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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

A crazy DXM week


Aug 16, 2011
Last week I did dxm for 5 days straight.

Day 1-2 bottles of pills were taken I had some visuals and felt very out of it thinking I was under the water in a submarine 8o for an hour
Day 2- I took 2 bottles of syrup and blacked out pretty bad I apparently called my friend claiming to be an "Umafum" what ever that was suppose to be I honestly don't know. I got to bed at 6am after taking it at 7pm watching cheech and chong on the comedown was fun.
Day 3- By this point when I downed 2 bottles I was feeling rather sickly and didn't get to many visuals I was somewhere on the 2nd plateau.
Day 4- I barely reached the 1st/low 2nd after ingesting 2 bottles(750mg's) I got sick to my stomach but didn't puke
Day 5- Downed 3 bottles 1 pill(300) and two syrup(750) this was a bad idea, I ended up not reaching much past the high 2nd and puked up rainbow colors :| apparently I called my friend saying I was a lightbulb and couldn't seem to find the plug to turn myself on. I got to bed at 9am the next day and had taken it at 6pm the day before this was by far a crazy maybe even bad trip.

When i tried 2 bottles 5 days after the previous trip i didn't get past the 2nd plateau which really got me kind of ticked off but now I am going to try and stay off atleast 2 weeks if not long term because downing 3 bottles and throwing up 4 times isn't worth it at all to get a mild high
I have thought about trying the DXM powder I have with me but so many reports on DXM appear to lead to people calling friends, waking up family and other various shit like that. I guess I will just keep using it in low doses for tollerance.

From what I have read DXM will build up one hell of a tollerance wall that will take quite a bit longer than 2 weeks to reduce, you may want to spread your dosing out a little more to achieve desired effects.
I'll second it being really bad for you. I've done it and continue to do so occasionally, I have self-diagnosed Asperger's as well as co-morbid addiction, depression, and anxiety disorders. I have never felt worse than I've felt during the depressions associated with DXM abuse, it barely edges out severe opiate withdrawal. That should say enough. I'm ten years into it and I can say dissociatives help curb my social anxiety and depression, but probably exacerbate the root problems in the long run.
You are going to fuck yourself up in a bad way if you keep that nonsense up. After the first time you got sick you should have realized that your body is rejecting the chemical and it is time to take a break.
yeah ive tried it before and i puked too.

this was years ago tho, its mainly for teens that cant get real drugs. DXM is a shitty drug and not really worth it.

I have to disagree here. DXM gets put down as a teen-drug, but only because its widely available. When put up against other dissociatives, it is certainly an odd one out in terms of effects, dose curve, and the general experience - and indeed side-effects. However, if taken pure and not in the form of pre-poisoned goop, it can be really enjoyable.

That said, I'm biased on the matter because I love the dissociative experience in almost any form. =D
Man take a break! Like everyone has said binging on DXM is terrible for your mind and body, it seems pretty obvious. What kind of living situation do you have that you can just be fucked out of your mind on DXM constantly and still have a place to live?? Why don't you get some weed or some shrooms and spend some time outside! Drug use can be a beneficial experience if you take care of yourself!
A quick scan of your 30 posts reveals that you've been ingesting huge amounts of DXM for going on several months now. You absolutely have to stop this completely, you are destroying your body and mind with that level of use. If I had to venture a guess, I would guess that you are quite young, which is not a bad thing but please know that you are going to face continued serious psychological issues if this keeps up.
I'm 18. I've been trying to cut back the addiction started due to bad ptsd from being severely abused as a child. Must of done it over 300 times now started around a year ago and 2 months. So far nothing serious has happened but I am aware that it may If i keep up
Sorry to hear about the memories and pain your dealing with, experiences like that are very difficult to overcome, but it can be done! I also know how comforting it may seem to be dissociated and disconnected from yourself so you dont have to feel anymore. It seems like you know dxm wont lead you to a good place in the end. Maybe you can start taking steps to go in the right direction. If you're able to you should talk to a therapist about your experiences it helps alot to get it out. Also id recomend going with some wholesome natural drugs for your next trip like mushrooms or san pedro cactus. You can still trip but these are much safer and will help you face your fears and accept the past, move on as a whole person. Also if you have a close trusted friend to hang out with when you trip it can help alot. I helped a friend of mine who had the same experiences as a child through her first mushroom trip and it was the begining of her finding closure to those damaging experiences. Sorry if we've been harsh on this thread we just want you to know the dangers of abusing dxm. But you're not alone, I've been depressed and addicted to dissociatives before too, it takes timr and work but its worth it to take care of yourself. you can message me if you want to talk too! :)