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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

6-APB, 4-FA, MXE Combo - Good start, then it got super weird


Jul 5, 2010
Experienced user of these chems, but I do 4-FA very rarely due to brain worries. The day my party pack came in the mail, I decided to eat/snort each of the drugs that night. 180mg 6-APB was eaten at 8pm followed by 110 mg 4-FA 20 min later; I was alone.

Trip started out amazing as I expected (I've been having huge success with all of my recent 6-APB combos - 6-APB plus HBWR seeds, Kratom, and now 4-FA). Energy, confidence, joy of music were all at or near the level of good MDMA. Empathy and emotional profundity was felt strongly, but not quite at the level of a roll.

After a while of feeling fucking fantastic moving around, I decided to go on a walk by myself and possible hit a bar alone. I just moved into a new town, and don't really know many people. I had actually never gone to a bar by myself before, nor do I usually feel comfortable in bars. But, alas, I was high as shit!

Entered the bar and ordered a beer, started talking to people randomly, mostly just listening and appreciating the miraculousness of being on earth and talking to strangers, felt like I could really connect to the entire soul of these people, realizing our shared joys and our shared miseries all painted in the color and texture of their faces and eyes. Even started chatting with the hot bartender, but I think she probably knew I was fucked up.

Left the bar to smoke with a few people and had a long conversation with the one random guy. He was a little bit odd, kind of repetitive and laughed at weird times and stuff, possibly crazy. Anyway, I started to walk home while talking to him, and finally I was like "I have some crazy drugs in my pocket, you wanna snort something weird?" He agreed and we went in to a dark alley and I pulled out the MXE and a pocket knife. Being a bit out of my mind, I scooped up a huge dose (maybe 60 mg) on the blade and snorted, then did the same for my odd fried (maybe 50mg). I usually do doses of 30mg or less.

We walked around a bit more but didn't feel much, so we went into another alley and snorted a bit more (maybe 20mg each). After a while, we could hardly speak to each other and started this gibberish-laden conversation about the experience of pure being, looking at trees in the street and realizing the absurdity of being thrust into existence.

He was stumbling badly and I kept asking him if he could make it to his house, even though we were about a block away. I asked him if he could make it probably 10 times.

We parted ways and I made an impossible journey three blocks back to my house, I was so distorted that I got lost on the way and when I got home could hardly make it to my room.

The the worst part happened. I became entirely convinced that my stranger friend would die, get hit my a car or die from booze/MXE combo. I had torn off a piece of paper to give him my cell number, and I assumed that when the police found his body they would find my number, do some computer work and find out that I supplied him the MXE. I told myself that either the police would show up at my house at 8am and charge me with manslaughter and I'd be sent to prison for 15 years, or they wouldn't and I would be OK.

Hard to relate this in my trip report, but I was so sure the guy would die that I could not stop freaking out. Plus, the MXE had made me super confused and disoriented.

A great trip turned shitty, but I guess I learned something from it. I think I hate MXE now...and don't find it useful to begin with. The benefits of MXE are an illusion and confusion sucks.
haha I can totally relate to that feeling of giving somebody MXE and then thinking they're gonna die. A couple months ago somebody i had talked to on a different forum visited my city for a show and we met up and he ended up staying at my house for the night. We got super fucked up; did a bunch of bk-MDMA, coke, alcohol, weed and MXE. He had never done MXE before and I didn't have a scale and was just eyeballing bumps but in my fucked up state I probably gave him wayy more than he needed because I was considerably fucked up from it and have a pretty big tolerance, plus I didn't do any coke or drink as much. He went to the bathroom and started puking everywhere, extremely loudly and he couldn't even stand or form a sentence and I was convinced when I woke up the next morning I was going to find him dead in a puddle of his own puke from ODing on that cocktail of chemicals. Turns out he was fine but I definitely got scared for a minute.

Anyways, sorry for the long response, I enjoyed reading this report. I'm planning on ordering some 4-FA ad 6-APB soon so I might try this combo out, aftering trying them seperate first of course