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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

5-MAPB (75mg), 2-FMA (30mg), 4-HO-MiPT (5mg) - Experienced - Fantasic time.


Nov 15, 2012
Lil backround Ive done 5-mapb, 5-map and 2-fma, 5-mapb with 4-oh-mipt, but never combined them so this was a first time. All the other times was with my ex in 2015 and 2016. The 5-mapb on its own very loved up, great for initmacy in a close or deep relationship, 5-mapb and 2 fma is a bit speedy , 5 mapb and 4-ho-mipt is a bit trippy with serontin rellease. I have not done an empathogeon in over a year since Jan 1 2016.

The best I can describe chemically is plenty serotonin release, dopamine, norephedrine and really no trippiness. Increased confidence,and feeling really good. I stayed with a friend in a big city two hours away and went out downtown and hit the bar and club scene and it was wonderful. I opened sets, made girls feel better, got pictures with some, danced on dance floor, girl came up on grinding on me . I did not get a makeout which brings me to my next point

I had another pill, same ingredients, and was going to take it the next night and did an experiment , my friend convined me not to take it thank God, and opened a bunch of sets, got rejected some, but no worries just walk away if girls not responding, and got a makeout with a drunk chick. My friend observed that on the combo I was already feeling good, and just went in and approach feeling great

The night I didnt do it , it took me a while before feeling good before I actually made a connection with a girl, then after that I was in a good mood and approach girls all night. Great observation from him and he helped me out a lot.

Well thats my trip report this combo is the real deal. I didnt want anymore serotonin release and I was forgetting some stuff in conversations people said to me so
it made me space out here and there and forget in the conversation which I was doing, it felt fabulous though. The next night I could talk better without the combo

Never relies on these for a good time, you have it within yourself, it may take more work, however its worth it to do the work. Moreover, space your stuff out , if you dont feel it optimally anymore, take a long break

Tagged by Xorkoth
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I want to add I took this with 100 mgs caffeine and 500 mgs phenibut

This combo is just as good as mdma, if not better, no comedown the next day.

A lot of the experience whether on or off is the people you are with, I stayed with a positive friend and it makes a world of a difference when you hang around a person that encourages you and lifts you up than someone who complains and pessimistic. Heightened emotions while on make you feel much better when things are going positive and someone is helping you out