ADHD ADD (ADHD) or Anxiety....


Aug 19, 2003
Recently diagnosed with adult ADHD (inattentive), and currently prescribed Vyvanse/dexamphetamine.

however, I feel as though many of my symptoms are also related to anxiety more so than ADD... I asked doctor about treating anxiety instead of ADHD, and he suggested that my anxiety symptoms are a result of ADHD... however I feel as though it's the other way around...

while I definitely have a lot of the typical ADD inattentive symptoms, I feel as though anxiety plays a bigger role in hindering my full potential, particularly in social situations and living life in general....

In the past 6 months I have self medicated with 0.5mg of alprazolam on three occasions, and each time has made me feel more alive, interactive, social and normal compared to taking dexamphetamine... I have not mentioned this to my doctor, however the fact I respond better to alprazolam than dexamphetamine, doesn't this suggest I have more of an anxiety issue than ADHD issue?

(I understand benzos aren't a long term solution... but this leads me to believe I should be looking into the causes of my anxiousness more so than my ADHD...)
should be looking into the causes of my anxiousness
cant argue this.
not sure your age but took me 5 decades to do this and sometimes it aint easy. i think it takes a lot of courage to look to causation. some may think it a weakness but what do any of us know... f 'em. lol
i am currently dropping benzos and "using" another person to work on anxieties. my issues are separate but also connected in memories and experiences.
i would try to urge you on to give this a go before any medical solution.
even eating and drinking properly can have a huge impact on ones physical and mental well being.
be kind to youself; it will spread to others.
all my best
Recently diagnosed with adult ADHD (inattentive), and currently prescribed Vyvanse/dexamphetamine.

however, I feel as though many of my symptoms are also related to anxiety more so than ADD... I asked doctor about treating anxiety instead of ADHD, and he suggested that my anxiety symptoms are a result of ADHD... however I feel as though it's the other way around...

while I definitely have a lot of the typical ADD inattentive symptoms, I feel as though anxiety plays a bigger role in hindering my full potential, particularly in social situations and living life in general....

In the past 6 months I have self medicated with 0.5mg of alprazolam on three occasions, and each time has made me feel more alive, interactive, social and normal compared to taking dexamphetamine... I have not mentioned this to my doctor, however the fact I respond better to alprazolam than dexamphetamine, doesn't this suggest I have more of an anxiety issue than ADHD issue?

(I understand benzos aren't a long term solution... but this leads me to believe I should be looking into the causes of my anxiousness more so than my ADHD...)
I'm not a doctor but using regular old logic I would think taking a stimulant like vyvanse could potentially increase anxiety.

I've been seeing psychiatrists half my life. Are you able to be a little more assertive with your doc? Ultimately we pay our psych docs to work for us, not the other way around. If you go ahead and take the vyvanse and your anxiety does increase, I would definitely report this to your doctor and insist on treating the anxiety because like you told us, you feel the anxiety is what is causing the ADHD. If worse comes to worse and your insurance allows it, you have to option of changing doctors and finding one who will write up a treatment plan on which you both can agree.

All that said, when I was a kiddo I was diagnosed with ADD. I was placed on ritalin I believe but had an adverse reaction so they took me off of it. What really helped my ADD was seeing a child psychologist who acted as my therapist and gave me mechanisms to help me focus, which did indeed allow me to begin making better grades and to be more successful in school. All without meds.

So I will echo what @Lil'LinaptkSix said and maybe see if talking with a therapist can help you process the underlying causes of the anxiety thus helping you cope without medication. As many of us here can testify, psych meds are a slippery slope. Once you start them, if they don't work a doctor is more likely to merely switch to a different med rather than take you off all meds. I'd say it's best to at least make an attempt to solve our problems without any meds. If a seeing a therapist doesn't work, then yes maybe meds can help. But I would certainly try therapy first.

If you do try talk therapy, I would be prepared to spend some time unloading everything. I got a new therapist a year ago and only last month did I finally dig deep and tell her some shit I've had bottled up for 20 years. I'm not saying it will take you a year but therapy is not a quick fix. It takes an investment of give and take conversations that eventually hopefully lead to some breakthroughs. Best of luck to you.
Recently diagnosed with adult ADHD (inattentive), and currently prescribed Vyvanse/dexamphetamine.

however, I feel as though many of my symptoms are also related to anxiety more so than ADD... I asked doctor about treating anxiety instead of ADHD, and he suggested that my anxiety symptoms are a result of ADHD... however I feel as though it's the other way around...

while I definitely have a lot of the typical ADD inattentive symptoms, I feel as though anxiety plays a bigger role in hindering my full potential, particularly in social situations and living life in general....

In the past 6 months I have self medicated with 0.5mg of alprazolam on three occasions, and each time has made me feel more alive, interactive, social and normal compared to taking dexamphetamine... I have not mentioned this to my doctor, however the fact I respond better to alprazolam than dexamphetamine, doesn't this suggest I have more of an anxiety issue than ADHD issue?

(I understand benzos aren't a long term solution... but this leads me to believe I should be looking into the causes of my anxiousness more so than my ADHD...)

I feel a similar way, that benzos unlock alot of my potential since I'm hindered quite significantly by anxiety.

But unfortunately in the long run it doesn't work out. They'll stop working, you'll have to stop for one reason or another, and the horror that ensues will make you regret ever fucking with them. And you'll never be quite the same after.

But yeah they appear in many ways to be a miracle drug. Alprazolam in particular i find.