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Acid paranoia


Dec 26, 2017
So ive been experimenting with psychedelics most my life and have learned to love and grow with them, the only problem that ive been running into in recent years is ive been experiencing a lot of paranoia with just the acid trips, it basically goes like this, the peak will get very intense and even when im with good friends and in appropriate sets and settings, ill start to think that my friends are worried about my mental health and are concerned that im having a bad time and are acting or reacting in a way that really starts to weird me out, the paranoia has also led me to believe that close friends are trying to keep me trapped or concealed in an area and it can be very scary i know these beliefs are unfounded and dumb (its just the drug talking) so in dealing with it ill just go very quiet for a couple hours until the anxiety subsides and i can reason clearly again. its probably a given that this ruins a lot of my trips and makes them not enjoyable. Ive thought that maybe its just RC's that are doing this to me because some trips are very enjoyable but im not sure, i just want to be able to enjoy trips like i used to and have deep intellectual conversations with close friends but have been struggling. any help would be much appreciated, thanks! :D
Take a break from it man, usually when u start to notice negative effects it means you are doing too much or you are doing it too often.
and i find sometimes thats just what happens with acid like i used to think do these guys want me here and be very insecure but i find u kinda just gotta push those thoughts to the side and realize you are just on a buzz and thats not what they are thinking at all
thanks man! i really appreciate it, yea i think im just gonna give it a rest for awhile and work on finding myself in other ways, maybe its the way of the universe telling me that i dont need it anymore, or as much as i do use it. i dunno
i agree that maybe a bit of a break is needed, also now that you know this has happened a few times you’ll pretty much go into a trip expecting it even if only subconsciously (and we all now how much the subconscious mind can alter a trip) so it’s more likely to keep happening. I would take a break from it until you can accept it for what it is and hopefully your future trips will be a lot more enjoyable
Honestly working through these thoughts with psychedelics has helped me to grow as a person and become more self-confident. It was difficult, but rewarding. I think you need to give yourself time to integrate trips. Think about what you've experienced, after the trip. Think of about what triggered these thoughts, and why you think you're feeling that way. You know that your friends don't think these things and that it's in your head, after you're not tripping anymore. That is an insecurity/neurosis you have rearing its head, because psychedelics basically intensify whatever it is we're experiencing already. Psychedelics give us an opportunity to be able to see these for what they are. If you realize it's a neurosis, you can work to address it and dissipate it. For me, my social anxieties while tripping are/were simply an exaggeration of things that are always a part of my subconscious thought process. I began to realize how many patterns of thoughts I had developed over the course of my life (especially my childhood) were affecting me in these root-level ways. With time and effort and psychedelics, I have identified and banished many of these negative thought patterns. I started to develop a process of always trying to be somewhat of an impartial observer to myself. When I feel something and have an urge to react to that feeling without first thinking about it, I am usually able (now, not before doing this work) to step back within myself and determine the real causes of why I feel the way I do, and then I can choose to react in the way I feel is best, rather than feeling like I am helpless to react only in the way that I initially had an urge to do.

It sounds like psychedelics have been showing you ways in which you are socially insecure. It's cool, being a kid is all about being socially insecure, which is really the same as being insecure with yourself, it's part of developing into a well-rounded adult and the process continues well into adulthood and I am starting to think probably throughout life until the very end. Some people never get there, but you've been given an opportunity to confront your insecurities. If you start to look at it that way, you can start to work on dismantling them.

We are products of our pasts, but we are also self-aware creatures who can redefine ourselves as we see fit, if we have the understanding and motivation to do so.
Yeah take a break, and reflect. I reckon the acid is making you hyper aware in the 3rd sence (Been there done that). almost asif you have an outer body experiance and you're standing next to yourself, judging yourself. Especially if you've had a very rough childhood. Carefull, cause it could potentially lead to psychosis (been there and done that, too lol).Acid brings out all the shit you never dealt with. Which is mainly why i love acid so much, if forces you to face your demons :)

Paranoia is normal when doing acid, but not so much in the way you describe it. Maybe do it alone a couple times, that will shift the focuss off of others. I love doing acid alone, no distractions, just me and my mind. Especially if i'm pushing the dosis higher than ever.
yeah do it alone is a good idea

then if you get paranoid you can reflect instead of suppress

going quiet and not voicing your fears tends to escalate them