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Science 8 billion-year-old radio signal reaches Earth


Staff member
Dec 25, 2003

CNN — Astronomers have detected a mysterious blast of radio waves that have taken 8 billion years to reach Earth. The fast radio burst is one of the most distant and energetic ever observed.

Fast radio bursts, or FRBs, are intense, millisecond-long bursts of radio waves with unknown origins. The first FRB was discovered in 2007, and since then, hundreds of these quick, cosmic flashes have been detected coming from distant points across the universe.

Cool, interesting read.
Could be a neutron star. I think that with the size and age of the universe there has to be other intelligent life out there, scary thought if not. They have been studying the wow signal and never found anything in that area. We're such a small speck and only looking at a small portion of the universe so anything is possible.
I guess it depends on how many things have to go right for life to start along with the dyamics of them or whatever. Rotation speed relative to volune and tilt relative to its sun may play a role.
so that's what, 5 billion or so years for a star to form and then at least one planet to form and clear its debris field, then said planet to have an environment conducive to some kinda life, then life to form on said planet and develop enough to blast powerful radio signals out into space?

interesting if possible... what if we're the super late to the party exception?
interesting if possible... what if we're the super late to the party exception
If it's correct that the universe is expected to persist for something like trillions more years before heat death/whatever, can't we almost definitely say we're actually really early?
it's all relative, but i was referring to the idea that other civilizations have grown, advanced, and died out before we were apes, or even before we were multicellular life! fun stuff to think about.
i feel like stuff like this is probably really easy to misread. like whatever they are picking up on scientifically prooves something is going on, but as far as thinking math is gonna tell us how long the universe has been here or how long it has left i can't really believe it.