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A Christmas Carol from Cislunar Station


Jan 2, 2004
A Christmas Carol from Cislunar Station

okay - this is my life. i live with my family - me - 43, sister - 52, father - 81, niece - 23, niece's boo - 19. this is because my niece, jessie, was recently diagnoses with anaplastic astrocytoma - a nasty, malignant and invariably fatal form of brain cancer. did i mention that my sister is a hardcore methadone clinic AND methamphetamine addict?

jessie drives in for her radiation at the hospital every morning, her boo drives her. i suggested that i could come with, and afterwards we could do xmas caroling for the in-patients and nurses - really, do karaoke, but clown it up and have fun. she was interested, even though she never sings, but had an appointment right after the treatment, so no dice....maybe later?

yesl i do stuff like that - what the hell else is life for?

me, i'm in the middle of rearranging my room, coping with having to store all my books in the room or lose them. big mess. putting it off for days. so, i decided to get stoned.....meaning clean every pipe, scrounge every morsel, you know the drlll. i actually found a tiny bit of superbud, some shake, and some mint/hash.....and i decided to get rid of my 5madpb leftovers, (it takes like 250mg to trip, even then it's not that good) added it all in, with come dill weed, packed it and smoked it.......


in my headspace, my aliens let it be known through a random series of coincidences that they liked my caroling idea - so they sang me a song..

for about 30mins, i sat in my chair and was overwhelmed with the feeling of being APPRECIATED. it was intense and SO cathartic.. that was a ++++. no joke

then i fixed my room. now i have a biomagic lab area and a computer area.....and a big aquarium. understand that fundamentally, i'm a mad scientist, i now have not one but TWO labs. all my texts from college are organized and out - 'Mathematical Modelling in Ecology and Evolution', etc.

these are my aliens, this is how it works for me. merry xmas
Happy solstice tantric. I enjoy you <3
^+1, Tantric, the song sounds sublime. All the joys of this season in your part of the world.<3