Acid In America 2K7

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eye kant spehll said:
bomb ass paper in cali.....theyres the white unperfed coming out but now jus recently they doubled the dose and have this new xstal called blue crush going around....the blotter art is amazing with like a red liquid dripping on the paper very shamanistic style def done on the computer alrihgt l8 o yea 200 mics.....and uhhh very beautiful and clean alirght l8

I heard this double-dipped, 200 mic story at the last festival I went to this year, wasn't sure if I was buying it. Is the source that is telling you this impeccably reliable? Generally it seems that doses <100mcg are laid for Family & friends only, not for the buying public. Why would the chemists/sheet-layers want to put .2g in a tenpack instead of .1, and sell it at the regular price? Not disbelieving of you, just skeptical. And who would know, really? A select few connoseiurs (sp). It's awfully hard to (subjectively) estimate dosage when or after tripping, despite the numbers that people on boards like this might throw on, hell, when I'm balls to the wall, I have difficulty remembering how my hits I took, let alone trying to figure out how many mics they were laid at.

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If it is really 200mcg you will know. Chances are next to no commercial doses are over 100mcg. Take the best doses you've had and if it feels twice as strong thats 200mcg.

And blue crush? lol
kong said:
If it is really 200mcg you will know.

Would you really, though? Non-pharmacological factors account for a lot of the psychedelic experience. Someone above said something about there being little difference between 1 and 2 hits, but a substantial difference between 1 and 5-10, which I agree with, so I guess the most noticeable characteristic of high-dose hits would be a steeper dose-response curve. And also, who really has a map of the LSD experience according to dose? When do visuals start? When do serious, immersive visuals start? Where's synesthesia? Where's ego death? You or I could probably speak from experience, but that doesn't mean it's the same for everyone or even consistent from trip to trip. The character of the trip is always different and it's not the strength that makes it.

There was a study (I think it was Tim Leary or Richard Alpert, but I could be wrong on that) where subjects were given either a large dose or a small dose of LSD, and told one or the other .... they tripped as hard as they told that they were going to trip, not as hard as they were dosed. Make of that what you will.

Chances are next to no commercial doses are over 100mcg.

1 gram to 10 tenpacks = 100mcg, that's what I understand to be the industry standard ;)

If you think getting more, you're either being deceived or you've got some really good connections. If you're getting less, it probably deteriorated and was once 100mcg.

Strength of commercial dose = purity of crystal * 100mcg

and blue crush? lol

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Blue cruch sounds like some dirty crystals to me.... I mean come on, blue? Iv had bluye ketamien ebfor but that was because it was smuggled into the US in the windshield fluid containers of cars (still was good ket though, friends where even banging it without any brucing supprisingly!)

and Iv only seen doses over 100mic from a few people, and only 1 who gets them on the regular because he him self lays.
Youkai said:
Blue cruch sounds like some dirty crystals to me.... I mean come on, blue?

I doubt it's called "blue crush" because of anything to do with the crystals themselves , the people calling it "blue crush" have probably never laid (no pun intended) their eyes on crystal, and thought it was a cool name ... a la Frank Lucas and "blue magic"

Iv had bluye ketamien ebfor but that was because it was smuggled into the US in the windshield fluid containers of cars (still was good ket though, friends where even banging it without any brucing supprisingly!)


and Iv only seen doses over 100mic from a few people, and only 1 who gets them on the regular because he him self lays.


...and you seem to know your shit i/r/t LSD & it's culture from what I've seen around this forum in the limited time that I've been around. You wouldn't happen to know anything more than I about the study about big/small dose, would you? Think it may have been referenced in the autobiographical section of Be Here Now but my copy has been lent out
SomeKindaLove said:
I doubt it's called "blue crush" because of anything to do with the crystals themselves , the people calling it "blue crush" have probably never laid (no pun intended) their eyes on crystal, and thought it was a cool name ... a la Frank Lucas and "blue magic"



...and you seem to know your shit i/r/t LSD & it's culture from what I've seen around this forum in the limited time that I've been around. You wouldn't happen to know anything more than I about the study about big/small dose, would you? Think it may have been referenced in the autobiographical section of Be Here Now but my copy has been lent out
I know that 120mic is alot easier to handle for most then just 60-75. <100micro grams tends to cause extended pre trip anxiety as the submersion into the psychedelic state does not fully set in durring the entire experience. Iv done LSD hundreds of times (way way way more then I can even think of) and lower dosed doses, and degraded doses (which in turn are lower dosed of actualy LSD and are replaced by degration byproducts) do indeed turn out to be ruffer but less psychedelic intence experiences. A fresh dose of LSD in the 120micro gram level is pure magic with little mental amphetamine type stimulation and but rather more of that DMT psychedelic mind expantion stimulation. now take even half of that fresh 120mic dose and you are now experiencing more of the amphetamine type mental stimulation and what I earlier described as pre trip anxiety. Its just "not all there" type feeling but still intoxicated if you will off the substance.

The reason most commercial doses are not in that magic range are one, degration, and two, attention. Alot of people who do L these days ahve no idea what they are in for, and Iv seen it time and time again I'll give someone a REAL dose of LSD and they completely flip, they arnt expecting to go that far out, they are used to those shitty doses in which they spend most of the night tapping there foot on the floor waiting for something to happen. They have only experienced the stimulating side of LSD, not that submersive psychedelic side which is seen on higher purer doses.

cant talk anymore though, time for bible study. =D

Youkai said:
I know that 120mic is alot easier to handle for most then just 60-75. <100micro grams tends to cause extended pre trip anxiety as the submersion into the psychedelic state does not fully set in durring the entire experience ...

I know just what you mean. It's counterintuitive, but very true, at least in my experience; higher doses allow one to just 'be' in the psychedelic state, on the low end of the dosage spectrum, one is either fighting it or fighting to achieve it, and the fighting is neither a good time in a recreational sense nor useful in terms of spirituality/personal development/what have you. Of course, one can fight the LSD or try too hard at any dosage level, but in people who know what they're getting into, and are at least moderately seasoned trippers, i.e. people who know that fighting a bad trip is the best way to induce one, are probably going to be most comfortable with something in the middle of the dosage range, neither normalcy with a sprinkling of psychedelia and eye-candy, nor complete ego obliteration.

The reason most commercial doses are not in that magic range are one, degration, and two, attention. Alot of people who do L these days ahve no idea what they are in for, and Iv seen it time and time again I'll give someone a REAL dose of LSD and they completely flip, they arnt expecting to go that far out, they are used to those shitty doses in which they spend most of the night tapping there foot on the floor waiting for something to happen. They have only experienced the stimulating side of LSD, not that submersive psychedelic side which is seen on higher purer doses.

I've seen this happen as well ... it all ties into fighting the trip, I guess, and is the opposite side of the above coin. Also happens w/people experienced in taking shitty E pills when they get their first taste of real MDMA (a gentler experience, maybe, less likely to freak out but just be like wtf)


don't fight it, just be
When I said you would know that a hit was 200 mic I was thinking about what would happen if I ate 3-5 200 mic hits thinking they were 100 mic:0

The difference at the single hit level would be more difficult to discern.
FrostyMcFailure said:
my er.. "friend" ;)

Iv seen it go kinda pricey at 15 for half a hit!! && also at 7$ for a full hit but you'd need at least 1 for a noticeable "high" and 3-5 for a medicore-intense trip & 10 will floor you beyond human perception.. i aint kidding on that!

15 for a half a hit, it doesnt matter where you are or how good that acid is that is a rip off, and you should not have to eat 3-5 hits for a mediocre trip and 10 to be floored. good acid was around new england this summer. white on white unperf as well too, but the doses where so potent. 2 hits took me on the hardest most intense trip of any psychedelic i have experienced. and i have taken some high doses of acid before, like 5 hits of some clear gels like a year back, and i thought that was insanity. but these two hits did amazing things to the world, plus i added 2 rolls to it about 2 hours in. WOW that was a crazy candyflip. you need to get yourself some serious LSD
^ did you take those clear gels that were going around last year? i took 2 of those and had a pretty good trip but i would've needed 3-4 to have a true psych experience.

some good white unperforated, with blue lines in west Michigan. 3 hits and one hit off a bowl had me in a whole new world. the paper seemed very thick, and did not dissolve in the mouth.
sony123 said:
some good white unperforated, with blue lines in west Michigan. 3 hits and one hit off a bowl had me in a whole new world. the paper seemed very thick, and did not dissolve in the mouth.
you sure that it is LSD? like realy realy realy realy sure? most the thick white/white Iv coem across has been DOB or DOI. I reported about a certine musical act in which it was following a few pages back, the dude had bags and bags of pre cut squares and honestly didnt give a flying fuck about price. just hadded the abg and said (take what you need);.)
hey "some kinda love" a Gram is layed into 10 ten pack's not one, and youkai, what the hell are mirco gels lol.
come_unity said:
hey "some kinda love" a Gram is layed into 10 ten pack's not one

yes it is, misspoke, was tired, sorry :)
Youkai said:
you sure that it is LSD? like realy realy realy realy sure? most the thick white/white Iv coem across has been DOB or DOI. I reported about a certine musical act in which it was following a few pages back, the dude had bags and bags of pre cut squares and honestly didnt give a flying fuck about price. just hadded the abg and said (take what you need);.)

im pretty sure, it hit within and hour. and lasted the usual 10-12 hours. i also had full strips.
come_unity said:
hey "some kinda love" a Gram is layed into 10 ten pack's not one, and youkai, what the hell are mirco gels lol.
they are gels, but REALY REALY REALY fucking small. about 1/4th the size of a normal gel. as I said, 100 hits easily fits inside of a tick-tac box. I know the word "micro gel" sounds like "blue crush" but believe me i know what Im talking about. these are just tiny little pieces and are dank as hell. But they are all gone now as far as I know. Three people from va got them and they have been all sold.

'I was on the streets last night, found a bag of weed and smoked with some random guy, turned out he had some molly on him (didnt take any) but he apparently has been getting sheets of 40th anni hoffmans, his area is newport new Va. Iv had some of these (prob not the originals) but they are deffinately some bum LSD.
iv had alot of white/ white unperfed and it varrys greatly, id never pay 15 for half a hit but iv seen really dumb kids do it. I think i got a naturally high tol for psychs hence why id needa hit 10 for a desirable experience.
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