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Kratom 50x extract dosage suggestions?


Dec 10, 2022
Hi all,

So I have 2 questions does this look normal for 50x kratom extract green Borneo? It looks like very tiny pieces of black crystals.

I’m new to kratom extracts, but was finding myself taking 20 grams per dose so thought I’d give the extract powder a try.

Does anyone have any recommendations based off my dosage, how much I should mix in of the extract with powder?

I guess I could always start at 1 gram and work my way up but I just kinda feel like I’m going to need to start at 2…idk.

Start with .5g

50x simply means it's 50x stronger by weight. So 1g would supposedly be equivalent to 50g. But many of these extracts are dubiously labeled for extra strength.
Start with .5g

50x simply means it's 50x stronger by weight. So 1g would supposedly be equivalent to 50g. But many of these extracts are dubiously labeled for extra strength.
Sorry, last question. Can I still mix it in a tea? Or do I have to toss and wash it because the alkaloids maybe be more sensitive to breaking down in this state?
Thank you. I’ll give it a shot.
Can you give us an update? Did you end up trying it out?

Only asking because I have an insanely high tolerance to Kratom as well; usually taking 15-to-20-gram doses at a time. (Been taking it daily for 3 years now due to chronic pain, insomnia and RLS).

And I've always wanted to try some of the extracts but wasn't sure how much of it to take that would equal a dosage that high of regular powder.
Hi there,

Sorry it took me so long to respond. I have been experimenting with the 50x extract and wanted to be accurate in my feedback. So, at first I thought the extract was extremely weak, but I now think differently. I have been taking a quarter tea spoon with 5 grams of kratom powder and I would say that I am probably getting close to 20 grams of kratom in equivalence. However, I also started getting pain where my liver is and where my heart is after it kicks in so it may actually be equivalent to more than that. So, I would recommend taking 250mg and combining it with a third of your kratom powder. This is just my opinion. You can always titrate up to get to your personal sweet spot, but I find taking too much just makes me feel very irritable and instant severe depression. I am unsure as to the mechanism of action for that though. It doesn't make sense based on its pharmacology, but kratom is a unique plant and I don't think we fully understand it yet.

I am no neuropharmacology expert though so I want to be clear on that. Its just strange though because in the right dose it definitley decreases depression supposedly by antagonizing the 5ht2a receptor. I have my doubts on this though and think that it is mainly the opioid action that is relieving depression. As someone said in a different thread that kratom does bind to the 5ht2a receptor but in a very unique way as it doesn't seem to interfere with psilocybin.
Who's making these extracts? I'd feel safer using the regular ground leaf to be confident it didn't have any of the dreaded fentanyl mixed in. Has that ever been found/suspected in krat?
I remember reading that tapentadol is more commonly found in kratom extracts than fent, but I’m sure there are fent batches of extracts out there