A Song Proving The Existence Of Aliens, Hybrids, Sasquatch Etc., & Revealing Our Lost History In An Original Never Been Done Before Style

Sani Nassif

Sep 15, 2022
Hi Family,

This song is a musical presentation, with evidence that makes it extremely obvious, for all that want to experience and research the information presented in the slides, that aliens, hybrids, sasquatch etc., have existed and been right in front of everyone's face for a long time. But have been ignored due to many peoples fear of extending beyond the small bubble of reality they know, and also just due to being missed by those trying to research as there is alot happening all around us, just like when we forget our car keys in our hands.

This information is presented to help bring world peace, to help us become aware, that we are all particles of energy/consciousness/light manifested from a Oneness in infinite different forms,(that is presented in the first 4 seconds) to help manifest an infinite amount of heavenly realities; realities where we are aware of who we are, help eachother remember with infinite different artistic ways, and help seed/foster/watch over/guide life on other planets as well. And when we all reawaken to this reality of who we are, all these broken civilizations that remain broken only due to our fear of discovering who we are, will all re-unite, and work towards our true purpose. First bringing life to all the deserts on Earth, fixing and healing the Earth. Then traveling to other planets and helping do similar things. That is what the end of the video is about.

Any thoughts on what's presented would be greatly appreciated, and all slides/information presented are presented in 4k high resolution & meant to be paused for anyone interested in seeing/researching much of the information presented. Also the greatest immersive experience is on a laptop screen, with good quality headphones. The information is presented also in a unique one of a kind way with music, rather then talking, because music activates our greater sense, helps us see beyond all the fear, all the imaginary walls and borders we have built up, and instantly helps us sense/remember we are all One, we are all particles of energy, from and still connected to a Oneness that connects all things, time/occurrences/vibrations throughout the cosmos. And at any moment, through that Oneness, we can connect again, beyond all these lines an borders, beyond all the fear, see/feel we are all One, and can again remember see/sense any occurrence throughout the entirety of the cosmos. So this music is meant to literally take us there, to take us to the ancient past through our greater sense of Oneness, along with presenting physical evidence that can be experienced with the 5 senses from the body. So in every way this song makes really obvious the truth for those that want to find and research it.

I really hope it helps, and I really hope that if everyone realizes this can help bring world peace, can help us remember who we are, can help us re-unite, that you will please share this effort. It is our collective effort of literally millions of hours; these pieces literally came together, not only after much time from me, but from many artists across vast distances and time. I hope we can consider sharing, remembering, and together working to make this world the heavenly place it is meant to be.

Below are some of the slides that can be easily researched, the pyramids on Mars built in alignment, (size/brightness as well) with the constellation of Orion, mirrored with pyramids in China, Egypt and Mexico constructed in the same manner, along with the face on Mars, and the kiva structures on Mars, all in the same space of Mars, Cydonia. Then the Vadoma 2 toed tribe, the hairiest people on Earth, mirrored with portrayals of Sasquatch/Chewbacca done by the Freemasons/Illuminati in movies to help humanity re-awaken to who they are/our lost history, to help us re-connect to the ancient past and re-unite divided civilizations. As well as mirrored with the only actual image of a dark haired species of Sasquatch pictured by Rick Jacob's motion activated hunting camera in 2007 and many other researchable slides, all the slides are detailed further in this facebook album to make research more simple. But for sure they are all researchable again just by pausing the video and searching things like, oldest Buddha statues, Abominable Snowman footprint, Gorilla footprint etc., though the information is much more quickly available through that facebook album. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.5428071180613811&type=3 And here is the google drive link without detailed descriptions for some pictures, but the images are in original resolution as facebook compresses. http://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1r9mi-KcIOIkxV4bf66UEQ6eZ8yeGAd9I
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Welcome to BL @Sani Nassif . Instead of looking for World peace from cosmically alighted ancient structures, fuck secret societies and sasquatch descendant, we need to figure out how to vanquish the disease of our human greed for power, war, oppression and worthless wealth.

love the tune!!
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Welcome to BL @Sani Nassif . Instead of looking for World peace from cosmically alighted ancient structures, fuck secret societies and sasquatch descendant, we need to figure out how to vanquish the disease of our human greed for power, war, oppression and worthless wealth.

love the tune!!
If you watch the video, and see the message, that is literally all there, it is literally millions of hours of our collective effort, and alot of love put into it. Please don't be so quick to judge, if you actually read even what I wrote on this post, you'de see everything you were concerned about was literally addressed, in the second paragraph, "This information is presented to help bring world peace, to help us become aware, that we are all particles of energy/consciousness/light manifested from a Oneness in infinite different forms,(that is presented in the first 4 seconds) to help manifest an infinite amount of heavenly realities; realities where we are aware of who we are, help eachother remember with infinite different artistic ways, and help seed/foster/watch over/guide life on other planets as well. And when we all reawaken to this reality of who we are, all these broken civilizations that remain broken only due to our fear of discovering who we are, will all re-unite, and work towards our true purpose. First bringing life to all the deserts on Earth, fixing and healing the Earth. Then traveling to other planets and helping do similar things. That is what the end of the video is about."

Also if you check my facebook page, the first post I have that is pinned to the top of that facebook page is about revealing the Ultimate Truth through science, essentially sharing that the only purpose to life can be to Love, or to in other words connect outside of ourselves, as if we are not connecting outside of ourselves, we are literally doing nothing and are trapped in a box/within ourselves, thus the only meaning of life can be to Love, which also leads to the Ultimate Truth as described in that document (here it is the first on the page https://www.facebook.com/SaniHiram).

I have actually been sharing this for the past 10 years in many different ways. The problem is not that I am not sharing this, but that many times most everyone does not even want to read what I am saying, or either totally ignores it/makes assumptions before even reading. Which makes it VERY hard to spread awareness. But I will not lose patience and I will keep trying, even though sometimes it can be very easy to lose patience, I hope the best for you family and please stop making assumptions before even reading something, I'm sure if you were in my shoes you'de be frustrated about that too.

Anyhow this song is meant not only to raise awareness of self, but after bringing that awareness, helping us realize our lost history of this solar system so we can heal this Earth, because when we do re-awaken to who we are, we will realize there's many broken places on this Earth that need healing/to re-unite. So this song not only helps to raise awareness/remembrance of the reality that we are particles of light here to love, but also of our broken history, so that we may heal, re-unite and accomplish our purpose.
@Sani Nassif, I went back to reread your posts. Consider taking out your introduction about controversial subjects, It doesn't help deliver the fine messages you present after.. it certainly messed with me. Now that I went back an reread what you posted I was able to see what you wanted me to see.

it's a pretty powerful human phenomenon that is exploited to manipulate people. What you do is mix facts you want to be discredited with

"illogical," unprovable or commonly disputed claims. It discredits the legitimate claims. Apparently even in people who are aware of the technique.

You lost me initially because of the initial controversial claims and my brain naturally shut down to all the amazing content that followed.
@Sani Nassif, I went back to reread your posts. Consider taking out your introduction about controversial subjects, It doesn't help deliver the fine messages you present after.. What you do is mix facts you want to be discredited with "illogical," unprovable or commonly disputed claims. It discredits the legitimate claims.
I don't think it's understood that nothing I am presenting here is illegitimate. I really don't mean to offend when I say this, but only to speak from the belief that we're all from One, and I feel I should speak up front to you just like I wish everyone to speak up front with me, so please know I'm only trying to clearly express what I'm seeing honestly as I wish someone would. I can really clearly tell especially because you are replying very fast, and I really have spent years in this, that what I'm saying keeps being missed, because I wrote in the first paragraph, "But have been ignored due to many peoples fear of extending beyond the small bubble of reality they know."

I was saying that when the concepts of "Aliens or Sasquatch" or anything else that sounds controversial are presented, most everyone that doesn't want to research and is afraid to, instead of researching, rejects or shuts down out of fear of extending beyond the known. Even when as stated the evidence is right in front of us. We all do this alot, including myself, I had to spend again alot of time behind this, but I shortened it bigtime for everyone interested. The purpose of this video is to help us extend beyond that fear, it was again a process of many years, but I promise you if you put the research in. It is the most spiritually revolutionary piece of art in existence that anyone has ever seen. Please just look at the pictures presented and linked. I know it sounds controversial and many people will immediately reject, but I can not shy away from presenting the truth just because an audience wants to stay away from/reject topics that sound controversial out of fear.

Especially because as I was stating in the last reply, in reaching an awareness of who we are, we will realize there is a broken history on this planet, that is in dire need of helping/healing so we can re-unite and attain our purpose. That's why it's all presented in music, because even without pictures, without video, without words, music itself already brings that awareness, already brings that greater sense that we are all One, we are all particles of energy/consciousness/light that can connect and feel One with the entirety of the Cosmos, through an infinitely vast Oneness that connects us all. And that's even without pictures, so we already with music bring to light this awareness, it is just happening very quickly, it's why I say this video is for anyone interested, and sections are slideshows meant to be paused/researched, it's also why I write also our lost history, it's about everything that we have lost, that we need to re-gain to attain world peace. This again as stated includes awareness of self, why we are here, then awareness of the broken history of this planet so we can heal, resolve and unite on our purpose together.

So as short as possible nothing in this video is illegitimate, or made to exploit by saying something controversial. It's made as stated, only for those interested in researching and proving who we are, in finding the truth about aliens, and accomplishing our ultimate goal/dream. And all the information provided about different bodies we as particles of energy/light/consciousness have created that are called alien are all really clearly presented in the video, just look at the albums linked, you can even download google earth yourself and see pyramids on Mars, Cydonia, literally built not only in alignment with Orion's belt, but size in accordance to the brightness of the stars as well, just as on Earth in China, Mexico & Egypt, as well as the face & kivas. As well as the Vadoma 2 toed tribe which literally says their ancestors are from the stars, and again many things stated in the original post. Please family give researching it a try, I know it is out there but there is no reason to be afraid, only reason to research, grow and set ourselves free, otherwise we are always trapped and in a bubble on this planet. And again definitely you can sense even without researching, but seeing all this data from a distance and sensing my energy, that I have put alot of love into this only to help raise awareness and bring peace to this Earth. I know honestly if everyone tried to raise their awareness and put in the research on this Earth we could very quickly find world peace, re-unite/heal these civilizations and start to help other planets as well.
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Hi Family,

This song is a musical presentation, with evidence that makes it extremely obvious, for all that want to experience and research the information presented in the slides, that aliens, hybrids, sasquatch etc., have existed and been right in front of everyone's face for a long time. But have been ignored due to many peoples fear of extending beyond the small bubble of reality they know, and also just due to being missed by those trying to research as there is alot happening all around us, just like when we forget our car keys in our hands.

This information is presented to help bring world peace, to help us become aware, that we are all particles of energy/consciousness/light manifested from a Oneness in infinite different forms,(that is presented in the first 4 seconds) to help manifest an infinite amount of heavenly realities; realities where we are aware of who we are, help eachother remember with infinite different artistic ways, and help seed/foster/watch over/guide life on other planets as well. And when we all reawaken to this reality of who we are, all these broken civilizations that remain broken only due to our fear of discovering who we are, will all re-unite, and work towards our true purpose. First bringing life to all the deserts on Earth, fixing and healing the Earth. Then traveling to other planets and helping do similar things. That is what the end of the video is about.

Any thoughts on what's presented would be greatly appreciated, and all slides/information presented are presented in 4k high resolution & meant to be paused for anyone interested in seeing/researching much of the information presented. Also the greatest immersive experience is on a laptop screen, with good quality headphones. The information is presented also in a unique one of a kind way with music, rather then talking, because music activates our greater sense, helps us see beyond all the fear, all the imaginary walls and borders we have built up, and instantly helps us sense/remember we are all One, we are all particles of energy, from and still connected to a Oneness that connects all things, time/occurrences/vibrations throughout the cosmos. And at any moment, through that Oneness, we can connect again, beyond all these lines an borders, beyond all the fear, see/feel we are all One, and can again remember see/sense any occurrence throughout the entirety of the cosmos. So this music is meant to literally take us there, to take us to the ancient past through our greater sense of Oneness, along with presenting physical evidence that can be experienced with the 5 senses from the body. So in every way this song makes really obvious the truth for those that want to find and research it.

I really hope it helps, and I really hope that if everyone realizes this can help bring world peace, can help us remember who we are, can help us re-unite, that you will please share this effort. It is our collective effort of literally millions of hours; these pieces literally came together, not only after much time from me, but from many artists across vast distances and time. I hope we can consider sharing, remembering, and together working to make this world the heavenly place it is meant to be.

Below are some of the slides that can be easily researched, the pyramids on Mars built in alignment, (size/brightness as well) with the constellation of Orion, mirrored with pyramids in China, Egypt and Mexico constructed in the same manner, along with the face on Mars, and the kiva structures on Mars, all in the same space of Mars, Cydonia. Then the Vadoma 2 toed tribe, the hairiest people on Earth, mirrored with portrayals of Sasquatch/Chewbacca done by the Freemasons/Illuminati in movies to help humanity re-awaken to who they are/our lost history, to help us re-connect to the ancient past and re-unite divided civilizations. As well as mirrored with the only actual image of a dark haired species of Sasquatch pictured by Rick Jacob's motion activated hunting camera in 2007 and many other researchable slides, all the slides are detailed further in this facebook album to make research more simple. But for sure they are all researchable again just by pausing the video and searching things like, oldest Buddha statues, Abominable Snowman footprint, Gorilla footprint etc., though the information is much more quickly available through that facebook album. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.5428071180613811&type=3 And here is the google drive link without detailed descriptions for some pictures, but the images are in original resolution as facebook compresses. http://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1r9mi-KcIOIkxV4bf66UEQ6eZ8yeGAd9I

Hey :)

Welcome to BL forum!!

Abbey xx
Thats what im saying.. consider concentrating on your core beliefs and leave off the parts that may turn people away from internalizing the bigger picture your talking about.

It doesn't matter in the long run about the controversial parts... you are not going to be able to transfer your major ideas to people when you combine them with the other hard to believe ones.

im not trying to frustrate you.. its an old studied idea at this point, no big surprise its criminal intelligence agency concept.

the concept is a bullet in here.

stick around!!

Ooooh and thats 28000 posts.. love ya BL.
Thats what im saying.. consider concentrating on your core beliefs and leave off the parts that may turn people away from internalizing the bigger picture your talking about.

It doesn't matter in the long run about the controversial parts... you are not going to be able to transfer your major ideas to people when you combine them with the other hard to believe ones.

im not trying to frustrate you.. its an old studied idea at this point, no big surprise its criminal intelligence agency concept.

the concept is a bullet in here.

stick around!!

Ooooh and thats 28000 posts.. love ya BL.
I appreciate the suggestions, but like I was saying though, I have been trying to share that central message in many ways, in many different art forms for the past 10 years, the key is really just keeping on trying. But this video really is an essential part of that central message, and a realization that everyone needs to make on this planet for us to attain world peace, realization of self is part, then realization of this worlds planetary history is the next part. We can not attain world peace without either of those parts. And again for sure have been sharing this in separate parts for awhile, but most everyone seems to run from trying to realize anything, and is being a consumer society, that jumps from 1 sentence tweets to 5 second videos to 1 sentence tweets, on a loop of nonsense, rather than a society of deep and thoughtful truth seekers.

It is very hard in any medium to reach out to a society like this, it's why I started to join these forums. I feel it's the only hope. But sadly it is seeming like there is no one to relate to even on this planet, but I won't give up trying to share though. I appreciate the feedback again though, I just wish everyone didn't run from controversial topics and thought about everything presented, even also the concept of people taking something more seriously when the government says it frustrates me, for example now UFO or UAP(newly labeled) is taken much more seriously by the population ever since the pentagon officially stated and released UFO or UAP pictures, along with the statement that the US government has been experiencing unknown aerial phenomena, and that's all they say at this point. But it's genuinely foolish that everyone listens more to the government, then say a homeless person, as if one person is more valid then the other person, EVERYTHING should be researched, NOTHING should be immediately dismissed due to clothing, looks, classism etc. What an annoyingly foolish world we live in, honestly it's frustrating. I know this must frustrate you too. Like just because someone wears a suit, and has all these labels, even the way people talk on the news, is all made in a way that triggers foolish instincts, and everyone needs to think beyond those foolish instincts, think for themselves and research to find the truth. In all honestly there are so many things standing in our way, blocking this world from reaching the truth, but all we can do is try.

I really appreciate these forums though, also congrats on the many posts
hey thanks.. been banging out posts for a min or two, I know its just how people work and how the world currently is.. never give up the good fight.. they don't have a chance.