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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(4-FA) Effects with regular (5 times per week) use over 4 months.


May 16, 2011
This was written in april for another site, but there seem to be a lot of 4-FA users here, so I'll post it here too.

"For reference, I only parachute or gelcap it. Snorting it is too painful to be worth it, the one time I attempted plugging/enema-ing, it didn't work, and I'm too much of a pussy to shoot it or anything.

I've been doing 4-FA 4-5 times a week every week (except for one 7-day break) since december, and, surprisingly, it has yet to lose it's luster. Trying to do it more than 5 times in a week makes it lose it's euphoria, but taking a two day break always brings it back. The two day breaks aren't too bad, no crushing depression or anhedonia, just boredom and low energy with long, vivid dreams. (The dreams are odd. Not scary, just... odd).

Last month I took a 7 day break to see how it'd feel. Surprisingly, once I got past the first two days, the next 5 were easy. It was like I never took anything at all. Sure, there were cravings, but nothing that wasn't managable.

My tolerance is higher than most, needing 350mg or so to feel the way I used to off of 150mg. Other than that, the regular use has made me lose weight (190 to 150 since starting), destroyed my social anxiety, and has made me a lot more friends as a result.

Only negative side effects I've noticed is loud tinnitus on the two day breaks, (which went away by day 4 of the 7-day break) and my blood pressure being rather low on days I don't have it. (noticed when I went to the doctor for an unrelated problem and I was told my blood pressure was 90/60 (120/80 being average)). I know that sounds low, but high blood pressure is far more deadly and if it was a cause to worry my doctor would have said so.

Reason I'm posting this is because most 4-FA reports on the internet have been about a single use rather than a lot of use overtime.

Disclaimer: There's a chance I could just be extremely lucky here, don't go ahead and do what I did without realizing that it's still an RC and you might have side effects that I didn't. I went in to this knowing the risks, and I was planning to stop as soon as the negative side effects became unbearable. They never did, so I never stopped."

I stopped using it a few weeks after that because I got an adderall script for my ADHD. No signs of neurotoxicity noticed, and I still feel fine. I've also kept the weight off.
i found it had a bad mdma like delayed comedown that kicks in over a week later. not worth it for me
I did not find 4-FA a very useful stimulant...other than cocaine, I use stimulants as 'energy/motivation' medicine. 4-FA had some good parts to it, but it simply did not make me get out of bed and out to where I need to go like adderal and dexedrine. On the other hand, the theme I have noted with the fluoroamphetamines is I need to take them a number of times to really get how they work best for me. In fact, only the last couple times using 4-FA did I notice anything remotely MDMA about it. And at no time did I feel it working as a replacement for expensive prescription adderall. 2-FMA on the other hand. :)
What, I believed that fluoro-meth are crap, that only halogen amphetamines are good.. anyone care to elaborate why 2-FMA could be better than 4-FA please?
The only time I noticed a horrible comedown was after binging on it for days.
I been using it like once a week usually Saturday night for social stuff and 2 weeks ago I ended up binging 1.5g in 24 hours (friday night binge then saturday whole day binge and party & night) after that I feel really shitty even 2 weeks after I had to take benzos for a few days to sleep and not feel like I had lost my mind and I also am having very vivid dreams.

oh and on the last like 1 hour of my binge I experienced some sort of seizure/panic attack my whole body was shaking and my headspace was similar to a high dose of a mindfucking psychedelic, clonazepam saved my night.

good drug though.
It's usually the binging or the daily use that brings problems.

1.5g of 4-fa is a ridiculous amount my friend, if you'll excuse my bluntness. This drug is milder than the usual mdma, meph, M1, MDPV stuff but it still needs to be treated with respect. You cannot just stay up 24 hours using a research chemical. Well, you can but I consider such a thing highly irresponsible if not downright dangerous. A seizure can kill & even if it doesnt it could leave you with permanent brain damage.

I wouldnt even recomend anyone used 4-fa weekly. I suspect it needs to be treated much as a mild mdma, with use no more often than once a fortnight, & preferably once a month. I also read some toxicology data on 4-fa where I got the impression doses higher than 250mg caused similar nueron damage to that of high dose MDMA.

Use this compound with respect people, take reguler breaks, or it WILL bite back!