⫸STAFF⫷ A place to keep commonly used links Vs sik & tired of looking for this

Going to finally utilize this space as I am often using the phone app for moderation, and it's inconvenient to keep toggling. Will update as needed,

Ashton Manual:


Excitotoxicity: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excitotoxicity

Excitotoxicity and Cellular Damage:

Exitotoxicity and Bipolar:
These links are excellent- so useful and interesting. I think I spent the last hour reading some really great and informative studies. Wow!!
Here is a link to the Opioid Withdrawal Megathread


This is an amazing resource. This is what I love about Bluelight. Volunteers spending who knows how much time compiling real and factual information for the benefit of others. Imagine getting something like this resource from your doctor when they suddenly stop a prescription--it is shameful that this kind of information is not standard in the (highly paid!)medical world.