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Acticlate and MDMA Combination

Doxycline is said to potentiate MDMA so it's harder to get your MDMA dose right, you might end up taking too much. Also if you're taking it for an illness, MDMA profoundly suppresses the immune system, which will probably render the antibiotics ineffective and cause the illness to flare back up. You also run the risk of creating antibiotic-resistant germs, because they get the chance to multiply in a weakened immune system and while being subjected to the antibiotics. Germs that survive this might develop a resistance to that particular antibiotic.

In general I think it's never wise to use drugs while on other medication (except perhaps something like aspirin) because you can never predict all the possible interactions, certainly not with illegal drugs because the research about them is far from complete. It's probably not going to cause you major harm but I think from a harm reduction perspective it would be much better to wait until you've finished the treatment before you roll. If you're healthy your roll is going to be much better anyway, because you have more energy and are probably in a better mood