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Accumulation of dried Cannabis Inventory (now over 1,000,000 kg)

Thomas Davie

Moderator: CD
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
About 1/2 yr ago or more, I posted this


Since then, a few companies have gone bankrupt, prices are in free fall and Canadians have finally started emulating promotional sales as in some jurisdictions in the US (420,etc)

Here is the current glut of dried inventory. The producers haven’t been able to arrest the downward fall in prices; Cannabis 2.0 products (everything other than flower and edible oil) was supposed to provide ‘substantial growth’, and yet every Cannabis 2.0 has sharply declined in price (compared to day 1 when they went on sale). Over a year ago, it wasn’t uncommon to find a 0.5g 510 threaded vape cartridge for $99 Cdn; in 14 months prices have declined 60%.



These are government of Canada statistics. Link is https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/research-data/market.html

I’m sure a lot of companies don’t appreciate this but the data is accessible under bills C-45/46 (Cannabis Act & Enforcement bills). The sharp jump in stored inventory represents a 6 month lag time after deregulation eased up licensing and opened up production to a number of companies that were just waiting to be able to legally grow. This is going to continue. More companies. More growing. more inventory. lower prices. I am in a state of personal shock at how low prices have fallen so quickly.
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Never would've imagined this becoming a problem, as an American. Crazy. I wonder if this will happen to the USA too if we ever federally legalized

Personally, I would be growing my own stuff, so I dont care much about the economy. Blows my mind how many rich dicks threw all their money at it hoping to get richer. Weed isn't for getting rich. It's for getting high.
I meant to say accumulation, not accusation. Damn auto correct and fuck my eyes.

RedRum OG - if the US legalizes federally before Canada makes much inroad in Europe (the next massive legal jurisdiction in my opinion after the US) you guys will blow us away very quickly.

But the good thing about allowing cross border cannabis sales is going to work in our favour. You’ll be growing and exporting and if the quality is up there I’m on board with buying imported American product. Right off the bat I want the Fireball whiskey gummies, a specific Chemdawg from a farm in California and a shit ton of Colorado products. I want one of those insane cannagars I’ve seen from Las Vegas.

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^I doubt there will be legal cannabis in the eu very soon... some places (spain, Portugal, netherlands) have it decriminalized, some places are lax on prosecuting (parts of Germany), but there is literally no push to go further. nobody seems to see it as politically opportune. when Canada fully legalized, there was basically no coverage in mainstream news whatsoever, at least as far as I could tell. Nobody seemed to care besides people who are following cannabis specific news.
^I doubt there will be legal cannabis in the eu very soon... some places (spain, Portugal, netherlands) have it decriminalized, some places are lax on prosecuting (parts of Germany), but there is literally no push to go further. nobody seems to see it as politically opportune. when Canada fully legalized, there was basically no coverage in mainstream news whatsoever, at least as far as I could tell. Nobody seemed to care besides people who are following cannabis specific news.
Bummer. Everybody and their mother has tried CBD here, for its various claimed medical uses. It's a far reaching, annoying trend. But it opens people's minds to the possibilities, which is nice.
In Florida those .5g vape carts are $50 retail but there are lots of sales and discounts to be had. Veterans get 25% off on everything at MUV and sometimes they have a Buy 2 get 1 free sale but you usually can't stack that with a discount. It still makes them $33. I have seen sales where I could stack the discount and that really makes it cheap (~$25) so I guess there is some price pressure here too.
The prices are dropping yes, but the potency is still shit. And what does have decent to good potency is still ridiculously priced at like $60/3.5g and you can only buy it in 3.5g amounts. That's $480/oz ffs.
The only real good thing about legalization is being able to grow your own, even if it's just 4 plants.
About 1/2 yr ago or more, I posted this


Since then, a few companies have gone bankrupt, prices are in free fall and Canadians have finally started emulating promotional sales as in some jurisdictions in the US (420,etc)

Here is the current glut of dried inventory. The producers haven’t been able to arrest the downward fall in prices; Cannabis 2.0 products (everything other than flower and edible oil) was supposed to provide ‘substantial growth’, and yet every Cannabis 2.0 has sharply declined in price (compared to day 1 when they went on sale). Over a year ago, it wasn’t uncommon to find a 0.5g 510 threaded vape cartridge for $99 Cdn; in 14 months prices have declined 60%.



These are government of Canada statistics. Link is https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/research-data/market.html

I’m sure a lot of companies don’t appreciate this but the data is accessible under bills C-45/46 (Cannabis Act & Enforcement bills). The sharp jump in stored inventory represents a 6 month lag time after deregulation eased up licensing and opened up production to a number of companies that were just waiting to be able to legally grow. This is going to continue. More companies. More growing. more inventory. lower prices. I am in a state of personal shock at how low prices have fallen so quickly.
Dude it’s crazy… in my state it became legal around 2 1/2 years ago prices for a half g vape cart was 45 dollars.. now you can get a full gram for 5-30 dollars and 30 being the best of the best. I remember not being able to find an oz of medical bud for under 280 dollars now I can get that same oz for 120 lmao. I mean I’m not complaining I can spend less, but that’s why I’m not trying to get into the cannabis field the competition is way toooo fucking high.
The prices are dropping yes, but the potency is still shit. And what does have decent to good potency is still ridiculously priced at like $60/3.5g and you can only buy it in 3.5g amounts. That's $480/oz ffs.
The only real good thing about legalization is being able to grow your own, even if it's just 4 plants.
My states got some good indoor grown for cheap cheap. My go to dispos bottoms shelf is literally indoor grown 20-30% the only thing about it is it might have some water leaves and maybe like 4-7 seeds throughout the oz, and you can pick that up for 140 without deals but you can come on days that’s 25% off. It’s cool though because if you get there when they aren’t very busy they’ll just sit their and trim the excess water leaves off. (Not that there’s very much).
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I'm between a rock and a hard place the more I read. I'd be stoked if Australia followed the progressive lowkey leads of places like Switzerland, the Neds etc. but Canada seems in a bit of a quandary with so many competing commercial and State players muddying the water for their own ends. How did such a clearcut altruistic intention become so complicated in the outcome? The bonus is that consumers can still shop around for what they want or call a friend.

Sounds pessimistic, but imo Australia will never decrim or legalize recreational weed federally for a dog-eared book of reasons. The heart and political will to keep up the fight has waned despite Australians being amongst the heaviest weed consumers on the planet. Too hard, we say. Over time we've become used to clandestine dealings with the risk of ruin if caught to have what we want. Business keeps on keeping on, and as such, all but a fraction of the revenue from the sale of locally grown cannabis is absorbed by our burgeoning criminal economy. Our Goods and Services Tax on everything means the Govt. still gets its slice of the pie so it doesn't mind. No stockpiling or speculation here. No graphs. There is a steady flow of fresh product country-wide year-round, and not much point in hanging on to it. The total tonnage of weed consumed here recreationally each year against how much we actually grow would be interesting to know.
I wonder how much the increases in fertilizer costs will impact the legal weed community. Fertilizer and ingredients are up a LOT recently, and it doesn't look like they will move lower in price anytime soon. This will cause less food crops that cost more, and the big farms will buy up all of the fertilizer since they can run deficits. How will this impact the weed farms?
@losthippy At first I thought the way that legalization played out in Canada was an ongoing mistake.

With provinces and territories each having a certain amount of discretion (whether or not you could grow, additional taxes, where you could buy it and when - as well as dictating where the stores could be located, etc).

When legalization hit on October 17/2018 the first legal ounces I bought were $140 more than I had ever paid black market. And for a few months prices were creeping up. Then slowly, production capacity came up and running after the mandatory Health Canada review of any company growing and/or selling. Health Canada is the slowest part of the whole process.

Covid really started the free fall in prices in Canada, esp during the lockdowns. Even the current province (Nova Scotia) that I live in is seeing substantial price decreases at the government stores.

You’re right, the Cannabis laws across Canada are a confusing mishmash. Manitoba/Saskatchewan allow same day/2 hour courier service, but no other provinces. Some allow private mail order and some don’t. Quebec doesn’t allow vapes or edibles above 5mg THC. No social clubs/coffeeshops (yet).

On the other hand, b/c the government has legalized sending Cannabis through the mail from citizen to citizen, online dispensaries are almost risk free to order from.

I find myself in agreement with @Thomas Davie the current resulting surplus has made my purchase of Marijuana for my own medical use and the stuff I make for others to become cheap.

40 years ago I paid more for a qp then I do today and it was shit weed back then. There are issues with legality but I will put up with a few dumb rules for a while since the reality is far better for the consumer today.

First time in my life I am tipping my dealer for personalized door service even while out of town.
I buy mail order, 50 or 60 bucks an ounce weed, 120 an ounce hash. I love it. even our BC Gov cannabis stores have decent deals. I love going to different pot shops around the Okanagan and buy pre rolls n stuff
I buy mail order, 50 or 60 bucks an ounce weed, 120 an ounce hash. I love it. even our BC Gov cannabis stores have decent deals. I love going to different pot shops around the Okanagan and buy pre rolls n stuff

When I was in Winnipeg, I had 20+ stores to pick from - all would same day courier. 73 stores there now, but I moved to Nova Scotia. 1 government weed store. However, they have 100+ types of weed, good selection of pre rolls and so-so selection of edibles and drinks. They don’t bring in new stock on a regular basis. They always seem to have $20 1/8’s.

Poor selection of accessories. Certainly nothing like a good head/glass shop.

About 1/2 yr ago or more, I posted this


Since then, a few companies have gone bankrupt, prices are in free fall and Canadians have finally started emulating promotional sales as in some jurisdictions in the US (420,etc)

Here is the current glut of dried inventory. The producers haven’t been able to arrest the downward fall in prices; Cannabis 2.0 products (everything other than flower and edible oil) was supposed to provide ‘substantial growth’, and yet every Cannabis 2.0 has sharply declined in price (compared to day 1 when they went on sale). Over a year ago, it wasn’t uncommon to find a 0.5g 510 threaded vape cartridge for $99 Cdn; in 14 months prices have declined 60%.



These are government of Canada statistics. Link is https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/research-data/market.html

I’m sure a lot of companies don’t appreciate this but the data is accessible under bills C-45/46 (Cannabis Act & Enforcement bills). The sharp jump in stored inventory represents a 6 month lag time after deregulation eased up licensing and opened up production to a number of companies that were just waiting to be able to legally grow. This is going to continue. More companies. More growing. more inventory. lower prices. I am in a state of personal shock at how low prices have fallen so quickly.
I know friends who've shown me legal weed thryve bought from Canadian dispensaries thst had expired over a year ago....they just discount it...
Now at the LC, if I see a craft beer 1 day passed the expiration date they remove the whole lot from inventory if i mention it.....where are the inspectors for cannabis at Canadian retail stores??????
@Ballz_Trippington Sorry if I don’t know if you;re Canadian or other but here’s a quick breakdown.

Federally, bills C-45/46 define maximum possession/grow limits, new drugged driving laws and where you can/cannot take Cannabis. Everything else is left to the provinces and territories - so 13 different jurisdictions. Each province/territory has elected to create ‘purchasing’ boards/monopolistic wholesale distributors. So, they’ll all lobby the producers for as low a price as possible or as strong a product as possible.

All of the 500+ Cannabis producers in Canada is being fed into these 13 clearing houses.

Want really cheap weed? Willing to order 10,000 sku? And they pull stuff outta storage.

Nova Scotia has or is considering ‘farm’ sales where you can buy right from the producer.

Other than that, it’s at the discretion of the individual stores how they handle out of date stock. One producer/retail store Delta 9 Biotech removes out of date stock into.a section called ‘Good Buys’ where price reductions are random and occasionally sizeable.

Good lord I’m waiting for the ability to sell at farmer’s markets.

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Over the years ppl have acquired top notch genetics thats about the main positive about cannabis in Aus.As for legislation ive seen 50 years pass with not that much progress.If it was Govt controlled you be damn sure quality wouldnt be that great not with the mindset entrenched in politicians.Cant even find the right words to express my views would take too much typing .Fkn lunacy .Tell you another crazy story ...many moons ago i used to run a hydroponic business with a friend ...from time to time the police would park nearby the shop and take license plate numbers of ppl who came in....like they had nothing else better to do.Revenue raising . Crazy I know ...so spare a kind thought for us aussies next time you in the shop wondering ....which genetic will i have this week.
As was mentioned earlier: weed is not for getting rich, it's for getting high. I'm an old-school hippie. Share the love.
I grow my own and it's organic. If I harvest more than I need, I give the rest away.
Sometimes folks will insist on paying me. If they do, I demand 30 bucks for an ounce-- the price I paid in the 70s when I started smoking.
medical weed here in ohio can go $20-30 a gram.

it's ridiculous

everyone i know with a med card here buys on the black market, which is shame since they cant choose a strain with confidence then