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Stimulants A cigar once a week- is this asking for trouble?


Feb 8, 2021
I went through a brief phase with cigars a couple years ago, but other than that I've never used nicotine. Recently, I've been thinking about getting a few cheap cigars and smoking them infrequently, like puffing on one over the spam of a day once a week. Would this be ok, or would it be a slippery slope towards addiction?
Depends on you. Personally nicotine has never gripped me and I have been able to drop it no problem. If you've had a serious problem with smoking in the past, i'd say it's pretty risky, but it all depends on you.
i know a lot of ppl who smoke cigars about once a week like that....just don't inhale those things!
yeah depends on the person

have you had tobacco addiction before?

I've never felt the appeal in cigars. If I want some tobacco buzz I will be huffing cigarettes like joints or filling my lip with dip.

I'm not going to say cigars are a huge red flag.... but 100% of nicotine addicts will tell you NOT to get addicted.

Personally I never got a buzz off cigars... but it's essentially cigarettes without inhaling as not any healthier

I never really felt the "manly" appeal in smoking cigars on a balcony in suits, but that's just me

at this point in my life I fucking HATE the smell of tobacco

this isn't a very good analogy but smoking cigars is the equivalent to smoking crack without inhaling to enjoy the taste (lol... just me)
Proceed with caution... I have found nicotine to be the most addictive material that I have ever encountered. If I had known just how addictive it is, I would never have started smoking cigarettes. 13 years later, and I have never managed to stay away from tobacco for more than a few days before I go completely nuts and start up again. I have tried to quit smoking twice over the past five years and have never been successful. A few half-assed attempts here and there over the years as well, but never managed to completely break the habit.

For me personally, it seems to be easier to quit heroin than give up cigarettes.
I was a 30 year smoker who quit for over a decade and started with cigars but that changed into them Black & Milds things constantly i got sick of them snd i quit after about 3-4 months with the help of zyban, it made quitting easy

i think when a smokrr quits and restarts its not the same as before you quit.