60 Hours into opiate withdrawal...

Congratulations for your achievement mate, get off of opiates completely is a rough work. Do you know something about Kratom? It helps a lot with withdrawal symptoms and the PAWS. Check the legality of kratom in your country, and if you're lucky and if not illegal, you could have the choice of meet for yourself the miraculous propierties of this godsend plant. Stay strong, that's the way ;)
Sleep is the last part for most people to even out. Unfortunately that can run longer than you would want to take Xanax nightly for. People sometimes even report waking up a lot in the night even a couple of months after kicking.

My recommendation would be to start experimenting with some non-addictive sleep aids, such as (OTCs) doxylamine succinate, diphenhydrinate, dimenhydrinate or a non-addictive prescription sleep aid if you have a doctor you can go to. I just recommended Remeron (Mirtazapine) in another thread, which is actually a mild anti-depressant. I used to use it often when sick or recently kicking and it helped out a lot. Very strong, leading feeling of natural sleepiness. Plus if its mild anti-depressant effects prop your already positive-seeming mood up a bit as you venture forth into sobriety, that could only be a plus. It is not an abuse-able drug so most doctors are fine if you start the conversation with them about it.

One thing you can be pretty comfident about is that once the WDs are over, you will get SOME sleep each night even with no aids. Three to five hours is about the norm for the first few weeks, and this can work in the short term. I do hear you that a good night's sleep really makes a world of difference but I think you are clear of needing to worry about going days without sleep even with no sleep aids.
Congratulations for your achievement mate, get off of opiates completely is a rough work. Do you know something about Kratom? It helps a lot with withdrawal symptoms and the PAWS. Check the legality of kratom in your country, and if you're lucky and if not illegal, you could have the choice of meet for yourself the miraculous propierties of this godsend plant. Stay strong, that's the way ;)

I will definitely check it out, thanks.
Sleep is the last part for most people to even out. Unfortunately that can run longer than you would want to take Xanax nightly for. People sometimes even report waking up a lot in the night even a couple of months after kicking.

My recommendation would be to start experimenting with some non-addictive sleep aids, such as (OTCs) doxylamine succinate, diphenhydrinate, dimenhydrinate or a non-addictive prescription sleep aid if you have a doctor you can go to. I just recommended Remeron (Mirtazapine) in another thread, which is actually a mild anti-depressant. I used to use it often when sick or recently kicking and it helped out a lot. Very strong, leading feeling of natural sleepiness. Plus if its mild anti-depressant effects prop your already positive-seeming mood up a bit as you venture forth into sobriety, that could only be a plus. It is not an abuse-able drug so most doctors are fine if you start the conversation with them about it.

One thing you can be pretty comfident about is that once the WDs are over, you will get SOME sleep each night even with no aids. Three to five hours is about the norm for the first few weeks, and this can work in the short term. I do hear you that a good night's sleep really makes a world of difference but I think you are clear of needing to worry about going days without sleep even with no sleep aids.

I have 2 more nights worth of Xanax left. After that I will go to the vitamin shop and see what they have there. I?m on day 11, soon to be 12 in 1 hour. I feel good overall throughout the day. Ain?t perfect, I have some up and down moments but nothing I can?t deal with. All the physical w/d?s are pretty much gone except the runs, I don?t know when they will go away, but I can deal with that too. I guess I can keep taking the Imodium for as long as I need to.
Good to hear you're doing so great. I remember sort of enjoying the withdrawal the first time. Increased sensory awareness. Of course that was a lot earlier than you. At a couple months. You seem to be pretty lucky with the mild effects. I promise you they will be worse next time so stay off!
Good to hear you're doing so great. I remember sort of enjoying the withdrawal the first time. Increased sensory awareness. Of course that was a lot earlier than you. At a couple months. You seem to be pretty lucky with the mild effects. I promise you they will be worse next time so stay off!

I got no intentions on ever going back, I don?t even have any urges to want to take them. I?m just happy I?m back to being happy off them things, which seemed like would never happen. Everything is just so much better off them damn things. Especially my bank account lol.
The runs can also persist for a while. If Immodium helps with them, keep at it, but it doesn't work for some people kicking dope because loperamide (the chemical in Immodium) is actually a synthetic opioid that can't cross the blood/brain barrier. That is why it doesn't get you high but instead causes the constipation-like effects of opiates. So a lot of people kicking dope don't get a ton of effect off of it because their opiate tolerance is still sky-high. This includes all parts of your body from your brain to your intestines.

But on the other side of the coin, don't be afraid to take Immodium because it is a synthetic opioid. Because it doesn't cross the BBB it does NOT set you back and will NOT trigger withdrawals.
Imodium certainly can set you back. I read a story of a guy that completely kept his withdrawals at bay with Imodium. I think he ended up taking 100+ tablets. When you take that much I think a small bit does cross the BBB. But it can be very dangerous to your heart I think he was admitted to the ER twice over the course of a year or something. but yeah if your taking less than 10 I think youd be safe.
Imodium certainly can set you back. I read a story of a guy that completely kept his withdrawals at bay with Imodium. I think he ended up taking 100+ tablets. When you take that much I think a small bit does cross the BBB. But it can be very dangerous to your heart I think he was admitted to the ER twice over the course of a year or something. but yeah if your taking less than 10 I think youd be safe.

I haven?t taken Imodium for a few days now, it?s getting better, not like a faucet anymore lol. I can deal with this. I?ll just ride it out until it eventually go away. I was only takin like 3-4 Imodium a day. But like I said I haven?t taken it in a few days.
Hey be careful saying you don't have cravings... they might and likely will come when you are feeling great again. I'm at I don't know... a week or something. I had 2 months and woke up one day with random impulsive cravings and within an hour I had my script and was nodding. Withdrawals go back to square one very fast once you have a habit.

I have problems with my spine but I thought it was so much worse than it is. The chronic pain increased for about a month, then began to taper off to something reasonable.

Insomnia and extreme anxiety are always problems later on. I have been in positions where I never, ever thought I would relapse so be cautious. It's the most miserable thing and you are doing well but it hasn't been long at all. The snake sneaks and slithers around until you are most vulnerable, then strikes. I would very much focus on getting prepared for this because you are not going to be doing oxy's for 2 years and not have any cravings ever again since you've been distracted by a mild opioid withdrawal for a bit over a week. Great job by the way. The first time I tried to quit was a year and a half into sheer abuse. I laid in bed for a week watching movies, and then felt fine and railed a bunch of oxy's. The next time I tried was last summer, a few years later when my tolerance had become extreme and H was the only thing that would satisfy me then.

Relapse is a horror show and it seems with opiates they bite you in your sleep. When you least expect it cravings will blow up in your mind and you might have to ride it out. It can be subconscious for a while and then suddenly manifest and if that happens you won't have a clue what your tolerance is... 60mg IR nearly killed me and I had a heavy habit too. It got a LOT worse after five years than a couple, I'd get out while you don't feel like slitting your wrists for 2 weeks.

Don't be overconfident is my advice having just done this, fucked up, fucked up again, fucked up around 8 times and ruined years of my life chronically relapsing, and am now doing this another time after having wasted a month of my life. It wears you out and withdrawal is so damn easy in comparison when you've only had a habit for a year or two. I was fully functional back then... even after 2 or 3 years, I'd be able to get dressed, get in a car and get to work on time. Eventually, I was unable to work and also unable to control my use. If I get a bottle of oxy's now, I will do a gram in around 3 days starting with no tolerance and hardly remember anything. Shit just got so bad I don't really care anymore.

You don't sound like you feel like tying up a noose and that means you still have a lot of hope but believe me, if you continue using this drug things will become much worse for you. Wish I had quit a year or two in things would have turned out alright. Wouldn't have ruined my life and probs gonna die soon. If you use it again be careful with dose take like a quarter of what you normally would and you would get high as fuck so it can be really dangerous because of course you'll want to take what you normally do out of habit.
Imodium certainly can set you back. I read a story of a guy that completely kept his withdrawals at bay with Imodium. I think he ended up taking 100+ tablets. When you take that much I think a small bit does cross the BBB. But it can be very dangerous to your heart I think he was admitted to the ER twice over the course of a year or something. but yeah if your taking less than 10 I think youd be safe.

Ahh, yes, using loperamide as an active opioid by massaging it across the BBB either with a giant dose or by one of the other methods will set you back. But I don't believe taking it as recommended on the bottle would have much of an impact on someone detoxing. Again, I don't think it will help much (it never helped me at all at package doses when I was kicking). But I don't think really any will cross the BBB if you take 2 pills to get at those receptors to set you back in your detox. Of course, I have not done any official studies or anything on this nor am I aware of any, so take it with a grain of salt.
This post definitely gives me hope! I take about 20-40 mg oxy ER a day and hope to cold turkey soon . I have only made it 36 hours before almost going crazy from the restless legs and no sleep. It?s nice to see a positive thread . Good luck and keep us updated !
This post definitely gives me hope! I take about 20-40 mg oxy ER a day and hope to cold turkey soon . I have only made it 36 hours before almost going crazy from the restless legs and no sleep. It?s nice to see a positive thread . Good luck and keep us updated !

You can do it. I'm on day 15 and feel awesome. The first few days were bad but after day 4 or 5 I began to start feeling decent again. Everyone is different I guess but I feel great now. Except the insomnia which sucks but it's whatever, you get used to 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night. It'll come back to normal eventually.
Today is day 20, physically I'm fine, sleeping is pretty much back to normal, getting a good 7 hours a night. Just dealing with boredom and get depressed here and there, it comes and goes. But it's nothing I can't deal with. I'm pretty much back to my normal life and I'm so happy I don't live life revolving around them pills no more. Life is so much better without them things..
Thanks for the update and congrats on the 20 days !! Keep up the good work :)
Down to 10-20 mg a day instead of 20-40 mg. So getting better just gonna need a long weekend to totally stop.

Yeah day 2 thru 4 was the worst for me, after day 4 I started to feel a hell of a lot better. Everyone is different I guess but that's how it went for me. I'm on day 21 and I'm fine other than little shit here and there...
Today is day 26, starting taking 5 HTP to see if it'll help improve my mood and depression. Other than that i feel fine.
Today is day 31. I've made it a month without them pills. I feel good, started taking 5 HTP to help with the depression. Overall I feel good. Back to my normal self pretty much. I'm focused and looking ahead, don't ever want to take them things again, definitely not worth it.