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Oct 23, 2011
I look at the world and think internally
of all the varying philosophies-
they change with my mood and
in the end, it seems an indecipherable cause,
a diminishment of pure natural aesthetics.

I think Niko Tinbergen said it best:
that direct observation is the only true reality.
I walk to a city zoo and look at the apes,
our ancestors, our ancestors before our parents
and grandparents, and so on.

Advanced thought, however well-meaning,
always seems to be a trapping, the modern world
appealing in it's convenience, is nethertheless
rather similar to a zoo itself.

No matter how hard you will the opposite,
progress must go on, and progress never
entirely correct--
It's the heart, the heart that fucks true intellect
and it is also the only thing which gives life value.
An eternal tug-of-war which both binds and separates us.

It is this constant friction of mind and emotion,
which makes life so intolerably futile.
I think Schopenhauer, not all-too well liked in his day,
a pessimist, (God forbid) in my opinion
summed up the seeking of happiness rather succinctly:

There is only one inborn erroneous notion ...
that we exist in order to be happy ...

So let us march on into this void, procreate
and let the next generation, like us,
go through this impossible mess
with the same amount of sorrow
we had to go through.
A little fatalistic. Succinct and piercingly introspective as well.

I'm sure that you can find joy where Schopey found nihilism, though.