9th Issue Heroin Discussion v. quit drooling on yo keyboard

When do you smoke cigarettes?

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yeah man i dont know how black dudes can do it...like i said its nothing against the girls, its just not my preferance and even when you try sometimes your brain is just telling you nope and like i said from the story i could tell she was nervous and thats cool but girls arent supposed to sweat just like they dont take shits ;)..i would say fart too but thats a damn lie girls farts are worse then guys most of the time..a loud fart that doesnt stink is no where near as bad as those silent but deadly crop dusts that girls do..and then your gonna blame it on the dog

Man i know seems like black dudes love those silver back gorilla bitches. I dont see how they do it. I like to be able to have a girl do some gymnastics in bed and get wild. I cant do that with a big girl.
you would have to change your sheets like you do your underwear cause they would prolly soak the sheets in sweat and the smell would be disgusting

theres definetly no way im goin down either, you need to pull back flaps of skin to get where your goin and her getting on top?

you would need a crazy big dick to even make in cause theres just so much mass that you cant reach it..

and again im not goin after a girl who doesnt eat and when shes naked you can count the bones stickin out,im a bigger dude im 6'1 220 i used to weigh 250... i like my girls with a little meat, girls who will sit down and eat a cheeseburger with you..just not ones who will eat 3burgers and then finish off your fries with the extra large pop even though theres free refills
Not to mention cookin for that hoe would break me. And there aint no way in hell im going down on any bitch where i haveta pull anything back be it skin/pussy lips/hair. That shit needs to be proper im sorry but i aint playing in the jungle to find the hidden treasure.
lol its like my moms boyfriend. when the dude comes over he eats more food then the rest of my family combined..real talk, no joke and its disgusting..

just 2 days ago ,well friday night i had a bag of double stuffed oreos that i opened and i took 5 cookies out with a glass of milk and i went back saturday night and 2 rows of cookies were gone and i flipped shit..like who does that shit? i dont know how many cookies are in a row but my guess is 15 maybe so that means the dude ate 25 double stuffed oreos over the course of like 8hours cause the dude was here all day saturday..its pathetic that i have to hide food in my house or force myself to eat food when i dont want it cause if i dont the motherfucker will eat it..
Dude my dad does that all the fucking time. Ill buy a box of honey buns or some beef jerky or ice cream eat the shit once and then he'll get drunk like he does every night and munch out on all my food. It seriously makes me think about throwing his fucking whiskey out one night. I do the same thing though hide my shit and eat it when i dont want it just cause i know hes gonna get drunk and eat it. And i cant ever keep beer here he's always snaking my brews.
you and me see eye to eye on this shit

what pisses me off is the dude has no remorse for anything, maybe not remorse but he has no i dunno what it is..its like being selfish or something the dude doesnt think that everybody else might want some, i cant tell you how many times ive gone down to eat and my portion is gone cause he thought i already ate my food and his second or 3helping was the leftovers..seriously prolyl 4 or 5x its happened..he literally ate my porkchop cause he thought it was leftovers, not that i didnt eat

i made a tuna salad this last weekend and took the time to hard boil eggs and all that, pickels and onions and celery and all that, i made it the way i like but with 4 cans of tuna and i got 1 sandwich out of it and that was when i made it cause the rest of my family decided to eat that as lunch and i said ok thats cool so where my sandwich for lunch? oh ummm sorry chink, we thought you ate yours already..so i make this and everyone else eats it for lunch but me the person who makes doesnt even get to eat it for lunch?? and my gram was like oh sorry ill make some for you and i told her no cause she makes the worst fuckin tuna salad with the biggest pieces of onions and celery in it she doesnt put hard boil eggs in it, its really completly differrent and horrible and then she has the nerve to tell me if i dont like it i can make my own and i was so pissed that i had to like the "pissed off laugh" to stay calm and i calmly say "did you really just say something that stupid gram?" and she snapped well all you do is complain about the food i make and i said yeah thats why i made the tuna salad my way, so i can eat it, i say you can have a sandwich out of it and you proceed to make 5 or6 for everyone else and none of them are for me..and then she went on a whole "well i do the shopping, i pay for the food blah blah " and thats when i jumped in the car, said i was goin to get food and instead went and got dope. cause i was so pissed

i dont have a problem sharing, thats why i made so much of it..but to not get it the next day for lunch when she asked me if she could have some of it...and i know its so petty but i wanted to kill somebody..especially after the "well if you dont like my cooking you can make your own" and after they ate the food i made
thats fucked up. i used to be 180 but now im 130ish (i literally have no appetite before 8pm. this started before the drugs, too). as long as noone touches my yogurt, apples, bananas, and cape cod barbecue chips....there will be no problems. i keep my liquor, drugs, and anything else in my room. noone goes in there.

and ugh, i forgot the cardinal rule of doing drugs. save a little for the morning, lol
you crack me up chinky! yeah pics bro..... i can picture it be we need to see it to be legit!

with out pics we dont believe you

its ok if shes a fatty, do you pimp we cant hit homeruns all the time..a couple singles will get you home right? lol
since me switching from the yellow norcos to dope. boy have i gained. i just love tasting and enjoying all different types of food. snacks at night and 1 big meal a day. so its not alot. but come januraury 1st, 2012

thats fucked up. i used to be 180 but now im 130ish (i literally have no appetite before 8pm. this started before the drugs, too). as long as noone touches my yogurt, apples, bananas, and cape cod barbecue chips....there will be no problems. i keep my liquor, drugs, and anything else in my room. noone goes in there.

and ugh, i forgot the cardinal rule of doing drugs. save a little for the morning, lol
Has anyone smoked a suboxone off foil? Will it make me withdraw since in quitting or will i even get high? Talk through experience please I’m tired of people just guessing.
Has anyone smoked a suboxone off foil? Will it make me withdraw since in quitting or will i even get high? Talk through experience please I’m tired of people just guessing.

I would just snort it I dont think smoking it will work.
Has anyone smoked a suboxone off foil? Will it make me withdraw since in quitting or will i even get high? Talk through experience please I’m tired of people just guessing.

I haven't tried through experience, but please don't smoke pills. The amount of fillers and non drug material that gets burned up is very bad for your lungs. If that's not a good enough answer for you, it may still do a little something for you but IMO it would be a huge waste. If you're quitting you should try to make it last, suboxone is a very valuable tool when kicking opiates, don't waste it by setting fire to it with hopes of getting high
rock monster has smoked subs and said he got results, he'll prob chime in and let you know what he thinks
ugh, id kill for some subs or dones right now, especially since I have my 3rd final today. ugh. gotta find a way to cheat on this bitch since I cant remember 30 supreme court cases.

but dont smoke subs. that can't be worthwhile/good for you.
"Hi, everybody!"--Dr. Nick, from Simpsons.

So, today I hopped in my car and drove to the west side of Chicago to get my stuff. It takes me an hour to get there, then I got a whole other hour I gotta drive to get back home and check out my jab. It's a pain in the ass, but I wouldn't give up living in the suburbs. So, I'm curious...How far does everyone else drive/travel to get your dope normally? Does anyone actually get it delivered?

Oh, and a side-note is if anyone in Chicago gets their needles from the Needle Exchange, to stock up on them because they close for about 10 days around Christmas.
So, I'm curious...How far does everyone else drive/travel to get your dope normally? Does anyone actually get it delivered?

I live in the suburbs of Columbus but the highway system here is one of the best in the nation. I only have to drive about 20-30 minutes to the actual spot and about 20-30 minutes back to where I live; an hour of driving, max (that's with average traffic). Unfortunately, everything here is done by cell phone with the Mexicans. I wish it was just go to a spot, cop, drive back! Once I get to the spot, I have to wait for about another hour or so for the Mexican to come deliver the stuff to the middleman. It all depends on how many orders the Mexican is filling at the time and how close he is to the spot. Sometimes it's only 15-20 minutes of waiting, sometimes it's about 2 hours.

Anyway... finally copped a few days ago for the first time in 4 weeks! My guy had to settle an outstanding warrant and I didn't want to bother with other middlemen who take out more bags from an order in the meantime. After paying a certain amount for my dope, it's just hard to suck it up and get less for the same amount, ya know? I'm glad I only chip anymore because that would have been a shitty time otherwise.
Hey man. Thats what I do go to city and get myself. I always seem to get more and cheaper when I go to the hood.
So, I'm curious...How far does everyone else drive/travel to get your dope normally? Does anyone actually get it delivered?
I get mine delivered. There are some gangs 1 town over in any direction from me, so they deliver but I don't bother with them because their bags are 1/3 the size of normal bags, and the price is a bit higher.

I go through a middleman that goes to the city to cop, so naturally he delivers to me. It actually works out cheaper this way for me because his guy sells bundles for really cheap, so in return my guy sells bags to me for cheap. If I were making the drive, the price of the gas would be more than the small amount I would save from cutting out the middleman, so it's not worth it. Plus, I'm avoiding the risks of copping by going through this middleman so no need to change that.
it takes me about 30mins-45 w/traffic each way..im coming from the sw burb..once i get there the wait is anywher between 5-20min

today is prolly my last day of gettin high til i go see my PO on tuesday..i know i only need 3days but i want a week off plus christmas is comin and that saves me an extra 50bux or so

Has anyone smoked a suboxone off foil? Will it make me withdraw since in quitting or will i even get high? Talk through experience please I’m tired of people just guessing.

i take it your from someplace that has tar?

i dont see why else you would smoke anything..i say snort it cause it hasa better BA then takin it sublingual
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