5HTP doesn't work, at least not for me, or my GF


Dec 28, 1999
We both pre-loaded with 500 mg the day before, 400 mg that day, and took 400 mg when we were coming down. I felt absolutely the same, as any other time we dropped, before and after. We both took 5 a piece over a 8 hour span, and felt like death the next day. I talked to a chem. major friend, and he said it doesn't work for most people. It might have been the amount of E, outweighing the positive effects of the 5HTP, but I don't think so. The girl at the health food store said it would suppress my appetite, and it didn't at all.
If you decide to try it, find someone who has it and use theirs before you waiste your money on it. If it works for you, great. I'll just stick to doing a few lines of cola or K to come down.
Hope you had a good new years, cause I sure did!!!
I've never tried the stuff before so I couldn't say if it does work or not, but I think if it did work on me it would probably be a placebo. Like when I woke up 5pm sunday morning my friend was like, don't you feel just great now, and I thought about it and I was like yeah, I do feel great, and I really did. I believe it's mind over matter. are you "feeling sick" just think about "feeling good", use the force or whatever. Works for me. Thats how I stopped my jaw from chattering too, or stop coughing when I take a toke. It's all in your head.
IMOKRUOK - Roll On Roll Off
ya pre loading doesn't work for me either. I tried 500 mg on the day of the roll. and 100 mg here and there the week before. And the roll sucked. But I find that post loading certainly helps with the recovery. And wicked dreams too!!
[email protected]
bliss bliss
Applebliss said something about dreams, and that is right. The night before I had some really intense wierd dreams. I just wish it worked. Goose is also right, about that mind over matter stuff. I just hate the strung out feeling, no matter how hard I try, I still feel that. I feel sorry for my GF, she worked 9 hours New Years Eve, partied all night, and had to be at work New Years Day for 9 hours.
Well, 5HTP is ideal for the comedown.
I usually take it before I sleep.
In my experiance only a minimum amount of 5HTP is needed in your preload.
You guys took way too much. Most of what you guys took probably didn't even cross the blood brain barrier.
You probably felt like shit 'cause you took so much.
I take like 100 to 200mgs previous to a roll starting about 8 hours before. I take either 100 or 50mg doses every few hours or so leading up to my roll.
It works wonders for me.
I've a few friends who have been rolling for years.
They where very skeptical of the pre and postload too. BUT after giving it a try they went out a picked up some 5HTP as well.
I've been able to roll twice in three nights using 5HTP during the day and night in between.
My skeptical buds where able to roll very nicely two nights in a row on the same pills with the aid of about 100 to 200mgs of 5HTP.
You don't need to preload with much more then 100 or 200mgs. That seems to be the ideal dose--at least from what I've read and gathered from other sources and personal experiance.
Preloading isn't even neccesary if you roll rather infrequently. The body needs about two full weeks to recover from a roll. It doesn't matter if you pop half a pill or munch down a 10 pack with a friend. You still need some time in between to recover.
I've been able to roll on a weekly basis for the past month using a pre and postload. 50mgs a day or every other day
between rolls did wonders for me.
I think that you guys could try it out more than once before deciding that it doesn't work. I've been experimenting with it for about a year now with mixed results, mainly because I was working out every factor. Well most of them.

We are all physiologically different and need different doses of the Aminos and Viti's.
Pill quality, setting, and expectations should be taken into consideration.
Shit, I once waited outside of a party after munching a fantastic pill trying to get a ticket in to meet some peeps from this board, and didin't feel anything near the bliss I might have if I had bought a ticket beforehand. Or if I had used my noodle and waited to get inside before I decided to party.

Try it again. You might actually figure it out.

[This message has been edited by Noodle (edited 04 January 2000).]
well, I have done some research on 5HTP, and what it actualy IS what what it is supposed to do...
I don't imagine that "pre-loading" will do much to enhance your roll, but in fact the pre-load might actualy effect the later stages of the come down.
"post loading" even if you don't notice any psycological, or physical effects i a good idea too... especialy if you are like me, a person who just doesn't eat much at all, ever.
what 5HTP actualy IS, is 1/2 of the seratonin molecule... (essencially) and your brain needs this to "reproduce" the seratonin that is lost during a roll. so basicly, taking 5HTP will enable your system to regenerate faster than normal, becasue it has the stuff it needs... or at least this is the theory.
but for those of you who roll, ALOT like, a couple times a week, or anything like that... watch yourselves, becasue Doapmine is created by the body ALOT faster than seratonin... and rolling ALOT can cause dopamine to do damage to your axons... (go look it up! hehe)
at any rate, I say keep taking the 5HTP... it's probably doing what it's supposed to...
but whatever you do,
I notice a pretty big difference in my roll, from when I do and don't take 5-HTP. I am not like most who have posted here, I take 5-HTP, and a lot of diff supps for that matter, consistently. I don't expect a miracle affect from 5-HTP, or anything else, to help me roll ballz. I just take it and maybe it is a placebo effect, i dunno. I roll my ass off when I take different supps CONSISTENTLY. And if you need 5 pillz to go off, then you also need a fukn break. thats way too many. I usually roll 1 and sometimes 2 times a week, sometimes go more than a week w/ out rollin and all I need is 1 or 2 pillz. And yes, I understand that evyone is different and need different amounts er whatever, but 5? thats kinda much.
I think I gave up too early. This week I haven't really had the side effects I usually do. We also took alot of other things that night, and that had alot to do with why I felt like ass the next day.
We usually don't eat 5 a night, it was New Years. We had to start off 2K, doing some major damage to ourselves. We usually eat 2 or 3 at the most, and thats every other weekend. The most I've ever done in one night was about 9. Thats because we had built up such a tolerance, that we were snorting them. I backed off after that for a few weeks, but it was fun at the time. I gave away more than I did.
ah, I see now rotten, I too on Y2K NYE ate more than usual. I started out w/ two, 1 white ferarri(fast and furious) and 1 white buddha (slow and mellow). BTW, this kind of YIN&YANG combo is lethal as hell, definitely top 5 on the hardest roll list for me (I give partial credit to the 5-htp and other supps I take). I started rolling at about 1130pm, and took my third at around 100am. My fourth came at around 5am or so. Let me tell u my friend, I have never rolled so hard since I left Germany. I was doing that shit like when you start asking a question to somebody and you stop mid-sentence and you have absolutely no idea where you were trying to go w/ the statement or question. Reflecting on shit like that makes for some very funny stories. Heres a funny little story for everyone....I was sitting in a sort of chill out area. Well lit and everything, I think I was outta place cuz I think thats where all the sober people were. Neways I was talkin to these to kidz and y'know we're BSing and shit. Neways I closed my eyes, couldnt help it, and I start like interacting w/ this kid w/ my eyes closed. I start to tap him on the shoulder as if I wanted to tell him something. Mind you, I still have my eyes closed. So I'm tapping and tapping, and all of a sudden I wake up to this kid going "what dude, what? what do you want?" he was like really short w/ me and aggrevated that I was tapping him for no reason...the nerve of this guy...sheesh...lol....j/k
I had no idea why I was tapping him and I felt like a total moron, in fact for a certain time span I WAS a moron, a very nice and caring moron tho
. I had a feeling of total disbelief that I was actually insistingly tapping this guy for no reason. I think I had like 10-15 instances of stopping mid-sentence w/ my friends and people I didnt even know....lmfao....
. I can laf at it now, but when it was happening I couldnt believe it. Like the thoughts that I had in my head when I started asking someone, raced past my mouth and I would forget er something....it was f'in hilarious. All in All it was THE best NYE celebration I ever had. I partied w/ friends, people I didnt know, met a beatiful person named Urara, and I roll, roll, rolled. Dont ask me why I posted this here, cuz I have no idea.
[This message has been edited by Thestepper69 (edited 08 January 2000).]
Why exactly would a chem major be qualified to comment on physiology/biochemistry/pharmacology? Undergraduate chem majors are taught next to nothing about biochemistry.
"Felt like death". Serotonin syndrome perhaps? More is not necessarily better, my friend. I've never seen anyone take the kind of dosages you and your girlfriend did.
One thing you may learn is that one person's results a rule does not make. There are some problems with your experience that would question the credibility of your results and therefore conclusions. Invest more energy in trying to understand what is going on rather than coming to an authoritative conclusion and you may just find what you're looking for.
Applebliss: i've found that after i take a 5-htp pill i get really vivid dreams as well....especially on the first two nights that i had tried it...they haven't been as intense since though
wEll, i have been taking 5 htp for not too long, maybe about 4 months now, but this is what works best for me: When I am gonna roll 2 weekends in a row, I know that my seratonin will not fully replenish (due to the 2 week factor) so every night I take 100 mg of 5 htp. That way, when the weekend comes, the old brain is ready to go full force

If I am gonna wait 2 weeks or more b4 I roll again, I will not take the 5 htp, the last thing I need is my body to rely on the vitamins to supply 5 htp and not make as much itself (i heard that this happens if you take it too often over a long period of time)
but anyways, its always worked for me and every time I roll I roll pretty hard,and have never had to take 5 pills
THEstepper, thats mad funny about your story there because almost the same thing had happened to me. I kept talking to people and stop mid-sentence and completely forget the point of what I was saying. I also kept yelling for a friend of mine, repeatedly and when he came running to me because I had been calling him half the night, I forgot what I had wanted to tell him and just spaced - it was probably just some deep hearted message about how much i loved him...i had those for everyone that night
and, once again, there is no point to THIS story so I will disperse now
play safe kids
"We hold these experiences to be self-evident, that all is equal, that the creation endows us with certain inalienable rights, that among them are: the freedom of the body, the pursuit of joy, and the expansion of consciousness."
as far as perloading 5HTP goes, it's kind of a waste. your brain can only hold so much serotonin. you just can't cram it in. i guess it would be good to preload if you rolled a few days apart or week so that you can help build it up faster. it really hel;ps with the days after though. not so cranky and "cracked out" feeling. if you can get your hands on some prozac that would be ideal. i've used it post rolling and it does wonders! no "stupids" for days after rolling.
i find it makes mdma a bit better, but if its mashy E you do after preloading it, it makes the mash even worse.
But i find 5 htp to be wonderful for mild to moderate depression, however, you can't take it every day like prozac. I bought 5-htp for e pre-loads, but i find it far more useful for comedowns, and the mood problems i have during this time of year.
I find that it doesn't work for the preloading but when I get home from partying I take 400mg and when I wake up I find I don't get all depressed like I used to.It seems to work really well for me and one of my buddies.
I tried it again this weekend w/o the preloading, just on the comedown. I felt good that day and the next. I didn't eat nearly as many tho, only 3. I still think, if your going to try it bum a few off a friend to see it it works with your chem. makeup.
When I first experimented with pre-loading before a roll. To my dismay I wasn't really satisfied. Because a month ago I was use to rolling every few months or so and lately I've been rolling every week. The first time I tried uploading, I have discovered I waited
too long to start uploading the 5-htp, IE:
a few hours before I dropped. When I only rolled 6 days earlier. If you maintain dropping 5-htp on a regular basis and with plenty of time to spare before you drop a roll. It should work out pretty good for you. At least thats my experiance :--o). Plus the wicked dreams are again....
But its weird lately I haven't been having them. Does anyone know if you can have a tolerance with 5-htp. Is there a period of leveling off where your body is just dulled by the 5-htp??
Bliss Bliss
"I want to know what your feeling. There are some things you can't hide. I want to know what your thinking. Tell me whats on your mind"
Just on a side-note. Post-loading certainly helps. Especially if you have things to do the next day, and prefer to do those things entirely not 8-up. It use to take me a week to recover from a roll. Now of coarse, keep in mind I'm rolling more often. But I would say when I post-load it takes me 12 hours to recover.
Its Grrrrreeeaaaaaatttt!
Bliss Bliss
"I want to know what your feeling. There are some things you can't hide. I want to know what your thinking. Tell me whats on your mind"
Applesbliss - Pure energy
I couldn't for the life of me remeber the name to that song.
[This message has been edited by Rotten (edited 12 January 2000).]
me either rotten heh and its my signature. But I like the lyrics
Bliss Bliss
"I want to know what your feeling. There are some things you can't hide. I want to know what your thinking. Tell me whats on your mind"