• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

5 Methyl MDA

It's not like your benzo (?) ramblings/typos are any better than that. Also I have no idea what you mean with "vendor protection"?
I don't see what production of lack of thereof has to do with anything. I'm sure this has been produced on and off for years by interested parties. That being said I can understand why it never had a broad appeal beyond being of questionable legality. The effects were close to MDA, but fell a bit short IME. Why bother?
Does anyone know about the metabolites? Is α,5-dimethyldopamine any neurotoxic compared to α-Methyldopamine?
Why is bluelight becoming the new forum for random designer drugs. Wtf this forum is supposed to provide I unbiased hastm Reduction not verndor protection. Wtf

...becoming?! Man, you have no idea of the history of this place, do you? Truth is, we don't (mostly) control the flow of designer drugs, and there are other sources where you'll find these things documented even earlier, but in general we're on the bleeding edge because our job is to make it stop bleeding: we want to know what's going to happen with a new drug before people start taking it, and you'll find the general attitude of old regulars (random molecules thread notwithstanding) including me is that giving vendors ideas is a bad thing. But the vendors will never run out of ideas, not at this rate, at least.

Does anyone know about the metabolites? Is α,5-dimethyldopamine any neurotoxic compared to α-Methyldopamine?

Tests have shown 5-methyl-MDA to lack MDMA-like serotonin neurotoxicity.
5-methyl-mda is very potent, at 25 mg to 50mg being high dose. I know this personally. My question is do u think 5-methlyl-mdma would be promising.
I got very little effects from 50mg. Perhaps the high potency was initially conjectured due to low IC50 value for serotonin release. And judging by the fact that MMDA needs a high dose and is different from MDA, I somehow doubt that adding 5-methyl group could increase potency so drastically compared to MDA (no great ring activation from additional methyl group, can't form strong interactions itself either, it's just extra bulk which seems to do for serotonin release). I would actually like to try it again and start from 100mg, if there is any psychedelic activity present, it might show up only at high doses and could still be very mild.
I don't know if my last reply is on here. But what I was saying was. 5-methyl-mda is strong at 50mg. 75mg insuffilated had the user vomiting and halucinating. It was a very un easy trip bear the end. It was a lot like a high does of mdma would be but with out the the roll.