a fan of diagnosing via dsm, or pathologizing to adhd diagnosis without looking at underlying issues.
Strattera helped me for a couple years. It knocked me out though for a couple weeks even on low doses before it worked at a therapeutic level. I was surprised how well it worked. It was like a heavy downer, until tolerated. Not everyone has that experience with it. I didn't have withdrawal much from it either as it's non addictive.

My symptoms similar to adhd were more lifestyle oriented, or casualty oriented, environmentally. For me a lot of therapy, and understanding of why I had these effects. I came to the realization that my adhd symptoms were actually just stored trauma from upbringing on top of substance abuse… Inability to not feel much for example, or talk too much … freeze up, obsess, be easily distracted … hyper vigilant, over concerned, under concerned and so on. Sometimes comatose in high stress situations, inability to focus. Depression/anxiety.. insomnia, boredom. Excitement about initiating new projects, with no follow through.
BP also can have that.

Traits of trauma, can mimic adhd. I once read that it may be a neurological side effect of exposures to a combination of lifestyles.

Even parts of the brain light up with adhd under stress that people with trauma survivors. Others, do have organic problems though. Maybe I do also.
Which is good though is I am an excellent multi tasker and have taken these types of jobs -- as I used to cope growing up by distracting myself from the household dysfunction by doing compulsive chores, games in my environment to cope, many projects simultaneously and being on alert for danger. Also learned to block my feelings a lot which led to obsessing frequently. I use to switch roles in the household to please others… like a chameleon. Adapting quickly under pressure. We moved a lot, no consistency. Lots of unpredictability. Writing too much :\

This is just what I have uncovered, the relation to trauma in developmental years/adhd and substance abuse. This is just me though, and is just a percent of the cases I'm sure…
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Its really overdiagnosed i believe that too.
True diagnostic of AD(H)D should show that the symtoms of the disorder were present in childhood, youth, puberty and adulthood.
A interview with parents and looking at old dimploma's for the comments from teachers (like, if Tom tries harder blabla, Tom seems dreamy blabla etc)
But thats not enough, it should also show it is causing suffering and a continueation of problems when it comes to interaction with the peergroup, school, jobs, failures etc.

The most stupid argument out there is that little Tom is taking ethylphenidate and now he is more focused, you see, he has adhd.... Oh come on, everybody thats given a freaking amphetamine will perform better doing their tasks!!
Doesnt make sense.

When it comes to kids really they have to rule out the possibility of anxiety, depression, trauma's etc like you said first, not only could there be another explenation for their behaviour, ADHD also has a high comorbidity rate.
Not true. Amphetamine improves cognition only in those with ADHD or some other cognitively-disabling factor - such as being on haldol.

Its really overdiagnosed i believe that too.
True diagnostic of AD(H)D should show that the symtoms of the disorder were present in childhood, youth, puberty and adulthood.
A interview with parents and looking at old dimploma's for the comments from teachers (like, if Tom tries harder blabla, Tom seems dreamy blabla etc)
But thats not enough, it should also show it is causing suffering and a continueation of problems when it comes to interaction with the peergroup, school, jobs, failures etc.

The most stupid argument out there is that little Tom is taking ethylphenidate and now he is more focused, you see, he has adhd.... Oh come on, everybody thats given a freaking amphetamine will perform better doing their tasks!!
Doesnt make sense.

When it comes to kids really they have to rule out the possibility of anxiety, depression, trauma's etc like you said first, not only could there be another explenation for their behaviour, ADHD also has a high comorbidity rate.

Yes, well put! Little Tom's brain is still developing also - sometimes til the age of 25. Sometimes the child becomes the identified patient… is medicated and the problems at home are overlooked. Not always, but I've seen this happen a lot.

Lifting up the symptoms and looking underneath is very important. Amphetamines treat the disorder, the symptoms but not the cause ime/o. :)
Not true. Amphetamine improves cognition only in those with ADHD or some other cognitively-disabling factor - such as being on haldol.

if i give my Moms ritalin, i bet you she will experience more concentration and focus doing her tasks.
And she aint got no ADHD.
Age can play a factor in your diagnosis...I've read that if you take amphetamines from a younger age that it can stunt your growth...just be sure it is something that you really wanna get involved with before you get prescribed it. It is a double edged sword because you may start to before better in school and other tasks- but lose your social live because of the medication. I would say it would be at least interesting to try for you or something to consider/talk about with your doctor/parents
i would concider medication in the case of extreme outbursts or rage and uncontrolable anger, either self inflicting or when harming others.
The most symptoms should be treated with congnitive behaviour therapy and lots of sports.
You can learn what to do to get more focus (there is this working memory programme for adhd to train your concentration), watch the sugars and cafeine, avoid crowded places when over sensitive to sounds and lights, breathing excersise etc.
The problem with medication is it may improve concentration and feeling more at ease, it does also harm the ability to think creative and make you apathetic in some cases.

some things in life you just have to deal with, instead of putting it away with drugs. It will backfire.
nobody leads a perfectly balanced life, we all have our weakness, when we work on them it actually makes us stronger.
if i give my Moms ritalin, i bet you she will experience more concentration and focus doing her tasks.
And she aint got no ADHD.

Only a doctor or psychologist can say that. Why does she take it? Was she diagnosed with ADHD? I've read the studies, but I'm not going to try to convince you; that's about all I have to say on that.
i am referring to the ridicolous claim that positive effects of methyfenidate prooves the existence of adhd.