Acid In America 2K7

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haha I just noticed how awful that sentence was. guyses.. haha. I suppose I was thinking in terms of verbal language. you ever say that when you're addressing a group of people? guyses.

everything aside. 5 geltabs and sts9 are rocking my brain right now.
^always do, always will :)

never had a bad trip on lsd. psilocybin.. closer to a bad trip but.. I've never regretted tripping. know what I mean? there were some disconcerting feelings or images but I was always glad to have the experience.

good day all.
^ i know exactly what you mean. to me there is no such thing as a "bad trip", only a "difficult" one, which isn't "bad", because those are the ones from which you learn the most.
theres a bit of white on white unperforated blotter going around NY. Very good quality. A week ago i ate 7 hits and freaked the fuck out. And I've never freaked on on cid before. Fuckin snakes and dogs hissing and biting at me, and when i looked at the wall i saw a shadow that looked like someone was trying to stab me from behind. the moral of the story is don't eat 7 hits from a new batch :\ but it still was fun.
it was especially cool because I didn't feel shitty the next day at all really.

it's not as potent as the stuff that was around in the fall...but it's all good. I'd rather not feel all fried the next day, and it was cheaper.
FreedomOfTheMind said:
The good batch is unperforated and you cant make out Jerry's face on the doses, since it is unperforated and the entire sheet is a picture of Jerry. Anyways, they are heavenly, and they are all over NYC and new york in general. My friend who has been doing LSD regularly for years claims they are the best ones he has had ever, way better than the pink panthers, white/white unperf, hoffman 40th aniv, etc.
its crazy i had these in chicago for my first time and took 5 over the night
it was unbelieveable
i wish i had some more
Just wanted to goive a headsup theres some ti-dye collored sheets going around cental alabama. /there somethin im not sure what but they were bigish hits I took one had 2 hour comeup follows by 6 hour peakk and a Looooooooog comdown. There fun but I woudent advise eating more than 2
^^^ Thanks for that heads up. :) You think there's something other than LSD in them? What makes you say that in particular?
2 and a half hour come up very bitter taste one hit lasted 14 hours. I have done alot of LSD this just didnt feel like cid body load was different 2 other people who are semi experienced tokk 2 hits apiece and agreed with me that it wasnt cid. thats just my opinion its hard to say sometimes.
posted from another thread,

south florida!

Just got some white on white unperfed that is supposed to be really good. Its been about 7 years since I have tripped and it will be my girlfriends first time, I am looking forward to it. Friday can't come soon enough. I will report back with the results
This White on White UnPerf is showing up ALL over FL now. I went from not seeing any.. to seeing it everywhere in a matter of weeks. God blesss americaaaaaaaa :]
In northern California I have heard that there are sky blue blotters going around that are DOx type drugs.

I saw someone consume two. They were very obviously wracked, but not in an LSD manner... I hope that makes sense. Also, his visuals were around for about 23 hours. I saw him the next day, about 20 hours later, and he was still at a ++.

Just a heads up
"the" white on white is not all from the same source and it isn't all of the same L. Some of it was laid with quite dirty stuff and other stuff was quite clean. Keep on Truckin' double-sided prints clean as hell.
patternagainst said:
"the" white on white is not all from the same source and it isn't all of the same L

QFT. Some of the best, and some of the worst, doses I've had were WoW or "W"oW. And some of it isn't even LSD. Be careful, kids, know your source.
SomeKindaLove said:
QFT. Some of the best, and some of the worst, doses I've had were WoW or "W"oW. And some of it isn't even LSD. Be careful, kids, know your source.

QFT? I'm not familiar with that one sorry, hehehe. Yeah I've had some really difficult WoW experiences and they have made me weary of future doses with the shit. Just put a graphic on the damn sheet so we can tell what's what, you know the DEA can track WoW anyway, what's the difference. MORE PRETTY COLORS! ARGH!

It's also pretty hard for our friends here to know their source too, SKL. A lot of the times the places I get my L from I don't even want to listen to the talking and the babble that fall off of their tongues. Typically, if I'm talking to people outside of my circles of friends, who talk about this shit EVERY DAY and are active in the lifestyle whilst puffing bowls and laughing out back on the patio, about random shit and they start arguing or trying to tell me something and are being very stubborn about it, I won't really pay too much attention until they start dropping references alike to Blue Light or Overgrow (in dealing with pot genetics and things of that nature). The way I look at it is, well, if you were half as interested in what you're talking about as I am, then you would have read Hoffman's book, The Brotherhood, Bluelight at least once maybe(?), OverGrow (where all the OG's were at (p.s. PM me if you know any status on what RC's deal is over there??? Is it ever coming back?), and especially Erowid. Maybe that's snobby, but kids 'ought to come correct, or they 'ought to supply me with reputable references that may shift my opinion on the matter. Nice doin' business with ya's, peace... :eek:
patternagainst said:
QFT? I'm not familiar with that one sorry, hehehe.

"Quoted for truth", or, alternatively, "quite fucking true."

Yeah I've had some really difficult WoW experiences and they have made me weary of future doses with the shit. Just put a graphic on the damn sheet so we can tell what's what, you know the DEA can track WoW anyway, what's the difference. MORE PRETTY COLORS! ARGH!

I haven't seen some blotter art in too long.

It's also pretty hard for our friends here to know their source too, SKL. A lot of the times the places I get my L from I don't even want to listen to the talking and the babble that fall off of their tongues. Typically, if I'm talking to people outside of my circles of friends, who talk about this shit EVERY DAY and are active in the lifestyle whilst puffing bowls and laughing out back on the patio, about random shit and they start arguing or trying to tell me something and are being very stubborn about it,<cut>

So true. A lot of people like to talk a lot of bullshit about their drugs with nothing to back it up. Makes me sick. 8) I'll definitely get in these conversations,and if people seem not to know what they're talking about, well, they probably don't. Unfortunately SOME of these people are actually pretty connected and have some good things to bring to the table. If only more people could educate themselves. In this day & age of the internet it is so easy to do so.
Found some paper with the bay bridge on it here in va. Took 2 and it was most definitely not LSD, long come up (close to 2 hours), intense body load (seriously felt like i was on the verge of / full on rolling at points), extremely few visual distortions the best i could describe it was " it's like a rainbow cellophane with patterns has been wrapped around my visions and its constantly crinkling", and a complete mind fuck my brain was just completely scattered. All in all it was a fun experience but as the night wore i grew tired and took some xanax and dilaudid for fear that i wouldn't be coming down anytime soon.

My friend and I took a walk and happened upon some poor bastard that had his motorcycle knocked over and set on fire the night before. It took me about 5 minutes to even notice the burnt husk blocking our path. I remember us stopping me looking around and around then finally to my friend, then to a upset looking guy on the phone, and finaly to the remains right at my feet. :eek:
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