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A simple omegle thread

Trip Falling Up

May 24, 2016
Hello all, I recently had a very enjoyable conversation on omegle with a complete stranger. The first quarter is just introduction until we get to the good stuff

I haven't touched the app in years, but felt particularly pulled to do so today, and furthermore post this to perhaps spark conversation or ideas on what it means to be truly, and I mean truly, human. An embodied god? Enjoy!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey!
You: what's cracka-lackin
Stranger: studying for goddamn ap tests wby
You: hahaha studying for exams as well
You: you're in hs I assume?
Stranger: last week of my senior year, yeah, was a dumbads and took 6 ap classes
Stranger: dumbass*
You: nah you're not a dumbass
You: you're setting yourself up for success
You: plus a dumbass would never consider taking 6 ap classes in the first place
Stranger: should b starting college partway thru my sophomore year but rn it sucks lmao
You: I took like 4 ap classes my senior year and now I'm in medical school
You: it sucks now
You: but trust me
You: it's worth it
You: so fucking worth it
You: you think you have it hard now lmao, try taking 30 credit hours in one semester
Stranger: props to you getting through med school dude i respect that
You: hard as fuck but at the end of the day I'll be doing something I love and helping out a lot of people
Stranger: eh ive been living 70hr weeks for the past 2yrs so i feel
Stranger: and glad u found smthn rewarding man
You: so far
You: what do you wanna do?
Stranger: research, computational neuroscience
You: oh that's NICE
You: tbh I've never even heard of that major before
Stranger: been interning at the NIH and it's gone well so far so I've got some momentum already
Stranger: it's more of a field not rlly a major
You: oh hell yeah big flex over here
You: so brain imaging/mapping?
Stranger: haha nah just lucky enough to live near a lab
Stranger: and more like algorithmic modelling of cognitive function
You: yeah but most hs students can't even keep down a job, let alone intern at a place like NIH
You: congrats man
Stranger: thanks :)
You: that sounds really impressive
You: have you tried any psychedelics before?
Stranger: i just did shrooms for the first time yesterday
You: hahahaha I had a feeling
You: how was it
Stranger: fucking amazing tbh
You: :)
Stranger: i just sat down and drew for like an hour
You: oh sick man
You: I love shrooms
You: I've done em more times than I can count
You: acid too
You: you name it
You: it opens your mind
Stranger: doing acid next weekend haha
You: hahahahahaha
Stranger: it really does and for me it helps a lot w my mental health
You: give it 2 years and you can cure your own mental health issues
You: you seem very intelligent
Stranger: ive had more mental clarity since doing shrooms than meds have ever given me
Stranger: eh i just like to think abt things thank you tho
You: that's good though, it's what sets you apart from your peers
You: only do 1 hit of acid your first time
You: make sure it's the right set and setting
Stranger: yeah ive done my research don't worry haha :)
You: once you become comfortable in the "atmosphere", you can begin exploring depths
You: I had really bad anxiety
You: like terrible, and my self confidence was seriously lacking
You: even tho I was a straight A student, when to a college prep hs
You: did dual enrollment, etc
You: but I had 0 confidence in myself (cus I couldn't get girls tbh, but on a deeper level bc some childhood shit w/ dad figure)
You: psychedelics and particularly lsd allowed me to self discover myself on a more intimate level that I thought was even possible
You: in fact, I daresay they have shaped my own creation into the self-fufilled person I exist as today
You: you can do that too
You: psych's will show you reality doesn
You: doesn't actually exist
You: it's a game
You: like a computer game
You: or an anonymous chat site
You: pretty cool shit imo
Stranger: we sound fairly similar, anxiety & father figure issues, i'm hoping to have the same kind of experiences you're describing. and yeah everything is kind of bullshit but i enjoy that, life is like a sandbox
You: I think your curiosity has been sufficiently piqued since you took the initiative to begin your journey already
You: most definitely man
You: -redacted-
You: email me if you ever have any q's
You: or if you're having a difficult experience on psychs
You: or just need a letter of recommendation
You: idgaf
You: I got you I want you to succeed
Stranger: i was just abt to ask for contact info- you seem cool as hell and i'd like to stay in touch
Stranger: man thank you so much
You: ofc dude
You: you're gonna change the world
You: I can already feel it lol
You: the world is trippy
You: wanna hear some pretty weird shit?
Stranger: yeah hit me w it
You: this conversation was supposed to happen
You: are you good at predicting things?
You: like in chess for example?
Stranger: i'm pretty good at strategy, less chess and more social shit but yeah
You: haha nice. hone in on that
You: you'll be able to predict what happens next in your life
You: and not just socially
You: everything
You: external disturbances in your environment
You: almost like it's a play
You: I hope I'm not disturbing you by going full force into it haha
Stranger: oh no dude i feel you 100% as a compsci nerd i understand that shit entirely. we have so much information available to us it's just a matter of interpreting it correctly to understand literally anything
Stranger: there are so many subtle clues abt the finer points of reality that we're usually blind to
You: hahahaha yes
You: psychedelics remove the veil that blinds
You: it's fabulous
Stranger: that's what i felt on shrooms, it was amazing
You: :)
You: just be careful
You: they give you power
You: and lots of it
You: that can shoot straight to your ego
You: and if your ego starts acting up irl
You: your trips will reflect that
You: and humble the fuck out of you
You: integrate slowly
You: and carefully
You: during a trip I've discovered the ability to modify my own character traits with a permeability that is effortless post-trip
You: that's how I cured my own anxiety
Stranger: that's fascinating, we have so much control over our own state of being
You: we do, we are embodied gods
Stranger: i'd say we modeled the gods off of ourselves haha
You: i agree in a classical sense
You: but in a philosophical sense, I think we actually are all gods
You: or rather
You: we are ALL god
You: one in the truest of terms
Stranger: i agree that there is definitely unity between all of us
Stranger: but i see unity between all living things as a whole
You: almost as if the universe itself is a god, and we are little projections of that semi-sentient god state universe attempting to futile(y) understand our own existence
You: agreed
You: tripping in nature is unparalleled for that reason
You: you lose your sense of self
You: there ceases to be "I"
You: only everything
Stranger: i did shrooms in the woods (w people) and i could see the geometry that was defining how the plants grew and how the world formed, it was fucking amazing
You: whoa
You: holy fuck
You: that's a ++ experience
You: on your first go at that
You: how much did you do
Stranger: not much actually, i should clarify that i didn't literally see it but i was perceiving it if that makes sense
You: i understand
You: the web that underlies reality
You: you saw the tendrils of truth
You: it's fascinating
Stranger: exactly, yeah- that's why i was drawing for so long, i wanted to preserve what i saw
You: hahahahaha
You: i once took a picture with my phone to capture a moment I was experiencing while tripping
You: it didn't work
Stranger: hahaha that's great
You: I woke up the next day and was like "why the fuck are there pictures of the sidewalk on my phone?"
You: then I was like "ohhhhh"
You: thats why lmao
Stranger: if it was enough to make you remember it tho the picture served its purpose
You: well said
You: do you have any questions?
Stranger: i'm curious about the process of exploring the trip you mentioned earlier
Stranger: you said you get used to the environment then you explore
Stranger: can you elaborate?
You: yes
You: do you indulge in the marijuana?
Stranger: i do but in moderation i can't function if i'm too high
You: But you're familiar with the headspace?
Stranger: yes very much so
You: alright, so imagine the first time you ever smoked
You: you were probs pretty amazed
You: or filled with many feelings
You: and curiousities
Stranger: ahh okay i get where you're going yeah
Stranger: once you're inured to the novelty of the trip you start noticing the more subtle aspects?
You: hmmm
You: not exactly, but yes
You: with weed, the dimensions intensify the more you do
You: but only to a set limit
You: and in a certain amount of dimensions
You: lets say alcohol is 1x1
You: weed would be 2x2
You: i'd say dissociatives are like 3x3
You: or moreso negative 3x2
You: 3x3**
You: and psychedelics would be like 3x3 (positive)
You: exponentially more complex than marijuana
You: not even comparable to alcohol
You: the depths are never ending with psychs
You: literally
You: you will never grow bored
You: never grow tired
You: that's the trap, it can be a wonderful escape
You: it is not meant to be used as such exclusively
You: sometimes, yea
You: all the time, no
Stranger: i can't see myself tripping as an escape ever tbh
You: good
Stranger: i want to do it again to focus more on observing things and understanding things - maybe that's the scientist in me - i want to record everything i experience and bring it back with me into baseline realitt
Stranger: reality
You: but my main point is that there is a lot to explore. people who enjoy psychedelics and communicating about their experiences are often called "psychonauts" for that reason
You: yes
You: good
You: that's the first rule of integration
You: observe
You: if you're tripping dick and you don't know what to do
You: observe
You: truth will reveal itself spontaneously
You: fundamental truth
You: being a scientist with logical thinking equipped on your ego makes you a perfect candidate for using psychs to augment your consciousness
You: an interesting phenomenon i've noticed about psychs is that there are themes
You: f.ex, I had a cid trip once where I looked at a garbage can on a drive home from a get together
You: from there, I started to think about who picked up the garbage
You: where it came from, where it went
You: the understanding that we as humans don't even know what to do with our own refuse
You: we put it on a giant mountain
You: and burn it or squish it and build it
You: mountains of garbage
You: that got me to the theme of my trip
You: responsibility
You: (prior to the trip, the day before, a friend told me he wasn't comfortable with the idea of me driving on acid)
You: I considered this in the moment but altogether disregarded the sentiment; I was infallible to a point
You: then I started thinking during my garbage can experience
You: why the fuck did my friend tell me not to drive on acid?
You: cus he didn't want me to hurt myself?
You: or hurt someone else?
You: at the end of my rabbit hole I discovered it was all about responsibility
You: then I began reflecting on all the things in myself that needed responsibility
You: I had prior engagements that needed to be severed
You: and in general reassess myself in the lense of this newfound lesson
You: all because of a fuckin garbage can
Stranger: that's phenomenal and it made me think of another question- do you think psychedelics show us more dimensions or simply unlock more avenues of consciousness and observation of what we normally miss.
Stranger: *?
You: hmm
You: define more dimensions
Stranger: like perceiving things we cannot perceive while not on the substance
You: While on them, most definitely
Stranger: whereas the alternative is simply a different mode of processing the same information
You: ahhhh
You: so, essentially you're asking if they're metaphysical in a way
Stranger: yeah, that's a better way to put it
You: personally speaking, yes
You: the thought it up for debate though
You: it stems all the way down to what consciousness really is
You: so many questions
You: I often start with cogito ergo sum
You: my thoughts surmise my existence
You: that is the basis of my consciousness
You: that is all I know is real
Stranger: i've always thought that observation comes before thought and thought is a reaction to the observation
You: thought experiment
You: say you are placed in a black room
You: zero g so you are floating
You: and sound proof so there's no sound
You: all you can experience is yourself
You: your external senses are, essentially, gone
Stranger: i would say that you're still reacting to past experiences in that room - you would have to have begun in that senseless state
You: say i placed you in it now though
You: not necessarily born in it
You: you have a recollection of this conversation
You: but at a certain point your thought reaction to your new predicament will surely cease?
Stranger: i don't believe it would, our observations are persistent / conserved in memory
Stranger: those memories are maintained the more we think of them
Stranger: it's a positive feedback loop
You: hmm so being exposed in what you could classify a sense deprivation tank will ultimately lead you to entertain thoughts of nothingness?
You: because that is your environment?
You: or would your brain simply be like reruns of the simpsons
You: going through only your stored recollections
Stranger: i would argue the latter, you would retreat within the mind + the subconscious would draw on past experience to synthesize new stimuli and you would hallucinate
You: interesting, given enough "time", could you argue the synthesis of a reality equivalent to the one you experience to be hallucinated?
Stranger: once the brain gets its first seed it becomes self sufficient
Stranger: yeah i think that's entirely plausible
You: so then the real question is, is reality even real?
Stranger: ahhah, solipsism isn't it?
You: :)
You: and that's why we are embodied gods
You: imo
You: that's what my thought experiences have led me anyways
You: where*
Stranger: would you say we're gods in an objective sense or simply gods of our own experience?
You: both
You: we are all that is
You: everything
You: is us
You: and us is everything
You: your identity allows your to see your own experience
You: idk if that makes sense
You: but the ego, or the "I", is a created projection, just like your reality
Stranger: it does make sense and it follows logically from a few basic promises yeah
You: yeah fascinating sense
You: so
Stranger: premises * sorry
You: that leads me to my field of expertise
You: you're good
You: I wanna go into psychiatry
You: because I love the mind
You: I think it's absolutely fascinating
You: consciousness on a fundamental level
Stranger: we share that passion but we're pursuing very different explorations of it
You: agreed
You: as I type this, the song "skyline" by fkj is playing
You: in the song, fkj sings about how he wants to reach the skyline
You: the ever retreating nature that is the horizon
You: a metaphor for knowledge
You: truly humbling
You: serendipitous shit like that happens to me daily now
You: it's almost like i've gotten to the point where I talk to my reality
You: and it can talk back
You: thru music
You: tv
You: all kinds of shit
You: people
Stranger: you may have become more aware of what is happening and how it relates to everything else - the same serendipity always occurred, but you're now seeing it
You: observation
You: agreed
You: there is a design to it
You: that is what intrigues me
Stranger: how so?
You: it's almost like a perfect correlation between your reality and your thoughts can occur
You: like a perfect mirror
You: ugh
You: it's so strange to put into words
You: you'll experience it hahahaha
You: life is strange
Stranger: there's so much i want to experience, life is strange but it's beautiful and fascinating
You: it's a fucking TRIP
You: my very first time on acid I came to the understand that life is one long beautiful fascinating strange whirlwind of experience
You: the same as an acid trip, but on a grand scale
You: we have one trip
You: from birth to death
You: you're the protagonist of your own story
You: but also the director
You: in christian theology, the polarity between heaven and hell is made
You: but what if, this is heaven? and hell?
You: the reality you exist in can be a manifestation whatever you choose to perceive
You: like a coin with 2 sides
Stranger: i've always been curious about how much we could experience if we stopped filtering the world- what's the true reality beyond all of the reductions and adaptions that we perform to translate it into something understandable?
You: i think to an extent that's what psychedelics primarily exist to do, remove the filter
You: in doing so you begin your path to self achievement
You: self enlightenment rather
You: it's unique to every person
Stranger: also my email is -redacted- or -redacted- i'm getting sleepy and i don't want to lose contact w you if i pass out haha
You: hell yeah
You: which one do you check more
Stranger: and interesting i've been curious whether it's simply a different filter
Stranger: they both feed into one inbox
You: nice one mr. compsci
You: jk lol
You: gimme one sec ima email you just to have it there
Stranger: haha that's all the big brain at google
Stranger: and same i'm going to send you one
You: lmao nice
You: well hey man
You: i gotta get back to studying
You: it was a pleasure talking with you
You: i am very very surprised I was able to find someone with this caliber of intelligence and raw reasoning power
You: mind you I decided to get on omegle for the first time in over 5 years
You: through a rabbit hole of my own making on discussing philosophy with the omegle cleverbot AI
You: how ironic that I so happen to find you after?
Stranger: speaking of serendipity this conversation was exactly that
You: :)
You: it was supposed to happen
Stranger: i've got to sleep so that works out, but this was an incredible exchanhe
Stranger: exchange
You: serendipity is what I call the instances of synchronicities that I was referring to earlier
You: where your reality perfectly mirrors your conscious thoughts
You: it's not coincidence, even though the rational mind would like to believe so
You: just my personal opinion though
Stranger: the signals are constantly interfering but sometimes they sync
You: exactly
You: can't sync all the time
You: or else we wouldn't exist
You: hahaha
You: love you man
You: enjoy being you
You: enjoy being alive
You: enjoy being an embodied god
Stranger: love you too and the same goes to you- be present and take in the most of this incredible journeu
Stranger: journey
You: likewise brother, and I do mean that in the most sincerest of terms. We'll speak again
You: <3
You have disconnected.