40 = dead

Guru Daddy

Oct 21, 1999
Geez guys, in the past few days I've seen about 5 variations on the "I don't want to be 40 years old and doing..." I am 40 and I DO WANT to be doing...ALL OF IT!
What? Oh sorry - they're wheeling me back to my respirator now. Pass me my teeth will you?
Love and Peace,
Guru Daddy
You go, Guru Daddy...Im usually one of the oldest people I meet at parties, and while it can be sometimes endearing to hear " Omigod, wow, I cant believe you are still partying, thats SO KEWL" from the mouths of the sweet 17yr olds I meet, I dont feel like Im about to curl up and die anytime soon...in fact, I plan to continue doing this til I just dont feel like it anymore, and the horizon is open for that eventuality
Maybe we can found an old fogey club, at least when the teeth are gone theres nothing to grind, the kids'll let you in first, and you'll always get a seat

"For goodness sakes, would you look at those cakes?"
Hmm...senior citizen discounts...all the applesauce we can eat...coupons for hip replacement surgery after our last attempt at break dancing...
I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
You know Mr. Sticky,
You crack me up! You remind me of me (if I was much, much funnier... stranger... had a name that was vaguely reminiscent of a long lasting toffee-like candy on a stick... wait! I do!)
Love and Peace,
Guru Daddy (the all-day sucker)
Funny, none of you has included your age in your posts! Oh well, I feel pretty old sometimes in the roller derby, too. Nothing like going to a rave and everyone thinks you are a **** ! It really isn't that bad. Sometimes I just wonder about being a middle- aged delinquent! BTW, I am 35, but usually only admit to 27 and get away with it! Thank God for good genetics! Party on Grandpas!
Why was the word "N-a-r-c" censored from my last post? Anyway, that is what the asterisks were supposed to say.
Okay, I slipped in through security...I'm only 27, but I swear I've seen people half my age at raves. C'mon these people don't even remember Reagan in the White House! They don't have a need for the drugs...we've got a lot we have to forget...
I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
Oh...you weren't here for the "who's a n@rc, you're a n@rc" bullshit that was being posted a while back. The Arch Pill Monsters (Jase and skydancer) censored it because they were tired of seeing it. Personally, I couldn't care less if everybody except for me on this board is one...I'm the end of the food chain, no "possession with the intent to distribute" will ever be applied to me. I'm harmless. Did that sound too gratuitous? I'm sure it did.
Besides...this place amuses me, regardless of the profession of the posters/patrons.
I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
[This message has been edited by Mr. Sticky (edited 12 January 2000).]
Gratuitous? Maybe. Harmless? I dont believe it for a minute, Mr Sticky. I'll be 30 this year.
"Thanks, Oops I Crapped My Pants!"
"For goodness sakes, would you look at those cakes?"