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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

4HO-MiPT/25mg - Experienced. Lots of fun and awe !


Jun 19, 2011

Amount: 25-30mg, oral - no tolerance

Setting: At home, watching The Matrix, Animatrix and listening to music.

Set: little bit tired after a day's work, but looking forward to this experience a lot.

Duration: 7-8 hours.

T+0h: Ingestion

T+30m: First Alert

T+1h10min: Definetly on the way, heartbeat went slightly up for 15mins, or so it seemed.

T+1h30: Plateau. Wauw ! Vivid alterations of sound, color, form.

Head-space was pretty clean, somewhere between mushrooms (I wouldn't be able to interact with other people if i were seeing these visuals on mushrooms, the headspace would be more clouded) and 4homet (VERY clear psychedelic).
Trip buddy said he wouldn't be able to disitinguish this from LSD . AT that time I hadn't done LSD yet, but since I have done it now I'd say one can definetly distinguish between the two. LSD was VERY clear-headed for me, in comparison to 4HO-MiPT.
Constantly muscle twitching, which at first was "not right", but after i realised it was only my body, and not my mind (i didn't feel any anxiety) , i could go with it, and enjoyed it. Like having a massage/accupuncture (i guess).

OEV: standard warping of patterns, intensification of color. world is more beautiful.
Things would even appear in mid-air (a chalkboard written with something (matrix-style) , i couldn't read what it was.
At this moment I realized this was one of the ways psychedelic usage could go wrong, because I even thought about redosing so i could "read" the hallucination. I didn't redose, which was a good thing. CEV's were massive, geometric patterns at first, later whole universes of color and patterns would come over me, synchronised with the music. Exceptionally beautiful.
Overall not really massively euphoric (my previous mushroom/4homet trips were more euphoric all the way through).
Although i did have a few good laughs, and definetly never had a bad feeling.
Not truly empathic either, it was just an opening of all senses and emotions, without time to interpret them. This would have to be done later.

T+4h30 - T+5h30: Slight dropoff, beginning of comedown. I thought i would be able to sleep, as the visuals were getting less intense. Masturbation was insane. Erection was not easily achieved but tactile sensations were intensely enhanced. Marvellous body feeling, also mind/body connection very prominent.

T+5h30- T+7h30: listening to music in bed with headphones. Tried to sleep with a bit of pot but everytime i inhaled, visuals would start again (with eyes closed). Weed felt won-der-ful !
I thought about how there used to be one big empathic organism (only consciousness, awareness) before the big bang. The big bang made this scatter all into the universe as we now it.
These pieces are people, planets, milky-ways and the universe at once. People are literally in search of their "place in life".
Their coordinates in the universe where they used to be, not only "connected with the big empathic consciousness", but rather create this organism on the moment they find their right place.
The whole world is in our head, and we should be very grateful for this !
Physically pretty draining but after 4-5hours of sleep i felt very well-rested, and had a wonderful day afterwards.

Conclusion: This is class A material. Very clean, nice visuals, nice-feeling body-load. Makes you think !
Agreed! 4-HO-MiPT is really a winner. Fantastic chemical, my absolute favorite of all tryptamines.