Oct 26, 1999
Some of the most informative postings I have read were written by DEEP. I was wondering that if in your experiences with E, have you ever started taking 5HTP on a regular basis. I've been rollin' over the course of the last year and started using your PRE + POST loading methods which were excellent. Because of more frequent uses I simply started to supplement with 5-HTP nightly (100 mg). I pose these two questions.
1.Does regular daily supplementation with 5-HTP cause any side effects?
2.Will my brain produce less serotonin naturally if I use 5-HTP on a
regular basis?
ask loud and long enough and hopefully deep will answer! Anything naturally produced will in time if the body doesn't show a need for it stop or slow down. A very good ex. with many case studies is melatonin. It aids in sleep and if taken at regular intervals is (to a lesser extent) produced by the body. If you are really curious then try entering 5HTP or 5HT on medline or infotrieve.
Deep will definately know the answer but a little research on your own may teach you something that you didn't know before.
Thanks for the compliment. I'm usually more bitter than informative but alas, I'll take any undue credit whenever possible. *yoink*
There aren't any studies to suggest negative side effects associated with regular 5-HTP supplementation. Some people use it regularly to control hunger as well as aid sleep. But most of these people are the fruity tree hugger types who'd probably gargle with whale sperm if they thought it would prolong their life by 15 seconds.
How this would impact your body's normal production of serotonin is difficult to say. There are a lot of steps in the metabolism of neurochemicals that influence whether or not a neurochemical is produced. The rate of reuptake, the rate of enzymatic breakdown, synaptic distance, etc. etc. For example, while testosterone supplementation means long term decreases in endogenous [naturally produced] testosterone, the same may not be true for serotonin. It depends on how much you have to begin with, how much your body can produce from raw substrates, and what genetic homeostatic limitations your body has on circulating neurochemicals.
The community college version of what I just wrote: too many factors to know for sure.
With neurochemicals the only real, practical way we have of measuring whether changes in supplementation are positive or negative are observeable impacts on behaviour. Of course, you have to take into account the placebo effect and the fact that people [unless trained otherwise] tend to see only what they want to see. But so long as you enjoy the changes [if any] of 5-HTP supplementation, and don't find any reprehensible side effects, who cares?
You should observe more intense dreaming, deeper sleep states, and maybe some impact on your hunger. Subjectively you may feel a greater feeling of warmth, sociability and positivity. Or you may just get explosive diarrhea, in which case, I cannot be held responsible for what I just said.
Thanks for taking the time and please keep feeding us information. I've already been practicing this for about 45-days and I feel great. My rolls are better, comedowns are much softer and my body normalizes quicker.
I just never took any products prior to 5HTP that knowingly affected my brain. That's why I asked the expert. I'll take a break for a couple weeks (no rolling/no 5HTP) and see how my body responds. But when I am supplementing is there ANY OTHER ADVICE you have that in theory would be beneficial. i.e I do take B6 approx. 5 hrs. prior to 5HTP, eat bananas, turkey, Vit C mornings after rolling etc.
I'm no expert. Thank you for the adulation however.
If there is one thing I could get people to do to protect themselves, it would be to take fluoxetine following their roll. But prozac is difficult to get your hands on, unless you can get a prescription from your doc by faking depressive symptoms. It is the only agent proven clinically to prevent axonic trimming due to MDMA use. All the others suggested techniques are theoretical.
I dont know how far your medical knowledge extends, but it seems fair. I've made a post in the chill-out room, about another technique which has been proven to protect against the decreases in serotonin activity.
If you'd take a look, I'd be most grateful. FWIW, most, if not all this info can be found on Medline.