• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

*** A Place for Greenlighters to Introduce Themselves! ***

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hmm I am new I guess...I have been reading the board for over a year now but never posted really...... Today I guess was my SUPERLY boring day so here i be!! Ohh Im from Portland if that makes any dif....:|
^ that's getting real old real fast

welcome to bluelight :)

*stumbles in... looks around at all the people...*

Ummm hi and... stuff... *blinks and then decides its best to just wave*
hi. i'm a n00b, so pls help me become a part of the new bluelight. first i need some contacts, any volunteers? :)
*licks punksuperman*

kicks odd:g

no contacts!

i have an old pair of glasses you can borrow though :p
hey all, what's up? i'm new to bluelight and the party scene (as of this summer). I'm a 17 yr old chick from Grand Rapids, Michigan (whole lotta NOTHING goin on here), my name's Kylie. But, just thought i'd say hi and introduce myself. If you'd wanna chat sometime feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] (i have MSN messanger under that name too) or AOL messanger me at E KiD ViX LuVr anyways... gotta go. c-ya
no this is where you have to show us mods your naughty bits
Hey. I'm technically not a fuckin greenlighter. My computer broke and I lost my password, so I had to start all over again. However, I never really posted in the lounge before so I guess imma lounge virgin *eep*. So please be gentle wif me! Anywho, I'm Kat, I'm 20 and live in South Fla. There's the basics! And as far as showin you mods naughty pics, that'll come soon! Camera phones rock! Well at least for us poor people wif no digi cams....
I'm not really new to Bluelight, I have been a member for awhile. I never post anything because I never know what to say. I want to try and be whitty and funny, yet smart and knowledgable. Though I must say after reading some of the stuff in the lounge, I have set the bar too high for myself, LOL. I have decided to go ahead and make a few posts because I am tired of being one of the oldest Greenlighters here and also because I want to get a cool avatar LOL
Wow - just found this thread. Not exactly a n00b anymore, but thought i'd just say HI! I'm Cremaster. If you don't know what that is, you may want to Google it for fun! And after that, combine that search with Matthew Barney, just for more fun. The fun never ends!

Yeah so at 200+ posts, i've been here for awhile but let's see. Formal intro - I'm older than lots of peeps here - I'm 36 (though young at heart!). I'm married, and have a great son... kids are awesome.. what can I say...

What else? I really love music - have my whole life - and am a self-proclaimed movie buff and a life-long, self-taught cinema student. Live in NYC...

ummm. If you wanna know anything else, just ask!
bleh. i been on BL for about 2 years now. my original name got messed up when the format changed and i happened to be in prison at the time. so i come home, re-register and now can't change my name to my DJ name. so here i am...greenlighter once again.

ne ways...i'm basis, real name noam.

represent 513 in Ohio.

Basis Productions

Fluid -- every thursday night in cincinnati

10/31/03 -- Helloween '03

check out my upcoming events... all listed in the mid-west events forum. all the threads are by noam. see above for explanation.
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