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Abortions on methadone


May 14, 2015
There's not much on this subject. But someone,somewhere needs to read/hear this.

First of all , something i wish someone, ANYONE would have told me;
- the abortion pill and methadone do not go together! -

I guess they can have a bad reaction. I was told to be off methadone for TWO weeks if I wanted to go thru with the pill abortion,


This is for any lady whom is prego and on methadone, and wishes to have an abortion..
Because that is something i went thru, and not having the option of the pilll abortion was the scariest thing for me.Fearing the pain and having a tolerance to pain killers may raise a bunch of questions for you, because it did for me..

In the morning before my appointment i went and got my dose at my methadone clinic then arrived at planned parenthood.

Finally the nurse came in to talk to me about my pain management options. This is what planned parenthood offered me;

1,ibprofen &/or ativian -mild sedation


2. Iv fetynal - moderate sedation

(Now im not sure what the facts are on methadone helping with pain, but from my experiences i feel methadone didn't help much in the pain area but then again who knows . Maybe methadones the reason why this wasn't too painful after all)

What i want is the iv fetynal and ativian.. but they inform me sice i took methadone this morning that the fetynal may not work as well ,and they dint feel comfortable with giving me the ativian along with that.
I ha the choice to come back another day when I missed my methadone dose , so the fetynal may have a better chance on working. I also could go to another place and get put to sleep , OR i could just man up take some ativian and ibprofen and get this over with while praying the methadone helps the pain too

And thats wha I did

I took the ibprofen and ativian and got it over with.

I was so afraid of the pain because everything i found online was saying nothing other than how painful abortions are.
I know everyone is different but in my opinion, it would be described more as uncomfortable , rather than painful.
So if your going into this thing and your worried just as i was , here's something i want you to know;

You have every right to be scared out of your mind right now. Its normal. Its okay to cry and its okay to cry of fear .. but just know that you got this an its not half as bad as u expect.
&&Remember to just focus on breathing . Really let your mind focus on breathing. That helps a whole lot.
Hold the nurses hand if its offered. It helps.
But know that your not alone and your not alone in wha your feeling either. Best of luck to you, your stronger than you know
Glad it went ok for you. That's definitely a scary experience.

Methadone works excellently for pain control though. It's not generally used for acute pain because the half-life is so long but it's commonly used in pain management, especially when cost is an issue.