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Miscellaneous 45yo new “rational” Psychonaut exploring mind and consciousness.

I have what is called arborescent thinking, which can be overwhelming sometimes, and I guess I’m kinda of anxious by nature, that’s why I usually overthink everything because of my ”mind thoughts speed”. Said that, I don’t have any of the typically issues that people with high IQ’s sometimes complaint about, I know myself and I know how to handle some of the challenges that this kind of thinking brings.
With that said; man don’t ever touch benzos or opioids or it’s a wrap. They will shut off all that noise and leave you with a stillness and peace that will hook you bad. Even mdma is very good at doing this.

But it sounds like you know not to do that anyways with your type of mind.
With that said; man don’t ever touch benzos or opioids or it’s a wrap. They will shut off all that noise and leave you with a stillness and peace that will hook you bad. Even mdma is very good at doing this.

But it sounds like you know not to do that anyways with your type of mind.

Yeah, I’ve learned how my mind works, speeds, and focus. Anesthesia is not an option,I know that the effects will fade and I’d be back in square one. That’s why I didn’t take any prescribed benzos and aimed voluntary to try Cannabis. Solve the problem, not the symptoms.
Yeah, I’ve learned how my mind works, speeds, and focus. Anesthesia is not an option,I know that the effects will fade and I’d be back in square one. That’s why I didn’t take any prescribed benzos and aimed voluntary to try Cannabis. Solve the problem, not the symptoms.
Cannabis speed up my mind and thoughts similar to a psychedelic.

I don’t particularly like cannabis but it is just such a low consequence drug and it is an escape despite not being what I truly desire. What I truly desire is a blank mind, shutting it all off, being barley conscious, stillness of the mind - that definitely ain’t cannabis for me.

But cannabis is a low consequence escape from reality so I gravitate toward it.
Cannabis speed up my mind and thoughts similar to a psychedelic.

I don’t particularly like cannabis but it is just such a low consequence drug and it is an escape despite not being what I truly desire. What I truly desire is a blank mind, shutting it all off, being barley conscious, stillness of the mind - that definitely ain’t cannabis for me.

But cannabis is a low consequence escape from reality so I gravitate toward it.
I don’t use cannabis to scape from reality, but for introspection and self knowledge. Als a bonus, I really enjoy relaxing and listening to music.
I don’t particularly like cannabis but it is just such a low consequence drug and it is an escape despite not being what I truly desire. What I truly desire is a blank mind, shutting it all off, being barley conscious, stillness of the mind - that definitely ain’t cannabis for me.

But cannabis is a low consequence escape from reality so I gravitate toward it.

This part I could sign as well. Though nothing speedy ever came to me through Cannabis.
But when it came to psychedelics, being a drug addict, I found even lsd to be pretty addictive. I used it the way I would use weed or even something like amphetamine. Microdosing almost guaranteed a good trip and a dopaminergic like rush of a clean feeling stimulant. It was one psychedelic that didn’t seem to have the built in abuse deterrent of a “bad trip” so I used it for the wrong reasons. 2CB, 2CI etc are similar in this respect.

Psychedelics I “liked” became just addictive drugs to me I would use for the same reasons as say cocaine or heroin and would not get anything special or meaningful out of them other than an escape.

Psychedelics I didn’t “like” which are the harsher and more unpleasant ones like mushrooms, DMT, or salvia, I stayed away from…because they weren’t recreational. 2CB is another one that definitely became a drug of abuse basically.

I know ppl have these great revelations on psychedelics but in my own life I eventually realized they taught me nothing that a beautiful day and night alone in the wilderness by myself didn’t teach me. All those “lessons” were already inside of me by middle age and could be accessed without drugs. I will admit that trying psychedelics at 17 was a shortcut and knowledge dump I didn’t have access to at that age…but by middle age most ppl have a better understanding of what is important in life and I don’t see what psychedelics are going to add to that. Plus I had already accessed these lessons thousands of times with psychedelics so I wasn’t leaning anything new anymore tripping. Why was I doing it then?

There an old saying around here about psychs: “once you get the message, hang up the phone.”

They aren’t some endless wormhole of new discovery upon new discovery. They all boil down to the same thing at the end of the day and you hit a brick wall where nothing new that will change you or your life comes out of it. They are definitely a reset button for when their lessons fade but like I said these lessons can be accessed without drugs. I could give you my personal examples for accessing them but they basically amount to living your passions in life and experiencing the things you most want to experience in life and finding new experiences that provide this passion for life.

This is where psychedelics then turn into straight up psychonautical curiosity not some sort of tool. And the psychonautical purpose makes dangerous things like mdma and dissociatives enticing.

Damn good points actually. I didn't get any new messages for quite a while either... It's hollow by now. And I frankly prefer the dissos - though there's nothing I'd stay away from. Mushrooms are my friends and very recreational too - for me at least. But way less "practical" or fit for everyday use... And my interest definitely shifted away from learning. Guess I never put down the phone...
This part I could sign as well. Though nothing speedy ever came to me through Cannabis.

Damn good points actually. I didn't get any new messages for quite a while either... It's hollow by now. And I frankly prefer the dissos - though there's nothing I'd stay away from. Mushrooms are my friends and very recreational too - for me at least. But way less "practical" or fit for everyday use... And my interest definitely shifted away from learning. Guess I never put down the phone...
I’m preferred dissos the most because they are just straight up hard escapist hedonistic drugs like coke or heroin…with some pretty colors and amazing psychedelic flavor added on top as icing. But I place them into the bucket of hard escapist drugs like coke and heroin more than into the psychedelic bucket of drugs. They are simply extremely addictive while classical psychs are not. I think that aspect groups them better with hard drugs rather than psychs.

The psychedelic insight from dissos is definitely more delusional and egocentric too than something like mushrooms and lsd.
I’m preferred dissos the most because they are just straight up hard escapist hedonistic drugs like coke or heroin…with some pretty colors and amazing psychedelic flavor added on top as icing. But I place them into the bucket of hard escapist drugs like coke and heroin more than into the psychedelic bucket of drugs. They are simply extremely addictive while classical psychs are not. I think that aspect groups them better with hard drugs rather than psychs.

The psychedelic insight from dissos is definitely more delusional and egocentric too than something like mushrooms and lsd.
Can't really say anything against that. I had my first shots of heroin and coke years before I ever touched LSD btw. So I'm basically just another drug head... Though I never got in that deep. And I can absolutely not go back to H nor Coke. But Ket I do. I'll get the results eventually.
That's a good point. There's not a lot of there that can compare with Salvia divinorum for the dedicated psychonaut. I personally prefer using it as a quid to smoking it, but the two are such different experiences as to defy comparison (not unlike ayahuasca versus vaporized N,N-DMT.)

Salvia is inactive as a tea. I've read that it was traditionally crushed (and pseudo-emulsified) on a metate when used orally. As to whether that made it orally active, or whether all of the absorption was still basically buccal seems unclear.
I have used it in tea, it is orally active, - more functional as a digestive calmative, but it is absorbed too slowly to be impressive orally unless you consume a massive amount and that involves messy quids and buccal absorption.

the Salvinorin-A molecule is huge, and the substance at body temperature is an insoluble waxy crystalline material closer to parafin.
smoking works because of the huge blood exchange surface, but oral exchange surfaces are not exposed the same way.
Oh, not working as s tea? I read it can be done.. Looks like I have to verify 🤔😜
I shall report when the experiment is done...
Quid always sounded horrible to me, but might have to give it a try as well... Tell me what you use for it: leaves or extract?
Salvia tea is a waste really except to help sooth digestive ailments. Quids work but they are very messy.
Hi there,

This thread seems to be a nexus for trippers-in-their-40s-with-kids so I better chime in.

I've been using psychedelics for a long time. I was jut thinking the other day about how they've had a profound impact on my life, really influenced the way I live my life, the decisions I've made, the priorities I've placed. I'm not sure I'd be with my woman and kids with if it weren't for psychedelics. I might not have had a magical decade or two as an artist in dance music, or so many other things.

But then if I look at it from another angle I do wonder if it might played out basically the same without them. I liked what @Medevilx said:
Guess we have our own way of tripping, and substances simply take us there.
I think that's really true, and sometimes I wonder if psychedelics even take us there at all, maybe it's just a big active placebo and we're on our own trip with or without drugs.

Thinking about that possibility more, I know that at the very least these psychedelic trips have amplified some aspects of my innate character , and catalyzed certain transitions. One pattern is that they've had an overall influence of amplifying the artistic, creative, musical side, as opposed to the general bean counting influence of society and the economy in the other direction of productivity, practicality. And I consider that a good thing. The world is boring if we're all a bunch of cogs punching the clock 9-to-5.

Reflecting on a 30 year psychedelic "career", I see how psychedelics truly open your mind and make it more impressionable, something to be aware of that when you're using psychedelics. Confirming this long-held suspicion by trippers through the decades, we now know that actual neurological wiring becomes more plastic and open to forming new connections when and after you trip. In the same way that having an emotionally charged experience will help you form strong memories, or in the way that children are more able to learn, psychedelics make your mind and brain a little more child-like. The experiences you expose yourself to while tripping, and in the time leading up to it, and in the aftermath, become more deeply experienced and then embedded than the day-to-day.

Over the years I've been tripping less and less. It's been about 6 months since I had a small dose of 2C-D, which itself is very light and mild substance (but totally my jam as I've said a million times on this forum). It's been slowly getting harder to make the time for tripping, getting sucked into the world of work and raising kids, on the hook for money and responsibility. It's not such a bad thing, but I do miss it and feel like I've been neglecting that part of myself to some extent. Or maybe I've just sated a lot of that appetite, so there's less drive to make it happen.

edit: fixed it up for better readibility
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Hi Everybody!

As I said in my presentation post, I’m a 45yo father of two and totally in love with my wife.

Life is good, I got to retire from a white collar job and live life my own way. That includes lots of time of studying (came back to University for a second degree in Psychology, since I already have a MBA in Business and Finances) reading and researching , fascinated about the human mind.

I wanted to explore psychedelics personally because of the potential knowledge they can provide to understand our own mind and our consciousnes. I’m a somewhat special person and I’m used to a lot of introspection and exploring my mind, specially with cannabis, which is the only “psychedelic” I’ve ever tried. I’m kind of intellectual and believe in the scientific method, I’m not the kind of mystic guy, and most of the psychedelic woo is something that, at least at this moment, I’m not interested, but I know that psychedelics are great tools for self knowledge and self improvement. And that’s what I’m really interested.

I’m totally new to psychedelics, but very experienced with weed, specially instrospecting and navigating through my mind when high. I’ve spent countless hours high in total darkness juat listening to music and my head. I always wanted to know what “trip” feels like, guess I’m finding out what is all the thing about. I’ve read A LOT about psychedelics, psychedelic culture, trip reports, neuroscience behind…..love to read and study, and made a lot of homework the lastyear before divingin the experience. Of course, I have to try other psychedelics, like LSD, and try shrooms. Only tried 4-HO-MET, and next will be 4-HO-MiPT

I’ve done 3 experiments with 4-HO-MET (metocin) so far, 10mg, 20mg, 30mg, and I’m beginning to make my own map of my mind under altered perception condition.

With 4-HO-MET, at 10/20mg dosages, I can’t feel barely any effects or headspace. I’d say + at 10mg and mild ++ at 2mg. I feel slightly different, can feel my senses affected, but no crazy visuals or headspace, even in the supposed peak. Then you vape some weed and…boom, you are getting somewhere else. +++ very nice trip, with visual, colors, euphoria and introspection and mind tripping, but manageable.

Yesterday , I tried 30mg 4-HO-MET. Solid ++ experience, saw visuals and some headspace, but nothing impressive, little headspace. Once peaking, I vaped 0.50g of weed and came to a +++ GREAT experience, with very nice insights, introspections and feelings, a total trip I guess, but still “manageable”. I’ve fallen in love with 4-HO-MET, for sure will stash some for future experiences.

Guess we have our own way of tripping, and substances simply take us there. I really believe set and setting has more to do with the experience than the psychedelic substance itself. Shulgin already stated that 4-HO felt like psylocibin, guess the difference between the experience with these susbstances are more relative to each one brain biochemistry and the set and setting, but the tool is the same.

Next time, I’ll try 20mg of 4-HO-MiPT it is. I like the headspace, is what I most appreciate of this experiences, and seems like Miprocin is a good next step in my journey. Next will be old good shrooms…or LSD.

I appreciate any insights and comments, and of course any guidance or help. Hope I can share and learn through this psychedelic journey of mine.


pick out what you like - and then do it again - low dose, high dose - find your sweet spots with them

i say do mdma and mda - see which one you like better - even if they're not considered psychedelics, still check em out someday

and on your list beyond lsd and shrooms should also be dmt and 2cb

that's all i got for now
pick out what you like - and then do it again - low dose, high dose - find your sweet spots with them

i say do mdma and mda - see which one you like better - even if they're not considered psychedelics, still check em out someday

and on your list beyond lsd and shrooms should also be dmt and 2cb

that's all i got for now

I’d like to try MDMA, but the most similar legal RC thing seems to be the Borax Combo Pink Star and is out of stock everywhere.
Well, I tried 20mg of 4-HO-MiPT today.

The effects were a little underwhelming comparing to same dosage of 4-HO-MET one week ago. It felt like 10g of 4-HO-MET, maybe less.

Guess I’m gonna need to try at least 30mg of 4-HO-MiPT to see its potential. Feels like 4-HO-MET, but I guess it is a little more weak and barely visuals. About headspace…I guess the dosage was too little to talk about it.

Anyway, next experiment, in a week, will be 40mg of 4-HO-MET. I’m really liking it and 30mg were a very promising dose, guess I can explore 40mg with no problem, I’ll let you know.
I live in the European Mediterranean coast, so I have access to most RC’s that are still legal in Netherlands. I grown my own weed, I have a great outdoors private space where I can grow, but I’m researching about mushroom growing. Uncle Ben community, etc. I can get some tryptamines analog to Psylocibin, but since 4-ACO-DMT is not available anymore here, I’m considering growing my own mushrooms. Anyway, Psylocibin RC’s pro drugs / analogs seem to work well for me, but I always like to go “natural”.

Guess Psylocibin and LSD (1V-LSD ot other analogues) are the path to go. If I could get old school LSD-25 I would, but I guess LSD prodrugs are close enough to the real thing, and since I can’t synthesize LSD myself, that’s what I’ve got.

If I can do mushrooms well with no nausea (had bad nausea experience with truffles, so I’m not very eager to eat mushrooms, lemon tek is my way to go) I’ll probably leave the RC’s…but I’m liking Metocin and maybe I’ll stash some for future researchs, to be honest, so far so good looks like an ideal substance for me, since I have no nausea or uncomfortable body load.

Next week, I’m trying 4-HO-MiPT, and I’m thrilled to see what it can brings new to Metocin.
No Uncle Ben please… I beg you to start with the simple PF tek. No contamination when done right…. Ever.
IME truffles easily cause nausea… especially when exposed for 2+ weeks to oxygen or vacuum seal has been cut.
A simple tea is my personal choice because of the amount I take each time I trip. Lemon tek works well.
Well, I tried 20mg of 4-HO-MiPT today.

The effects were a little underwhelming comparing to same dosage of 4-HO-MET one week ago. It felt like 10g of 4-HO-MET, maybe less.

If I took 20 mg of 4-HO-MiPT, I'd be pretty seriously smashed. I don't have experience with 4-HO-MET, but I'd expect similar at that dose. Perhaps you are insensitive to these tryptamines for one reason or another, but I also wonder if the doses you are taking are lower than you might be led to believe by the packaging. I think cutting / dilution is a big problem with a lot of gray market stuff. It didn't used to be that way.

Anyway, I mention this as a caution to you because some day you might restock your supply with a different product or different batch which might be unexpectedly stronger. Another issue is that pellets and tablets aren't necessarily dosed consistently in gray market products. So doses may vary a bit from one tablet to another. It's hard to know what one is getting because it's mostly unregulated.

Anyway, best of luck in your further experiments!
If I took 20 mg of 4-HO-MiPT, I'd be pretty seriously smashed. I don't have experience with 4-HO-MET, but I'd expect similar at that dose. Perhaps you are insensitive to these tryptamines for one reason or another, but I also wonder if the doses you are taking are lower than you might be led to believe by the packaging. I think cutting / dilution is a big problem with a lot of gray market stuff. It didn't used to be that way.

Anyway, I mention this as a caution to you because some day you might restock your supply with a different product or different batch which might be unexpectedly stronger. Another issue is that pellets and tablets aren't necessarily dosed consistently in gray market products. So doses may vary a bit from one tablet to another. It's hard to know what one is getting because it's mostly unregulated.

Anyway, best of luck in your further experiments!

Thanks for your post!

Yes, I’m totally aware about what you are saying, and is a very good advice. But in my concrete situation, 20mg of 4-HO-MET, which is supposed to be equivalent in potency, or even a little more potent , didn’t do very much for me, I had to go to 30mg for a solid experience with visuals.

About the source, it was pellets from the most reliable lab in Europe, both 4-HO-MET and 4-HO-MiPT, and 30mg were a sensible +++ dose, so I guess the substances are OK. I’ve seen many post stating that they need at least 30/40mg to have a +++ experience. It’s all about dosage in each concrete individual, you can’t get references from other people, they may be totally different to you regarding tryptamines reaction. That’s why I’m cautious experimenting with every new substance (with 4-HO-MET I started 10mg, then 20mg, then 30mg. Just trying to find my sweet spot.

I’ve never donde psychedelics before, first try were with truffles and it was very underwhelming, I thought I was doing sonething wrong or truffles were not that potent, tried several times and only time I had some noticeable effects were with 15g lemon tekked.

Guess I’m not very reactive to tryptamines, 15gr of truffles didn’t do that much for me to, like the 10mg of 4-HO-MiPT, so I guess is a cuestion of dosage. I weight 180lb, and I vape around 0.25gr almost daily, I’m very used to meditate on cannabis.

Indeed, I’ve vaped weed after every experiment, since effects from the psychedelics weren’t that prominent, and cannabis amplified the effects making the experience GREAT. I’d like to get there with just the substance, not having to vape weed to amplify the effects.

Next experiment will be 40mg of 4-HO-MET
In the last 3 weeks I have vaped no cannabis, but I have vaped DMT, which is oddly equivalent but less impactful on my lungs and less obviously dopey but still pretty fun and cuckoo.

Yesterday I had 1/4 of some lysergamide (1p-lsd or ethlad - it was on a white unlabeled blotter so I cannot say which but around 10 years old), and it came on gently over 3 hours but took hold firmly and enjoyably.

I did not mix with either cannabis or DMT, which made for a more clear excursion into raw psychedelia and back with an afterglow that feels like I am on an asteroid, low gravity or none, a clear view of the world, and a million miles away at the same time.

If I did mix with weed, I think that I would feel some spongey springy laggy headspace, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is nice to just connect on one basic channel, rather than always go for a mix mash bash.

I left 6 days between this and my last experiment, and with my low doses, (25mics is relatively low for lysergamides), very little tolerance was experienced.

I am not going for the most impressive effects, but the amount of psychedelia I got was something I look forward to repeating next week for sure.
You mentioned you messed with weed and didn’t become a pothead and only use it 1X per week. Myself and most drug addicts find weed pretty addictive and compulsive (ie we either use weed daily or almost not at all). so if I had to guess I would say you don’t sound like a drug addict or that you really have it in you.

But when it came to psychedelics, being a drug addict, I found even lsd to be pretty addictive. I used it the way I would use weed or even something like amphetamine. Microdosing almost guaranteed a good trip and a dopaminergic like rush of a clean feeling stimulant. It was one psychedelic that didn’t seem to have the built in abuse deterrent of a “bad trip” so I used it for the wrong reasons. 2CB, 2CI etc are similar in this respect.

Psychedelics I “liked” became just addictive drugs to me I would use for the same reasons as say cocaine or heroin and would not get anything special or meaningful out of them other than an escape.

Psychedelics I didn’t “like” which are the harsher and more unpleasant ones like mushrooms, DMT, or salvia, I stayed away from…because they weren’t recreational. 2CB is another one that definitely became a drug of abuse basically.

I know ppl have these great revelations on psychedelics but in my own life I eventually realized they taught me nothing that a beautiful day and night alone in the wilderness by myself didn’t teach me. All those “lessons” were already inside of me by middle age and could be accessed without drugs. I will admit that trying psychedelics at 17 was a shortcut and knowledge dump I didn’t have access to at that age…but by middle age most ppl have a better understanding of what is important in life and I don’t see what psychedelics are going to add to that. Plus I had already accessed these lessons thousands of times with psychedelics so I wasn’t leaning anything new anymore tripping. Why was I doing it then?

There an old saying around here about psychs: “once you get the message, hang up the phone.”

They aren’t some endless wormhole of new discovery upon new discovery. They all boil down to the same thing at the end of the day and you hit a brick wall where nothing new that will change you or your life comes out of it. They are definitely a reset button for when their lessons fade but like I said these lessons can be accessed without drugs. I could give you my personal examples for accessing them but they basically amount to living your passions in life and experiencing the things you most want to experience in life and finding new experiences that provide this passion for life.

This is where psychedelics then turn into straight up psychonautical curiosity not some sort of tool. And the psychonautical purpose makes dangerous things like mdma and dissociatives enticing.

It just seems strange to me; you’re older. You seems happy in life. You seem to have life figured out. Is this psychedelic use really about growing or are you just trying to bring some action to your life? Drugs will definitely bring action that’s for sure.

Sorry, I missed this very interesting post last tuesday.

I started using week once or twice a week when I was still working, always weekends. Now I have my own company and have more time and less responsibilities, so I do almost daily, but just once a day, to relax a couple hours on the beach, or listening to a vinyl, or making some music. Enhancing activities, mostly. I can spend 2 or 3 days without using because I don’t feel to, or weeks if I’m traveling, no problem at all. Weed is fun but is not an addiction or a problem at all. I use weed for introspection mostly, and lately I’m loving it for doing meditation on the beach. I started with weed at 38yo, and just because I didn’t wanted to use prescribed medical drugs like benzodiazepines. Weed opened a wonderful world for me, helped me to know myself better and think from other perspective about my life.

I always had interest in psychedelics, since I’m very curious about the mind, the brain, how we perceive reality and perform cognition. As I said, I’m studying psychology in University, is something I always liked. I’ve been reading and researching about psychedelics in the last 4 years, and I’ve decided to give it a try. So far, I find them very interesting, kind of what cannabis made for me 7 years ago, but with higher intensity. I had psychedelics experiences with weed in my begginings.

I want to experience with psychedelics because I guess they are a real powerful tool for self knowledge and self improvement. I have somehow a “different“ mind, I’ve been tested as gifted, high iq or whatever you call it and I can totally dive inside some aspects of my mind and my ego while tripping that I guess can be key to some inner questions I’ve always had in my life. Not interested in recreational drugs, I know they can be fun, but I find psychedelics more interesting.

Said that, I have a somehow scientific mind and don’t believe all the woo around psychedelics, but I also know that science is still in diapers about researching the mind, consciousness, ego, etc. I know that no one can tell me what is really inside of my mind or how to live, so I want to find out by myself.

I know what awake is. Awake is realizing that money isn’t everything, time, family and friends are. I’ve stepped out of a very well paid and stressing job to do what I love most, and for sure I’m out of the rat race. People said I was crazy leaving such job and the financial security it provided to my family. But I wasn’t happy and I don’t like to be told what to do or how to live, so I took my chances and now I make more money and I’m infinitely more happy. Do what you are good at, money will come eventually. And if you work in something you really love, you’ll never work again. And yes, I’m happy, and have a wonderful family and most of my needs covered, so, now is time to find out more about me and about life. That’s what I believe psychedelics can help to achieve. And, what the hell, they are really fun to enjoy!