acid and K ... bad idea???


Dec 21, 1999
not that i want to take acid while i'm on k or vise versa, but i was wondering if anyone knows or has heard of anyone taking some acid while there where on k??? i'm sure this would be a very bad idea, but i had a dream about this , this morning and i was just wondering about it... any stories???
i saw a girl on A and K at the same time, she looked like she was having the time of her life, then she told me "You have nice hair" whatever that means
"whatever it is i think i
see, becomes a tootsie
roll to me"
I have done that a few times... i like it!
Its real fun, i dont think there is any danger...
MaD LoVin, Jessiy
HEY! wow, I was SO going to post a question about that!
I was thinking of trying it....I'll see if there are any believable horror stories that will make me think twice about it

well if you hear of any would you let me know??? PLUR...
I enjoy enough K while rolling to oil me joints. I don't often try to reach that astral plane. Anyway I've just recently tried a few bumps of kitty while candyflipping and I must say it was fun.
I might try a little A with K in the future.
I think it could be an interesting experiance if you are already familiar with the effects of each substance.
Post your experiance if you try it.
I did it & liked it a lot, the visuals are pretty sick !
"Take care, brush yer hair ;) "